(this is basically two posts compressed into one, since the contrast is instructive)
The Shadowy Network versus the Oppressed Community
Stephen Pollard has a post about the BBC’s stereotypically running to the old old story, blaming the influence of American Jews for the lack of a united international front against Israel (ie. in favour of a resolution favouring Hezbullah). The whole thing is laced with prejudice, but Stephen points out it’s also factually wrong.
The BBC presents this whine festival of US muslim opinion concerning the US President’s use of ‘Islamic fascism’ as a term for the British-born Muslim terrorists of (mainly, with some tragic exceptions) Pakistani extraction who were caught plotting [ed] to destroy myriad flights from Britain to the US the other day.
Not only does this show how lightly the BBC takes the actual terrorism involved (and we know how lightly they take it- video), it undermines a valid and important use of language (and, having listened to and read transcripts of Bush a lot, his use of language is not stupid- he is just insensitive to the self-important press’s pc self-censorship, a kind of media illiteracy necessary to getting anything done). Update: thanks to Grimer, Bush statement video here– rather deliberate use of language I’d say.
No doubt if there had been a successful attack and Tony Blair had become all Churchillian, they’d have been giving the whine fest for British Muslims.
But, notwithstanding their ‘expert’ opinion and numerous Islamic mouthpieces, the term ‘Islamic fascists’ is really very straightforward: fascists who are Islamic. Like this fellow for example :
“At the Nuremberg Trials, Eichmann’s deputy Dieter Wisliceny (subsequently executed as a war criminal) testified:
The Mufti was one of the initiators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry and had been a collaborator and adviser of Eichmann and Himmler in the execution of this plan. … He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and had constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard him say, accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chamber of Auschwitz.”
The belief in the “strong horse”, the inferiority of unbelievers (in the Nazi’s case non-aryans, but really non-believers in the Reich), the desire to exterminate the Jews and the veneration of conflict (jihad/kampf) are certainly reminiscent of nothing else but fascism.
When Bush used the term, my reaction was somewhat similar to Ian Dale’s:
“As soon as I heard him say it I smiled. Why? Because I knew the predictable handwringing outpourings of faux outrage we’d get from the liberal so-called intelligentsia.”
Cue Beeebies!
If you want to embed a video clip of Bush’s speech, use this code:
Oh, dear. That didn’t work.
Follow this link to the video. There will be a code for embedding the video:
If the Jews in the USA are seen as having too much influence on that countries policies – what does this say about the muslim minority in this country who have a massive influence on all of Britain’s domestic policy from the police to the judiciary, from local government to cricket matches.
Every single policy decisions taken in local government has to take into account the possible impact it will have on the “BME population” – now if this isn’t disproportionate influence I don’t know what is. Try getting the BBC to demonise this.
Thanks for the uploads to youtube.
For some light relief try this.
Shame the Beeb can’t get him to interview Chodrey and his ilk.
One of the few good points which result from an attempted act of terrorism is the BBC’s laughable efforts to misreport it. Firstly they ‘correct’ Bush’s statements to read ‘extremists’ instead of Islamic terrorists. But when the rest of the media quote him verbatim, they switch the mode of attack to whether such words should be uttered as they conflict with ‘multi-culturism’ etc. I don’t think that the BBC has actually questioned the veracity of the statement, but that is probably because they would undermine their efforts of dissimulation owing to the essential facts.
“(this is basicaly two posts compressed into one, since the contrast is instructive)”
Ed – sorry to be a total pedant, but “basically” has two lls. Any chance of a stealth edit? We won’t comment on it, honest.
Consider it stealth edited… oops.
Ah the BBC speaks hence its message must reek;
Hezbollah ‘will observe UN truce’
Hezbollah’s leader has said his group will abide by a ceasefire plan agreed at the UN to end fighting with Israel.
How magnanimous of the terrorist leader (as reported by the BBC) in abiding with the UN for the first time in its history. It’s as if they really are as nice a people as the BBC makes out. I wonder if the presence of 30,000 IDF foot soldiers in his back yard has anything to do with his sudden change of heart
As usual the BBC paints a picture of just defiance by the leader of Terrorist central in the Levant.
However, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said on TV that Hezbollah would continue fighting as long as Israeli soldiers remained in Lebanon.
