A finger in every pie.

From the open comments thread above, this enlightening list from Ritter. His links work; for obscure Blogger/Haloscan/too-idle-to-type-them-out reasons, mine don’t. So if your life is incomplete wihout the BBC’s guidance on Lifestyle Detox, Parenting or Muslim Devotional Sounds, click on the link. As will be obvious, Ritter was replying to an earlier comment from Archduke.

Archduke – following on from your earlier post re BBC ‘actionnetwork’ – pick a subject, any subject, and the BBC can and does throw huge quantities of money at it. Some examples of the out-of-control BBC:

BBC Collective


588,000 pages

http://www.google.com/search? hl=…G=Google+Search

BBC h2g2


2,330,000 pages


BBC Teens


14,900 pages

http://www.google.com/search? hl=…G=Google+Search

What the hell has this got to do with the BBC’s charter?

BBC Celebdaq

http://www.bbc.co.uk/celebdaq/in…daq/ index.shtml

This however is where the BBC are pouring bucketloads of cash: Local content:


Thinking of starting a small website about Jersey, your local area? Why bother, the BBC has it covered:

BBC Where I Live – Jersey


Local Radio, TV, the RAC and AA all provide Travel news, but oh no, the BBC has to do it as well – more bucketloads of cash poured here:

BBC Travel


400+ pages enough for you?


BBC Climate Change

http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/ hottopic…matechaos.shtml

The BBC loves spending cash on it’s pet subjects, f*ck the licence fee payer and the charter:

BBC Africa

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcafrica/i…ica/ index.shtml

That’s 42,000 pages on BBC Africa!


Don’t forget ‘Africa Lives on the BBC’:

BBC Africa Lives on the BBC

http://www.bbc.co.uk/africalives…ves/ index.shtml

700+ pages


BBC Islam – One Life

http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/onel…ion/ islam.shtml

BBC Islam – Religion & Ethics

http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/re…lam/ index.shtml

BBC Islam – World Service

http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservic…ons/ islam.shtml

BBC In-depth – Islam Around the World

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/s…tml/ default.stm

BBC Islam – Devotional Sounds


BBC Asian Network


BBC Create


BBC Holidays


BBC First Aid


BBC Lifestyle Detox


BBC Lifestyle A-Z

http://www.bbc.co.uk/lifestyle/a…tyle/ atoz.shtml

BBC NHS (Sorry ‘Health’)


That’s 36,900 pages

http://www.google.com/search?hl=….uk%2Fhealth% 2F

or you can go here:

NHS Direct


BBC Inside Out


that’s another 10,000+ pages


BBC Keyskills


BBC Mobile

http://www.bbc.co.uk/mobile/web/…web/ index.shtml

BBC Parenting


Loadsamoney! – Fancy some of it? There are currently 91 jobs available at the BBC

Jobs at the BBC

Archduke then came up with his own list of BBC local sites. He comments, “got a website idea for your local area? dont bother – the bbc will probably steal your idea anyway and you’ll have to close down.” And Ritter responds with “more in the fun game of picking a subject, any subject and discovering that the BBC can and has thrown lots of cash at it….”, followed by another list of bijoux BBC projects.

Certain items – notably H2G2 and Inside Out – were defended by other commenters. But it’s still a very big list of very small relevance to what the BBC was set up to do. The BBC has (and enforces) the right in law to demand funding via a licence fee from any British person wishing to own a television, irrespective of whether they make any use of BBC services. Was this very considerable power, unique in any modern democracy, really given them so they could run an exam revision site?

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14 Responses to A finger in every pie.

  1. Gary Powell says:

    All very strange as the tide of the free market in this and many other countries is in the opposite direction. The state has retreated from industry almost completely. Even in education the state is having second thoughts. The current pre-school set up has been largely formulated around a PRIVATE sector solution. The government simply paying up to 80% of the private sector invoice, even for middle class couples. State socialisms personal propergander industry seems to have avoided this thinking.

    I suspect party politics has all to do with this observation/fact.

    Common sense will prevail in the end, I hope. Because their really is ultimately only one way for a free country to progress and prosper.


  2. Jay says:

    For some reason you have the link for the BBC Asian Network which is a BBC run radio station in the United Kingdom that deals with issues affecting the British Asian community, it has turned out to be quite successful hence its expansion in recent years. How has the BBC gone mad in this case? the site is very popular, relevant and serves a purpose.

    You also include the link to: “BBC Islam – Devotional Sounds”

    This is in fact a part of the BBC Asian network site and has various sections for Devotional Sounds including Sikh, Hindu and Christian but you seem to single out the Islam section, do not taint the Conservatives with Islamophobia, fascists do not have a place in our party.


  3. Grimer says:


    I have no issue with the BBC Asian Network, except it isn’t broadcast exclusively in English.

    What is that about? What are they discussing? Why do they wish to introduce an artificial barrier to non-Asian people listening to the station?

    Yet again, the BBC works against integration and understanding in the UK.


