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The 12.43 post was me, haloscan messing up again.
The time has come, the Walrus said…
Michael Grade as BBC Chairman is in the final analysis responsible for the travesty of Sunday’s Panorama programme, for the un-checked and seditious crap that John Simpson came out with last week about Ishaqi, for the tendentious anti-US rubbish we hear all the time from Justin Webb and Matt Frei, for the Orla Guerin spite and the Caroline Hawley (stay-local) whinges about the US, for Jeremy Bowen “I am the unbiased referee, please ignore all the biased stuff I have written before”) and the for the whole damn lot of the World Service people who seem to have no SENSE, let alone sympathy, for this country’s history, who slag Britain off 24/7 in foreign accents.
It is the anniversary of D-Day. The BBC hardly gives a monkey’s. No coverage.
It is Stanley Baxter’s 80th bithday. Monkeys again. No replays of even a single one of his Christmas shows that he sweated 6 months over. GRADE was his boss, GRADE knew Baxter well.
GRADE is a wimp if he can’t get a Baxter replay. GRADE is a hasbeen, as far as I can see. 2 years in the Chair and no discernible difference.
And GRADE is a total WUSS if as Chairman of the BBC he cannot put a stop to the pro-Muslim bias on the BBC news reports
GRADE is a man of entertainment, with an innate sense of what works. A great guy. But he is NOT a suitable man to hold the ring in a clash of civilisations. He is too urbane, too metropolitan even to admit there might be a clash. When did Grade ever see Bradford, Oldham, the East End these days ?
If the BBC Director General was a journalist by background, he might be a fitting Editor-in-Chief. He is not. He seems more intent om empire-building than dealing with BBC bias.
There is no-one at the top of the BBC who appears concerned about the allegations of SYSTEMIC BIAS at the BBC. Allegations being made worldwide.
Neither the Chairman nor the D-G are from a news background.
Come back Alastair Milne or someone like that. Milne had his own views – but he could SMELL BIAS.
1.19 was me. Haloscan again
No bias at work here either, John Reith???
Absolutely amazing.
For the first time ever that I have seen in a news broadcast, a moderate Muslim slagging off a jihadi preacher, and slagging off the Saudi Wahhabi extremist message that oil money has spread round the globe.
A brave, articulate man.
When – my God when – will the BBC ever show a critic as forthright as this of the EVIL inside a slice of the Muslim community ?
When it will suit their agenda? They’re not interested in real moderate muslims.
Asad Rehman interviewed as part of a piece on the fall-out from last week’s raid in Newham.
Rehman is spokesman for a group that is “helping” those affected by the group to recover.
Rehman, an advisor to George Galloway also popped up as a spokesman for the de Menezes family and is a tireless activist for the Stop the War coalition. He is also an outspoken Islamist.
No agenda there, then.
Well done, Beeb. Thanks for letting us know.
[He appeared on Five Live recently and was introduced as a spokesman as for the de Menezes family and again, there was no full disclosure.]
I tuned in late yesterday evening to watch part of a documentary about football hooliganism, and guess who one of the commentators was ?
Billy bloody Bragg.
This smug Leftie tosser did his very best to link hooligan behaviour with the Falklands war, and hence pin the blame on the evil Thatcher government.
Bias by selectivity / omission or what ?
Who was PM when Spurs’ lunatic fringe sacked Rotterdam in 1974 ? Or when Leeds’ counterpart trashed Paris in 1975 ?
Which government effectively forced the clubs to implement all-seater stadia ?
Which party was in power during the relatively trouble-free Euro 96 tournament ? (IRA atrocity in Manchester notwithstanding – terrible structural damage, but mercifully no loss of life)
Which party was in power during Euro 2000 when a few England fans ran riot in Charleroi, Belgium ?
Was it a sketch from Smith and Jones, or was it Radio 4’s Flagship news programme?
I refer to the joke piece (around 8.10) featuring Yvonne “death to the Zionists” Ridley and some nameless multicultural inclusiveness muppet from the police. It was so bad that James Naughtie sounded like a hawk.
And on the 9am Radio 4 news Yvonne Ridley is featured (again).
Why do we have to listen to the truly nasty, divisive views of Ridley and Respect on a flagship news programme that I have to pay for when other people with equally nasty views (you know who I mean BBC) would never be given such a platform.
