A reader called Dina writes:
Hi, I just wondered if anyone else watched the programme on BBC2 on Friday 17th March about called “The Family that Walks on All Fours”?
I watched this expecting it to be a scientific documentary about the curious anomaly of a rural Turkish family who have several mentally handicapped children who walk on all fours, like monkeys. The programme started well. About half way through, one of the scientists interviewed the Imam at the local village Mosque who was afraid that the programme might hint at Darwinian evolution in explaining the childrens symptoms. The programme went on sympathetically to explain that the idea of evolution is generally anathema in Turkey as an Islamic country, especially in rural areas and the Imam thought that to allow a Western programme to make the connection could invoke the wrath of an Al Qaeda attack on the village. The programme then went on to emphasise that hostility to the idea of evolution is not exclusive to Islamic countries and then, in classic BBC style, the programme switched to show an American Evangelical Church discussing the bible. At this point I changed the channel. I thought I was watching a genuine scientific documentary, but I should have known that the BBC needs to insert a political (especially anti-American) angle into such a programme. I try not to watch the BBC as much as possible as I cannot stomach the boring and predictable PC, anti-American drivel that is their stapel diet. Anyway, I just wondered if anyone had seen this and agrees with me?
Just be grateful they didn’t find some reason to show a clip of Gitmo.
How the UN has deliberately kept Palestinians in victim-status refugee cams for 55 years :
Have you seen the latest completely unbiased and not-prejudiced-in-any-way article from Alan Johnston in Gaza?
Susan Sarandon to play Cindy Sheehan in bio pic.
Warning!!!! Have a sickbag handy before you read the link.
Hat tip – The Drudge Report
From the Cindy Sheehan link above:
And where is “home” to her now?
She pauses and sighs, sinking into the window seat and pulling a quilt up to her chin. “Nowhere, really … .”
I must confess to making occasional forays into the depths of the far wings of UK politics. When I vist the SWP’s site, I get all sorts of info about what demo is next for their IQ-restricted supporters, and when I visit the BNP’s site I may find a little acorn which sits doing nothing for a couple of days.
Then when I check out the link to the BBC’s report by Alan Johnston, an astonishing thought emerges when the evidence of the two articles is seen: the BBC is more anti-Israeli (and more anti-Jewish) than the BNP. It is inescapable: the BNP’s article is subliminally sympathetic to Israel and Jews in general.
meanwhile in supposedly “liberated” afghanistan…
allan -> the above is a prime example as to why the French are spot on with their secular system. There are religious schools in France – but the taxpayer doesnt pay for them.
remember this?
“biggest airborne operation in the country since the US invasion in 2003”
have a read of this:
But contrary to what many many television networks erroneously reported, the operation was by no means the largest use of airpower since the start of the war. (“Air Assault” is a military term that refers specifically to transporting troops into an area.)
In fact, there were no airstrikes and no leading insurgents were nabbed in an operation that some skeptical military analysts described as little more than a photo op.
What’s more, there were no shots fired at all and the units had met no resistance, said the U.S. and Iraqi commanders.
listen to this interview with Nick Griffin and like me you may end up wondering why the media ban him. He comes on at 8mins 30secs.
[audio src="http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Whalen/0603/20060309_Thu_FrankWhalen3.mp3" /]
Looks like PR alright, and perhaps training for Iraqi units. Northern Ireland was great training for UK troops as are all operational areas today. Better than being in Barracks.
despite the best efforts of BBC puff pieces, the “anti-war” protests have been a damp squib:
“listen to this interview with Nick Griffin and like me you may end up wondering why the media ban him”
Bear in mind that all fascists are populist opportunists.
“Looks like PR alright, and perhaps training for Iraqi units. Northern Ireland was great training for UK troops as are all operational areas today. Better than being in Barracks.”
wasnt there a HYS about “air strikes”, filled with the usual bleeting about U.S. “imperialism”?
Henry. Nick Griffin is very dangerous to the BBC precisely because he isn’t the raving demagogue which they declare him to be and were he (Griffin) ever to appear on Question Time for example, the entire duplicitous edifice built by the BBC around the BNP would collapse. However, the BNP has some very dubious origins – real nazi origins. Articles such as the one which I spotted as being less anti-Israeli than the BBC’s own despicable output are a good start.
It’s bizarre when the far-right is LESS anti-Jewish than the state broadcaster: what a mess the BBC is in. The Moral Mess.
