“They see no march
The BBC seems somehow to have missed thosuands of Muslims marching through London supporting terrorists and calling for the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate over much of the West. Strange. Can anyone out there think why they would not report on this particular item of news?”
Is he right? Can it be that the BBC have failed to notice this? Failed to report it? Failed the British public interest? Surely you can reassure me it isn’t so.
Thanks to Pounce (again) I notice that they did a little bit of background work on today’s little Islamic jamboree in Manchester.
Note how it was “Jewish concerns” they reported about the man Tamimi, when really the headline could have been ‘”Islamofascist” given platform by “moderate” muslims’. Well, if the cap fits…
This was a man who, captured on video in Trafalgar Square recently, called Israel a “cancer” that must be removed and likened it to a baby conceived by GWB and Tony Blair (!!historical memory lapse!!) which was destined for abortion, all to robotic chants of ‘Allahu Akhbar’. I’d say on the evidence it fits.
I’ve listened to it again and again, and Tamimi is quite clearly calling for the eradication of Israel, by violence if necessary- as he glorifies Hezbolla and Hamas and declares it only a “matter of time”. Says Tamimi, “you count my words, and you remember these words” . Well I have, and I shall, and suggest everyone out there, and especially anyone working for the BBC, does too.
Not surprised – The BBC website quotes in the wake of this afternoon’s test match emphasises Pakistani outrage rather than Pakistani cheating.
Firebrand Islamic academic: ‘dying for your beliefs is just’
“Dr Azzam Tamimi told an 8,000-strong crowd that standing up for your principles was the ‘greatest act of martyrdom’. The 51-year-old was speaking at the ExpoIslamia convention in Manchester.”
Maybe we could test the new glorification of terrorism laws?
‘Jewish groups are concerned over a speaker addressing an Islamic conference in Manchester on Sunday.
‘Louis Rappaport, president of the Jewish Representative Council of Gtr Manchester, said Dr Tamimi would not help Jewish-Muslim relations.’
Oh, but he would say that, wouldn’t he?
Says it all about the BBC’s mindset. There are very many Gentiles – and airline passengers – who are concerned by Tamimi and his ilk. Obviously, they [Jews, concerned Gentiles, airline passengers] are just Islamophobes.
well, maybe, if more of us did a “i am spartacus”, when it came to the term “islamophobe”, then it wouldnt be used as a term of abuse. just a thought.
“I am Spartacus, I am an Iraqi” – an MP3 audio recording and transcript of a speech made by British MP George Galloway in Trafalgar Square, London, on 19 March 2005. Published by the Cambridge Clarion Group and the website of the campaign group Stop Political Terror.
We should heard up the 8000, and ship them to Iran…….
Galloway too…….
I hear his show on TalkSport is losing listeners in the 10s of Thousands a week…..
I thikn what they don’t realise, is that people are getting more and more angry…….and pretty soon, they are going to regret it, and regret it intensely…….
Astonishing claim from Al Beeb’s Jim Muir that Hezbollah placed no reporting restrictions on their correspondents in the recent Israel/Hezbollah war.
“there have basically been no restrictions on reporting as such – there’s been no pressure in any direction with regard to anything we actually say, indeed very little interaction of any sort.”
Wilbur at the Blank Pages lightly but effectively fisks this astonishing claim – it only needs a light fisking because of a plethora of reported instances of Hezbollah threats against correspondents.
“Well, er … basically no restrictions? That’s not what many other news agencies had to say:
CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Nic Robertson and CBS’s Elizabeth Palmer are among the many who confirm that Hizbullah allowed reporters to see what they wanted them to see. Says Cooper on Hizbullah, “… they clearly want the story of civilian casualties out. That is their — what they’re heavily pushing, to the point where on this tour I was on, they were just making stuff up.”
Now why would they want to make “stuff up” about those civilian casualties?”
Now, I saw CNN’s Robin Oakley chair a discussion yesterday with Brent Sadler and someone fromthe American University in Cairo. Sadler stated that he and other reporters were heavily dependent on what their Arab fixers chose to show them, and were aware all the time that they were being carefully shown only what Hezbollah wanted them to see.
The American University in Cairo guy criticised news agencies for failing to alert their viewers that reporters were working under war time restrictions, so viewers would be aware of receiving only part of the story.
So how come the BBC is the only organisation not to experience these widely reported restrictions.
Is Muir so naive that he can’t see a restriction when it’s before him?
Or is Hezbollah so confident of a sympathetic angle from the BBC that it allows BBC reporters a freedom denied to more objective outlets?
I think we should be told.
Encouraging, though, that Sadler said reporters covering the Middle East were under huge pressure from people who watched their reportage for evidence of distortion and bias. They had to be very careful, he said, as viewers were only too ready to cry foul if they felt reporting was misleading.
Lets keep up the good work, chaps.
I commented on Fran Unsworth’s post on The Editors. I asked here if she didn’t find it disturbing that there was such a yawning chasm between the perception revealed in most of the comments on the BBC reporting on the war and her and Jim Muir’s perception of it.