But the people of Britain are clearly not reacting in the Beeboid-prescribed fashion:-󜉡
Read all the top recommended messages, all from right wing racist Islamophobic fascists. BBC, when will you get out of your bubble?
Is it going to be war with between the UK population and ummah colonists?
“But while giving climbed 14%, average income among 62 of the donors studied was up 17%, while profits rose 15%.”
Good for spotting that. How many BBC watchers could say the economy in the US was doing so well? That’s the only place the information has been released, it’s all doom and gloom on the US economy, and selective reporting on France and Germany (e.g. German economy EXPECTS to grow).
Maybe the BBC were shocked at the amounts donated (whether share holder owned companies should be donating is another story).
i , briefly, switched over to Radio 4 this morning, only to hear the ranting of Yvonne Ridley.
i switched back to classic fm.
eamonn’s link above was broken. here it is corrected:
“archduke – what’s your take on the similarities between the Irish ‘troubles’ and the Londonistan ‘troubles’?”
it wasnt uncommon for the police to swoop down the Kilburn Road picking up every Irish person they could lay their hands on – no ifs, buts, whatever – you were picked up. Not to mention the internment camps in Northern Ireland.
an equivalent situation today would see the police rounding up the entire attendance at a mosque and tossing them into a camp on the isle of man.
that just isnt happening – mainly because they’ve learned their lesson from the Irish experience.
I find the bleating of Yvonne Ridley types to be utterly devoid of any historical knowledge or comparison.
it was even worse during WW2 – when all German nationals , including Jewish refugees, were rounded up and carted off to prison camps on the Isle of Man and elsewhere.
Thanks Archduke.
One thing I have noticed about DHYS is that on issues such as race relations, immigration, threat of Islamist terrorism in the UK, and pc things like flying the flag, alternative therapies etc the most recommended comments are always overwhelmingly right of centre.
Interestingly, on issues such as Iraq, Iran and the Arab/Israeli crisis, the most recommended are nearly always left of centre. An interesting dichotomy, but what is the reason I wonder?
Maybe the BBC reporter, doesn’t know his arse from his elbow. He might have written his article while in a state of shock/fear/survivor’s-guilt.
Food for thought, indeed.
I note that the issues you mention that attract rightwing recommendations are local UK ones and the leftwing are international.
Could be that the left sense that they are closer to winning hearts and minds in the international arena than they are at home.
Could also be that issues such as Iraq, Iran and Israel/Palestine are well-established as dear to the leftwing heart: imperialism, oil, the evil US, Zionist land-grabbers, innocent Palestinian freedom-fighters – you get the drift.
why does yvonne ridley get so much airtime, and yet we hear little of Ayaan Hirsi Ali?
If the current anti-terrorism action goes wrong does it become Forest Gate Gate or Forrest Gump?
Mark | 07.06.06 – 8:44 am
I think that the difference between Euro 96 and the rest is that the British Police managed Euro 96 but not the others.
I take your point re the better police handling of Euro 96. Perhaps we should have more ‘European-style’ policing now, seeing how much the BBC want us to be ‘more like Europe’?
The main thrust of my comment, though, was how Billy Bragg shamelessly put his snide political hooter in the issue, just to score cheap points against the Thatcher government.
BBC World Service is running the allegations of US CIA rendition flights and torture of detainees as its top story, every half-hour.
Why is this topline news ? It is largely speculation, not fact. They get Amnesty to join in to say it is like the Disappeared in South American regimes. All they have is unsupported assertions by jihadists and NGOs. The report’s author “feels” that something is going on. He says it is not for the CIA and European governments to prove that nothing has been happening – not for his enquiry to prove that it has.
And the BBC has been running all these rendition headlines BEFORE the report is published. The programme I am listening to has just spent 8 minutes at the top of its programme dealing with this speculation.
I don’t remember the BBC taking the line that it was up to Iraq to prove that it wasn’t planning to bring in restrictive dress codes. In fact I seem to recall that for some reason the BBC didn’t touch the story at all – even though some form of legislation is under way.
Mark | 07.06.06 – 10:56 am
I agree with the main thrust of your comment, my comment was a side-issue. I have never seen that point made before and wanted to “run it up the flagpole and see if anyone saluted it”.
I’m no admirer of billy toerag.
