Events move fast. This roundup taken from scanning the newspapers, the blogs and our own comments over the last few days is already out of date. For instance EU Referendum – if you scroll up from the link below – is now posting the famous video of Green Helmet at the same tricks ten years ago, and Richard North is calling named journalists liars. I can’t keep up. I have several emails on file that I will make into posts when I get time. Still, here are some interesting links.
- EU Referendum says that John Simpson’s calmness and lack of a flack jacket while Israeli jets bomb Lebanon not far away displays a confidence in the ability and wish of the Israelis to target their attacks that contradicts his own complaints that the Israelis are indiscriminate.
- Hat tip to Will who flagged up this Sun mini-editorial.
- How the BBC tells a story – as described by pounce. More here.
- Mick in the UK comments:
On Radio Four this morning [Monday] we were treated to a strange recording which was accompanied with a disclaimer.
The item was used to bolster a description of the ‘bombardment’ of Beirut.
It was a recording of constant explosions, BUT, before it was played the disclaimer said…”THIS RECORDING HAS BEEN CONDENSED”, and then afterwards, the presenter said, “This continued for another one and a half hours”.
No it didn’t!
If the sound we heard had continued for one and a half hours, there would have been nothing left of Beirut. - Stephen Pollard’s BBC mole forwards a self-congratulatory internal email. Scroll up and down for more BBC-related posts.
- Brits unbiased? Bollocks! says the Toronto Sun.
Weekend 8th March 2025
Emir Charles – correct title please ….