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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Haven’t noticed any comments on The Miracles of Jesus (Sun 6 August at 18:35 on BBC ONE ) Did anybody else here chants of “Allahu Akbar” by the Hebrew crowd as Joshua assembled them on the banks of the Jordan and led them across the river into the land of Canaan? I know we can’t expect historical authenticity in this bbc series, but I found this rather strange. Rageh must have thought he was back in Iraq. The Hebrew word for God is “Elah” but it really sounded to me like the Takbir. The Times predicted the controversial nature of this bbc series in one of their headlines last month:
BBC gets a Muslim to ask: were Jesus’s miracles for real?
The BBC is placing Christianity at the heart of primetime entertainment for the first time, with programmes examining faith and spirituality set to replace copycat “lifestyle” shows.
However, the first fruits of the born-again fervour could prove controversial.
Rageh Omaar, the former Iraq war correspondent who wrote a book on his experiences as a British Muslim, will conduct a three-part examination of Jesus’s miracles.
The BBC has said that it is committed to presenting all faiths equally. Last year Omaar presented his Islamic History of Europe and a new BBC series will examine the impact of the British Empire on the development of Islam.,,2-2271202,00.html
I failed to read this when it came out on August 1st, perhaps it has been posted here in between then and now, if so sorry for the repeat, if not I think its worth a look.
“The Folly of World Opinion”
Tim Montgomerie of ConservativeHome is looking for a definitive 10 point list of BBC bias. Some here might want to email him.
website :
or contribute by commenting at
Film you must see of “ambulances” being used to transport ummah fighters.
Well, maybe we can expect a forensic examination of the life and ‘works’ of Mohammad in the forthcoming months.
Alan Yentob or Jonathan Miller could present it.
Reuters admits second photo doctored.
And AFP corrects one of it’s captions.
Some of the “readers recommended” comments on the current Israel/Hezbollah HYS are encouraging.
the chap who runs EU Ref is being interviewed by newsnight – about the reuters photos and qanagate.
Re The Miracles of Jesus, I saw some of Mr Omar’s tour of the Holy Land… I don’t know too much of the history but the programme spent a lot of time portraying Jesus (or Joshua I learnt) as a revolutionary of the liberation struggle against the nasty occupying romans. (I have no idea what the subtext here might be!)
There was a lot of skirting around the the unavoidable fact that there were plenty of jews (maybe a majority) living in the area at the time. Like nearly a thousand years before its attack by muslims.
hmmm.. interesting.
this reveals a lot – seems like they are plucking “dead” figures out of thin air.
in Hezbollahland , death toll figures start high , and then decrease (and sometime go down to zero)
in non-Hez land (i.e. the rest of the world), death tolls increase as more bodies are recovered.
“as a revolutionary of the liberation struggle against the nasty occupying romans.”
you cant be serious… which bit of “render unto Caesar” does the BBC not understand?
(i havent gotten around to watching it yet)
You mean…the Mel Gibson film was a lie!!!!!! Aaargh!
BBC headline
’40 Killed in Houla !!!’
Comment in article
More than 40 Killed in Houla !!!!!! – Massacre
Revised article now
Oh 1 Killed in Houla
In the Interim (my drive home from work) before they revised the total downward somewhat I had written to BBC ‘have your say’ claiming that if 40 people were massacred in Houla I would change sides.(will never be published)
I was so confident it was a lie, but the BBC did not have any trouble publishing Mr Siniora’s quote and going on to say in the article more than 40 had been killed, despite admitting that details are sketchy.
sometimes being first to print BBC makes you just look stupid and Bias.
“Joshua”? I know they have the same root, and that “Jesus” is a corruption of the greek version of his name, but if they’re going for historical accuracy they should call him Iasua, or perhaps Esau.
And “alahu ackbar”? The hebrew for “god is great” is something like “adonai melekh” (literally “the lord is king”, and apologies if this is inaccurate, my hebrew is about as well formed as a leftoid’s sense of honour).
