on active service in Afghanistan, the fourth and fifth such deaths in the course of a week. Their deaths were reported as the second item on this evening’s BBC Ten O’Clock News bulletin. What story was judged by the BBC as being more important than the sacrifice of two British soldiers?
Yes, you’ve guessed it – the BBC’s fifteen minute long Ten O’Clock News programme was led by a full five minutes on the resignation of David Beckham as Captain of the England football team, with filmed pieces about the return of the squad (oh look, an aeroplane landing), the disappointment of Sven Goran Eriksson and an obituary style review of David Beckham’s time as captain, “those legendary free kicks”, and so on, even though Beckham has made it clear that he’s staying on as an England player.
The Beckham story is a big story – a big sports story – but it shouldn’t have led the Ten O’Clock News on any but the slowest of news days, and certainly not on a day with sad news like today. It’s not as if England’s football disappointment wasn’t fully covered yesterday, over and above the deaths of sixty people in a Baghdad bombing.
The producers of the Ten O’Clock News should be ashamed of their choice this evening – the British Broadcasting Corporation should know better.
some thoughts for tomorrow. But I expect the BBC will be out there looking for tales of Islamophobia :
As posted above, this poster http://www.alghurabaa.co.uk/image/values_final.gif is just begging to be photo shopped.
Anyone care to oblige?
This blog fisks a BBC report on murders in south Thailand.
The Thai person who made a comment at 11.04pm last night, 4 July, is worth reading. He really takes the BBC to task.
We have a radio show here in the states that does a simulcast with our Al Rantel and your Mike Mendoza. They take calls both from the US and the UK and it is some of the most interesting radio I’ve ever heard. It plays at 8pm here in California which would make it 4am for you. Definitely worth a listen.
Another crude, home-made (D)HYS on the Beeb website: http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?sortBy=2&threadID=2416&edition=1&ttl=20060705194218&#paginator
Loads of moonbats on there again. For example:
“I’m sorry, did I hear correctly?
I choked on my cornflakes when I heard Condaleeza Rice describe N Korea’s action as ‘provocative’.
Provocative?! What exactly, then, is invading Afghanistan, Iraq, support of Israel…
Mind blowing.
Gus, Norwich”
Shouldn’t you be eating porridge instead of these imperialist Cornflakes, Gus???
This one is even better:
“It is not anti-Americanism to attack US foreign policy and it is not anti-Semitism to attack Israel’s thievery. Only America has dropped nuclear bombs on the heads of women and children. Only Israel is allowed to annex other people’s land. These 2 countries are a real ‘axis of evil’ and if that offends some readers on this forum then tough!
Caroline, Aldershot”
I wonder if her surname is Hawley!
Great link, I recommend all have a read of it. It really shows how dangerous the Beboid world view can be. Rather than bringing the worlds attention to massive human rights abuses, it covers them up just because the perpetrators belong to the religion of peace. Just imagine if it was the US or UK troops perpetrating these abuses, do you think the BBC would still be covering up.
In countries around the world Islamic extremists are involved in bloody terrorism, but where is the in depth BBC series examining the threat. the BBC really need to wake up and spot the enormous radical Islamic elephant in the room. By not shining a light on the aims and methods of these groups the BBC is complicit in their acts.
Hilarious ‘Why N Korea is up sh*t creek without paddle’ piece – but not a single mention of the c (for communism) word.
Of course the BBC did not use the T word once in that article about terrorism in south Thailand :
nick robinson has a go at the blogs
the comments are worth reading – and bear in mind that these are the ones that got back the BBC censors.
for those you wondering where the recent round of internet “gossip” about Prescott started, its here:
“You can tell it is a big story because Nick Robinson is ignoring it – the Beeb knows this could be fatal for Prezza.”
aack – cut and paste error.
nick robinson’s blogpost is actually here:
Notice that Nick Robinson takes a swipe at the Swift Boat Vets who he says were “used” against Kerry.
