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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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The BBC and death porn
The BBC is more than happy to air pictures of Green Hemet man, white t-shirtman playing the victim card.
Just wondering when the BBC will get round to airing these Photos of real Muslim victims;
I wonder how the hot shot reporters of the BBC would report this.
Many thanks to;
for posting the links.
BBC Employs Hamas Man as Reporter????
Will any of our other media have the balls to get on to this? Or are they all the poodles of the BBC, wjo are in turn, poodles of Islam…….
The BBC and all who support it are slaves to Islam and race hate…….
This is the BBC from London
It is too early to say who “won” the war over southern Lebanon because, despite a ceasefire, the fighting might not be over.
OK BBC lets have a butchers at the situation at the moment.
Lebanon has been smashed back to the Stone Age.
Israel has 3 huge armoured divs 20 miles inside Lebanon.
Yes Hezbollah are capable in their caves of firing rockets into Israel.
But you know what?
It was Hezbollah who wanted the ceasefire.
It is Hezbollah claiming they have won.
It is Hezbollah who are licking their wounds.
And Hezbollahs gains they kidnapped 2 squaddies and killed 100 jews.
And didn’t gain an inch of Israel.
Somebody please remind me how that is a win. (Almost as bad as Egypt claiming to have won Yom Kippur)
BBC what a joke.
The BBC constantly informs us that the indigineous Bristish are ‘Islamophobic’ and that any minute now (we’re still waiting, but let that pass) the non-muslim scum are going to rise up and burn down every mosque and Islamic ‘outreach centre’ in the UK. Ok, it hasn’t happened, but the BBC assure us it is about to occur at any minute, and the BBC never lie, do they?
My question is: when this does happen, can we expect the BBC and its running dogs (Jon Snow, George Galloway) to write a letter to parliament begging that the “root causes” of Islamophobia are addressed? Stressing that a “whole swathe” of non-muslim youth is becoming “radicalised” by the endless posturing (and, as on 7/7, a bit more than posturing) of the muslim minority? And that, unless these fears are addressed, the non-muslims will start to demand the government listen?
The BBC and Balance.
Two stories about two different bloggs on the BBC.
One is about somebody who writes about Liverpool City Council;
And the other is a blogg from somebody who not only wants to destroy a sovereign country , who not only supplies terrorists with arms, but is not striving to build a nuclear bomb.
I wonder if you can guess which URL from the above the BBC publishes
and which one the BBC demonises?
The BBC brings back ‘Top of the Pops’ from the dead;
Hezbollah has not been beaten. However, its belief in the deterrent effect of its missiles was not fulfilled. Instead, these served as a casus belli for Israel.
Some quarters in Israel have questioned its military strategy
It might have miscalculated when it captured the two Israeli soldiers, the event that triggered the Israeli attack. Wanting simply to use them as bargaining chips in a prisoner exchange, it found itself under major assault. (My emphasis added.)
This stupid reasoning – that hizbollox only kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers to use them for bargaining purposes and never meant to start a war – is typical of the ignorant fools who pass as beeb “reporters”.
Look at the facts. If hb only wanted to obtain bargaining chips then why did they also kill 8 Israeli soldiers and lay down a rocket barrage along the length of the Israeli border?
I believe payl(sic) reynolds knows this but is prepared to lie to put hb in as good a light as possible.
What respect can one have for a man (and, indeed, an organisation) prepared to lie on behalf of terrorists?
Are he and his fellow lefties so dissatisfied with their nazi soulmates’ work on the Holocaust that they have to try to foment another one?
This little ditty should be Top of the Pops.
Not something you hear every day, an anti-BBC-TV-tax folk song. this is what Billy Brag should be singing on Radio 4.
Warning, rude.
hat tip
James Whale on TalkSport now ripping into the BBC…
Says they are “RACIST” to have a “Diversity Officer”……
He’s right…
Only the BBC would go around and put the races into little catagories…… “one human race” as far as the BBC is concerned….