Damn those Jews BBC. Just because they got peeved off over how Nasrallah decided to have a fireworks display. (I suppose it wouldn’t happen over here would it BBC not with the new labour laws on setting off fireworks) and how the neighbour from hell responded to the Jews throwing a little water on his overheated rhetoric by shouting unfair that there are woman and children in his house. In fact the way I see it the BBC actually stands by the Jihad swilling child abusing thug by actually printing this in that article;
On Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV channel on Saturday, Sheikh Nasrallah said the UN resolution was “unfair” in holding his group responsible for the fighting.
Right then BBC that kind of explains the kidnappings, the murder of the Israeli rapid response team by an in place cut off teams armed with the latest Russian ATGM systems and the huge rocket barrage used by Hezbollah in which to ink the Israelis in the face in which to make their escape and scuttle back into the hole they ventured forth from. (In otherwords BBC Hezbollah attack was premeditated)
The groups the BBC uses in which to berate the West.
Groups I should add that aren’t compatible with our western ideology.
Bush’s language angers US Muslims
“That day, the Council on American-Islamic Relations
wrote to him to complain.
Its chairman Parvez Ahmed condemned his “use of ill-defined hot-button terms”, which, he said, “feeds the perception that the war on terror is actually a war on Islam”.
So now the BBC is using CAIR in which to attack the American Government. So who are CAIR ?
It is the American version of the British Muslim council of Britain.
And while the BBC has no problem in berating President Bush for deeming idiots who wish to kill me and my own as facists. Lets look a little closer at those the BBC defends.
With the current fashion for all things photoshop (I actually use Paintshop pro) Here in good old BluePeter fashion is something that Jihad watch spotted last September;
Now tell me, why would a peace loving org living in the western world wish to paint a hijab onto a woman on its website.
BBC maybe President Bush knew something you didn’t when he referred to those who wish to kill those who don’t share their beliefs as “Fascists”
It’s a shame all those nice jews from manhatten and vienna decided to create a country where people already lived. Nothing pisses me off more than cries of “ant-semitism” coming from people who aren’t even of semitc extraction, their caucasion for fcuks sake.
Anyone who thinks that “israel has a right to exist because the bible says so” to quote a US senator is as much an extremist as any of the other morons in the whole shithole. Both sides are lunatics and I think this comes across in the bbc reporting. hell mend the lot of ’em I say. Good luck with you attempts to persuade us all that kicking 1,000,000 people off their land, hanging british troops who tried to stop it all in the name of god isn’t “fascist” or “extremist” behaviour.
“Anyone who thinks that “israel has a right to exist because the bible says so” to quote a US senator is as much an extremist as any of the other morons in the whole shithole.”
As far as I know, it was the UN who said so.
Labour minister in “has balls” shock:
Latest totallitarian BBC pin-up declaims:
BBC doesn’t point out the reason he wants a cease fire, because his rabble is f*cked and he wants time to get thousands more rockets from Iran while the “UN peacekeeping force” looks on approvingly.
BBC approves another anti-semitic UN attack on Israel:
The BBC Radio 4 “Talking Politics” programme, at 11am this Saturday morning, had a “special” devoted to the middle east conflict. The first half was the usual “arab-israeli orchestra playing classical music shows hope for the future in a multi-cultural wonderland” crap, but the other half was a discussion with three journalists about “the origins of the current conflict and what lay behind”. Two things astonished me:
1) No-one (NO-ONE!) mentioned why Hisbullah started this war – because their paymasters Iran wanted to deflect attention from their nuclear program. Strange, because these people claim to have such sensitive antennae about conspiracies.
2) Tim Llewellyn loses it about half-way through and goes off on some rant about neo-cons – an amazing outburst. I believe Tim Llewellyn is well known to this blog, he certainly has been mentioned often enough before. He didn’t exactly confound my expectations.
come now eamonn the UN said “Israel has a right to exisit because the bible said so” ? hmmm, must check that “fact”. We’ve all seen how useful th UN has been in stopping Israel doing what it wants. veto….
Yep, Beeboids – they make clockwork look dangerously unpredictable, but they still claim to be wild and radical.
Incidentally, there’s another link between Islamofascism and the European version: both are obsessed with the idea of a Golden Age, cruelly cut short by the sinister plotting of their enemy – and in both cases then worst offender os the Jews.