  4. musiclikedirt says:

    It comes down to a debate over whether you believe the bbc as funded by everyone should try to cater for everyone!? If it does then it has to have a broad range of output. An example being the expansion into the education market. I heard of an education company that claims it lost its business when the beeb started offering its education material, films, and books to schools.
    This is very bad for the person making money out of the school, but surely its good that out of that £12 ish that people pay a month it is now providing free education material to our schools rather than costing the school a fourtune?

    BBC Collective

    588,000 pages
    Excellent site, for young filmakers, writers, journalists etc. I use it almost daily myself.

    BBC h2g2
    Set up by the late great Douglas Adams, and entrusted to the bbc. Has lost its way somewhat with wiki’s rise

    BBC Teens

    Bad BBC providing for teenagers … boo hiss

    BBC Celebdaq
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/celebdaq/in…daq/ index.shtml
    Yeah i’ll give you this one! Should have one when the programme ended

    This however is where the BBC are pouring bucketloads of cash: Local content:

    Thinking of starting a small website about Jersey, your local area? Why bother, the BBC has it covered:
    BBC Where I Live – Jersey

    And that is a bad thing how??? The BBC has a duty to provide to everyone in the country. If youre thinking of setting up a small website about Jersey go ahead, or why not apply for job at BBC so that the local people can get your knowledge for FREE (or should I say no extra cost)

    BBC Climate Change
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/ hottopic…matechaos.shtml
    The BBC loves spending cash on it’s pet subjects, f*ck the licence fee payer and the charter:

    The charter states that it must entertain and inform. What the fuck is your problem about looking at Climate change? Perhaps your right the beeb shouldnt have the potential destruction of the planet as a pet subject.. the idiots

    BBC Africa
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcafrica/i…ica/ index.shtml

    Ewwww Black people!

    BBC Islam – One Life
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/onel…ion/ islam.shtml

    Not islam.. oh my god i’ll stop paying my fee now! Theyre giving information on islam. Apparently some islamic people pay the license fee

    BBC Asian Network

    Hugely succesful, again part of the bbc’s charter is to provide a service to all people. Asians live here, and pay license fee

    BBC Create

    You bastards BBC! Stop providing materials and encouragement for people to create films, music, scriptwrite. I am sick of your attempts to try and offer resources to aid peoples creativity.

    BBC Parenting

    Again with Cbeebies, education material to schools, CBBC, nd now a parenting website! When will the BBC stop providing great resources for my childs development,and entertainment! Please stop as I’d much rather pay more money on top of the license fee to get private companys to provide what the BBC is already doing. That way little Timmy can contribute to shareholders and chief execs flash cars rather than those pinko bastards at the beeb


  5. will says:

    musiclikedirt I’d much rather pay more money on top of the license fee

    You can pay what you want as long as I am not forced to fund the BBC.

    You don’t seem to understand the priciple of free choice or that the BBC provides nothing that requires the imposition of a compulsory levy.

    Perhaps I should also be forced to meet part of the cost of your daily guardian/Independent?


  6. musiclikedirt says:

    You dont seem to understand the principle of Public Service Broadcasting in the modern world. The BBC is the nations broadcaster paid for by the people, and therefore obligated to provide for EVERYONE.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you would get everything the bbc provides for less than £120 odd a year. Sky can cost that much in about 3 months just for football, news and some hollywood movies.

    I fully understand the concept of free choice, in the same way that some people believe that the nhs is a waste of time and that people should just pay for their own treatment, and to hell with anyone else. I happen to believe that a country is richer for having national institutions dedicated to serving all.

    If you could fund a copy of the guardian or independant that would be great 🙂 I find them very biased to the government but willing to give them another try if you recommend them so highly.

    Much as your site is compulsive reading, I do think the blinkered, and hysterical nature of some of the attacks undermine what is a valid argument. By making offensive comments for example claiming Frank Gardner couldnt care less about his cameraman being killed, you cheapen your case. There are so many faults, errors, and insane decisions at the Beeb you really shouldnt have to stoop to such raving to hit the target.



  7. Mark says:


    I would not object to the Beeb if it showed a little more balance in its worldview.

    It is its bias on political, cultural and environmental issues which has now become so blatant as to be laughable.

    Guardian / Independent good, Telegraph bad

    Country bad, suburbs boring, cities good and vibrant (plus the obligatory rap video clip complete with graffitied background)

    Buses good, private cars bad

    Christianity holds you back, secularism is a force for freedom.

    You can mock Christianity (Popetown), but treat Islam with utter respect (not a peep about Danish cartoons).

    Nuclear power stations bad, wind turbines good.

    Israelis are evil warmongers, Palestinian Muslims are lovers of peace. Why else is an AK47 the first thing that Pally chaildren are taught to draw in school ?

    Fox-hunting evil beyond belief, Halal butchery – erm, what’s the Beeb’s stance on that ? Silence.


