that the moral relativism and non-judgementalism of BBC foreign affairs reporting is spreading to Home News. Here’s a news report which seems to miss half the story.
“Police said two men had entered the pub on the Langworthy estate, which was packed with fans watching a Manchester United game, and opened fire. The bodies of the two victims, who are both believed to be 27 and from Salford, were found on grassland across the road from the pub.”
A glance at this story gives the impression that the poor ‘victims’ had been shot by the bad men who entered the pub. Let’s find out what really happened, shall we ?
“The attackers, wearing balaclavas, walked into the Brass Handles pub in Pendleton, Salford, and opened fire.”
“The gunmen were then chased out of the pub, and while they were running across the little croft one of the men was shot in the back. His mate turned and was shot in the face.”
“Witnesses said a man got out of the Mondeo, took the guns and balaclavas off the bodies and sped off.”
Grimer, I see the [chatmandu_uk] comment was yours.
Good one.
The BBC has finally understood what a comments thread on a blog is.
The HYS is still ‘reactively moderated’ and your comment appears on the thread as soon as you send it.
I’m going back for more.
The little fiddlers have put it back onto fully moderated again.
They just cannot stand freedom.
Newsnight reported (or opined) on the Israeli seizure of principal murder suspects from Jericho gaol. The main suspect, a Mr Saadat, was stated by the BBC’s James Reynolds as “allegedly being the mastermind behind the murder of a right-wing government minister”. Note the “right-wing”, code for “he got what he deserved”.
Reynolds then followed his report with a one-to-one with Jeremy Paxman. Reynolds said that “with Hamas on one side, and a hard-line Israeli govt on the other……”. The implication is that Hamas is moderate. That is what he actually said.
Who is James Reynolds anyway?
“I do wonder how many, if any, BBC reporters have read the Charter. Or maybe they have and simply choose to disregard the stuff about Allah and obliterating Jews?”
That was the BBC Charter you were referring to I presume TAoL?
BBC Jerusalem correspondent Katya Adler is doing a sterling job in the absence of her partners in slime Orla Guerin and the tearful Barbara Plett:
Ra’anan Gissin, a senior Israeli government official, said all six of those men, regarded by Israel as militants [no, they are regarded by Israel as terrorists, need I point out] will be put on trial for klling an Israeli cabinet minister, and he said the men will face Israeli justice which he said was fair and that they are going to get punishment for the crime they have committed, he says.
She could hardly have dissociated herself more strongly from Mr. Gissin. That must be a record for the number of “he said/says” in one sentence.
Poor Katya. She must be desperately unhappy surrounded by all those Jews.
“Try downloading and running Google Earth…great mapping, but hardly any of Ireland covered.”
dublin and cork are.
lead news item right now
“israel holds militant after siege”
and right now on RTE its
“Saadat arrested after Jericho prison raid”
the above is a prime example of newspeak in action. thankfully, it hasnt reached Dublin yet. i doubt if it ever will.
Further up this thread was a ref to a story about disaffected Muslims in Holland (I think it was) – is there a link to this, please? I must have missed it.
Kulibar Tree,
Front and center on the International page, like all their usual apologia for Islam:
“israel holds militant after siege”
On 1 news bulletin the Israelis were said to have kidnapped the prisoners.
Can’t remember which prog – it may have been C4.
From Susans link
“Part two asks whether the Netherlands’ renowned tolerance has failed when it comes to its Muslim population”
Do the sons of bitches at the BBC have ANY respect for the Western Traditon or are we really going backwards?
Also, what about Muslims who want to modernize? does Al Beeb suggest that they remain in the dark ages out of some sixth form interpretation of tolerance?
I cannnot believe that I pay for this Evil, stinking, dangerous, lying bastard socialist Corporation. I will put it no stronger.
You mention that Ireland is considered by the BBC, not worth reporting on much. You are right. However the BBC gives a distorted view of the whole world. The only thing that the BBC cares about is controling political debate, in the UK, and influencing our relationship with the USA.
There is almost no international issue that the BBC reports on that does not have an America dimention to it. Large sections of the world, just dont seem to exsist to the BBC.
Its as if, they have a HOTLINE to the American Democratic Party and British Labour parties propergander departments.
This is real and serious power and the Labour Party and BBC will not give it up without a fight. They cant aford to. The direct or otherwise control by one political party and of our almost entire broadcast media is a true NATIONAL TRAGEDY.
Most of New Labours policies I predict will not work, and will have to be scraped in the future. After all, nationalisation got scraped, and that was the whole point of the Labour party.
The real tragedy is. A whole generation of young people will be paying for these third rate school teachers mismanagement, incompetence and coruption for the rest of their lives. As a magority of modern day MPs, are either now, rich, or do not have any children, this will not concern them.