They were not “used”. They (250 of them, including all who commanded Kerry in Vietnam) set themselves up, made their own press statements, made and raised funds for their own ads. For the most part the mainstream papers and TV channels tried to ignore them, and Bush’s campaign had no connection with them. (The BBC steered well clear of them too – as part of its wishing on the Kerry campaign)
But their message was their truth about Ketty’s military service and his lies when he left, and their truth won through.
stoatman (7.07pm above):
took a bit of searching , but i found this photoshopped version:
today’s Moral Maze (BBC4) was surprisinglyand refreshingly interesting and relatively balanced. Subject Muslims views/attitudes, who is to blame etc. worth listening.
not sure if anyone seen this comment on (D)HYS
Added: Wednesday, 5 July, 2006, 20:08 GMT 21:08 UK
Britain has got what it asked for. Your military go invade other peoples countries with no respect for them. So you get a retaliation that is all. You do not respect other nations. Your army are racists and you killed Iraq people and your generals were indifferent to the people lives. Do you even think that we in Europe feel sorry for you now? You live by war so take it back for a change. Police the world at your own peril.
JB, Serbia
Recommended by 0 people
but do you think i would get the same published calling the serb army or any muslim army racist. Never mind the tone of the whole message on the anniversary of the london bombings. Disgusting but typical bbc.
A shocking story:
I looked for the story on the BBC and…lo!…I found it.
And the BBC’s article tells it like it is, with no omissions, obfuscation or piss-poor euphemisms:
“The soldier was the sixth British serviceman to die in the country in a month. The clash came as U.S.-led coalition forces pressed on with their hunt for Taliban fighters in the south, killing 35 suspected militants during a raid late Tuesday in the village of Gujdar in Helmand province, the military said in a statement.”
So, we won that clash, 35-1
By any stretch of the imagination, that would classify as a military victory.
This isnt mentioned here:
oh – and the ten o’clock news lead with the British soldier being killed.
zero mention that we killed 35 of the enemy.
I just tried posting a comment on BBC HYS forum. I included the word ‘dhimmi’ which I believe is a factual word used to describe ‘protected 2nd class status of non-Muslims in Muslim lands. The comment could not be posted because apparently ‘dhimmi’is classed as a ‘racist’ word on the HYS forum. I know this because I exchanged this word only and reposted my message which was then accepted. It would seem that the BBC really is trying to crush free speech by stopping people from knowing the truth about the ROP.
yup – i can confirm it. “dhimmi” is deemed to be offensive.
screengrab in just a moment.
Try an alternative spelling, such as ‘zimmi’.
That will confuse those censorious numpties.
It is a perfectly acceptable, mainstream word. A dhimmi is an institutionalised victim, for Darwin’s sake.
Its scary that they would block a word with religious meaning. It would be like blocking the word ‘zionist’ which is a political term but has been twisted and is now used by zeboids to covertly insult Jews. But they would never ban zionist as it is probably the most common slur word in the BBC offices.
Can someone please post the HYS link?
Tks in advance.
this one
“Just my little tease. Knew you’d bite.”
No problem, John Reith; I knew you were being fake but accurate.
You see guys the thing is you can have a go at Reith, and some lurkers or even me might think you have a point this time (sorry JR!). And then someone posts this.
Here’s my suggestion for a motto for the EU:
Arbeid Macht Frei
I hope i spelt that correctly.
Well no you didn’t. And what on earth made you think it was something you should post at all?
I’ve been spotting lots of the original posters around Bethnal Green recently.
Jihadists have been sticking them onto traffic lights (obscuring the lamps – way to go retards).
What are the chances of the BBC do a piece of investigative journalism into the people behind the campaign? If the BNP were plastering posters espousing the opposing view, how long would it take the BBC to put that as the main news story on their website?
Now you ain’t gonna believe this.
I would have lost money if I had placed a bet on the BBC not removing the comment below from HYS:
What are your views on the Israeli action in Gaza?
Added: Tuesday, 4 July, 2006, 14:13 GMT 15:13 UK
Once again the Israelis look stupid! Blowing up half of Gaza because a soldier got kidnapped is what we’ve come to know and love about Israel.
Can’t we let the Iranians develop the bomb then we can get rid of both Palastine and Israel for the cost of cheap air fare!
dontmoderateme, London
Looks like they did moderate him, because the comment ain’t there no more – at least not in the 15:13 UK slot.
Took them a while, though.
Still it’s good to see signs of intelligent life among the HYS team. And fair play.
