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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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“just curious as to what people think of the UK newspaper The Independent?”
beyond the pale.
“Cry havoc – and let slips the dogs of war”
Since when did people think that military retaliation by Israel would be bloodless ?
Utterly naive of anyone to think such nonsense. Must be Robert Fisk readers, and followers of Feargal Cry-Me-A-River Keane.
Sentimentality is NOT journalism. How much is it costing to keep Keane on the road ? Why ?
Context dumbcisco, context!
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice
Cry ‘Havoc,’ and let slip the dogs of war..
(Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare.)
I rather doubt the IDF would welcome your casting them in this particular role.
I don’t need you to teach me Shakespeare, thank you.
Come to think of it, I don’t need you – period. Your comments are mostly otiose.
cheap shot. You can do better.
and the bloodthirtsty killer of an infant is the main prisoner whom Hezbollah want released.
We will probably have to wait for a month of Sundays before reith comments on why the BBC stealth-deited the details of his heinous crime out of their report.
All you need is cheap shots Reith…you are a propagandist liar….
Nuff Said mate…….
can we calm down please on the personalised virtual custard pie fights?
if you dont mind chaps. thanks.
do want me to come round and mow your lawn for free too?
Why not write to them and ask?
You don’t see the BBC stealth-edit as a clear example of bias ? Softening the image of a terrorist ?
Reith……are you Racist against Jews?
How does it feel to be the “New Nazis” of the 21st Centuary?
the world is watching you take sides with Islam, against the Jews…just like Hitler did…….the whole world is watching you Reith……the BBC is being watched……watching you spread lies and racist filth……
You are working for a racist organisation that spreads race hate propaganda…….
Your place in history will be along side the other racists and fascists of the world…..and you know it too. lol.
…….If it seems like we are looking down our noses at you, it’s because we are you superiors in every way, and we understand your world, better than you do….like a father knows better than the bay crawling on all fours………..intellectualy, and on a humanitarian level too, your “betters”…….you are the one who supports Terrorists who deliberatley target schools and resturants with human bombs… have blood on your hands…..the blood of Jews and Muslims who you encrourage to fight…
You are on the losing side my sad little friend……just like the Nazis and Communist racists before you, who had far more power than the BBC ever had…… will lose too….
You should have stuck to making rubbish soaps that entertain Chavs…..thats about your level….but now that you have stuck your head into world affairs and “taken sides” against the Jews, don’t be surprised when it gets shot off…..
I think the BBC is going to get a lesson in real power……as the leaders of Israel and the USA and Britian, just continue to ignore you…..becasue in fact, you are powerless little TV comapny in a fading little country that had it;s day 200 years ago……..and who the world, increasingly ignores, as just being a podle to Muslims……….lol.
Or put it this way….is the BBCs reputation getting better??
I can confirm what pounce writes about CBBC interviewing the children about Lebanon.
They interviewed 2 children who had just been evacuated – and strangely interviewed a 3rd child who had stayed in the UK all the time. Bizarre – he had nothing relevant to say.
They did “promise” to interview some Israeli children “later in the week”.
I asked my eldest daughter (8) about the middle east violence. “Who started it ?”. She says the Israelis started it. This is only based on watching NewsRound on CBBC.
That funny picture really should say that my eldest daughter is eight.
What if what you call the ‘stealth-edit’ was a straightforward correction.. i.e. someone had discovered the gruesome details were either not true after all….or perhaps could not be sourced to a reliable news provider and therfore had only the status of gossip?
I know nothing about this story. But the above could be a perfectly innocent explanation.
Best way to find out is to write and ask.
Anonymous | 27.07.06 – 8:22 pm |
Is that Gary Powell back trying to beat Andrew’s electronic censor? Or is there more than one of you out there? One for the collection anyway.
Don’t you think it would be nice if Al-Beeb checked, THEIR OWN SOURCES~??????
lol… ๐
Or is that too much to ask??
When we do it, you just look a bleeding fool……thats the thing……in the old days, when communication was one could get away with the lies…..but now, with the net…we can all check up on you….and see you lacking…….slack, amature.
In fact, it’s really really obvious….lol.
So quick to shout out Pali Propaganda……..even when it is prooven wrong time and time again……and so quiet in your “corrections” once the racist damage has been done….
But we all see you doing it….you think you are invisible, when in fact, your every lie and edit is being preserved for all eternity…..thanks to the net, and like the Nazi times, and dedicated small band of honest people, who take great risk to report against your vile warped propaganda…..
Still….carry on…….for those of us wishing to see an end to the BBC….your current actions bring that day much closer…..
Please…carry on supporting Muslim terrorists……see where it gets you.
I notice the BBC is losing 1 Million viewers a year, and is currently posting its worst EVER ratings for its flagship productions…
People are turning off Al-Beeb in their millions….
Spin your way out of that…..