On Radio 4 the recent shootings weren’t in the Salford I know. The Salford I know has a first syllable which rhymes with the first syllable of ‘Solway Firth’, not the first syllable of ‘Salman Rushdie’. I live in Manchester and I should know how Salford is pronounced, but then I not funded in a unique way which allows me to be arrgoant to the point of complete inaccuracy.
Susan posted the following comment.
Europe’s angry young Muslims 2 is the sequel to Europe’s angry young Muslims, which was no less one-sided.
When the BBC staff are moved wholesale to Manchester they can all go on outings from Canal Street to Salford and learn how to pronounce it – they are so keen on Beijing and Myanmar etc – but closer to home they behave like ignorant colonials
Interesting article by Simon Jenkins in today’s Guardian on BBC
Al-Jazeera is to launch a new English Channel…………….how will we know it is not BBC ?
Just after 11:00 GMT last night the HYS team apparently turned off the lights and went to sleep, making sure beforehand that the topic Should the BBC be more accountable? was switched back from Reactively Moderated to Fully Moderated.
Then they probably had nightmares over the flood of anti-BBC comments that surely awaits them this morning.
In the 13 hours that the topic was available they posted 619 comments.
That’s almost a comment per minute. And of course nobody will ever know how many comments didn’t make it/were deleted.
It’ll be interesting to see how they handle it from here. Back to Fully Moderated so that they can favour pro-BBC comments or just simply taken off the main HYS page and shoved where nobody can find the topic?
The Salford shootings were reported on the local TV news BBC Northwest tonight. I got the impression from that report that the two bodies shown covered on the grass were victims who had been shot in the pub. No mention of the ‘race’ of the victims or that they were the instigators.
I watched the news yesterday, and all i saw was several armed terrorist thugs shooting at the EU building in Gaza. it wasnt thousands of people – just a few. and it reeked of “pallywood”.
and all this because the Israelis wanted to merely arrest a terrorist who was ALREADY IN JAIL.
so, you’d think that the thugs who torched the British council building would be described as such – rioters, hooligans or somethng like that.
Jeremy Bowen however, puts the blame all on us. Yes – its all OUR FAULT.
“But that attitude is changing. First there were the cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper, then the European Union joined a fairly frosty reaction to the results of the elections and now this.”
the protests were stage managed Jeremy – i wont bother you with the details, just use google.
“Viewed from the perspective of a young Palestinian man, it must look as though the Europeans have joined the whole world that is against them. ”
thanks Jeremy – lets tar the entire Palestinian people with your relativist paintbrush. wonderful.
“Certainly the way the violence boiled up so quickly on Tuesday is a sign of the rage and tension on the Palestinian side.”
Here’s a hint Jeremy – ever think that Hamas might have staged it? i didnt see thousands of people – i saw a bunch of armed terrorist thugs.
but in Jeremy’s world, its ok for Arab thugs to roam the streets with AK47s, because its ALL OUR FAULT.
10:00 on Wednesday 15th March 2006
Everyone is running with the story that 5 have been arrested on charges relating to the Islamofascist demonstration in February.
Well nearly everyone. The BBC is still trying write up the spin on the story before releasing it. Presumably so as not to offend [deleted]
Edited By Siteowner
Susan, Archduke –
Many thanks for the link, depressing as it was to follow.
Just before 9am, Today interviews a ‘man who makes chairs’ and sold some to the US government who (shock!) sent them to Gitmo!
Interview is in style of 6th form common room debate we have come to loath from the BBC.
Strange, the running order stops at 8.50am – so can’t listen to this interview again.
Watch out next week for interview with the Gitmo gardener (what did he see from behind the flower pots?), and the Gitmo carpet fitter (what type of linoleum and carpets did he fit?….would he fit carpets there again in future, knowing what he does now….?) and finally the man who drives the Gitmo delivery van – (he is a baaaad man).
On a related topic, the Today team have obviously decided that there is no threat from the Govt. white paper – the female presenter said as much this morning.
Why is this:
White paper page 52 re OFCOM & the BBC:
Ofcom’s responsibilities in relation to the BBC
“The BBC has to comply with Ofcom’s fairness code and much of its cross-industry programme standards code (notably not its accuracy and impartiality aspects).
Click to access 14_03_06bbc_whitepaper.pdf
why, why, why? These are the very things that, if we are to put up with the socialist broadcaster for another decade, I want OFCOM to oversee them.
Al-Jazeera is to launch a new English Channel…………….how will we know it is not BBC ?
