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The BBC no doubt takes the line that Palestinians are just the same as Westerners. Therefore, if they ‘honour’-kill their women and if rape is endemic it can’t be due to any inherent deficiency in the Palestinians themselves and in their culture but must be due to outside influences. This is always the lunatic left’s defence of the indefensible.
So there are always Israelis to blame or Westerners reluctant to continue pouring money into a terrorist nest.
A few years ago one of the World Service’s staff was in South Africa to ‘investigate’ the rape of babies. I recall her commenting on this horrific issue to an interviewee as if she were discussing the weather.
The BBC is brimful of leftwing feminists. Their silence on these issues is shameful. But that’s what happens whenever there’s an opportunity to expose the evil done to women and young girls by ‘men’ within the BBC’s favoured black South African and Palestinian communities.
The BBC habitually distorts and hides the truth to avoid casting them in a bad light.