They’d be more likely to shout Adonai Eloheinu. The lord is our god.
Now that Reuters has admitted using doctored photos, it’s time to re-examine the stage photo charges.
Powerline notes Reuters has already been caught doing just that. Again Hajj was at the center of it.
Note there is almost two weeks between the photos but the second one claims the building was flattened “overnight”.
I’m betting the other photos were stages as well.
Hmmm. I tried to post the powerline link but nothing happened. I’ll try again. Sorry if it multiple posts.
Did anyone else hear Hugh Sykes on PM just now? I didn’t think the BBC could shock me with its bias any more, but Sykes’ contribution was a whole new level of unapologetic anti-Israeli bile.
OK, at least the BBC admit that the figure was a lie, but I saw their original news story and it put the 40 figure in the headline despite admitting it was from only one, Lebanese, source.
“from only one, Lebanese, source.”
i suppose they would be the same type of “sources” that were screaming “58 dead” at Qana…. which has now be quietly downgraded to 28 – and even that figure is in dispute.
From the death toll revision item
The BBC’s John Simpson in Tyre says a crater now blocks the farm track used to transport food and medicine to the city.
So the slack jowled one is still in Tyre. After his Friday “Bring it on”, I look forward to more craters where once Hez facilities stood.
Biased BBC and it happened this day?
Anybody notice something on the BBC news web pages.
No It happened this day
But before the BBC snoop (we know you are there) quickly changes it here are the main screen shots for today as of 6.00pm.
Asia Pacific
Middle East
South Asia
So why haven’t the BBC posted It happened this day on any of its sites today then?
So lets look at It happened this day shall we;
(Sorry BBC screen shot)
I’ve highlighted in Yellow the main two stories from History which BBC wishes to remain quiet on.
Caught out again BBC.
More stage photos from Reuters? If enough of these are proved to be staged, maybe MSM will have to investigate Qanagate.
Ryan H writes:
“I was so confident it was a lie, but the BBC did not have any trouble publishing Mr Siniora’s quote and going on to say in the article more than 40 had been killed, despite admitting that details are sketchy.
sometimes being first to print BBC makes you just look stupid and Bias.”
Hang on a second! Wasn’t no less a figure than Reith here, just the other week, wagging a prefectly finger at us, explaing how the BBC can’t be seen to publish stories before they can be sure they stand up?
Some confusion, perhaps?
THE most important equipment Israeli commandos took with them in a daring weekend raid in the Lebanese city of Tyre may have been video cameras.
The need for such authentication was demonstrated in the aftermath of the Tyre raid, when a BBC journalist stationed there reported as fact what Hezbollah had told him — that the raiders had landed by helicopter “and walked right into a Hezbollah ambush”.
A few hours later, Israel released videos showing the raiders, a naval commando unit, stealthily approaching the apartment building that was their target and surrounding it before dawn.,20867,20041082-601,00.html
channel 4 , in tyre this evening, had a short clip, where it showed a truck in which we are told that the bodies from Qana are stored.
stored? why arent they buried yet?
hmmmm… and they’ve been brought all the way from qana to tyre.
so, that infers that the truck went all the way from tyre to qana…
C4 news are going to cover the Reuters photoshopping after the break.
I suspect they were just being returned from whence they came …..
Just listened to the Hugh Sykes segment from PM again. I overstated my case above – I had missed Sykes’ earlier (feeble) questioning of Hezbollah supporters and as such didn’t get his intended effort at balance.
His contribution was actually no more anti-Israeli than usual.
Newsnight tonight (Monday) is talking about blogging and propaganda.
Interestingly they have been publishing posts to the topic blog
Where less surprisingly the BBC are getting bashed for showing bias.
I wonder if they’ll both to read the feedback or care to find some balance in due course.
BTW, what has happened to ‘Cry me a River’ Keane? Perhaps they should interview him he seamed to be one of the chief cheerleaders flying the Hezbollah flag in Lebonon.
The BBC fights back
It appears the bloggiverse is giving Al Beeb the willies.