“someone had discovered the gruesome details were either not true after all….or perhaps could not be sourced to a reliable news provider and therfore had only the status of gossip?”
well, ok. maybe not that.
how about , the washington post?¬Found=true
anonymous -> can you kindly calm down, and keep the emotions under control.
turning this board into a rantingfest will do none of us any good, nor will it further the cause of B-BBC.
thank you.
“Context dumbcisco, context!”
Good point Mr Reith (Well I can’t call you just john with Mr Stone around can I)
Israel pulled out of Gaza last year.
Since then all Hamas has done is launch attack upon attack on Israel.
Why? Shouldn’t they be trying to do something with their lives like rebuilding their economy?
Israel pulled out of Lebanon in 2000
Since than all Hezbollah has done is launch attack upon attack on Israel.
Why? Shouldn’t they have been disarmed by the international community as written down by the UN. The simple fact that they have huge stocks of rockets kind of says to me that they wanted this bun fight more than the Israeli. Last November they tried to precipitate an IDF response in which to play the victim card. Last month they succeeded. By positioning their military infrastructure amongst the civilian population they are the ones who are to blame for any unnecessary deaths caused by Israeli retaliatory strikes.
You mentioned context. Well if you took your own advice you would see that actual fact appears to be over ridden by raw emotion and propaganda and that context has been sidelined by the vast majority of the worlds media.
on reflection, i think the stealth edit of Samir Kuntar is warranted , if one takes account of the context of the article.
its by Paul Reynolds – one of the better BBC hacks, in my estimation. And clearly the article is written in a cool , unemotional tone. This is something we can all welcome. No Feargal “cry me a river” Keane stuff there.
if you look the wiki discussion page, it is clearly a highly charged and emotional
so, to insert the details of Samir Kuntar’s crimes within that Paul Reynolds article merely distracts from the overall content – it would just stick out like a sore thumb.
HOWEVER – if Samir Kuntar is going to be released as part of a prisoner exchange, then YES, the full details of his crimes should indeed be mentioned by the BBC.
in this case, Mr Reith has a point, i’m afraid.
The “context” for Lebanon has been the abysmal failure of the UN.
Interesting headline from your Washington Post link
“The World Should Know What He Did to My Family”
yet what do the BBC do? Stealth edit a piece to prevent the world knowing just how evil he is.
You must be so proud JR
actually, reading Mr Reynolds article again, it is clear that he’s trying to do the “stand back, take a deep breath, and look at the wider geopolitical aspect” sort of writing.
again, a development i welcome.
i swear, if i see more of “cry me a river” i’m going to rearrange some childrens toys amongst some rubble, and do a report from it, whilst crying. (not a pretty sight, i can tell you!)
mr reynold’s contribution is to be welcomed. this is the sort of “big” thinking that we need on an increasingly hysterical BBC news.
(anyone remember “israel kills lebanese civilians” screaming headline a while ago?)
“Stealth edit a piece to prevent the world knowing just how evil he is.”
i think its more the context of the article. you cant do big geopolitical stuff if you get bogged down in the details.
the people that think that the bbc is pro-israel would equally be complaining that mr reynolds never mentions the “lebanese children” being killed by the “zionist” IDF.
please look at it in that context.
that is all.
heres the article again, if you cant be bothered to scroll upwards:
think “bigger picture” when reading it.
“execution of a teenage girl”
on bbc 2 right now.
(and curiously , using the same weird background music of “power of nightmares”)
Kofi Annan shakes jands with the Hezbollah leader.
i have to say – that bbc 2 docu running right now is seriously opening the lid on Sharia Law.
and about time too.
staggering – they just showed a clip from a stoning-to-death video.
now they showing the “hanging from a crane” method.
The BBC fell on the story of the UN Bunker deaths with unrestrained glee. They could not disguise their satisfaction at being able to hold up one of their idols (The UN) as victims of Israeli aggression. As usual the BBC are caught with their pants down when a little more investigation would reveal other factors involved.
“The United Nations appeared to be caught in a contradiction Wednesday after the world body claimed there had been no Hezbollah activity in the vicinity of a peacekeeping base destroyed in an Israeli strike, killing four UN military observers, one of them Canadian.
An e-mail written by Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener, identified Wednesday by Prime Minister Stephen Harper as the dead Canadian, reveals Hezbollah was extremely active in the days and weeks before.”
and Reith wonders why we think the BBC is economical with the truth?
‘Anonymous’ really needs to take his/her chill pill. You are giving Jews here a real bad name.
Your argument above holds no water, if you have points to make, make them, and if you cant, stop.
adolf hitler the broad mass of a nation…will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.
The BBC goes on about the “respect” the IDF has for the fighting qualities of Hezbollah. What a joke by a pathetic bunch. The assault into the beasts liar will be another battle honour for the elite Golani Infantry Brigade.