Have a look at a well documented case of faux journalism here
and now compare its techniques to a Bism’illah Broadcasting Company (BBC) piece aired this weekend on how the food has ran out in Tyre and the citizens are about to starve. Same cast of characters, same set-up of props, mayor showing that all he has left in his store house are diapers. Once you become aware of how the BBC stages its news reports it become easier to catch out their news fabrications. (Would be great if someone could link to an online copy of the report).
Bijan Daneshman:
Have a look at a well documented case of faux journalism here.
It’s six miles to normality.
test:= testes?
The war on terror is a war on islam. The US and its lame insistence on the PC “war on terror” are only hampering the west.
why don’t you address the points, instead of resorting to cheap insults. The way Israel was created and the way it has acted since its creation is the source of all conflict betweend west and east. It will take many generations and a few brave israelis to help help the scar the creation of their country created.
if you muppets want to have a world war because one group of zealots think their god gave the land to them and the others think the opposite, join the army and show just how brave you all are. Leave the rest of us out of it. It’s pathetic. As for lurker – a “war on islam” – you muppet.
If you want to call the UN “god” then by all means do so, but this doesn’t change the historical facts about this particular sliver of land. Israel fights because not fighting would mean annihilation.
How was Israel created? It was made in the area historically known to be the homeland of the jews, where jews had ben living for thousands of years, and where they wers till living in large numbers. It had been written off by the arabs who lived there. The Al Aqsa mosque was abandoned and rotting in the 1890s, and the place was a desert. Nobody but a few bedouin tribs lived here. There were no “countries” as we understand them, no defined borders. No place called Jordan, or Iraq, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia. All these places were the same as they had been since the rise of Islam; tribal backwaters, deserts where bands of marauders raided trading caravanne and slaughtered each other in wars over water and food and gold.
The jews made Israel bloom. They made the desert livable, and they began returning in large numbers to a place that was otherwise mostly deserted. And its creation? Hardly an imposition. By the time the UN decided to partition the area, Israel was already a nearly effective state. O coure other countries had formed around it in the meantime. Jordan, Syria, Egypt, all with somewhat tenuous borders. Jordan used to be a little square called Trans-jordan, but they fidged a deal with the British (to our eternal shame) and took over the land set aside in the mandate for the “palestinian” bedou. They then slaughtered them in their thousands. A true genocide. When the state of Israel was created, Jordan had managed to anexxe the west bank through politics and plain old-fashioned landgrabbing, and Egypt the area known as the gaza strip. Syria took the golan heights, but Israel beat them to a stalemate and survived. In the 67 war they took it all back again, and were called evil for doing it.
That’s a potted history. Jerusalem meant virtually nothing to the arabss until it seemed ther Jews were going to have it back. As I said, Al Aqsa was a ruined wreck, and was only restored and re-claimed as a sacred place when it was certain that the jews were returning to their temple mount.
And the jews want to keep their land because it’s the only hope for survival. The nazis were but a sideshow in the grand scheme of things, who wanted the jews dead because it served a political goal. The muslims want the jews dead merely because they’re jews, and will keep fighting until it’s done.
“The way Israel was created and the way it has acted since its creation is the source of all conflict betweend west and east” – said test
Don’t be so stupid.
How is Israel responsible for the Gulf Wars (1990-1 amd 2003), the Algerian war of decolonisation 1954-62, the Aden insurgency 1963-67, to name but a few?
Islamofascism is exactly that – Islamic and fascist :
The UN authorised the creation of the State of Israel. In their ancient homeland. Occupying a miniscule fraction of land compared with Arab lands. Or has someone re-written the history books ?
“The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.” Unscrambling history is impossible.
“It’s a shame all those nice jews from manhatten and vienna decided to create a country where people already lived. Nothing pisses me off more than cries of “ant-semitism” coming from people who aren’t even of semitc extraction, their caucasion for fcuks sake.”