So here we have the geezer behind such productions such as “Jihad is cool” , “Jews are evil”, “Muslims can only be victims” as seen on Newsnight”
Having a bitch at how bothsides are trying to corner the market in selling the truth.
Who’s telling the truth?
Daniel Pearl
7 Aug 06, 02:05 PM
Have you been emailed about the website showing Israeli children signing missiles? Or maybe the site which claims that the Qana photographs were staged? If you’re like me you’ve probably been sent both.
Who’s telling the truth Al Beeb? Let’s look at that opening statement;
“Have you been emailed about the website showing Israeli children signing missiles?”
the website
Israeli children signing missiles
All the above implies guilt.
Now contrast the above with his next breath of air;
“Or maybe the site which claims that the Qana photographs were staged?”
which claims
were staged
All of my last imply a falsehood.
So here we have Daniel Pearl the Deputy editor of Newsnight trying to preach about who’s telling the truth. An in his opening statement he takes sides. Yeah right mate what next from you?
An expose on how hard the orphaned children of terrorists have it?
Silly me, Al Beeb has just that story up and running.
its on now. c4 news.
pounce writes:
“So here we have Daniel Pearl the Deputy editor of Newsnight trying to preach about who’s telling the truth”
Excellent post, Pounce!
The logic is so clear and explicit that one has to conclude that the problem lies in Mr Pearl’s actual ability to tell the difference between truth and lies.
I can think of not other explanation for his phraseology.
Of course, if he can tell the difference and is simply engaging in polemic, then he deserves the sack.
Actually, no… come to think of it, he deserves the sack whichever is true!
C4 report in brief – evil right-wing conspiracy theorists finally get one correct.
Evil right-wing bloggers nail it once again, more like.
“Have you been emailed about the website showing Israeli children signing missiles?” – which was setup and staged by photo-journalists.
Just a reminder – might be worth a look:
“What Muslims Want” about to start on Ch4
I can predict what we’re going to get on Newsnight… it’s going to be naughty naughty Reuters, and what silly print media outlets for running such propaganda, fortuantly viewers, we the BBC uphold a strong record of editorial independence and rigourous editorial standards … AND now we cross to Fergal on the front line live at Hezbollah Towers in Tyre …
ritter -> watching it now.
i’ll wager a bet that Jon Snow will never ask about their anti-semitism, nor will he ask about what they think about infidels (and what they’d like to do to them).
the violent aspects of Islamic theology will , of course, be glossed over.
and i can report so far – that yes – its being glossed over.
in fairness , jon snow documentary is pointing out that britain has a serious “muslim” problem – compared to other religious/ethnic groups. the implications are quite horrific, if one extrapolates the demographics forwards 20 years hence (jon snow doesnt touch on this)
archduke will have to seriously consider exile in America at some stage
“archduke will have to seriously consider exile in America at some stage”.
Thank goodness I have an Australian passport tucked away somewhere. The BBC is dangerous to Britain itself.
Jon Snow picks MPAC as an example of moderate Muslim opinion. WTF?
Snow claims to be giving us dramatic new evidence of British Muslim attitudes. Bullshit. He is so far behind the curve it’s almost funny.
MPAC is ‘mainstream’ in the same way that BNP is ‘mainstream’, yes.
Moreover, if you look at MPAC through the prism of ultra-leftist opinion, it is ‘mainstream’.
Hezbollah needs a ready supply of ready-to-show corpses in the event of an Israeli air strike. It is purely a precaution.
BTW: No questions as to why corpses of people who died in Qana, are being driven all around the countryside? I assume that the next of kin would want to give the bodies a decent burial vs storing them in a lorry. (probably unrefrigerated)
“My mission was to prevent armored Israeli reinforcements from chasing after the kidnappers,” Hussein Ali Suleiman, a Hizbullah operative captured by the IDF, said when describing his role in the kidnapping last month of reservists Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev.”
What is the word that a hezbollah militant can use but the BBC can’t?
