The Today programme like to think that they don’t just report the news, that they “help to set the agenda” – and to a great extent they’re correct. You can hear Humphrys or Naughtie worrying away at a point like a terrier with a rat. hoping to get an admission which will make the NEXT news headlines.
“In an interview on the BBC Today programme, the Minister revealed that …”
But there are scoops and scoops. The BBC has an institutional bias towards a pro-abortion viewpoint – I’m sorry, the approved BBC term is ‘pro-choice’, and against the pro-life viewpoint – I’m sorry, that should have read ‘anti-abortion’.
Which might explain why this remarkable interview (RealAudio, 25 minutes in) with ‘pro-choice’ Dr Stuart Derbyshire wasn’t the main headline at nine-o’clock, and would just have been quietly forgotten before the Web.
Dr Derbyshire argued that babies did not feel pain until they were up to several months old, an argument which seems to fly in the face of common sense and human experience, as John Humphrys acknowledged. Such a bizarre claim made by a proponent of an unpopular (to liberals) ideology would have been picked up and amplified by the BBC, used to discredit their cause. The two sides of bias are promoting that which supports a view and ignoring or suppressing that which discredits it.
I can imagine how a pro-life BBC would have spun it.
“A pro-abortion doctor today claimed that babies cannot feel pain until up to several months after birth. Controversial psychologist Dr Stuart Derbyshire – who has previously claimed that vivisectionists have no duty to care for laboratory animals beyond what is necessary for successful experimentation, said that …”
Here’s the transcript (note Humphrys’ self-correction of ‘baby’ to ‘foetus’, so characteristic of the BBC):
John Humphrys : “Right – so your contention is that the baby – er, the foetus, cannot feel pain until … ?”
Dr Stuart Derbyshire, psychologist : “Until it’s had an opportunity to undergo some sort of learning process – until it’s had an opportunity to undergo a process whereby pointing and showing occurs”
Humphrys (interrupting) – “But that would suggest it’s weeks – possibly months – after birth – and surely that’s nonsense, isn’t it ?”
Derbyshire : “It possibly is weeks, possibly months – I mean it’s very difficult of course to ever draw a line as to precisely when it happens – but I do think we can draw a line and say that it is vitally dependent upon a process that’s going to take place outside of the womb. Pain – in the same way – all experience is in a sense social – it’s dependent on other people, and that doesn’t occur until the point of birth.”
Humphrys : “Dr Derbyshire, many thanks”
Dr Derbyshire was propounding an identical theory in the magazine Living Marxism ten years ago. Why is the BBC suddenly publicising him ?
“The US is considering legislation to make doctors tell women seeking an abortion it will cause the foetus pain.”
Ah, the Great Satan. Now I understand. Happy Easter.
Re SiN’s link to the Telegraph on the swing from Labour to the BNP –
The BBC lifts the story at
No link to the BNP website, however.
CND were always against the concept of deterence, which would be logical argument for Iran having nukes. But no, CND want Iran to have them because…? Its alright for them to have them but for not for us?
CND were always against the concept of deterence, which would be logical argument for Iran having nukes. But no, CND
CND is what it always was – a fringe group of pacifists infected with Leftist infiltrators
“They were brave. I disagree with their profession, but it is ironic, isn’t it? You go as a peace activist and you are rescued by the SAS, which is perhaps the most violent of all the British forces.”
Really ? I would have though The Royal Artillery would merit that accolade.
I also heard Kimber say (and I paraphrase) that he went to Iraq so that the people there would not think that everyone in West hated them. The logic of this being that the war was only supported by people who hated the country and wanted as many killed as possbible. Maybe I was naive but I thought the invasion was to remove a tyrant and bring democracy to 25 million people. Which is pretty much what has happened apart form a minority who seem to like blowing stuff and themselves up.
I was quite pleased the BBC gave him so much air time as it did really show him up as hopelesses daft – on several occasions he talked of being in denial but I think his denial is bigger than even he suspects – wonder why he disliked the Canadian accent so much?
The Sunday Times April 16, 2006
BBC will send 300-strong team to World Cup
Maurice Chittenden
IT WILL be the biggest squad England has ever sent to a World Cup, with star international strikers Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer and Ian Wright among 300 other players in the team. The BBC team, that is.