“Even the visiting German team has to observe strict Islamic dress codes covering all their hair, although there are no men present”
This reminds me of our cricket team to South Africa in the d’Oliviera years. The impetus was to go up against the restrictions imposed by apartheid SA (quite right too) but this item shows meek acceptance of diktats from rulers who propogate gender apartheid.
Where is Peter Hain? Where are the wimmin? We ask yet again
i , briefly, switched over to Radio 4 this morning, only to hear the ranting of Yvonne Ridley.
i switched back to classic fm.
archduke | Homepage | 07.06.06 – 9:24 am | #
Having said that, I wonder whether the BBC, do their ’cause’ no favours by having Yvonne Ridley on. It’s difficult to tell how much the tide of PC multi-culti is turning outwith the BBC bubble.
I suppose Radio4 Today producers thought the interview was ‘balanced’ having a extreme left winger on with a ‘PC’ policeman ie no right of centre voice (Naughtie had to try to fill that void!). The debate would have been better served by pitting Respect up against the BNP. Unlikely to happen on the BBC, but I could see it on Sky. This is a good example of where the ‘centre’ of the pendulum is for the BBC – not the centre but it’s quite far left. Where was the right-wing voice this morning – was a Tory not available??
I’m in reflective mood this morning, but again I wonder if the BBC actually does damage to the multi-culti PC cause by letting the likes of Ridley on the airwaves.
Let’s Respect has a hotline to the BBC newsrooms. If Yvonne Ridley asks for a platform – she usually gets it.
We’ll probably have George Galloway back on Question Time again as well.
I am still tuned in to the World Service. They ran an 8-minute slot at 11.02 on the “extraordinary rendition” story – even though the report’s author says he has no proof, just suspicions.
Surprise surprise – they are running the story again as lead item. At 11.34.
I think the BBC should put Yvonne Ridley on the TV news. Let people SEE her for the moonbat she is.
U.K. Conservatives’ Cameron Says BBC Radio Encourages Crimes
Not about this morning’s broadcast by Ridley though, but should be.
Why do the BBC give a platform to those who incite others to break the law?
BBC hires its own cultural watchdog
“Jana Bennett, the BBC’s director of television, said that the move was to “put audiences at the heart of what we do”. She added: “To meet audiences’ expectations in a changing world, we need our programmes to reflect fully and accurately the diversity of the UK population.”
Great, so we can expect Question Time to increase the non-muslim proportion of the studio audience to accurately reflect the diversity of the UK population ie the many other demoninations, faiths and no faiths as opposed to the ‘special’ programmes where muslim voices are currently over-represented?
BBC & the Guardian: Lefties take Manhattan!
Why would The Guardian call the BBC leftie? – Don’t they know the BBC is ‘impartial’?
BBC made to wait on licence fee,,1792171,00.html
“The culture secretary, Tessa Jowell, said last night that a final decision on the BBC licence fee from April next year, under the corporation’s new charter, would be made “towards the end of the year”.
Ms Jowell’s comment suggests that licence fee negotiations with the BBC will not be completed until the autumn – scotching speculation that a deal might be concluded before parliament goes into summer recess next month.”
Handy for Jowell – That’s many more months ‘kid-gloves’ treatment from the Beeb for her and her husband Mills.
BBC Sport shuts down football message boards:
BBC Complaints: 606 football message boards
You and BBC Sport now and in the future
Crikey! You don’t see this every day, the BBC invoking the Graf report to justify shutting down a service! Seems like they couldn’t hack the moderation any more. Obviously the BBC like to tell you what is happening – they don’t want your opinion on it!
Hmmm will BBC News (D)HYS be next?……
Here’s something of interest.
I submitted a comment (under a psudonym) to (D)HYS on the rendition flights. The comment has been published, but interestingly the part of my message that criticised the BBC for giving unproven facts such prominence (lead story on the International News Page and near top of Home News Page) has been edited out!
Now, now BBC, either publish my message in full or don’t publish it, but don’t you dare edit it.
Oh , and while we are at it BBC, how about responding to the one and only official complaint that I have ever sent to you some time ago? You take my money under threat, so the least you could do is respond to an official complaint. Even an acknowledgement would be something.
Just switched on World at One.
Outside of Yvonne Ridley sycophants, Shami and her “Selective Liberty” mates, and the BBC newsroom, who else (i.e. of the other 99% of the population) is remotely interested in this?