And hell…just look at their station Ident for “Africa”…..6 Black Tribes men jumping up and down with spears……… doubt, thats what the BBC thinks of Black Africans……tribesmen with spears……
It appears to be open season on the BBC….
About time too.
Just spoke to beeb info about bbc1 10 news. I made the following points:
1. What a coincidence that everyone they spoke to in Israel thought the war had gone badly for them and everyone they spoke to in Lebanon thought the war had gone well for them.
2. Orla goering had deliberately misrepresented the position in bent jabail. She wandered around showing that every building in sight had been damaged/demolished. However, even puny channel 4 had toured the town and shown that only the centre (the hizbollox part) had been flattened and the suburbs were untouched.
3. I suggested that whenever og is “reporting” on tv there should be a subtitle on the screen saying “This woman is married to an arab” so that everyone can judge her veracity.
They’ll put my comments on the daily log circulated to all senior management – the same people who have ignored all previous factual criticism. What a wonderful organisation they are, acting impartially on our bahalf.
“And hell…just look at their station Ident for “Africa”…..6 Black Tribes men jumping up and down with spears……… doubt, thats what the BBC thinks of Black Africans……tribesmen with spears……”
damn good point.
and its imperialistic as well – what part of Africa is controlled by the UK nowadays?
gordon-benett -> i saw that c4 piece as well. and they went further – they pointed out the weirdness of the urban landscape there. a building completely flattened right next to another completely untouched.
thats what laser guided bombs do.
admittedly , they went into full on feargal keane mode, with the reporter (Alec Thompson) suddenly “finding” a schoolgirls exercise book, and then he browsed through the pages.
Just watched Orla Guerin on News 24. She was openly on the side of the ‘resistance’ and scornful of George Bush. Perhaps she should cover demonstrations that murder civilians in cold blood and stomp on them, to learn what terrorism really is.
she should also explain the hitler salutes of hezbollah. funny how this image has NEVER appeared on the bbc…
Some people may remember the News reports of the killing of the Nepalese civilian workers by ‘insurgents’ from the TV news which showed a neat line of bodies.
THIS LINK HAS HORRIFIC FOOTAGE if you are squeamish do not follow it.
The reason I am posting it is that it shows the reality of the religion of peace, and none of the people involved will ever be brought to trial.
If the BBC showed this clip there WOULD be a backlash against Muslims.
I am not posting this to be sensational or ghoulish, just to show that this is why there is a war on terror.
The video link is at the bottom.
“If the BBC showed this clip there WOULD be a backlash against Muslims.”
Why on earth is this so? In 20+ years of IRA terrorism, was there a huge backlash against Catholics in England? When Peter Sutcliffe or Dr Shipman were identified, were we even told what their religion was?
If the BBC keep giving out the religion claimed by perpetrators only when they’re Muslims, then you might get your backlash.
Lansdowne Dear
we have imported a Muslim “community” into this country and its a controversial and recent event.
Do try to keep up!
Lansdowne | 15.08.06 – 12:44 am
The point is that muslims are terrorising in the name of their religion – it is their interpretation of islam that convinces them to terrorise us.
Ergo, the religion of the perpetrators of this stuff is relevant.
“Why on earth is this so? In 20+ years of IRA terrorism, was there a huge backlash against Catholics in England?”
because the IRA never did anything in the name of the catholic religion. it was purely nationalist. i think you forget that some IRA members were Marxist atheist.
“When Peter Sutcliffe or Dr Shipman were identified, were we even told what their religion was?”
they didnt kill in the name of their religion.
big difference. ask yourself this simple question – how come most of us know what “allahu akbar” means.
would we have known that 20 years ago – probably not. so how come we all know nowadays what it means?
(A Socialists`)Newsnight.
and I paraphrase from the opening remarks by la Maitlis (especially lovely tonight, Emily dear)
“……..would racial profiling at airports demonize the one community we need to have onside?”