The corporation is spending at least £3m of licence payers’ money on covering the football tournament this summer. ITV, its rival, says its team will be just over a third of the size.
Most of the BBC presenters will stay in hotels near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Cor what a bender! What a team!
Lineker, Shearer, Wright, Hansen,
Lawrenson, and several premiership managers.
Engerland! BBBCEEEEYAH!,,2087-2136622.html
i think that its vital for everyone to vote BNP at every opportnity for a short time.
Naturally nobody in thier right mind would want them in power or indeed too close to it, however, a good and sobering slap across the faces of the lazy and corrupt poseurs now running (ruining) our main political parties would be the best thing in the world for them.
Labour have the electorate in near total contempt. Cameron is a misguided fool who is a day late and a dollar short in his attempt to imitate Blair. Ming is not worthy of comment.
Vote for the BNP, its not nice and its not clever but it may just be our last chance to whip the twats into shape.
Expect more “isnt multi culti Britain just Fab” nonsence from the BBC. Better still, stop watching it.
Great blog, keep up the good work.
Another example of BBC ‘science’
This really is kids stuff, it reminds me of the middle section of the Tiger comic I read as an 11 year old.
The BBC have the temerity to lecture their captive audience on ‘waste’ while spending £3million on a foreign trip to pontificate on a sporting event.
Gadzooks £3million smackers, not their money of course, money compulsorily taken out of our pockets aided and abetted by a servile government who are fully blown members of the establishment.
Peerages any one?
TV ‘sleep’ button stands accused
By Mark Kinver
BBC News science and nature reporter
The average household has up to 12 gadgets on standby or charging
Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations’ worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby.
May elections looming and government politicians are trying to score cheap points at the expense of traffic wardens, a system they introduced in the Houses of Parliament.
What about the TC Licence fine I get every 12 months just for watching BBC TV? Well over a hundred quid.
Oi mate, you’re aving a laugh ain’t yah?
Same news story given pride of place on BBC Radio 4’s News at 9am today!
* Minister says BNP tempting voters *
White working class voters are tempted by the BNP because they feel Labour is not listening, a minister says.
Notice the links to this story, heaven forbid on Easter Sunday, that one should be given to the bnp election manifesto,
No doubt for fear of possibly tempting white working class voters with internet access. Instead, the BBC only provides its readers with links to Labour & the Lib Dems. Whoops, let’s not mention the fact that they did it on Good Friday. This is news reporting that stoops below that of the gutter, it stinks to high heaven, it is political bias writ large, it is plain pathological distortion & manipulation of news coverage. What cost to the British Broadcasting Corporation though, none, clearly they share the same “fears” as Mrs Hodge. Am I alone, or do the following statements really require substantiation in the most simple news reporting? Hodge is quoted as saying:
“They can’t get a home for their children, they see black and ethnic minority communities moving in and they are angry,”
“She said the ethnic make-up of Barking had changed “so fast” from a predominantly white, working class area since she first became MP in 1994.”
Ok, are these “facts” BBC? What about the actual “statistics” on bem’s “moving in” and the “ethnic make-up of Barking” in London? Are there perhaps grounds for “anger”, reasons for “temptation”? One is left confused, and Mrs Hodge herself, appears like some doubting Thomas, not sure whether to believe it or not. This is political “news” reporting of the very worst kind, resembling an immature knee jerk.
I was watching TVE 24 Hour News Channnel reported this story from The Sunday Times: Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’. I know TVE in Spain is supposed to be left wing be atleast they reported it. I wonder why “al-bbc” didn’t.
Iran suicide bombers ‘ready to hit Britain’:,,2087-2136638,00.html
Prompted by NUT conference, there is much talk on News24 about faith schools.
The ubiquitous concern is creationism & its teaching in science classes.
Not a good thing, but all seem to be choosing to ignore the elephant in the classroom.
Isn’t the existence of state funded schools where boys spend 4 hours a day nodding & reciting the Koran a bigger threat to a well integrated Britain?
I visited the BNP’s website just to check for myself what they are proposing for the local elections, but I was diverted to a video recording of an incident in which a BNP lorry was stopped by no fewer than 5 police vans/cars and not released until the BNP flags and banners had been removed. The incident happened outside the door of a Joe Public (I don’t believe that the BNP were clever enough to have arranged for the incident to occur in front of prepared cameras of a supporter’s house) and his mutterings and disapproval spoke for millions of us who are getting a bit sick of the PC police etc.