Hmmm, on the BBC News front page, I saw the following link, blinked, and then looked again:
Calm under fire
Ashkelon residents undaunted by first rocket attack
Positive, unjudgemental reporting on Israel from the BBC?
Not really. It’s an article by the awful Martin Patience:
He somehow seems to think that people still need to be told what a Kassam is after the BBC has been ramming them down our throats for months:
A Qassam – a crude home-made rocket – fired from Gaza landed in the grounds of the Ronson High School on Tuesday night, burrowing into the car park’s red paving.
He almost makes it sound like a wayward bat that came flying over, turned into a mole on landing and started burrowing to get away from the Israelis.
I wonder if it exploded. I don’t think the BBC has ever mentioned the fact that these things explode.
“Still it’s good to see signs of intelligent life among the HYS team. And fair play.” – Bryan
The probably took it off because it talked about getting rid of their beloved Palestinians.
Well no you didn’t. And what on earth made you think it was something you should post at all?
Alan (the other one) | 05.07.06 – 11:01 pm | #
The entire, and in my view entirely nessacary point of such a post is to alert readers to the fact that Authoritarian Socialism (or, if you like National Socialism) will lead Europe back into the dark days of slaughter and wars of succession. That is the inevitable outcome of the EU (Socialism writ large). If you cannot see that, Read the US declaration of Independence, the bill of rights and Martin Luther Kings “I have a Dream” speech (“This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with a new meaning “My country ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim’s pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring.” )
and then read the European Constitution and weep. Weep for what might have been, weep for those who have fallen in vain for this louche continent, weep and feel the weight of the dead hand of socialism.
“Arbeid Macht Frei” was a brave post.
…………..and Gordon-bennett is a brave poster.
I’ve managed to unearth a picture of a Kassam rocket: http://www.eurocosm.com/Application/images/Toys/water-rocket-lg.jpg
The Beeb are correct. It’s crude, probably home-made, plastic and … wait for it … a water-rocket!
disillusioned german i always thought Kassams were crude but this is more like it it has baking soda and vinegar much more like the “crude “totally harmless pali rockets
and like it says its classic backyard stuff just like the palis.Just imagine that vinegar in your eyes.
Mmmmm, the BBC never mention the baking soda or vinegar…maybe it’s Balsamic vinegar and they are worried about offending someone.
You’re referring to the Kassam II, Billy!
Now you ain’t gonna believe this.
I would have lost money if I had placed a bet on the BBC not removing the comment below from HYS:
Maybe we weren’t the only ones to complain.
There are still plenty of ill-informed (thanks to the BBC!) comments:
Added: Tuesday, 4 July, 2006, 13:46 GMT 14:46 UK
It’s disappointing to see the unbalanced reporting of this affair by the BBC. The Israeli army has indeed blown up half of Gaza, killing scores of people including women and children. One Israeli soldier – not a civilian – has been captured, and the numerous photograph album shots create a martyr of Gilad Shalit before he has even died. Is the life of an Israeli worth more than the lives of those scores of Palestinians?
Paul Levy
Recommended by 36 people
“killing scores of people including women and children”?
Meanwhile “The Editors” blog surprisingly still allows criticism:
148. At 01:24 PM on 05 Jul 2006, Guy wrote:
And again this morning: does any BBC editor want to explain why the headline around the story of Hamas firing a new longer range missile into the centre of a major Israeli town, is “Israel mulls city attack response”. What’s wrong with “Hamas fires long-range missile into major Israeli city” ? Somebody made a choice to make the Palestinian side passive and the Israeli side active; this seems to be the norm for all BBC headlines on this issue.
Before I begin my latest fisking, I want to bring up a few points.
1) Thanks to archduke for bringing up the point about Cpl Shalid spending company with senior hamas ‘militants’.
I assume that the BBC thinks that after he was ‘led away’ he had an appointment to afternoon tea in the company of militants. A selection of Twinings tea, pastries, and crustless cucumber sandwiches were served.
2) I hate to bring it up but most people who are “anti-war” are really “other side”.
City’s residents defiant after attack
Wednesday, 5 July 2006, 17:45 GMT 18:45 UK
“Pointing at the shallow crater in the school car park, principal Timora Shiri says her city, Ashkelon, has become the new frontline for Palestinian rocket attacks.”
What the BBC isn’t showing you, is the common photo of the crater that the rocket bomb made.
