An agency set up to seize criminals’ assets has cost taxpayers around £60m despite only recovering just over £8m from law breakers since 2003.
The Asset Recovery Agency was set up to tackle organised crime. It was meant to raise enough cash to cover its budget.
Tory Grant Shapps obtained figures from the Home Office showing in the ARA cost four times what it recovered in 2005.
Presumably they mean Conservative MP Grant Shapps, or even Tory MP Grant Shapps, rather than the sneering pejorative style ‘Tory’ prefix used by lefties everywhere.
Those at the coalface in the BBC are perfectly aware that “Tory” is a pejorative term. I have heard the Today presenters quip about the fact that “we mustn’t refer to them as the Tories anymore” when in fact, the BBC refers to Conservatives, on the whole in no other way.
This is crazy
go to
Ah, but how do you know if he is Grant Shapps, the Tory MP? It doesn’t say that he is.
This could be a different Grant Shapps. He might be a Tory councillor or just a common or garden Tory scumbag.
The person in question might also be called Tory Grant Shapps – Victoria is frequently shortened to Tori or Tory.
In which case, we should congratulate Ms Shapps for obtaining this information.