This will NOT appear on the BBC, but it is what is happening.
Re “Manchester Passion” When “Jesus” appeared in his terrorists orange jumpsuit I think the Beeb et al really thought everyone was going to cheers, start getting into it and singing along etc, but it just turned people off and away in droves. I have tried to complain about this hour of blasphemy twice now. First time got the phone put down on me, the second time when I asked if my complaint would be registered I was told no, insufficient grounds.
On a different matter. Has anyone noticed how Sky are picking up and taking non-stories the BBC are running, they are so in each other’s pockets. For example the non-story about global warming on Friday.
Also why would so many top BBC news managers and presenters go over to Sky? Give up their easy job at an overstaffed company and that nice fat pension at the end? I don’t think so. Sky are just as bad as the BBC now. Are all these exBBC people colluding with their “old” paymasters.
Incidentally, this story does carry a link to the BNP’s website (in the sidebar).
Tut tut. The BBC? Linking to far-right sites? Disgraceful.
this story does carry a link to the BNP’s website
Added since page first published. Outbreak of even handedness or let the BNP damn themselves in their own words?
“Vote for the BNP, its not nice and its not clever but it may just be our last chance to whip the twats into shape.”
No the BNP aren’t nice or clever – they are racist and it is dumb reactionary politics to vote for them. There are many better ways to make a protest vote. Voting BNP will NOT “whip the twats into shape” – it will give them fodder to push even more repressive PC legislation and even more grounds for the BBC to stereotype the white working class as racist trash.
The BBC routinely skims over the charter aim of Hamas to destroy Israel, preferring to show the Palestinians as “victims”.
Likewise the BBC portrays Iran as the potential victim of aggression by Bush. When the party with real aggressive intent is the Iranian dictatorship itself, which has for years been funding all manner of terrorism. This article gives a grim insight into the dire nature of the increasing threat :
It is just like the 1930s. The BBC fails to flag up the warnings about a totalitarian state that has war on its agenda, instead it tries to portray those with deep concern about these threats as obsessive. The BBC froze Churchill off the airwaves and cast him as a “crazy”, and it is doing exactly the same thing with the White House analysis of the Iranian threat.
A batty nonentity like Norman Kember got more time this week to explain his views on Radio 4 than the White House received to explain its views on Iran, in spite of endless attacks and exaggerations about the US position.
Even on Broadcasting House, the trio of 80-year-olds collected to analyse the newspapers included a geriatric peace protestor who declared he saw the US and USSR as equals and started gabbling criticism of the US without reference to any press story. It took Nicholas Parsons to inject a little grace into the proceedings, pointing out that they were guests on the programme only because The Queen’s 80th birthday is this week.
Incidentally, this story does carry a link to the BNP’s website (in the sidebar).
I’ve only just seen that after revisiting it, my untrained eye only alighted on this part of it:
Labour campaign launch
Lib Dems campaign launch
btw after buying the Sunday newspapers, I have just read The Sunday Telegraph’s coverage of the same story
White voters are deserting us for BNP, says Blair ally
By Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor
(Filed: 16/04/2006)
This is well written and has much more information in it than the BBC one.Indeed, one appreciates how much the BBC have censored from Hodge’s original statements, so as to create a rather bland and distorted news item. My guess is that the BBC journalist plagerised the Telegraph article. It really is crap reporting from the BBC, BUT DO WE REALLY EXPECT ANYTHING ELSE THESEDAYS? Nobody holds them to account and they have unlimited taxpayer funds.
Re BBC will send 300-strong team to World Cup
The Sunday Times article ends with the following response by the BBC to the question “how much will it cost?”
The BBC refused to say how much its coverage would cost, but claimed that the cost per viewer of covering the Winter Olympics had dropped between 2002 and 2006.
Surely enough to get a rottweiler journalist barking “Answer the question!”
There are many better ways to make a protest vote.
I agree that the BNP are sinister & loopy, but what better way to protest about the most serious matters facing the country – immigration, terror & the EU?
Biased BBC reporting.
The BBC version of the current Oil saga in CHAD
“Chad has threatened to stop oil production next week if it does not immediately receive several months’ worth of oil revenues.