  8. Natalie Solent says:


    I’m sure most of these sites are just fine considered in themselves. The problem is (a) who gave the BBC the right to extract money by force to do things so far from its remit? (b)As you describe in the education example, “crowding out”. Few businesses can compete with someone offering the same product for free (at the point of use, anyway). For instance grass-roots local news websites, or Asian language publications never get off the ground. All culture becomes official culture.


  9. dumbcisco says:

    A specific example of bad BBC competition.

    The BBC offers “course notes” for the science syllabus at Key Stage 2 – for 7-11 year olds .

    By comparison with other publications the notes are incomplete, scrappy and poor, in my opinion. This means the BBC is using free stuff of poor quality to drive out of the market good stuff that people have to pay for.

    “Dumbing down”.

    On the 80:20 rule that governs most activities, 80% of the millions of BBC webpages are poor tending to rubbish. A waste of space and a gross waste of our money.

    Digital technology should have been driving down the costs of TV and radio production – however the material is eventually broadcast. The BBC’s licence fee should have been falling in real terms year-on-year, not increasing.


  10. ,,, says:

    People would not object to this site if it showed a little more balance in its view of the bbc.

    It is your bias on everything todo with the bbc which has now become so blatant as to be laughable.

    Guardian / Independent good, Telegraph bad
    Hmmm They have the Telegraph sub editor bloke doing the paper reviews on n24 all the time. Quite a few of the bbc jounos wrote for papers like the times, before they were banned.
    Again you attack the bbc with no evidence, and a speciality of yours…huge bias

    Country bad, suburbs boring, cities good and vibrant (plus the obligatory rap video clip complete with graffitied background)
    See country file, endless gardening programmes, planet earth, coast (an entire series dedicated to coast line). Do any of your claims have any basis in reality?

    Buses good, private cars bad
    !Have you watched Top Gear!!!! The beeb employ Jeremy Clarkson.. a more bus hating car loving tosspot youd struggle to find. Good show though

    Christianity holds you back, secularism is a force for freedom.
    Watch Heaven & Earth show, listen to thought for the day. open your ears and your mind might follow

    You can mock Christianity (Popetown), but treat Islam with utter respect (not a peep about Danish cartoons).
    Popetown was a pilot that was never shown… please see the copious coverage of danish cartoons on all bbc outlets. The beeb showed the cartoons in the papers but did not reprint them much the same reason as it wouldnt show cartoons of God fucking kids on the 6oclock news, as it would cause offence.

    Nuclear power stations bad, wind turbines good.

    Israelis are evil warmongers, Palestinian Muslims are lovers of peace. Why else is an AK47 the first thing that Pally chaildren are taught to draw in school ?
    A recent report claimed that the bbc had a israeli bias, and the beeb was heavily critisised for it. Try watching the excllent series on the middle east peace process over 3 hour long parts, featuring every major player in the arabisraeli conflict from arafat to clinton to rabin.


  11. Mark says:


    A few more thoughts…

    Country bad, suburbs boring, cities good and vibrant (plus the obligatory rap video clip complete with graffitied background)
    See country file, endless gardening programmes, planet earth, coast (an entire series dedicated to coast line). Do any of your claims have any basis in reality ?

    Yes – there’s BBC Radio1 Xtra, which I’m forced to pay for. Even the nature programmes have a subtler bias towards the ‘global warming / green’ agenda. Have you also noticed that even gardening programmes have an annoying ‘street beat’ soundtrack instead of something more restful ?

    Guardian / Independent good, Telegraph bad
    Hmmm They have the Telegraph sub editor bloke doing the paper reviews on n24 all the time. Quite a few of the bbc jounos wrote for papers like the times, before they were banned.
    Again you attack the bbc with no evidence, and a speciality of yours…huge bias

    Where does the BBC advertise the majority of its posts ?
    Yes, the Guardian. (Surprise, surprise)

    I forgot to mention – what has become of the amoebic Dick and Dom ? There take on ‘Ask the Family’ was the crudest, nastiest and most cringe-making excuse for a TV show. I have seen a difference in behaviour between children who watch Dick & Dom and those who don’t.

    BBC Education = Dick & Dom in Da College. Heaven forbid !


  12. Anonymous says:

    All media companies advertise in the Guardian you div… it has a special edition for media jobs on a monday. itv, sky, beeb all in the grauniad. Think watching too much dick and dom has mushed your brain


  13. Mark says:


    “All media companies advertise in the Guardian you div… it has a special edition for media jobs on a monday. itv, sky, beeb all in the grauniad. Think watching too much dick and dom has mushed your brain”

    I only watched two minutes of Dick and Dom’s idiocy – that was enough for me.

    You still refuse to take your rose-tinted spectacles in your praise for the Beeb, and what’s more, you are turning to personal abuse in your defence of everything it does. True, there is still some quality material produced there, but the overall tone is pure Guardian metropolitan.

    Besides, Leftist bias begets Leftist bias as more and more media studies graduates get out of college and the likes of the Beeb have to expand to create jobs for them.


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