Also the BBC has been terribly scooped by Jpost: as Jpost has managed to get a direct interview with a hezbollah terrorist.
“I can predict what we’re going to get on Newsnight… it’s going to be naughty naughty Reuters, and what silly print media outlets for running such propaganda,…”
The BBC also uses Reuters stuff along with AP, AFP inter alia.
I made a point some time ago about the BBC importing other people’s bias.
Who feeds the BBC its stories? Do they use the same people as sources?
Y/Day I said I thought that the doctored pic was an accidental release rather than the work of a tyro. The photo of the F16 flares shows he knew exactly what he was doing.
Adnan Hajj was taking pix at Qana along with a whole gaggle of other ‘newshounds’. It might be worthwhile examining their photos.
They may indeed have a thriving industry in operation.
How to reinvent an anti Semite by the BBC
Remember the reluctance by the BBC in which to report on the arrest of Mel Gibson how when he was arrested for D and D. He blamed his predicament on the Jews…
28th July 2006
Hollywood actor and director Mel Gibson has been arrested in California on suspicion of drink-driving.
No mention of his outburst BBC there
30th July 2006
Hollywood actor and director Mel Gibson has said he is “ashamed” of the actions that led to his arrest for drink-driving early on Friday morning… Gibson also said sorry for “despicable” statements he made during the arrest and for his “horrific relapse”, after battling alcoholism all his adult life.
A mention of his outburst BBC there but not what it was BBC
31st July 2006
.Police in Los Angeles are beginning an investigation into an incident in which filmmaker Mel Gibson is alleged to have made anti-Semitic comments.
Mr Gibson, 50, was alleged to have made the comments after being arrested for drink-driving in Malibu, California.
Oh he may have said something, but it is only an allegation BBC
In fact BBC I can’t find just what Mel said from looking at your website. Was it that bad that you have to shield poor little old me from the words of a racial bigot (who also has a by-line in hating my country) If that is so, why don’t you express the same sentiments when publishing just what those nasty Jews have done to those poor innocent civilians in Lebanon in photoshop format. (Still can’t understand why I haven’t seen one picture of a gun totting Hezbollah hero fighting the jews?)
Anyway I know what buggerlugs said;
But apparently you don’t but I’m amazed at the lengths you have gone to in which to exonerate him from the great British public;
Yup I’m sorry and I’m a victim of the bottle
Yup I admit I said it but I’m not a bigo”
I was picked on for being a Yank
Gibson is a nice man says Jodie foster
Gibson is a good man says Patrick Swayze
Talk about a publicity onslaught BBC. Christ you’ve spent more time trying to say black is white on this subject than you have in telling us exactly what he said. I take it you’ve been informed what to say by the MCB
Damn you!!!!!!
Made a mistake with my last link.
Please be so kind as to replace it with this;
Did anyone else hear this?
On Radio Four this morning we were treated to a strange recording which was accompanied with a disclaimer.
The item was used to bolster a description of the ‘bombardment’ of Beirut.
It was a recording of constant explosions, BUT, before it was played the disclaimer said…”THIS RECORDING HAS BEEN CONDENSED”, and then afterwards, the presenter said, “This continued for another one and a half hours”.
No it didn’t!
If the sound we heard had continued for one and a half hours, there would have been nothing left of Beirut.
Why did the BBC ‘condense’ the clip?
It is a simple distortion of the truth, and next time there might not be a disclaimer beforehand.
BTW: Yesterday I heard on the news (can’t remember which channel) that the Hezbo rockets contained……
pardon me for speculating… but i honestly cannot see George W. Bush leaving office without Iran & Syria sorted out.
this is one of the reasons why Israel has the green light.
my guess , is that its going to go further.
bbc ten o’clock news – orla guerin has turned up in beirut. great… roll on the biased news.
pounce -> you need to set up your own blog mate.
the stuff you are digging up could fill one up.
keep posting here though – but get that blog sorted out mate. you’ve a lot to say – and a blogpost on a blog wont be as “lost” as on here in these comments.