It wants the US-led consortium that runs Chad’s pipeline to hand over $100m (£57m) it says it is owed by Tuesday.”
And what is really happening on the ground;
“Oil Minister Mahmat Hassan Nasser told the Associated Press in an interview yesterday that the pipeline would be shut down unless the international community ensured Chad received its oil royalties by midday on Tuesday.
In January, the World Bank froze an escrow account with 125 million dollars in oil royalties in London, Nasser said. It also cut 124 million dollars in financial assistance after Chad changed an oil revenue law passed in 1999 as a condition for the World Bank’s support for the pipeline.
Nasser said the World Bank must either release the funds or the operators of the pipeline must compensate the Chadian government.”
So by omitting a few salient facts the BBC sends the image that the US (once again) is at fault and not the world Bank and just to reinforce that image they ensure that this is included in their report;
“And if the flow of oil is stopped, the huge profits enjoyed by oil companies here will dry up along with the pipeline.”
UKIP looks to many like the halfway house between voting Tory and voting BNP. The three mainstream parties have between them failed to deal with the three issues you mention. And sadly, if anything Blair is ahead of the other two in facing down global terrorism.
The issue that Margaret Hodge focussed on was the SCALE AND PACE of immigration, the disruption to services funded by the host community, the disruptions caused by sudden social change on which no-one had any democratic say. On that issue, none of the three mainstream parties offers anything worth voting for – they offer lots to vote against.
More BBC Bias – admitted – and will try harder – but how much harder?
Is the BBC still committed to the Euro?
BBC pledges to end Euro bias
Daily Mail – 12 May 2005
THE BBC has vowed to change the way it reports on Europe after an independent panel found that its coverage is biased.
Corporation governors commissioned the review to investigate complaints that it was ‘ systematically Europhile’. Their report, published in January, found the BBC’s impartiality had been undermined by ‘an institutional mindset’
What’s this then? still on the web with a BBC top bar.
Re What are your Easter plans,
here’s a good comment:
Added: Saturday, 15 April, 2006, 14:33 GMT 15:33 UK
A question for the BBC.
Why did you delibrately omit the word Christian?
Back in October/November last year you asked people on the Have Your Say Board how they would be celebrating the Muslim festival of Eid. However, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that Easter like Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth, death and ressurection.
Its a CHRISTIAN FESTIVAL, celebrated by Christians. Go on I dare you to say it!
L Evans, Surrey
Recommended by 16 people
The BBC really is al-Beeb.
Re the expensive, bloated BBC team going over to check out the soccer World Cup, I wonder which team they’ll support.
Honest Reporting got on the case of FIFA’s Sepp Blatter and his boys. Apparently they are bitching at Israel for firing on an empty Palestinian soccer field used to fire Kassams.
But silent when the Taliban executed people on a soccer field.
No time to get the link right now, but it’s and it’s their latest article.
I tried to e-mail Sepp, but I think he’s blocking mail.
Once again, thanks for your comments about my website detailing (some of) Malcolm Keith-Hill’s and my research into the Hamilton “cash for questions” affair – the controversy which is universally accredited with having put the Tories where they are today.
It’s because that controversy was – and remains today – so enormous that the BBC is in a real bind over what to do about our investigation.
They – and the rest of the British media – initially made the mistake of closing ranks with the Guardian and censoring all mention of our work from their national news bulletins.
Well, that would have been okay if I’d have given up and walked away. But I didn’t. I published a book articulating our research “Trial by Conspiracy”, which was launched in the Commons, no less, by Conservative defence minister Gerald Howarth MP, supported by Baroness Turner of Camden and N+C Hamilton. The Beeb and the MSM ignored that too.
I stood as a candidate in Tatton in a white suite in the 2001 election on a “Neil Hamilton-is-innocent” ticket. But despite the high novelty of my candidature following Bell’s, and despite having represented Granada for Best NW RTS News reporter of 1997, and despite the difficulty that news editors have filling up the running orders during long election campaigns, the Al-Beeb and the MSM kept their news blackout and so failed to report that too.
And then I put up a website. Try doing a google for “cash for questions” + “Neil Hamilton”, or “cash for questions affair”, or “Mohamed Fayed” and “Neil Hamilton” and you’ll see what I mean. Searching the Web with the BBC’s own search engine produces similar top results.
