So say the Civitas think-tank, in a report on a BBC ‘documentary‘ which turns out to be a bit of a travesty of the truth.
“A programme broadcast on 5 October 2005 called ‘Little Kinsey’ manifested such a distortion of its source material that we can no longer depend upon the integrity of the BBC’s factual programmes.”
‘Little Kinsey’ was part of the ‘Lost Decade’ season, focusing on issues relevant to the period 1945-55. Its central argument was that the restrained attitudes towards sexual activity which would have been considered as typical of the era were hypocritical, that men and women were commonly adulterous, that family life was frequently unhappy, that many men used prostitutes and that homosexual activity was common. In fact, the archive, now housed at the University of Sussex, showed no such thing: it showed a society in which most people were still very conservative in their attitudes. Nor do official statistics back up the lurid picture painted by the BBC.
The Civitas press release is here, the full report (pdf file) here.
are for introducing cheese on pizza,
If they would use real cheese and meat we would be okay…….but with Pizza Hut among others using artificial cheese and fake meat………….I wish Americans had not adulterated the meal
I like making my own pizzas (including base and tomato sauce), putting the RIGHT amount and type (mozzarella) cheese on top (amongst other things) is important.
I bet he has no idea what goes on before the pizza gets to his plate.
what a moron.
No, Rick you wish Pizza Hut had not adulterated the meal. Try buying a real pizza in a real italian pizzaria in New York and you’ll see how good cheese on pizza can really taste.
Pizza Hut pizza isn’t pizza. Ditto for Dominos or Little Ceasars. You have to go to one of the more expensive chains or a mom-and-pop place to get good American pizza.
You guys would probably think California-style pizza is very girlie (like spinach and mushrooms), but I like it! There’s a place in Berkeley that makes the stuffed Chicago-style pizza but with California ingredients. It’s wonderful.
What did Mr Barron say that people think is ridiculous?
Robin, but why did he say it? Is his screed what you would expect a BBC news editor to spend his day composing?
But why are we talking about pizzas here?
What did Mr Barron say that people think is ridiculous?
It wasn’t so much that he said anything particularly ridiculous, it was just that the whole thing was ultra-lightweight, self-absorbed, air-headed twaddle, typical of the sort of people who buy $800 designer coffee grinders in which to crush their Fair Trade coffee beans. And people here were complaining about having to pay someone for this type of writing.
Marks & Spencer now advertising the fact that all coffee (and soon tea too, folks!) will be Fair Trade.
I will now cross the street to find a coffee shop that isn`t asking me to buy into thier corporate ego trip.
(see Susan, you got me started!)
Socialism is Necrotizing
It’s “Fair” trade
This pizza business really does have me confused. I lived in Rome for two years and have been to Naples (where pizzas were first eaten) a few times and never once saw pizza without cheese. They should be large, flat, crispy and covered in mozzarella, tomato sauce and bits of animal. Anything else isn’t a pizza.
I never thought I’d post that anywhere.
Good job the newsnight editor gets the big things correct…
I mean, if he can’t even get pizza right, how will we trust the BBC on geopolitics, economics, defence and social trends?
Rob Read, I`d go as far as to say “fair” “trade”.
thanks for pointing that out!.
Sorry guys you dropped this “right wing think tank” from your report.
Although the general humourless nature of the quotes would indicate that.
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