Test, do you really not know anything about the history of the Jews? The Jews are NOT caucasion. This is just as absurd as saying that all British born citizens of Pakistani origin are Anglo Saxons. Why do you think Hitler turned against the Jews? It was entirely based on a racist ideology of the superiority of caucasians/aryans over semitic, black and slavic races. The racism wouldn’t really work if the Jews were Caucasians would it? Until the mid 20th century Jews were consistently described as ‘oriental’ by Europeans. They were never accepted as European by the European communities they lived within. It’s only with the dramatic rise of anti zionism that is now so fashionable that Jews have been reinvented as Europeans (and even then this is the first time I’ve seen Jews described as ‘caucasian’). Take a look at the Israeli people, most of them are indistinguishable, physically, from their Arab neighbours. And nearly half of them are mizrachi, Jews of the Middle East. Mark Steyn has written a very good article on the subject of how Jews have been reinvented as ‘europeans’. It’s all part of the ongoing falsification of history, as ammunition to delegitimise Israel. The prelude to genocide.
I suggest you study the history of Jewish migration and the history of Israel before writing such stupid nonsense.
To quote from Mark Steyn’s excellent article:
“Once again the Jews are rootless transients, though, in one of history’s blacker jests, they’re now bemoaned in the salons of London and Paris as an outrageous imposition of an alien European population on the Middle East. The Jews spent millennia on the Continent without ever being accepted as European. But no sooner are the Continent’s Jewry all but extinct than suddenly every Jew left on the planet is a European.”
Thanks Archonix for a very good and accurate history. Test, check out the UN resolution of 29 November 1947. The general assembly voted by thirty three to thirteen with ten abstentions to partition Palestine and create a Jewish and an Arab state (an early formulation of the ‘two state solution’), The Jews agreed the plan but the Arabs refused it. When the British mandate was terminated on 14 May 1948 Israel declared its independence. The following day five Arab armies, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded Israel, confident they could destroy it at birth. The Soviet Union, the United States and most other states immediately recognized Israel and condemned the Arab action.
The pioneers of Israel were secular and they set up a secular state. They even expunged all references to God in their declaration of independence that was modelled on the American declaration of independence. In fact strongly religious Jews, the charedi community, reject the state of Israel because it was set up by secular forces. They believe that Israel should only come into being with the coming of the Messiah. and they’re still awaiting his/her arrival. Charedi Jews refuse to fight in the IDF. There is even a charedi sect, Naturei Karta, that regularly attends anti zionist demos and supports Iran.
Israel was set up legally under international law by idealistic, secular Jews who were desperate to find a solution to persecution and the threat of extermination. With tragic irony all the conditions Jews were attempting to escape have now been recreated with a vengeance in what they hoped would be a secure, safe state on an equal footing, with equal rights to all other states. But it seems that when it comes to equality under international law, Jews are somehow the ‘exception’. The fact is it was always Arab/Muslim hatred of Jews that created and sustained the problem. Now their hatred has been recycled globally, reawakening that very light sleeper, anti semitism.
I assume you’ve all got your flags and bunting out for todays celebrations for the great one’s 80th birthday?
Celebrations are in full swing at our very own communist broadcaster. here’s a selection from last week. Fidel would be proud:
Castro ‘better’ for 80th birthday
Concert marking Fidel Catro’s birthday
Fidel Castro: A life in pictures
Fidel: The world icon
Castro ‘will be back in weeks’
Castro: Profile of the great survivor
Ailing Castro still dominates Cuba
Mass rallies celebrating Fidel Castro
Castro supporter: ‘I oppose US aggression’
whoops, sorry wrong thread
I am a Jew so please allow me to call you an antisemite. When people like you talk about “israel has a right to exist because the bible says so” I have to laugh. Its the Muslims who claim some Allah-given right to slaughter Jews and other “unbelievers”, or haven’t you noticed yet?
More than 70% of Israelis describe themselves as secular. 20% of the population of Israel are Muslim Arabs.
Read The Declaration of the State of Israel. No mention of the Bible giving Israel any rights:
In the year 1897 the First Zionist Congress, inspired by Theodor Herzl’s vision of the Jewish State, proclaimed the right of the Jewish people to national revival in their own country.
This right was acknowledged by the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, and re-affirmed by the Mandate of the League of Nations, which gave explicit international recognition to the historic connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and their right to reconstitute their National Home.
Note also “the historic connection of the Jewish people with Palestine”. You see, “Palestine” never did belong to the “Palestinians”.
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.”
– Zahir Muhsein, PLO executive committee member, 1977
Er, excuse me Biodegradable, although ‘test’ is talking rubbish, The way Israel was created and the way it has acted since its creation is the source of all conflict betweend west and east, it wasn’t his quote about the bible, it was a US senator. You only have to read some of the US fundamentalist Christian sites to recognize that concept.
test said this:
Anyone who thinks that “israel has a right to exist because the bible says so” to quote a US senator is as much an extremist as any of the other morons in the whole shithole.
