This isn’t evidence of bias, more lack of evidence of disinterested coverage.
Imagine a pro-Palestinian Israeli, accused of passing information to West Bank ‘militants’, being shot to death in front of a cheering crowd of right-wing zealots. People gather round the body, taking mobile phone shots, before the mother of an Israeli killed by ‘militants’ is led from the crowd to stamp on the head of the corpse. Finally the crowd are allowed their turn, stamping the body flat into the dust.
I’d think the BBC would cover it – almost certainly with a voice-over or editorial comment about Old Testament vengeance under the skin of a supposed modern, civilised democracy. Don’t you think they would ?
(via DFH)
UPDATE – talking of suppressio veri – a lovely little (domestic) example here. BBC sub-editors can do this sort of thing without even thinking.
“She wasn’t gang-raped. Her father, it emerged later, handed her over as some form of security to three creditors. At first, she said any one of them might be the father of her child – so probably she was used as much as a sex slave as security for a loan”
The girl had non-consensual coitus with several perpetrators?
Sounds like gang rape to me.
John Reith: “But it’s not gang rape because she was pledged by her father as security for a loan”
I wonder how well that defense would work at Bow Street Magistrates.
“There was much unfounded speculation here (and on other blogs) about Green Helmet – who was cast as some sort of Hezb PR man who’d fabricated the whole thing.”
No one denied that people were killed. how ever Green Helmet turned it into a ghoulish circus of the dead for the pleasure of Islamosympathist media types.
“Now it has emerged that Salam Daher was the civil defence co-ordinator for the district – and this has been confirmed by the Lebanese authorities.”
Has it been shown that he does not have a connection to Hez?
“Not even LGF think it was all faked.”
The deaths are real, the story has been changed to protect the guilty.
“The worst crit they’re now making as that Mr Daher was a touch insensitive in his enthusiasm to display dead bodies to cameras.”
A touch insensitive? They keept bodies in unrefigerated lorries so they would always have some around to show interested tourists with cameras.
Have you John Reith, even seen emergency personel take time from thier duties to display corpses for the pleasure of the viewing audience?
I might further add, that in many cases Green Helmet’s circus cadavers looked a bit old and shopworn vs freshly dead.