Protesters? Why, there were hoards and hoards of ’em

. Rottweiler Puppy picks up the BBC’s online coverage of London’s weekend anti-war demo (rarely the sort of thing to lack lavish coverage when featuring Iraq); amongst the most appalling issues at large is the state of the BBC’s spelling. ‘snot a blog y’know, auntie.

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4 Responses to Protesters? Why, there were hoards and hoards of ’em

  1. Bryan says:

    I like the way they confused ‘hoards’ and ‘hordes’.

    Presumably BBC writers use Spellcheck. But it only helps those who have built their own foundation of understanding of English.

    Otherwise it can be simply misleading.


  2. england says:

    Now here’s a thing.
    Just for fun, I ran Joe Boyle’s troublesome phrase past my voice recognition program and it picked the correct spelling by context- although it did prefix a ‘w’ and leave out the ‘d’ as a third option.
    But then it is a very perceptive piece of software.
    Perhaps it could get a job on the Beebs newsdesk. It could hardly do worse.


  3. Bryan says:


    Thanks for the chuckle!


  4. Allan@Aberdeen says:

    Who is Joe Boyle and why is he employed at the BBC?