The Today programme like to think that they don’t just report the news, that they “help to set the agenda” – and to a great extent they’re correct. You can hear Humphrys or Naughtie worrying away at a point like a terrier with a rat. hoping to get an admission which will make the NEXT news headlines.
“In an interview on the BBC Today programme, the Minister revealed that …”
But there are scoops and scoops. The BBC has an institutional bias towards a pro-abortion viewpoint – I’m sorry, the approved BBC term is ‘pro-choice’, and against the pro-life viewpoint – I’m sorry, that should have read ‘anti-abortion’.
Which might explain why this remarkable interview (RealAudio, 25 minutes in) with ‘pro-choice’ Dr Stuart Derbyshire wasn’t the main headline at nine-o’clock, and would just have been quietly forgotten before the Web.
Dr Derbyshire argued that babies did not feel pain until they were up to several months old, an argument which seems to fly in the face of common sense and human experience, as John Humphrys acknowledged. Such a bizarre claim made by a proponent of an unpopular (to liberals) ideology would have been picked up and amplified by the BBC, used to discredit their cause. The two sides of bias are promoting that which supports a view and ignoring or suppressing that which discredits it.
I can imagine how a pro-life BBC would have spun it.
“A pro-abortion doctor today claimed that babies cannot feel pain until up to several months after birth. Controversial psychologist Dr Stuart Derbyshire – who has previously claimed that vivisectionists have no duty to care for laboratory animals beyond what is necessary for successful experimentation, said that …”
Here’s the transcript (note Humphrys’ self-correction of ‘baby’ to ‘foetus’, so characteristic of the BBC):
John Humphrys : “Right – so your contention is that the baby – er, the foetus, cannot feel pain until … ?”
Dr Stuart Derbyshire, psychologist : “Until it’s had an opportunity to undergo some sort of learning process – until it’s had an opportunity to undergo a process whereby pointing and showing occurs”
Humphrys (interrupting) – “But that would suggest it’s weeks – possibly months – after birth – and surely that’s nonsense, isn’t it ?”
Derbyshire : “It possibly is weeks, possibly months – I mean it’s very difficult of course to ever draw a line as to precisely when it happens – but I do think we can draw a line and say that it is vitally dependent upon a process that’s going to take place outside of the womb. Pain – in the same way – all experience is in a sense social – it’s dependent on other people, and that doesn’t occur until the point of birth.”
Humphrys : “Dr Derbyshire, many thanks”
Dr Derbyshire was propounding an identical theory in the magazine Living Marxism ten years ago. Why is the BBC suddenly publicising him ?
“The US is considering legislation to make doctors tell women seeking an abortion it will cause the foetus pain.”
Ah, the Great Satan. Now I understand. Happy Easter.
“Nowhere did they point out how it might impact the peace process by antagonising the DUP”
i dont think it has to tell you the truth – the Dublin government invited Orangemen down to parade in Dublin, which unfortunately caused riots by a bunch of brainless thugs.
The Cork city council invited the Orange Order down for St Patricks Day last year, until they started getting death threats (rumoured to be Shinner elements). So, the effort *is* being made, and I’m sure the DUP know that.
If anything Unionist businessmen just see the boom down south and are half thinking about how economically powerful a Dublin-Belfast corridor would be. Of course the DUP can rant and rave all it likes, but cold , hard economics are starting to come into the fray.
peter hitchens on SOCA
and he’s right.
the head of SOCA is appointed by the Home Secretary. shades of KGB???
By contrast , your Chief Constable is appointed by your local police authority.
That was an excellent performance by Efraim Halevy on that link which you posted. I recommend it.
newsnight covers the BNP issue tonight. trouble is , they dont interview anyone from the BNP.
the other obvious point is that they lump in a Polish immigrant into the report, which misses the point entirely about the rise of BNP support.
then another clip on some poor soul who is from the Congo and made it all the way to the UK. again, it misses the point about the rise of the BNP. The Pole and Congo chap want to integrate into British society.But the Islamic nutcases dont.
Thats where the problem is. Paxman’s newsnight report unfortunately, doesnt even give a hint at that.
We actually had a very fast and very quick parade once through Bessbrook in South Armagh (1979) complete with the Military Band! Really upset a few SF-ers for some strange reason…. 😎
I wish the Irish would hurry up and join NATO so they can join the rest of us on the wall…you have far prettier girls in uniform than some of our allies!
all of the commenary in respect of the BNP story has only served to strengthen the case of those with grievances, i.e. not a single commentator seems to get the point, most on TV and in print ending up on a message of “change is inevitable, get used to it”.
In respect of the BBC still being “hideously white”, I notice that all of the presenters of Newsnight are white. Same goes for PM, The World at One, The Natasha Kaplinski Show, Question Time, Any Questions, The Today Program, Womans Hour and on and on and on and on.
Which overpaid Socialist Whitey is going to give up the trough first?
I`m waiting………………
the other obvious point is that they lump in a Polish immigrant into the report, which misses the point entirely about the rise of BNP support.
Not really……under EU rules the Pole can be a candidate and vote in local elections………….and would most likely vote BNP when looking at his neighbours
Parties much much more right-wing than the BNP do well in elections in Poland
he head of SOCA is appointed by the Home Secretary. shades of KGB???
By contrast , your Chief Constable is appointed by your local police authority.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Have you looked at your police authority recently ?
Besides as Blunkett showed – new powers give the Home Secretary (Interior Minister) power to remove Chief Constables as in Humberside
“Besides as Blunkett showed – new powers give the Home Secretary ”
ahh – but thats my point. NEW powers.
remember Paxman’s run in with Howard over a prison governor – “did you threaten to overrule him?”
that was from a time when the executive and legal process were distinct separate entities. and for good reason.
not any more.
“Not really……under EU rules the Pole can be a candidate and vote in local elections………….and would most likely vote BNP when looking at his neighbours”
indeed. very true.
an aspect which was completely missing from Paxman’s report last night.
Glad you liked him. I think he’s a good ambassador for Israel.
David Jessel of Hardtalk buzzes like an annoying gnat around a cool and dignified Efraim Halevy, ex-Mossad head.…alk/ 4875414.stm
Interesting 23 minutes.
Bryan | 18.04.06 – 5:13 pm
I too found this interesting – EH seeems to be just the sort of level-headed, fair minded type you need to head an intelligence service.
As for Jessel – not to defend him but you have to remember that he is only 12 years old and just recently failed his 11 plus.