No response, but I’m not holding my breath. I posted a follow up comment but I guess they don’t have much of a a skeleton staff because they didn’t post any comments over the weekend.
For people who prefer their assertions to be supported, here’s a few examples of Hezbollah ‘not placing any reporting restrictions’.
From National Review online
The BBC fights back
I see the BBC at last posts an article about the Expoislamia which transpired yesterday down the road in Manchester.
UK foreign policy under spotlight
By Dominic Casciani
BBC News in Manchester
Thousands of young Muslims have been gathering in Manchester at an international conference discussing issues of faith and community. So what did they think of the UK’s foreign policy?
Seems to me that the BBC isn’t bothering about what the above event was all about.
“The value of engaging with the wider society, the discourse to build stronger Muslim communities and to call for the promotion of the common good for humanity”
Taken from the event mission statement from its website.
I can’t find anything about questioning the UK’s foreign policy BBC. So why invent a storyline other than to portray that 3% of the population wish to dictate their foreign policy onto the remaining 97% of us.
Oh look, the Star of the show according to the BBC
One of the star turns at Manchester was Dr Azzam Tamimi of the Muslim Association of Britain. Dr Tamimi is a Palestinian who says that suicide bombings can be justified against Israel. In an emotive speech, he accused George W Bush and Tony Blair of turning “a war against terror into a war on Islam” – but that Muslims were standing up to be counted.
And in good old Blue Peter fashion BBC here is something I made earlier about this odious creature;
And lastly the BBC ends with;
Foreign policy just seems to be lacking a humanitarian dimension.”
Err BBC and friends you leave out these little statements from your diatribe against my country;
In fact BBC Lets not forget aid to Iran, Sudan, Somalia, El Salvador, Honduras, Sri Lanka , Niger and Ethopia.
How about when our foreign policy bombed the Serbs into the Stone age over Kosovo.
How about how years of Aid to Zimbabwe went in to the pockets of Mugabwe and how everybody cried foul play when we cut it.
It seems that in not berating tiny little Israel for hitting back over a terrorist incident really upsets 3% (and the BBC) of the population so much they wish to change our foreign policy.
The correct link for our doctor friend.
It appears my “here is something I made earlier quip was actually something from ‘Magpie’ and not the far superior Blue Peter
The Everyman Cinema in Hampstead is hosting a debate on “Middle East media coverage”. Hosted by Sky News’ Samantha Simmonds, headlining the debate is Rageh Omaar. Also speaking will be Sharon Sadeh (Israeli born, ex Ha’aretz and regular guest on BBC news). Anyone fancy turning up?
Debate is on Tuesday 22 August at 20:30 at the Everyman Cinema in Hampsted, London. Tickets are £10 from Box Office 0870 066 4777 or http://www.everymancinema.com
Have you concerned that perhaps the BBC could have perhaps move without minders in southern Lebanon?
After all with correspondents like Orla and Cry Me a River Keane why bother watching them? They’re already propaganists.
#Anon – Time Out
Ha’aretz newspaper has the reputation of being Israel’s version of the Guardian. According to Camera.org, Ha’aretz has a history of refusing to correct factual errors even when the facts are not in dispute.
I hope this won’t be yet another example of pitting an anti-Israel Arab speaker (former BBC – now al Jezeera) with an anti-Israel Israeli (former Ha’aretz – often quoted on BBC). Balance achieved by an anti-Israel host – former BBC, now Sky. ~Gilo is a settlement; cycle of violence; attributed negative quote from Colin Powell; Yasser Arafat but no quotes from Israelis.
I hope someone from biased-BBC will attend and report.
There is something fishy about Tamim’s palestinianism. He is 51 years old i.e. born in 1955. He was not born in pre-1967 Israel because “When my home town was occupied I was outside Palestine”.
On the other hand in his own words “I’m not considered by the Palestinians as a legitimate Palestinian” i.e. he is a self (and BBC) proclaimed Palestinian.
When interviewed by Tim Sebastian he said:
DR AZZAM AL-TAMIMI: I cannot get in because I am not counted as a Pales[tinian]. When my home town was occupied I was outside Palestine and I just wasn’t counted. I’m not considered by the Palestinians as a legitimate Palestinian / by the Israelis as a legitimate Palestinian. So as much as they don’t recognise me I don’t recognise them.
Tamimi says:
I’m not considered by the Palestinians as a legitimate Palestinian
If the Palestinians were willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Yasser Arafat and Edward Said, you would think Tamimi would have no problem.
/ by the Israelis as a legitimate Palestinian
This may well be true. On the other hand Israel would not exclude him visiting for this reason as a tourist. He wouldn’t be planning to stay very long.;)
The US only supports Israel because it is in its strategic interests to do so. There is not, and never has been, any “ethical” dimension to US foreign policy.