The rocket hit a surface of laid brick on sand, and created a ~60cm crater. Brick is a very hard surface which reflects much of the energy of the explosive, the sand underneath it absorbs and dissapates energy very well.
This was a very powerful bomb which would do alot more damage if it hit anything other than laid brick.
“A Qassam – a crude home-made rocket”
There we go again. A rocket than can travel 15km with a sizeable warhead of 1-3kg of explosive is not crude. That would be quite acceptable for a rocket in WWII or WWI.
“Ms Shiri says rocket attacks are part of Israeli life.”
Note the unflattering photo-portrait of Dep Mayor Shiri. Taken from below face level with the sun in her eyes. It makes her look sinister.
“Like many Israelis, Mr Max believes there is only one solution for tackling the Palestinian rocket attacks.
“The army has to go in and take out the terrorists and destroy all the places where they are firing the rockets from,” he says.”
Which so elegently leaves unsaid the idea there is an other different solution.
Not a single thing in the article implies that the citizens are defiant. All of the quotes suggest resignation to a fate of living under a constant hail of rocket attacks.
Why dreams must die if peace is to come
Wednesday, 5 July 2006, 19:08 GMT 20:08 UK
“When it comes to the Palestinians and the Israelis, it is usually a tale of two stories.”
Two competing meta-narratives both equally valid. If only Derrida worked for the BBC.
“When it is not a tale of two stories, it is a tale of more than two, when one side cannot even agree with its confreres what is happening. For people who live under the same sun and breathe the same air, empathy is a foreign land.”
You lose points for using the french words “confreres” and for using flowery language to disguise a poverty of thought.
“The Israelis and Palestinians are levelling the same accusations against each other, accusing each other of terrorism and oppression. Both believe that they are acting in self defence.”
Please explain how an attack on an army base inside of Israel, in which two soldiers are killed and one is kidnapped is “acting in self defence”.
It’s an Act of war.
“Forget whether one version is true and the other false. The important thing is that the people who hold these views believe that they are true, and their leaders make decisions based on them.”
Post-modernist rubbish. If we ignore the truth (or even the search for truth), then of course we are free to spout nonsense and believe in it as well.
“Maybe that is entirely reasonable. After all, there is no political process of any sort between the Palestinians and Israel, and to talk of a “peace process” is a bad joke.”
Just because there is no current political process does not mean that we can abandon reason and rationality.
“Ehud Olmert, an experienced Israeli politician who is still low down on the learning curve of being a prime minister, has fallen back on traditional responses to a security crisis with the Palestinians.”
No he is not “low down on the learning curve”, he was vice PM under Sharon, and before than Mayor of Jerusalem.
“Mr Haniyeh is in a particularly uncomfortable position. Unless Hamas put down their guns [at present highly unlikely] and release their prisoner [very unlikely without the release of Palestinian prisoners] he could end up being killed by Israel, like other Hamas leaders.”
He should have thought about that before taking up the gun. His increased risk of death is purely by his own hand. If Hamas did not kidnap the soldier, the current situation would not exist.
“But he argues that the Palestinians did not start this crisis; that Israel has used its power recklessly in Gaza in the last few months, without regard for the lives of Palestinians.
This is the first big armed crisis since Palestinians voted Hamas into power last January.”
A quick bit of slight of mind. Do you care to remember all the rocket attacks on israel that went on since Hamas was elected? Alot of those rockets are fired by the “military wing” of Hamas.
But the only way the BBC can put the palestinians in a rosy light, is by trying to create moral equivalence where there is none.
“After the Oslo peace process started in 1993, Fatah had an ambivalent attitude to the armed struggle.”
Evidence for this assertion?
“Hamas does not have that problem. It has a political strategy, and until recently it was on a long ceasefire,”
Who had a long ceasefire. The “unarmed” political wing of Hamas or the armed “military wing” of Hamas.
Who was it that fired all those crude, clumsy rockets into Israel, during the ceasefire?
“but it has never promised to put down its weapons. So now it is using them, and will fight as Israel pushes further into the Gaza Strip.”
Jeremy Bowen implies that hamas ever stopped using its weapons. That is false, and he is intellectually dishonest by claiming that it is so.
“The most important lesson for Israel is that force does not work.”