The only BBC tv output I get in Barcelona is BBC World. I dont know if this Jeremy Bowen report ran in the UK (I presume so), but his report on the PFLP riots actually included the astounding claim “Palestinians have always been know to be pro-Western, but now they are being radicalised”. Needless to say, it was entirely our fault they were being “radicalised”. Bowen actually spliced in footage of the cartoon protests to show just how much the poor Muslims are being provoked by us – how reasonable they are to take hostages and burn down western buildings when we expect the Palestinian Authority to honour an agreement. I wonder if B-BBC will start running an annual BBC Goebbels award? Would make a wonderful annual bash. I’d certainly like to nominate Bowen for this Goebbelsesque classic.
Allan@Aberdeen, the last BNP guy I heard speak on the BBC was at a Question Time audience member, who got warmly applauded by about half the audience for the standard verbiage on Iraq. I think the reapproachment between National and International Socialism over Israel is well underway. Prepare for the beginning of stealth rehabilitation of Hitler … ‘While we must all condemn the Holocaust, we must examine the reasons for it …. ‘
comprehensive article on Wafa Sultan
cox and forkum also have a collection of links and extracts on this pro-freedom firebrand Arab lady:
i wonder if the BBC will ever get around to interviewing her.
“Palestinians have always been know to be pro-Western, but now they are being radicalised”
what sort of crap is that?
The PLO started off as Marxist organisation, aided by the Soviets.
More recently,they just voted into power Hamas, which is violently anti-western.
About the only pro-westerners are the Palestinian Christians – and they’re getting the hell out of Gaza to the relative safety security of Israel.
Bowen clearly has not a clue about what he’s talking about.
I’m sure Bowen knows exactly what he’s talking about: He’s making black propaganda for Palestinian terrorists.
However, the BBC Middle East Dept, probably the worst example of its bias, isn’t lock, stock and barrel a vehicle for anti-semitism. I watched its young Middle Eastern correspondent James Reynolds being interviewed by Justin Webb I think it was, Webb putting to him that the Israeli action was due it’s election, in that ‘knowing’ BBC way of his, and Reynolds replied: “To be honest, I think the Israeli’s would have done the same at any time in the last 4 years if this had happened”.
That mini tidal wave that hit Weymouth was from my jaw dropping here in Barcelona.
Melanie Phillips has linked to this “curious and fascinating observation” from Tom Gross:
Wrongly believing that the British government colluded with Israel on Tuesday, Palestinian militants attacked many British targets. Among these, the offices of the British Council were burned down, and an HSBC bank was ransacked. In their usual intimidatory way, they also targeted journalists, briefly seizing two French reporters and a South Korean one. Armed gunmen also raided the offices of the German TV station ARD, shooting in the air. But what is interesting is that the BBC is housed in the same building as ARD in Gaza, and yet the Palestinian militant groups – who are much better organized and more sophisticated in their choice of targets than some in the media would have us believe – deliberately did not enter the BBC offices.
It seems that even on a day of widespread attacks on western targets in Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinian gunmen know who their friends are.
Yechhh. . .Chuckles is getting an award from the top Islamic university for promoting Islam in Britain:
Henry, I listened to this link, and I’m not entirely sure the point you’re trying to make, ‘I wonder why the BBC dont interview him’. The guy who interviewed him, while sounding very credible (like Griffin) is more of a neo-Nazi than the latter. He was actually suggesting that 7/7 was committed by Jews to get more support for fighting in Iraq to make Israel safe. I’m sure there’s a job at the BBC for him.
The terrible thing is that Jeremy Bowen has been appointed ME editor specifically to ensure balance in Middle East broadcasts, a sort of internal ombudsman. He is way off beam about Palestinian attitudes, another “root causes” attempt to blame us tather than to leave the blame for terrorism with the terrorists themselves. Their views are even more blatant now – they have deliberately voted for terrorist Hamas.
“To be honest, I think the Israeli’s would have done the same at any time in the last 4 years if this had happened”
wow. is James Reynolds one of the reality brigade, as opposed to the Simpson/Bowen apologist brigade?
susan -> that is why Charles will never be King of England.
i really do think that its going to skip a generation. The Windsors know that Charles isnt terribly popular – but William is a huge hit with the 20 somethings – especially girls.
This flirting with Islam by Charles is proof to me that he KNOWS he wont be king.
Didnt Harry or William say a few months ago that they want to serve in Iraq? Clearly at odds with their Islamic father, in my view.