Rick | 15.03.06 – 8:29 am | #
Rick – I admit it will be difficult to tell the difference (between Al-Beeb and Al-Jazzera). One givaway however will be – are you being imprisoned for not paying money to the broadcaster? If you are, then its the BBC.
From the Govt. white paper released yesterday p59:
“The total number of people imprisoned for non-payment of fines for television licence evasion in 2004 was 46.”
Click to access 14_03_06bbc_whitepaper.pdf
BBC now reporting on News 24 about arrests in connection with Islamofascist demonstration in February.
Presumably they’ve cleared it with Idiot Punkawallah who, at this moment, is being rushed by taxi (paid for by the licence payer) to the nearest studio to explain how this repressive measure will alienate muslim youth even further.
Don’t pay. Don’t fund your enemy.
Any idea why the Blunkett interview (the prime 8.10am spot) is not available to “Listen Again” ??
Ritter “The BBC has to comply with Ofcom’s fairness code and much of its cross-industry programme standards code (notably not its accuracy and impartiality aspects)
What accuracy and impartiality aspects would they be?
Yesterday’s email from Jon Snow of C4 News
The whole thing has developed into predictable chaos. But it highlights the lack of trust on all sides here, and could be a portent of how things might go further given the power shifts underway on the Palestinian side, and the disinclination on the part of Israelis to keep to previous understandings.
So its all Israels fault that the road map is not being followed & nothing to do with the Hamas government’s repudiation of the road map & its desire to wipe Israel off the map.
look at the photo illustrating
“Abbas rushes home after jail raid”
beeboid mind:
“look at those terrorists being degraded”
israeli mind:
“phew – none of them have suicide bomb belts.”
the now have a “profile” of the “radical” palestinian “leader” Ahmed Saadat
“Before being arrested by the Palestinians, he had spent some 10 years in Israeli jails, on eight separate occasions.”
but that BBC hero worship.. oops.. cough.. ahem. “profile” page doesnt tell us why he was arresteed eight times – and for what.
bbc doing it again – lying by omission.
last two paras from “profile” of the “radical” palestinian “leader” Ahmed Saadat
Shortly afterwards, the group assassinated Rehavam Zeevi.
This, analysts say, was a popular move among militants and one that reinvigorated the organisation.
How to win friends and influence people, by the way, who are the “analysts”? whose opinions the BBC gives national coverage
BBC on the islamofascist arrests:
Quote “Five men have been arrested over their alleged role in protests against cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad, Scotland Yard said.”
Quote “Placards were seen which appeared to threaten a repeat of the 11 September attacks or the 7 July London bombings.”
I’m a little confused. I thought the placards did threaten a repeat of 9/11 and 7/7, or am I being oversensitive.
Why not show the placards and let viewers decide?
Then show the law on Incitement to violence.
Re the placards.
I think saying the placards “appear to threaten…” is fair.
Providing, of course, they now start referring to “the alleged prophet Muhammed” or cartoons that “appear to satirise”.
Good to see Al-Beeb keeping an open mind with such things. Again.
“Appear to threaten?”
The BBC reaches another low in its pursuit of “journalism”. Who should you believe — al-Beeb, or your lying eyes?
This is the kind of namby-pamby language that usually shows up in a press release from a company that’s just filed a disastrous earnings report, not in a “news” article.
If I stood outside White City with a placard saying “Death to the BBC and its Workers”, would I appear to be anti-bbc?
“Officers subsequently examined 60 hours of video from CCTV cameras and evidence-gathering teams deployed at the protests”
nice to see that PC Plod was dealing this issue with the utmost urgency.
“evidence-gathering teams”? The hell. Amateur bloggers with camera phones got it all in a few snaps.
Denmark is hosting a conference aimed at improving its ties with the Muslim world, after the uproar over cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad.
Re-written using BBC speak
Denmark is hosting a contoversial conference aimed at improving its ties with the Muslim world, after the apparent uproar over cartoons which appeared to satirise the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
after the uproar over cartoons satirising the Prophet Muhammad.
“Uproar”…….what a quaint expression for burning down embassies and murdering Christians
The BBC will only end in “uproar”
Yes, they are a quaint bunch. My understanding of ‘uproar’ is a lot of noise, shouting, anger, passionate complaints, but no violence.
If we let it, the BBC will destroy the English language.
So in other words, the BBC accurately reported what the police said happened? The Manchester Evening News, on the other hand, doesn’t give any sources for its information – something that, had the BBC done it, you’d be all over them for (and rightly so).
Come on people, your double-standards are showing. Must try harder.
I stumbled on this old thread down here by accident. If you genuinely want to debate, do it on a fresher thread.
Unless of course you just want to moan.
Problem is, very few people are going to be wandering down here to catch your complaint.