From time to time it occurs to me, and to others who frequent this site, that the BBC holds to its news managing agenda with a kind of religious fervour- with of course some more evangelical than others. Who better than the devil to break one of the commandments, then? Here he is taking on the BBC’s tenacious adherence to “thou shalt consider Britain a racist country” as it appeared last night in a BBC programme concerning the Stephen Lawrence murder case, where they reheated an old allegation about corruption in the man who led the investigation into the murder.
As the devil says “For the BBC to repeat these 10 year old allegations as new evidence in an attempt to boost ratings for a program that features a talking head that is wheeled out every time Auntie wants to bash the Met is a gross abuse of the licence fee.”
Incidentally, it was this murder case- with the Macpherson report following it accusing the police of ‘institutional racism’- and the BBC’s coverage of it, which alerted me to an interesting possibility: what if the BBC were institutionally biased? Sauce for the goose etc. Or maybe an eye for an eye would be more appropriate.
Weekend 15th March 2025
Richard – and if the BBC is what is said – then the red and the blues are part of…