I take that as meaning that test believes that anybody who accepts Israel’s right to exist does so on the same basis as the US senator he quotes.
In any case test clearly does not believe Israel has any right to exist at all.
The BBC and half a story (well in this case no story)
The BBC has been posting on a daily basis the military events that have transpired in the Levant. Here is an example;
Note the many icons which depict strike and attacks by both sides.
Now for today (Sunday) we have this map.
Spot the difference?
Why has the BBC omitted any military activity today?
Could it have something to do with this little snippet taken from the times but mirrored by nearly all the major quality newspapers in the UK;
“ISRAEL set up a “killing box” for Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon last night, seeking to trap the Iranian-backed guerrillas and kill as many as possible before a United Nations ceasefire comes into effect tomorrow. In its biggest airborne assault since the 1973 Yom Kippur war against Egypt and Syria, Israel airlifted hundreds of paratroopers behind enemy lines under cover of darkness as armoured columns pushed up from the south. Up to 30,000 Israeli troops were believed to be in Lebanon.
Seeking to land a knockout blow on the Shi’ite militia after more than a month of fighting, 50 helicopters of Israel’s elite 98th Airborne Division dropped troops on the banks of the Litani river, 18 miles north of the border.”
In otherwords BBC, The Jews have not only outflanked the terrorists, but have cut them off from the outside world and now have them cornered like rats in a barrel.
It seems the BBC doesn’t wish to advertise the kicking Hezbollah is currently getting.
Rather it’s so called security experts. Concentrate on how the jews are losing. How they have lost 19 men (actually its 24) and how dissent is creeping into the Israeli psyche against the war. (Anybody ever saw a Muslim campaign against a war that an Islamic country is conducting, Nah me neither.)
I’m now waiting for a BBC reporting stating that there are no Israeli tanks on the outskirts of Hezbollah land.
Ed. You article is full of strong and fortright condemnation, which you then totally soften by ending with:
Cue Beeebies!
That’s the name of the BBC’s children’s channel — CBeebies.
With the BBC deliberately aligning itself with the forces of medieval barbarity, perhaps something a little stronger is in order?
Or just keep it simple, no “stupid Beeb” abbreviations?
IMO, if you replace Al beeb or Beeboid or whatever with plain old BBC, the article/comment becomes more objective and much stronger.
Keep up the good work.
Local Muslims Foiled UK Terror Plot.
Yeah right!
Very illuminating quote from Zahir Musein Biodegradable. I’m definitely storing that one. Cheers
The Al-Beeb’s News at 10 did not mention reports that the Lebanese Govt. has postponed a meeting on implementing the ‘cease fire’. They probably didn’t want to mention this because this would throw a spanner in the works of their campaign to demonise Israel and ‘angelise’ Lebanon.
CNN mention it, why not Al-Beeb?
Archonix, Oscar and Biodegradable,
Excellent responses to the bigoted ignoramus, ‘test’.
You make a good point. ‘Beeb’ and ‘Beeboid’ come across as almost playful, affectionate terms.
I generally feel anything but affection towards the BBC.
Yes, some in the BBC are trying really hard to present this as a Hezbollah victory. Today on the World Service Katya Adler was talking about Israel ‘reeling’ from its encounters with Hezbollah.
The BBC is showing its true colurs.
‘Beeb’ and ‘Beeboid’ come across as almost playful, affectionate terms.
That BBC, eh? Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. I dunno.
Wonder if ‘test’ is ‘zene’ still stuck in Beirut…..but flying to the UK every night to comment here….
Very illuminating quote from Zahir Musein Biodegradable.
It is worth keeping. The first sentence is often maliciously and falsely attributed to Golda Meir by antisemites attempting to paint Israel and Zionists as heartless bastards who see the “Palestinians” as less than human. That full and original quote usually shuts them up nicely.
There’s an additonal, final sentence to that quote here:
For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa. While as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan. (PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein, March 31, 1977, interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw.)
Test – lets review some facts then
2001 – muslims crash airliners into US targets.
2002 – Bali nightclub bombed by muslims.
2004 – muslims bomb Madrid.
2005 – muslims attack London transport.