Really? I assume that there were non-violent solutions to the 1948, 1967, and 1973 wars along with Entebbe and the Osirak Reactor.
“It can deliver some tactical advantages. The assassination of many of the leaders of Hamas, for example, was a severe blow to the movement. But did it kill it? Not even slightly.”
Yes it did do alot of damage. By killing the best and the brightest, you cripple hamas’ operations.
“To do that they will both have to recognise that peace has a price. Up to now, in all the years of negotiations, neither side has been prepared to pay what is needed in lost dreams and hard choices.”
Perhaps Jeremy Bowen should change jobs to hanging wallpaper or fixing broken records.
Thursday, 6 July 2006, 00:39 GMT
Israel tanks enter northern Gaza
“The rocket from the Gaza Strip landed harmlessly in a green space though some people were treated for shock.”
Shock is not harmless.
“Shock is a serious medical condition where the tissue perfusion is insufficient to meet the required supply of oxygen and nutrients. This hypoperfusional state is a life-threatening medical emergency and one of the leading causes of death in a critically ill person.”
An attack which causes several people to go into a medical emergency is not “harmless” or even “mostly harmless”
“Israel has been raiding Gaza since the capture of a soldier on 25 June.”
Loaded word alert. “raiding”.
“Nobody was hurt in Tuesday’s rocket attack, claimed by the military wing of Hamas, the Islamist organisation governing the Palestinian territories since the January election.”
I hereby award the BBC 14/6d for truthfully describing the underlying situation with detail and honesty. Well done BBC.
Socialism Is Necrotizing | 05.07.06 – 11:52 pm
Thanks for that and of course your analysis is correct.
One other idea I had in mind was the Orwellian labelling. Ministry of Peace is in fact the Ministry of War, and so on.
It’s rather like calling public spending “investment” and not “taxation”. See the nulab book of deceit.
I think the hypocrisy of the AMF motto on the camp gates was that however much the victims worked they would never be set free (except by being murdered).
Similarly, eurocrats never let on to the public what the long term plan is (the captivation of all Europeans) but work towards that goal by stealth.
Read the EU Referendum blog for how the EU is sucking nulab into European Defence Plans with the ulterior motive of splitting us from the US by making our defence equipment compatible with EU and incompatible with the US, thus leading to the end of the “Special Relationship”.
What other reason is there for developing an EU version of the GPS system but to be independent of the US and therefore a further step on the way to disengagement from the US?
This is the opposite to what a sensible organisation should be doing. I think it arises from the apparent long held inferiority complex of the French who masterminded this crap from the beginning. They know they have no chance of being the big cheese in any organisation which includes the US.
Market Participant | Homepage | 06.07.06 – 2:20 am
Good fisking, but needs some formatting tags to clarify it.
Interesting that Olmert is damned as inexperienced (although you more than adequately rebutted that) but the Hamas leader, who has no experience at all, is not denigrated. The usual unevenhandedness.
Fox News’ Greta van Susteren is in London for the next couple of days and is featuring the 7/7 bombings including interviews with survivors. No Beeb style pc crap there. Quote: “Murderous terrorists”. If you’re still awake at 2 am check it out.
Here’s a link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,201920,00.html
Hey pounce keep your chin up. Just wanted to let you know you are not the only one on the board who has suffered because of the religion of plumbers.
Keep on keepin’ on.
We really should set up a BBS system. which would allow for nice formatting and also a good split of topics.
So much of the problems of the BBC are related to its promulgation of IngSoc.
On a philosophical level the BBC’s biased reporting and stealth editing is an assault on the deepest values of truth and memory. Which is precisely what the Party in 1984 tried to destroy.
Market Participant 06.07.06 – 2:20 am,
“It can deliver some tactical advantages. The assassination of many of the leaders of Hamas, for example, was a severe blow to the movement. But did it kill it? Not even slightly.“
Quite apart from being a propagandist for terror, Bowen is a lousy writer. I didn’t know until now that something could be killed slightly. He could also use a course in logic: a severe blow had no effect on Hamas?
I love this heartbreaking headline this morning…
“Bomber’s father tells of anguish”
“The father of London bomber Hasib Hussain has said he could not believe his son was capable of the attack.”
More of this Dhimmi bullshit at