So the BBC cannot claim it isn’t aware of our work, our allegations of press corruption, or the acclaim that our work has received.
So the problem the BBC faces now is being exposed for its nine years’ documented censorship of several high profile news events promoting an investigation which gives a completely different and sensational side to one of this country’s biggest political controversies of all time.
The only way that the mighty fact-finding, truth-seeking (yeah, right!) Beeb can hope to escape being exposed and universally castigated over its dreadful institutionalised political censorship is to carry on and hope for the best, like someone hanging on to an airship that got swept away with a gust of wind.
But then along came the bloggers and one day you people will really screw things up for them.
Myself, I just let guardianlies stay up there, beaming away. I think it’s quite funny really.
So don’t despair gordon bennett. One day this affair will be the device that will bring world recognition to the Beeb’s institutionalised bias, posturing, and dishonesty.
And don’t get angry either. They are having a far worst time of it maintaining their cloak of silence.
I’ve read that Labour states that the BNP wish to introduce segregation into schools so I went to the BNP’s website to read their manifesto for the local elections. The BNP state that children of migrants who lag behind in English will be segregated for intensive English teaching in order not to slow down native English speakers.
The internet is so wonderful: Labour and the BBC must hate it when ordinary people like me can find out very quickly that they are lying.
The issue that Margaret Hodge focussed on was the SCALE AND PACE of immigration, the disruption to services funded by the host community
Really ? And what does Margaret Hodge propose to do about it if she gets elected, and if Labour form a Government ?
UKIP looks to many like the halfway house between voting Tory and voting BNP
Not quite: immigration and asylum policy is now largely an EU responsibility
Perhaps the BBC is throwing licence payers money at Football because their apparent ineptitude has lost them so many contracts for other events including the boat race.
The decision comes as a serious
blow to the BBC, which has lost the
rights of a number of major sporting
events. ITV has won coverage of Formula One, and a number of important football matches.
“The worrying bigger picture”,
commented Richardson, “is
the continued failure of the BBC to
get major sporting events, although
they only have themselves to blame
in light of the amount of money they
are throwing at digital TV”.
The pathetic excuse over the lost boat race coverage was:
Government guidelines prohibit the BBC from showing any overt commercial sponsorship.
I don’t know if the BBC has noticed but Football stadiums are littered with adverts, the latest electronic ones all around the pitch changing every few minutes, and to top it all, every footballer I see on the pitch nowadays has sponsorship written all over their shirts.
Ms Searle took pains to sidestep the rumours that ITV would allow the race to become more commercialised, saying that the “iconic amateur event is not funded by the universities and has, as such, involved sponsorship and television rights since the early seventies.”
When the BBC was covering it.
What Margaret Hodge proposes is NOWT. There will be more fudge, more twisted statistics, more pressure on health, education and housing.
The likely effect of today’s story is a flashback against NuLabour. Margaret Hodge comes across to be saying that ordinary decent working-class people are being forced to vote BNP. She implicitly excuses them for it, saying it is all NuLabour’s fault, and she fails to offer any solutions to the social problems of excessive immigration. That has the result of de-demonising the BNP, making it even more likely that decent ordinary working-class people will feel able to vote BNP. Something many of them would never have done in the past.
There will probably be a big increase in areas like Hodge’s at the local elections. Look out for bigger BNP votes in many London areas.
Jonathan Boyd Hunt
Kate Hudson of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament reveals the real motives of those claiming to act for “peace”, from Guardian letters, not read by BBC staff I presume. ha ha
Iran’s announcement is not a breach of international law or regulation. Whatever our views of nuclear energy, Iran is allowed to be in the nuclear club as a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
…. failure to differentiate paves the way for another illegitimate war in the Middle East
Roudabeh Shafie
Action Iran
Kate Hudson
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Jeremy Corbyn MP
I’m waiting to see what dirty trick the bbc has ready to use against the BNP before the elections.
Hodge is a joke, but they are trying to create a new issue to detract from “Police arrest Lord Levy, Blair next” headlines.
Labor needs a narrative before the elections where turnout will probably collapse – one thing Cameron & Blair have managed is to make politicians look absolutely and totally crooked – Charles Kennedy made them look somewhat human – but now it is just same old crowd out to pick a pocket or two.