Further clear evidence that Saddam continued to be a threat to the West :
interesting as those documents are, i still never did buy the “saddam threat to the west” argument.
he was a murderous tyrant – we liberated the iraqis – they have had elections.
end of story. and thats good enough for me.
i just wish we had the balls to liberate Kuwait, Saudi and the rest of that sorry area from the control of Islamic tyrants.
Bowen appointed Mid-East Editor to bring impariality! Thank you dumbcisco for this latest evidence of the need to perform radical surgery on the BBC.
From BBC Listings on thier own website;
10:15 pm
A report from Iraq, asking whether now is the time to withdraw British troops in the light of further soldiers’ deaths and the worsening of relations with local people.
Obviously it is, judging from thier own blurb.
Vote for Gordon!!!
Because WE all do!
The point I was making was – I didn’t hear NG say anything that he should not be allowed to say on the bbc. He is party leader in a “so called democracy,” with a media hate campaign against him. To just keep calling him a Nazi is to insult all the people who vote BNP and to leave them without a voice. I don’t like it when Gerry Adams, George Galloway or the MCB get interviews, but if they have the support, they have to be allowed to speak.
BTW I didn’t like the chap who interviewed NG either, but if he is banned in the UK, what can he do?
i’ve just found one more reason to vote Tory:
Brownstuff wants to turn London into a centre of “Islamic finance”
Henry, the airtime the likes of Adams, Galloway and MAB get show how many Communists, fellow travellers and moral imbeciles work at the BBC.
One can argue that they do have a certain mandate, but you’d get Nazi filth like Griffin getting the same mandate (or worse) if they had the same unjustified airtime.
henry -> you have a valid point. and much as i disagree with the BNP, they should be on Question Time and similar programs. I do recognise that they are the voice of the disillusioned white working class in certain British cities.
Silencing them only increases their stature – confronting them on live national TV is the way to go. Demolish their arguments.thats what free speech is all about anyway.
hippie-> take it from me as Irish person – Adams really IS a national socialist.
despite the best efforts of the southern republic to point this out, Al Beeb and Livingstone still pander to Sinn Fein.
and it pisses me off no end.
as said before – Al Beeb dont report on paddies day parades, the all-ireland hurling final – and similar positive stuff – that the majority of irish folks participate in.
instead they pander to the IRA and Sinn Fein. and thus, through their own P.C. illogicality actually contribute to anti-irish feeling amongst the Brits and Unionists. Portraying Sinn Fein as “victims” is utterly counter productive to Irish-English relations – but then , Al-Beeb is well known to be lacking in the brain department and just cant see this.
Still no mention of Dr. Wafa Sultan on the BBC. Not a peep. It is not as if her comments were made to a local radio station in rural Virginia. Her interview for al Jazeera has caused quite a few ructions in the Muslim world, it seems.
Not at the BBC though.
Maybe the BBC isn’t bothering to run a story of its own because it has been covered in detail by other media outlets? Or maybe she gave the interview at a weekend? Or maybe it doesn’t consider the story important enough and is leaving it to the ‘amateurs’ in the blogosphere?
Questions, questions…
taol -> the web is on fire with that wafa sultan outburst.
big news.
she’s started getting death threats – for pointing out that islam is , err, a violent religion.
of course, the islamofascists dont see the irony in that.
The BBC is so perverted that it would probably be in the interests of the BNP to shun it (the BBC) in the same manner as it (the BBC) shuns them. They would thus avoid all linkage with the Lib-Lab-Con. Mrs T did a similar exercise during her campaign to win the leadership of the Conservative Party, when there was a Conservative Party.
It is now a fact that the BBC leads the baying mob’s chant (and the quiet whispering in Islington’s dinner parties) against Israel and Jews in a manner of which Goebbels would have approved. Josef Goebbels: now that was a REAL nazi. Hippiehooter, please note.
Can I just remind everyone that “its” is used for “belonging to it” and “it’s” is short for “it is” or “it has”?
Such as: It’s time the BBC took its responsibilities more seriously.
And the plural of dog is dogs, not dog’s.
I must get out more.
of course, the islamofascists dont see the irony in that.
To be able to understand and appreciate irony presupposes at least a basic level of civilization.
Neanderthal Islamofascists wouldn’t know irony if it hit them in the face.
We can’t have airtime restricted to just who you want to have on. All politicians should be subjected equally to rigorus scrutiny and debate. Then if people want to vote for them, fair enough. The same should apply to every party. The problem is, as we all know, is that it does not happen at the moment. Give the BNP it’s due though, dispite having the full weight of the bias media, the all out effort of every lefty in the land, the pc police force, the church and just about any one else you care to mention against them, they are growing fast. That’s saying something.