As well as leading all its World services reports with the SPECULATIVE rendition report, not yet published to be critiqued, the BBC are now running it on World at One. Interviewing all on one side, of course. The item now being discussed FAILED to mention by way of introduction the fact that the Prime Minister has just slapped the report down as showing nothing concrete.
That’s brilliant. Some damn Swiss MP is now providing the BBC’s headlines and material. But we can’t see the report being discussed – being PUSHED by the BBC. All part of their snotty tone of “Europe is better than the US”.
I also sent a comment in asking why the US/UK get charged tried and found guilty with as the Swiss bloke AND a separate EU enquiry both admit NO EVIDENCE!
The comments that are saying similar things about “why publish this rubbish when there is no proof” have all got 34-46 recommendations but have all mysteriously been moved back to page 2 and even when you click on most popular the anti US comments are at the top despite having only 1 or 3 recommendations…..
Must be having technical problems again chaps!
It would like saying Cherie Blair killed Humphrey the Downing Street cat with no proof! Then again….
This story could be easily applied to the methods of John Simpson – inflating to headline news unproven allegations as a sort of smear of ALL the US troops.
Never ever do we see the BBC acknowledging that US and British troops in Iraq are on patrol in great danger that is compounded by their rules of engagement which often mean they take extra risks with their lives to avoid innocent civilian casualties.
The BBC would rather splash a story based on stuff fed by our enemies than give a fair picture of what is happening in Iraq.
Our old friend Bilal Patel has been busy again.
For those new to Biased-BBC, Bilal was one of the BBC’s favoured commenters, using the old style Have Your Say. No matter how rabid or biggoted his views, he’d always get his comments posted by the BBC.
Bilal Patel:
Mad Mel [Melanie Phillips] is just another old poisonous Jew. That’s right – she’s old, she’s poisonous, and she’s a Jew. Plenty of them around. As for Muslim youth, they should be encouraged to ignore old poisonous Jews (because they keep on repeating the most boring lies ever) and concentrate their fire on the Police. Certainly the community as a whole should not forget this incident and should push for the Police to explain themselves. We should push for nothing less than the disclosure of the grass who nearly caused the death of another innocent young man. And until this is done, there should be no cooperation with any so-called security services. The police are now part of the problem and the enemy.
I think we can all see why the BBC loved his input.
dumbcisco | 07.06.06 – 1:32 pm
Actually, later in the prog Shaun Ley did allude to there being no real evidence.
However, that ws only to discomfit a Conservative MP who was taking an interest in the subject.
So has John Simpson done a Cronkite and declared the Iraq War “officially” lost?
BBC News at Ten and Newsnight. 06/06/06
“In any war, there is a tipping point. A moment
when it is too late to change the inevitable outcome. Has the tipping point come for Iraq?… Maybe, we will look back to June 2006 as the time when the Americans and their Allies knew that it was a war that they could no longer win.”
(Initially, Cronkite was something of a hawk on the Vietnam War. However, returning from Vietnam after the Tet offensive Cronkite addressed his massive audience with a different perspective. “It seems now more certain than ever,” he said, “that the bloody experience of Vietnam is a stalemate.” He then urged the government to open negotiations with the North Vietnamese.)
Can we now expect Simpson to urge the new Iraqi government to embark on negotiations with Al-Qaida and the remnants of the Ba’athist regime in order to secure “peace with honour”?
Our old friend Bilal Patel has been busy again.
As the BBC could stop him commenting and block his IP address one can only assume they think its comments are acceptable.
The Tet Offensive was a disaster for the Viet Cong (except for the traitor media aspect).
I’m not sure what will happen to the traitor media in the Internet age, but I think they will end up like that US traitor John Kerry. Namely laughed at.
‘Neither the Chairman nor the D-G are from a news background.’
inaccurate as usual.
Mark Thompson: BBC News trainee. Newsnight Producer. Editor, Nine-O’clock News. Editor, Panorama.
Steve E,
I recorded that report by Simpson. I uploaded it to You Tube last night, and forgot to mention it earlier.
See the ‘Liberator of Kabul’, the ‘BBC’s Finest’, ‘Everybody’s Hero’ Joooooohn Simpson…….
You forgot to mention the Bison. The Canadians have about thirty or so in Kabul.