Politicians right across Europe have betrayed their voters and voters are getting completely fed up of the party dictatorships……………….Britaingets more like the GDR every day
The BBC is running a sting operation against George Galloway and Respect in Tower Hamlets, and other Respect candidates, with a complete analysis of who the backers are for Respect, what they are saying in private as against what they are saying in public. In order to run a prime-time exposure of Respect as a mix of hard-left Stalinists and rabid Islamists, and to keep running that damning criticism of respect right through the coming local elections.
In fact on a wider view, it would be fairly easy to cobble together the likely topics for the today prog each morning, the anti-Bush issues they will latch on to – and the topics or responses they will NOT cover. Their agenda is so blatant !
While being forced to link to the BNP undoubtedly makes BBC Leftists wince, they are only marginally less uncomfortable with the UKIP – and that party has proved (in the last EU elections) that it can muster sufficient votes to shake things up a bit.
As the juvenile “Dave” Cameron has just found, smearing the UKIP with terms like ‘racist’ only raises the party’s profile among disaffected Tories, who are sick to death of Cameron and his fellow Leftists’ obsession with ‘racism’.
It’s to the UKIP that people have to look if they have any hope of change – maybe not by winning elections, but by forcing people like Cameron back into Labour, or the LibDems, where they more properly belong.
Where this affects the BBC is that the Corporation dare not ignore the UKIP and dare not openly smear it (though it gets close at times).
As for la Hodge’s pathetic twittering, it is ZaNuLabour policy to have uncontrolled immigration in the UK, so her sudden concession that things might have got out of control is nothing more than her usual lying spin.
But don’t expect the BBC to expose that, either!
News24 give a report on a play at the Royal Court by Simon Stephens that questions the anti-war position.
The BBC state that the play aims to state that the war was “not totally unjustified”.
BBC obviously can’t allow anything less grudging through their lips.
The report goes on to inform us that the Royal Court has a long history of providing controversial views.
The BBC, in a nice flat uncontroversial way, give a brief run down of other productions on the theme of political theatre, as if supporting Mr Stephens, but all other examples cited were positioned to the left of the government.
Allan@Aberdeen “I’ve read that Labour states that the BNP wish to introduce segregation into schools so I went to the BNP’s website to read their manifesto for the local elections. The BNP state that children of migrants who lag behind in English will be segregated for intensive English teaching in order not to slow down native English speakers.”
Well perhaps it depends on which BNP document you read. Its 2005 General Election manifesto – which itself is internally inconsistent (written by a committee that never met?) states
Those from foreign ethnic backgrounds resident in Britain will be given the choice of
either having their children educated in Faith or Folk schools that will teach them the
traditions and heritage of their ancestral cultures, or of attending classes in schools
that educate them about their ancestral heritage. We believe that all children suffer
when deprived of their right to an ancestral identity and contact with their cultural
We will encourage black and ethnic minority schools and religious schools run by
parents and staff that educate those children as to their ancestral heritage and instil
pride in their culture and ethnicity.
The point, Will, is that Labour traduced and lied about a clear statement which was available on the internet for anyone who wished to do a quick fact-check. Labour and the BBC do not yet appreciate that what they say can be checked. I have no doubt that the BNP is going to be the object of an even more intense campaign of lies than that to-date. As for the question about how ‘dangerous’ the BNP is, how dangerous has NuLab actually been for this country?
As for the question about how ‘dangerous’ the BNP is, how dangerous has NuLab actually been for this country?
If it is a danger then let it be banned together with all the fringe Muslim groups, then let the courts interpret the Human Rights Act 1998…………….should be a fascinating experience for Lord Goldsmith and his junior Harriet Harman
an interesting thought
“”…….. if the BNP suddenly ‘does a UKIP’ into double figures (at the local elections) then we may yet end up with a position where it’s easier to fix the BNP and take that forward than to fix the Tories… “I thought that about UKIP – once,” he writes, “but BNP is more structured, more professional, and more disciplined. I’m a lot more inclined to see a future for BNP now than even 12 months ago – and that was BD – Before Dave!”
from the always interesting
We need more US style Conservatives like Tom Tancredo, Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney in European politics… can they (in the UK) come through the Tory ranks nowadays? I doubt it. Maybe it is easier to sort out the BNP than the Tories. You can bet that the Beeb won’t be a neutral observer – they’ll try and influence things according to their agenda. More bias to come, guaranteed.
