As part of its services to the chattering classes, the BBC has been preaching teaching how to say “Qana”. Important stuff, I am sure, for making up anti-war chants and for feeling comfortable in that after-dinner conversation mode.
The Beeb have also been quick to help define what we’re to associate with “Qana”- an Israeli ‘war crime’.
Once more this brings into question why the BBC gives such prominence to the views of pressure groups. Why pressure groups and not blogs like this or this? Blogs after all have their international associations and expertise, just like pressure groups.
Unlike the BBC and HRW these blogs have emerged because they give credit to details. It’s detail that reveals the truth of things. It used to be known as “journalism”, but since that word has been misappropriated into meaning ‘making a difference’, maybe we’ll have to think of a new word that means reporting what happens. Suggestions welcome in comments.
(all links from other people: Ritter, Archduke, Melanie Phillips. Hat tips to all)
Fed up with Al-BBC | Homepage | 01.08.06 – 2:58 pm | #
“How much opinion as opposed to fact is allowed by the BBC…. “home to perhaps the most impressive ancient Roman ruins” – what about those in Libya?”
PERHAPS the most impressive ruins.
Doesn’t the PERHAPS leave room for Libya etc?
Have you seen Baalbeck?
bbc 6 o clock news on now.
i’ll risk it – i’ll see how long i can manage it.
jeremy bowen has joined in with the sobfest and virtually broadcast a Hezbollah propaganda advert.
no indication whatsoever that everything he films and reports on has be approved by Hezbollah first.
Jonn Reith:
Perhaps it does leave room, but it also leaves an impression that may not be justified.
I have not seen Baalbeck have you seen Leptis Magna?
anyone got that rounabout chav video?
of course bbc news doesnt say what the “website” is…
you know – the internet – very evil that place. we cant give out the “web address” – might encourage the plebs who might stumble onto B-BBC.
ah found it…
chav culture at its finest
video on
Incident in Qana – IDF Spokesman 30-Jul-2006
Israel ministry of foreign affairs official website
“white t-shirt man” turns up in a black t-shirt
That 30-foot banner produced VERY quickly after Cana –
archduke – you seem to be forgetting that the israeli air strike was at midnight – the press were summoned around 8am.
It is not clear when the building collapsed.
CNN had already confirmed there is a lot of media control by Hezbollah :
That huge banner – a lot of comments that it would have taken many many hours to produce :
so – another element of the suspicion that Qana was staged
If you live outside the UK and can’t watch the BBC online, you might like to take a look at these.
I’ve uploaded Newsnight’s ‘Special Report’ (whole programme devoted to Lebanon).
If you use them on your blogs, don’t forget the hat-tip 😉
Mood on the Ground in Lebanon
Interviews with Israeli spokesman and Lebanese Minister
Studio Analysis
Studio Discussion on possible cease fire
Studio Debate
Oops, Sorry.
I meant to post that in the ‘Open Thread’.
(please feel free to move it)
wow grimer-thats better quality than the bbc’s own video streams.
and bigger too.
nice one!
news agencies stand by Qana photos
archduke | Homepage | 02.08.06 – 12:34 am
All they have to do is publish the pictures with the real timestamps.
It will give us some valid info but I dont think we are relying solely on timestamps here.
For example, eureferendum makes the points about clothing and gloves changes and Green Helmet man being ubiquitous.
AP gives cash bonuses for qana photos
and eu ref has just given a riposte
“game set and match”
“For example, eureferendum makes the points about clothing and gloves changes and Green Helmet man being ubiquitous.”
indeed. they just focussed on time stamps – whether the photos were staged or not was greeted with huffy puffy bluster…
something smells. and it isnt dead bodies.
by “they just focussed” i mean AP and Reuters rather than Eu Ref.
Nothing in the news agencies’ response answers the SUBSTANCE of the matters that EUReferendum and others have raised. eg the time delays, the fact that Green Helmet Man keeps appearing with the same child at different times and with odd discrepancies etc.
This looks like the Dan Rather/CBS response. “The story is fact because we say so”.
dumbcisco – this is photo from a live arab tv broadcast.
look at them parading the kids for the cameras.
what kind of sick culture would do that?
forget for minute who did what or who killed who or whatever.
just look at that photo? who would do that?
would you allow your dead kid to be paraded that way?
it says a lot doesnt it?
From the Yahoo link posted by Archduke at 12.34
“It’s hard to imagine how someone sitting in an air-conditioned office or broadcast studio many thousands of miles from the scene can decide what occurred on the ground with any degree of accuracy,” said Kathleen Carroll, AP’s senior vice president and executive editor.
Carroll said in addition to personally speaking with photo editors, “I also know from 30 years of experience in this business that you can’t get competitive journalists to participate in the kind of (staging) experience that is being described.”
Her first statement is obviously not intended to include herself. And the main point of question in the second sentence is who’s taking the photographs? Are they muslims with AP and Reuters badges? How trustworthy are the photographers?
“And the main point of question in the second sentence is who’s taking the photographs? Are they muslims with AP and Reuters badges?”
Based on the information given in the Mohammed Al-Dura documentary, I would say that the news agencies are relying local subcontractors, whose main interest is to make money from the photographs.
And only the most shocking and dramatic shots will do! Now, how to get them?