Er, just who needs who onside?
mick in the uk -> thanks for the links, and you do raise a valid question, but i’d rather we didnt get into the death porn game.
lets leave that to the hizbollah crazies.
“I am not posting this to be sensational or ghoulish, just to show that this is why there is a war on terror.”
ah – i just read that. point taken.
“The reason I am posting it is that it shows the reality of the religion of peace,”
and one reason it isnt broadcast is because we dont want Abdul the local newsagent burned out of his property.
he’s got damn all to do with this – but broadcasting it would inflame the chav underclass. social meltdown isnt a clever idea, so i can understand why that stuff is never broadcast by the BBC.
another thought occured to me – the Shankill Butchers. Google it – its unbelievably brutal what those bastards did.
BUT we didnt tar ALL of Northern Ireland protestants with the same brush, did we?
think of it that way. i’m not defending islam or the MCB or anything like that – but all i’m saying is imagine if the Shankill Butchers had a video camera , and you were able to watch their killings. But , they were psychos operating within the Protestant community in N.I. – doesnt mean that every NI protestant is a psycho.
Iain Dale’s take on Orla Goering…
The Today Programme
More on the radicalisation of muslims and terrorism. I look forward eagerly to Humphrys giving, for a change, one or two representatives of the muslim community a few hard questions. But yet again no. Its Humphrys interviewing Des Brown, and Humphrys couldn’t give a toss about terrorism in this country. Humphry’s sole aim is to get Brown to admit that the Iraq war has created terrorists in our midst.
Disgracefully Humphry’s also uses the “Lebanon 1000 dead, 10000000 homeless” to try to attack Brown. As though Brown is to blame.
In all this Humphry’s is not asking a range of important questions, he is instead parrotting the editorial columns of the Guardian, Independent, and the views of the Muslim Council of Britain.
Please tell me when will the BBC ask hard questions of those who wish to destroy us?
Seamlessly we move into an emotive article on those poor Palestinians, by an American peace campaigner type travelling around the “occupied” territories. It’s cry me a river time again. But what on earth was the point of this piece?
Earlier we had that annoying little tick James Reynolds opining on the state of former Israeli settlements in Gaza, which are now ruins (due to Palestinian and Israeli actions). Reynolds makes sure to say in his opening salvo that the settlements were “all illegally built on occupied land”. However, he fails to mention any illegal Palestinian actions, such as hundreds of rockets fired into Israel, or the illegal execution of Palestinians suspected of collaboration with Israel. The BBC, again telling us all they think we need to know.
Can anybody explain this BBC newsletter email?
I did watch Newsnight last night and listened to Emily Maitlis, but I didn’t hear any mention of this, her introductory remark. It struck me as strange that the BBC (or Emily) sends out , what I would call , political newsletters, inasmuch as they are naming parties, and yet in the programme itself we are met with silence.
What is this all about? “…in his inimitably subtle and considered way…” is our Emily a closet BNP supporter?
NEWSNIGHT – MONDAY 14 AUGUST 22.30 BST – BBC TWO ============================================================
Passenger Profiling
If you’re Nick Griffin and you’re the chairman of the BNP you appear to think the best way to secure this country from terror is to stop all Muslims between the age of 15 and 50 from flying. But in his inimitably subtle and considered way he has put his finger on one of the thorniest issues to come out of the foiled terror plots of last Thursday:
Passenger Profiling.
To be fair to the Today programme, they did have William Shawcross on to speak briefly about terrorism etc.
But my thoughts are:
Why do we have to wait for 2 minutes with William Shawcross every 4 weeks to hear our (I guess many people in this country) point of view articulated?
Why is this point of view NEVER articulated by BBC presenters, whereas the opposite view (that of the antiwar coalition, Guardian etc) is endlessly articulated by BBC presenters and journalists.