TV ‘sleep’ button stands accused
By Mark Kinver
BBC News science and nature reporter
The average household has up to 12 gadgets on standby or charging
Britons waste the equivalent of around two power stations’ worth of electricity each year by leaving TV sets and other gadgets on standby.…ure/ 4620350.stm
Sarge uncensored | 16.04.06 – 9:39 am | #
I couldn’t help chuckling when a recent worldwide experiment used millions of idling comnuters to predict the effect of….global warming!
That should be ‘computers’, not ‘comnuters’ – good pub lunch to blame! Actually, idling commuters would have been even better…
It does seem bizarre how much time the BBC is spending attacking the BNP – a minor, borderline irrelevent party with no seats in the Commons – sometimes even to the extent of being comical. Not that I would vote for them anyway. I think Britain has had quite enough of authoritarian socialism from Labour, thankyouverymuch.
I’m going green, greener than you…
The Sunday Times April 16, 2006
David Cameron, the Tory leader, and Malcolm Wicks, the energy minister, are two politicians who plan to mount the wind turbines on their London homes in, respectively, Notting Hill and Croydon………..
Wicks’s colleague Elliot Morley, the environment minister, is planning a wind turbine on his home in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, while Tim Yeo, Tory chairman of the Commons environmental audit select committee, hopes to install a windmill at his Suffolk home. ..
“The costs are high but they will come down as more and more people buy them. This industry is still very young and has great potential.”
Are Tories buying shares in this INDUSTRY, are tax breaks promised? peerages even for windy tories?
The BBC points out the one up personship you can generate at your next dinner party of home grown food.
” When people are round your house for a dinner party, it’s not very exciting to show them your cavity wall insulation. But if you can show that the boiler is being powered by your own turbine, now that’s something to talk about.”
A blogger who read this story felt moved to contact the BBC, here is what he has posted…
BBC article on wind turbines
Someone sent me a link to the BBC article on micro wind turbines:
(With energy prices on the up, will city skylines bristle with wind turbines and will back gardens become mini wind farms?
< )
and scanning down it I saw some readers’ comments. I quickly jotted down a reply to answer some of the entirely valid points raised. As of today (24-hours later) my reply has not been printed. I wonder if that is because the BBC doesn’t work at weekends, or whether they now consider the story closed, or whether they consider my response unprintable ? In any case a weakness in the BBC system is that it does not email one a copy – in the future I will draft any comment on my own computer and that paste it across to their browser window so that I retain a copy.
posted by David Sharman at 4:39 PM
‘A weakness in the BBC system?, surely not?
But making money is probably Silvio Berlusconi’s greatest talent.
Steady on, this is NOT a compliment, it’s written by the BBC after all.
Dirty capitalists at it again.
In this aptly timed article the BBC appears to get fulsome praise from its responders.
By Andrew Walker
BBC News profiles unit
Many people might have no doubts about being prepared to kill Hitler. But what if you were a prominent theologian? A noted pacifist? What then?
Ref the reporting of a bomb explosion in Turkey today.
Every other news agency reports it as a terrorist attack;
Kuwait News Agency;
“ISTANBUL, April 16 (KUNA) — At least 31 people were injured in a bomb blast in a coffee shop in the European district of Istanbul Sunday, security sources said.”
“ISTANBUL (Reuters) – A bomb explosion on a busy pedestrian street on the outskirts of Istanbul wounded 31 people on Sunday, police said, in the latest violence to strike Turkey in recent weeks”;_ylt=A0SOwmPNlUJEd4IAJgZZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA–
“At least 30 people have been wounded in an explosion in Istanbul.
Police said a device had been put in a bin in front of shops in the residential district of Bakirkoy.”
“The state-run Anatolian news agency said the blast was caused by a bomb, but there was no confirmation. Another theory was a gas explosion.”>”Several bombs have been planted in Istanbul recently, thought to be linked to unrest in the Kurdish south-east.”
It appears that, that unrest must be due to the shoddy service these plumbers hand out. How about Al beeb loaning ‘Watchdog ‘ to the Turks . Soon have those dodger plumbers bang to rights.