Additionally, the BBC has made little mention of Mohammad al-Asadi and other Middle East journalists who chose to publish the Danish cartoons. They are facing – or have already been handed – long prison sentences or worse.
The BBC, in its sole story about Yemeni journalist al-Asadi, mentions the seriousness of the charges laid against him:
The use of scare quotes (‘faces death calls’) is somewhat unnecessary given that the first sentence of the BBC’s report states that Yemeni lawyers have, er, called for al-Asadi to be sentenced to death. He is due in court on Wednesday.
These are brave, principled men who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom of expression and journalistic independence. The BBC and their cohorts in the UK should take a good, hard look at themselves.
“GORDON BROWN is drawing up plans to turn Britain into the most Islam-friendly economy in the western world.”
“they are growing fast. That’s saying something.”
which is why they should be confronted in open debate.
and equally, that is why i was very uncomfortable with abu hamza being arrested and imprisoned for what he *said*
call me a extremist libertarian, but i just get the nagging feeling that they came for abu hamza, then they came for nick griffin,…. blah blah – then they came for me…
Criticise Bowen by all means, but he was preceded by Orla & what about this rabid fellow from longer times past?
Former BBC Middle East Correspondent, Tim Llewellyn
Where Carlton TV has shown John Pilger’s graphic Palestine is Still the Issue (3) and Channel 4 Sandra Jordan’s death-defying story of the International Solidarity Movement (4) the BBC has made no effort to tell us truly – as did these two documentaries – how this occupation demeans and degrades people: not just the killing and the destruction, but the humiliation, the attempt to crush the human spirit and remove the identity; not just the bullet in the brain and the tank through the door, but the faeces Israel’s soldiers rub on the plundered ministry walls, the trashed kindergarten; the barriers to a people’s work, prayers and hopes.
Also this from Llewelyn’s rant, worth a grim smile?
If three London Palestinians – Dr Ghada Karmi, Afif Safieh, the Palestinian ambassador-equivalent in London, and Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the Arabic language daily Al Quds Al Arabi – were to fall under buses tomorrow, the Palestinian case would almost cease to exist as far as the BBC is concerned. It has to be said that they are all used far more sparingly than the importance of crisis demands.
Brownstuff wants to turn London into a centre of “Islamic finance”
That is an extremely disturbing article.
I’ve read the BNP website a few times. Apart from the nationalist element they cover just about every talking point of the BBC. They’re a true national socialist party.
The nationalism expresses in a desire to get out of the EU and repatriate immigrants where possible. To a certain extent I agree with this – immigration in to this country is far too high and getting out of the EU would actually solve that by giving us control of our own borders again. Repatriation is trickier. It needs a lot of discussion and I imagine most of the percieved problems of immigration would be solved if we carted off all the illegals.
Other than that, the BNP is as modern lefty as they come. Which isn’t surprising; it’s a Nazi group. The natzis were socialist to the core, but nationalist instead of internationalist, which is why they were so appealing to so many people. Nationalism drives people; the love of their own nation, patriotism, jingoism, call it what you want but it’s a powerful force, and a nationalist party that is also for small government and lower taxes is what we need. The BNP only supplies the nationalism.
We need a new tory party.
Given the BBC’s frequent near verbatim use of AP bulletins (recently on the levee breach lie lie), I wonder if they dare use this
AP reporter Jennifer Loven
When the president starts a sentence with “some say” or offers up what “some in Washington” believe, as he is doing more often these days, a rhetorical retort almost assuredly follows.
Sounds to me like phrases much loved by BBC reporters.
“We need a new tory party.”
theres a lot to be said about the England “Switzerland” idea.
monster raving looney party had it as a policy in the last election – and they are so off the wall, that they actually get it dead right from time to time!
Check out this commentary:
The BBC is mentioned as one of the prominent culprits playing down the Islamic/anti-Semitic aspects of the murder of Ilan Halimi.
It is against the Jewish faith to charge interest also.
Religious Jews have managed to do fine, without any special treatment or investment accounts from the goverment. I am sure that religious Muslims, with some excess cash hanging around, are quite smart enough to sort it out for themselves.
I suspect Gordon has a more sneaky motive. May be an invest in Gordon account, is what he has in mind. Muslims give him their money, and Gordon comes up with a really smart way to show his gratitude. May be he will pay them back in extra brides instead of bribes.