2006 – ‘British’ muslims arrested to halt terror plot.
Hey Test, youre right! There is no pattern there after all.
If it was a war on terror (ie islamic terrorists were somehow separate from mainstream islam) then we would see mainstream islam repudiate the terrorists and join in hunting them down without mercy.
But we dont do we.
It suits the likes of Bush & Blair (and of course bewildered libertarians) to pretend that the war on terror is ‘political’, a conflict between the west and misguided political elements who just happen to be islamic.
Lets look at France they havnt joined the war on terror but muslim areas of France are at permanent state of low level conflict with French society. So thats not explicable in terms of the war on terror is it. Thats what we have got coming down the road in the future.
The war nerd has a phrase: “War is just demographics in a hurry”
The sooner we stop pussyfooting around with this war on terror nonsense the better.
‘Beeb’ and ‘Beeboid’ come across as almost playful, affectionate terms.
That BBC, eh? Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. I dunno.”
Kulibar tree…I think most people could live without the BBC actually — but they might have to think for themselves and make up their own minds about contentious issues. Which might entail some independent reading and research. The horror!
The point is, commenters spend 10 minutes of their lives posting on Biased BBC, and then the post is ruined with some gratuitous, stupid swipe — Al beeb/beeboids/beebies — which diminishes the post and makes it easy to characterise as “wingnut” or “right wing”.
All you need to say, ever, is BBC.
That’s damning enough.
Actually *cough* that shouldn’t have been anonymous.
Lebanon falters over truce detail
Sunday, 13 August 2006, 21:58 GMT 22:58 UK
“”All Olmert has, like his fellow appeaser Chamberlain before him, is a piece of paper
Mark Robertson, Lisbon, Portugal
How the hell did this get published???
Nervous wait for aid agencies
Sunday, 13 August 2006, 16:01 GMT 17:01 UK
“And even when the ceasefire does take effect and they should be able to travel without fear of being targeted by Israeli air strikes”
Note the implicit assumption that Israel would deliberately target humanitarian aid convoy’s.
“Four weeks of fighting have seen the deaths of more than 1,000 people in Lebanon – most of them, civilians – and more than 120 Israelis – most of them, soldiers.”
Love that built in value judgement. Has the 1000 figure been adjusted for the incredible shrinking Qana massacre?
“The Lebanese government says a quarter of its entire population of four million has been displaced.”
And what percentage of the Israeli population has been displaced? I assume they are all enjoying tea and playing croquet?
“But for many hundreds of thousands whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by the fighting, they will have little, if anything, to return to beyond a vague hope that this ceasefire will indeed mean an end to the bloodshed and destruction.”
How does Ms Karen O’Brien know what 1 million displaced people think?
And do we have hard sources for the number of of homeless? Or did Ms O’Brien pull the “many hundreds of thousands” figure out of a telephone book?
Even by BBC standards this editorialising is pretty weak.
Well well. Where to begin today. Are you telling me that Ehud Olmert with his pale skin and blue eyes looks the same as an arab ? I’m not clear whether you are claiming that judasim is a faith or an ethinc group ? Are all jews of semitic extraction ? No.
Your interpretation of historical events is selective to say the lease. As for balfour he was a Cessationist. The belief in the perceived right of anyone to establish a state based on religion and the “right of return” to people who are scores of generations removed from a part of the world is irrational.
Would you all support the idea of a homeland for lebanese people in the eastern spain for example because there was once an ancient civilisation there ? To call the argument a racial one is disinengenious since racial boundaries are well and truly blured by generations of living inother parts of the world.
Are you telling me that Ehud Olmert with his pale skin and blue eyes looks the same as an arab ?
You really are a nasty piece of rascist shite aren’t you?
Ever seen a Falasha from Ethiopia?
“Antisemite” has nothing to do with semitic people.
Fear not….”Test” is failing.
He came here to preach his bile, now learns that HE is the racist, just as we’ve been saying all along.
BBC supporting Racist Fascists are welcome here…let us see the types who support the BBC.
Judge the BBC by looking at who supports it.
curiously, the MCB have still has nothing to say about last weeks arrests…
Simo –
I was being what we semanticists call “ironic”, perhaps even a touch humorous.
I was following up your, Bryan’s Archonix’s and whoever else’s points.
The BBC makes me vomit. It must be destroyed and soon.