In the purusit of it’s strategic interests i.e. securing access to Iraqi oil we saw propaganda of an unprecedented level, all of which has proved subsequently to be demonstrably just that. Most people realise that the middle east is and always will be all about oil. As the US and UK are in the process of “liberating” (read – securing access to it’s oil) Iraq by handing it over to radical islamicists e.g. Moqtada al-Sadr, they continually supply the shocking regieme in Riyadh with millions of dollars worth of weapons, only last week agreeing to sell them new eurofighters. This is a government (Saudi) that is by any defintion repressive and undemocratic, spending it’s oil wealth on weapons to help secure its position and the thousands of royal princes lavish lifetstyles. The west accepts this, paradoxilcally exactly because the saudi royal family are disinctly un-democratic in that they do not represent the anti-US feeling of the countries population and are only too happy to allow the west access to their oil. They additionally allow US troops station there furthering securing US oil interests.
How can anyone accept that foreign policy has anything to do with justice and freedom when history has shown time and time again this is not the case ? All the leftie ruminations about the “jewish lobby” miss the point entirely, Israel serves as a great strategic tool to the US.
Israel is distinctly worried as the entire reason for US interest in it and the region will eventually disappear. Once the middle east loses it’s strategic significance to the outlook for Israel is not good and most Israelis I’m sure realise this. By demonising islam and those who resist Israel as “terrorists” the west is doing what those in power have always done, deciding on the definition of these terms to suit our own ends. Understand what propaganda truly is, the BBC are not the problem since they do not serve any strategic purpose to anyone. All the other “news” sources ultimately do.
Thanks for that startling apercu, Anon…
This blog is for grownups Anon
‘By demonising islam and those who resist Israel as “terrorists the west”‘
Nope, disagree. The West indulges Islam to such a degree that it is now changing its laws and customs to keep Muslims happy.
You’re quite right about Saudi Arabia though. What you don’t say is that this loathsome, hypocritical country has spent lavishly on the spread of Islam across the world while repressing its own people and banning non-Muslims from practising their own faiths.
[cue accusation of Islamophobia, racism, et al]
posted on the general comments thread instead. Dong – FOFF.
The Rageh Omaar’s Sunday BBC1 religious program when portraying Jews at the time of Jesus uses extras recruited among local Arabs who speak Arabic. Why?
Dong – FOFF.
Anon | 21.08.06 – 2:41 pm
That didn’t take you long did it?
“The Rageh Omaar’s Sunday BBC1 religious program when portraying Jews at the time of Jesus uses extras recruited among local Arabs who speak Arabic. Why?”
The Beeb was wrong on two counts last night. The locals should have been speaking Aramaic, not Arabic; also they gave Augustus Caesar’s dates wrong. Jesus was born in Augustus’s reign, yet the Beeb claimed he died in 14 BC, at the age of 49. Augustus died in AD 14, giving him an extra 28 years of life.
(There was no year zero – 1 BC was followed by AD 1)
PS – I also have no time for the PC “BCE/CE” crap either.
Funnily enough, from the point of view of the PC crowd you’d think they’d realise that “common era” is far more offensive/western imperialist (or should I say “inappropriate”?) that “BC/AD” – who are they to say that the Western/Christian dating system is the “common” one? Aztecs, Mayans, American Indians, Muslims, Jews etc etc would all presumably beg to differ…
Don’t know if this has been reported elsewhere, but the BBC have admitted they engage in staging photos in Lebanon. And endangering children to boot.
Talking about unexploded bombs the BBC has this to say:
“The shell is huge, bigger than the young boy pushed forward to stand reluctantly next to it while we get our cameras out and record the scene for posterity. ”
not surprised at this at all. BBC today complained about a man from dubai who was checked at the london eye. Imagine that? A helluva story.
The BBC is now a laughing stock around the whole world……
People now look down their noses and sniff when they see the amature BBC chavs at work…..
What a disaster the left has been for the once great BBC……
Everyone with a nbrain knows they are full of shite and have their tounges up Muslim Extremists arses…..
The only people who support the BBC are extreme left wing communists, racists and bigots…….
Womean and Gays must be crapping their pants at the BBC…won’t be long before Sharia law rules and the Beeb…and Gays are tossed from the rroftops…….
And whatever happened to the strikes???…Don;t they even have the bottle to stand up for their own jobs anymore???…….
The BBC is a joke…..the world over…a complete joke, based purely on fear and oppresion of the British people….come the backlash, the BBC employees will be seen as no different to the Nazis of WWII who tried to destroy Germany……
The BBC is a vile Cancer……..it needs to be cut out and tossed in the trash where it truely belongs…and that day approaches…..rapidly. 🙂
Cheers anon. Let’s hope the CBI don’t get sight of your spelling and grammatical skills or they’ll have a coronary.
Wonder who the English guy trying to cover his face is, in the 4th from bottom picture standing at the front next to Maajid Nawaz. Its probably a BBC editor on his day off. But it would be great to know who he is – if anyone knows please post his name. He can be seen in the 9th from bottom picture.