Could it be that the vast majority of Beeboids read the Guardian and Independent by choice? And so they live in a bubble peopled only by Lib Dem and Labour supporters, bien pensants, the great and good, NGO’s, environmentalists, liberal churchmen etc etc. Garbage in, garbage out.
R5 “Up all night” has a weekly report on blogs’n’podcasts, introduced by (I think) a Chris Valance.
Last night’s started with reports on “2 political heavyweights”.
First was Ahmadinejad. All very jolly. “Like Charlie Chaplin’s ‘Great Dictator’ has a busy day”.
Ahmadinejad regarded as pussy cat by the BBC.
Next was “bizarely” John Bolton, who has a podcast at “a pretty right wing website”.
Valance repeated a health warning. He gave a “note of caution” about visiting such a right wing site.
The only comment on the Bolton interview was by the BBC presenter participating in the two way, who thought that Bolton should have had better things to do. Like talking only to the antagonistic BBC etc, I suppose.
The host of the Bolton interview is
(I’ve previously listened to the interview, can’t remember where.)
Forget the Guardian and the BBC: in the Daily Telegraph this morning an item (which I cannot find online) strongly implying that all bloggers are basically conspiracy theory nutters. No mention of the fisking of the Qana photo atrocity exhibition, no mention of the “cry me a river” crap served up as news. How’s that for getting your retaliation in first!
Re above. Sorry I ggogled the site but linked to an interview with Bolton from last March. Anyway enough iinfo for you to get to the correct one, if interested.
“Leftists point to American, British, and Israeli actions as the root cause of Muslim anger that leads to Islamist terrorism. They are wrong. Islamists look at the self-hating impulse of the Left and are inspired to believe the West is primed to crumble at their feet. Islamists are not angry; they are power hungry.”
Interesting article in Front Page ‘The London Terror Plot’s Academic Connection’:
Eamonn: I heard that item on Gaza on this morning’s Today and it was disgracefully biased, ending by asserting the Palestinians had been unable to reconstruct the former settlements because of Israeli raids making it too dangerous (no mention of the all the attacks on Israel that have led to their defensive action). But I think you’ll find it was Alan Johnson reporting not James Reynolds. (Although they are pretty much interchangeable).
Umbongo, the Telegraph has gone down the tubes along with the Spectator. Did you read Patrick Bishop’s limp opinion piece yesterday? Basically trotted out the line that the creation of a palestinian state will be the panacea for all Islamist violence. And a whole load of comments agreed with him.
A confidential email praising the BBCs news at ten coverage of the ME has strangely just been leaked to me by a mole at the corporation. It reads:
“In the fight against the Zionist enemy it is clear that the BBC are waging the media war shoulder to shoulder with our Hizbollah brothers on the battlefield. Our great leader, Nasrallah, will be proud of you. Orla Guerin, in particular, is a true comrade for the cause. Has she ever thought about becoming a shaheed? You made it clear that the Zionist enemy is beaten and in despair. The resistance is strengthened, and you have played your part in this magnificent achievement. Heil BBC!”
Is that for real?
I put on the 10 o’clock News a bit late last night and missed the start of Orla Guerin’s heart-wrenching report from southern Lebanon. At one point she was pointing to a pile of rubble and saying something along the lines of “it was with these (catapults/pop guns/water pistols?) that the Hezb’ollah fighters defeated the tanks/planes/cannons of the Israeli army.”
Can anybody enlighten me as to what exactly she had been pointing out at the time?