“The Golani Brigade ืืืืืช ืืืื ื (also known as Brigade No. 1) is an Israeli infantry brigade that was formed February 28, 1948 when the Levanoni Brigade in the upper Galilee was divided in two smaller brigades. It is one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the Israel Defense Forces. The Golani brigade has earned a reputation for its die-hard soldiers, esprit de corps, and initiative; elements of the Golani brigade are frequently employed for particularly difficult tasks requiring highly-skilled infantry.”
Two cartoons that appeared in the streets of majority-Christian neighborhoods in Beirut over the last week.
As the BBC is wont to say ” some viwers may find the following offensive”
i have to say – that bbc 2 docu running right now is seriously opening the lid on Sharia Law.
But the programme seemed to want to excuse the system of executing “unchaste” women, concentrating on the mishandling of this girl’s case. As if it would be OK if she had been 22 & not 16, or if the man had received the same punishmment.
the programme seemed pleased to announce over the final credits that campaigners in Iran had managed to get the death sentence of 2 other girls commuted to …….. life imprisonment!!!
The programme should have just majored on the depravity of Iran & presumably of sharia.
Ehud Olmert, served in the Golani Brigade.
BBC2 broadcast a documentary about 16-year-old Atefah Sahaaleh, who was hanged in a public square for ‘crimes against chastity’ in Neka, Iran. Incredibly, the BBC managed to avoid using the “M” word at all during this documentary! So what are these people who hang a child (because she was sexually abused by a taxi driver in his 50s – all he got was 100 lashes) Are they Christians by any chance?
“concentrating on the mishandling of this girl’s case.”
yeah – i got a whiff of that as the program progressed alright.
but , on the plus side , it really did lift the lid on Sharia Law.
‘Reith……are you Racist against Jews?
‘How does it feel to be the “New Nazis” of the 21st Centuary?
‘the world is watching you take sides with Islam, against the Jews…just like Hitler did…….the whole world is watching you Reith……the BBC is being watched……watching you spread lies and racist filth……
‘You are working for a racist organisation that spreads race hate propaganda…….
‘Your place in history will be along side the other racists and fascists of the world…..and you know it too. lol.’
I have serious complains about the BBC’s coverage of events in Lebanon and Gaza (and elsewhere), but I would like to distance myself from the views expressed in this posting.
Threat to Israel from Qassam and Katyusha Rockets in the West Bank.
alan -> good point. they also didnt explain why the age of consent for girls is 9.
why that age in particular.
the al qaeda video gets top billing on the 10 o clock news.
then its jeremy “israeli war crimes” bowen.
oh dear. we’re back to normal.
“al qaeda sense a chance to spread its ideology”
what ideology is that mr bowen?
of course, mr bowen never tells us what that ideology is.
(hint: it starts with “i”, and has a book that begins with a “k”)
mr bowen of course, as usual, glosses over the fact that raison-d’etre of hezbollah, hamas and all the other bearded crazies is the wholesale extermination of all Jews.
So lets see….they are allowed to have sex with 9 year old girls. They hang homosexuals, and they hang naughty children. Next time you hear one of the usual suspects ranting on a BBC phone-in about their campaign for the introduction of Sharia, I wonder if the presenter will mention any of this?
Archduke – I suggest you keep tabs on some of the fruitier Islamist sites. The fall-out might be interesting.
Incidentally, the Ahmadis – a small Muslim sect – are having a beano in the Hants countryside this weekend. About 30,000 of them are gathering for the annual Jalsa Salana.
They’re a devout, peaceful and inoffensive group who hold to the basic tenets of Islam, but they are not much liked by some mainstream Muslim groups:
If anyone happens upon an Islamist site, why not post a message in support of this wonderful celebration of pious observance?
Then see the response you get.
after bowen, we had john simpson.
brownie points for mr simpson – it was a fair enough reporting, albeit from a helicopter over northern israel.
unfortunately, we’ve now got “cry me a river” on now.
and he’s close to tears, the poor thing.
“I suggest you keep tabs on some of the fruitier Islamist sites. The fall-out might be interesting.”
indeed. and on sunday, panorama is about Hamas entitled “faith , hate and charity”.
something to do with british islamic “charities” i think.
has somebody prodded the bbc with a rather large cattle prod entitled “threat of privatisation”???
archduke –
I emailed Paul Reynolds when his piece first appeared. Now I agree with you that he’s better than most BBC journalists, but his piece originally stated only that Qantar had been convicted of murder. That a 4 year old girl was killed that night along with her father was all by the by. It wasn’t really clear that Qantar was the culprit.
Fair play the Paul Reynolds, he mailed me back five minutes later to say he’d changed the piece. In my mail to him I asked why he hadn’t included details of her murder. His reply was that he didn’t know the details.
pete -> but the thing was – it DID include the details originally.
i’ll scroll upwards, but somebody else pointed this out.
Yes, archie. Serious anti-dhimmitude abounds in some parts of the BBC.
MPACUK is, quite literally, foaming at the mouth over Sunday’s documentary.
John Ware is a brave soul.
aha – it was you Pete who pointeed it out originally. doh!