about an Old Bailey trial. So far there have been two reports, Men ‘stored 600kg bomb material’ covering Monday and ‘Terror cell bugged’ court hears covering Tuesday (there hasn’t been a report for Wednesday yet).
Both of these reports concern what is described in one as “a British terror cell” and in the other as “an alleged British terror cell”. Leaving aside the issue of whether the accused are British or just allegedly British (or do the Beeboids mean allegedly terrorists?), what I can’t figure out, from the BBC’s reports, is what was motivating these (allegedly) British alleged terrorists to behave in the manner alleged.
The only terror group mentioned is in the context of the gang’s “600kg of a fertiliser the IRA once used”, but I haven’t heard any news of Gerry Adams claiming that Messrs. Mahmood, Akbar, Khyam, Mahmood, Amin, Garcia (also known as Rahman Adam) and Hussain are victims of a British securocrat conspiracy.
So, I’m at a loss. Do you think they could be militant plumbers, like that chap back in December?
The Ceefax page last night only mentioned the name of Garcia as one of the ‘militants’ in the fertiliser plot.
That page disguised the fact that he was a convert to the RoP – neither did it quote the more obviously ‘Islamic’ names in the gang, namly your Mahmoods, Mohammeds, Muhammads ..
I find the BBC amusing – the editors have gone overboard on the lawyers’ hedge “alleged”. I suppose they will soon be referring to News broadcasts as “Allegations on The Hour” since substantive issues are rarely reported more speculation and reading out copy prepared by PR agencies and lobby groups like FoE and Oxfam
“The BBC alleges” sounds so much better than “The BBC has learned”…………..for we all know it is unteachable
Yes, I have noticed that the BBC refuses point blank to call these maniacs “islamic terrorists” or “islamist terrorists” or “muslim terrorists”.
Instead it has chosen the formula “British terrorists”.
This is nonsense – it conjures up images of terrorists forming an orderly queue, or saying “sorry” when someone else bumps into them, or sitting down with a plate of sandwiches to watch a repeat of Fawlty Towers.
Jack Hughes,
These terrorists would be better described as Ummah terrorists rather than British.
Most of the Republican terrorsts from the IRA/ Sein Fein/ INLA etc were ‘British Terrorists’ as were virtually all of the ‘Loyalist’ terrorists from the UVF, Black hand commandoes et al.
I think the BBC is beyond redemption.
Republican terrorist, Loyalist terrorist, Islamic terrorist…all are proper descripitons.