Oscar: Thanks for that interesting article. I think another reason why there is such reluctance to address this issue is because it blows a wide hole through the liberal-left notion that it is the unemployed, poorly educated, disadvantaged British Muslims within impoverished communities, that oh so urgently need tax-payers monies to better integrate. This is the gist of all of those think-tanks, quangos and Muslim workshops. The BBC when it addresses this issue, always assumes the liberal-left mantle, oblivious of what this has actually achieved….and never points out that the sucide bomber from 7/7, Mohammed Sidique Khan, used such a platform and “community inspired” efforts to kill. And then these same people who particpated in all of these think-tanks (especially Muslim peers & MPs) have the audacity to say that the gov. isn’t listening to what it is they are recommending. Why? Because they just want more of the same and are in denial still! I guess John Prescott will be recommending Croquette this morning at No.10:
Khan became involved in the community-run Hamara Healthy Living Centre in Beeston, and worked at its youth outreach project, the Hamara Youth Access Point on Tempest Road, a £1 million Government-funded scheme opened two years ago by Mr Benn, its patron, and his father Tony, the former Labour minister, in 2003. Hamara is an Urdu term, which means “ours”.
Khan was given two EU grants of £4,000 to open boys-only gyms for Asian youths in the area, grants designated as supporting community groups in deprived areas. In July 2004 he visited Parliament as the guest of a local Hemsworth Labour MP Jon Trickett. There he was praised for his teaching work.
At this visit to Parliament, the group met the International Development secretary, Hilary Benn. Mr. Khan won respect as a social worker committed to ridding the streets of drugs, being involved in a 2001 government study on fighting drug use. He was invited to the home of Hillside Primary’s head teacher, Sarah Balfour, whose husband, Jon Trickett, is a member of parliament. On a trip to London in July last year, Mr. Khan and his students had a tour of parliament from Mr. Trickett
Khan used to work for the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), helping promote British firms overseas. He also helped Leeds police deal with confrontations between rival gangs of youths. Leeds education authority’s personnel file on Khan, obtained by The Independent under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act, shows details of his work for the DTI’s export arm in Yorkshire in the mid-1990s, when Britain was seeking more trade links with Asia. Khan left to study at Leeds Metropolitan University in September 1996, and took a 2:2 in business management, his file reveals. He clearly believed his vocation lay in steering disenchanted youths away from crime. He took paid youth and community work from Leeds council while finishing his degree.
“In the fight against the Zionist enemy it is clear that the BBC are waging the media war shoulder to shoulder with our Hizbollah brothers on the battlefield. Our great leader, “Nasrallah, will be proud of you. Orla Guerin, in particular, is a true comrade for the cause. Has she ever thought about becoming a shaheed? You made it clear that the Zionist enemy is beaten and in despair. The resistance is strengthened, and you have played your part in this magnificent achievement. Heil BBC!”
Deep throat | 15.08.06 – 11:11 am | #
Is that for real?”
No, but it illustrates a wider truth.
Extorting money from taxpayers to fund muslim projects allows the ummah colonists to further seperate themselves from the host nation’s inhabitants.
Integration of muslims will only occur through being forced by financial reality to work with the indigenous population.
Every other immigrant group manages this better than muslims, but then they didn’t have the barrier of the welfare-state.
Can anybody enlighten me as to what exactly she had been pointing out at the time?
Steve E. | 15.08.06 – 11:27 am |
…sorry …the answeris:
a vehicle-mounted anti-tank weapon
The very harrowing story of Beslan was in this June’s Esquire Magazine. It describes the horror of the hostages ordeal & their immense bravery against immeasurable odds.
Via LGF.
Check out this video of the “fauxtography” episodes:
Israel looks towards Laser based defense.
No one seems to have notices Stephen Pollard’s plea in the Jerusalem Post ‘Don’t boycott the BBC’
Someone commented, I think sarcastically, about the BBC reporting demonstrations with few numbers.
How about giving constant airtime to the Stoppers?
Harry’s Place reports on the Stop the War Coalition’s accounts. They show
The Financial Report also indicates that the STWC’s membership – which costs £24 a year (standard) and £12 a year (concessions) – stands at somewhere between 567 and 283.
I didn’t notice any discussion about Harold Evans’ excellent article in The Guardian today on BBC radio 4s Today programme, usually they follow such items- I wonder why?
We must stand up to Islamo-fascism
The civil rights lobbies are blind to the lethal nature of the new Salafist totalitarianism.