or, Tuesday night laugh.
According to this press release, the BBC is launching its first major publicity campaign since 1997.
Rather like this blog, the campaign “will feature real life examples of extraordinary BBC achievements, large and small.”
Oh joy. (via Stephen Pollard)
No, I’m not full of my own importance, but I do get a little tired of debating with people who appear reasonable but soon reveal themselves as agenda-pushers uninterested in real debate.
You have chosen not to answer the points I raised on Gaza. You can’t do it, I guess, since it might force you to take an honest look at your own motives in coming here. Now that you have lost that debate by default you have skipped and jumped and you are on about the fence. You can keep quoting anti-Israel “specialists” with their narrow little agendas as much as you like but it doesn’t change the fact that Jews on this little strip of land have been in defensive mode against Arab terror even prior to the establishment of Israel.
Have a look at a map of the bantustans that Israel accepted under partition in 1947. The Palestinians could have had their state for almost 60 years now but they rejected partition and threw their lot in with their Arab brothers and with war and terror. The Arabs lost the wars and the Palestinians have been mostly unsuccessful for some time now in their terror tactics, though It’s not for want of trying. Actions have consequences. And there is no reason why the Palestinians should be immune to that principle.
This is a site on BBC bias. It’s not the ideal forum in which to indulge your prejudices. Go and chat to Noam Chomsky. He’ll reinforce them for you.
If it is not an ideal forum to indulge in “prejudices” why are you here playing the hard done by little Israel card every chance you get. Hopefully you get at least a flavour from me that far from everyone agrees with your own somewhat one sided view of the conflict.
You will not get a resectable broadcasting company to toe your line that international and humanitarian law should not apply to Israels enemeies because they
forefit it 50 years ago. Keep trying if you like though.
Take a look at your own language before attacking me, everyone who disagrees with you has an “agenda” or don’t know what they’re talking about. it’s you who needs to “wake up” and see that Israel actually can and does do wrong sometimes.
Clive Williams writes:
“Israel actually can and does do wrong sometimes.”
Hardly a sentiment one might expect to find disagreed with by the overwhelming majority of posters and commenters here.
You have posted a single story which has not been reported by the BBC – Its provenance hardly strengthened by support from a clutch of extreme Left-wing, anti-Israel, anti-US activists.
Others, meanwhile, have posted literally dozens of examples where the BBC’s reporting has been transparently biased in the opposite direction to that which you are trying to establish.
I know whose commentary on systemic bias I find convincing, Mr. Williams. And it isn’t yours.
righty ho G Cooper. Why not do a quick google search for the story before claiming that anyone who carries it is part of a ‘clutch’ of ‘anti-US, and anti-Israel activists’. wherever you look for bias it can be found. I suppose I should have know better than to expect anything other than a reactionary response from you lot. I wont bother posting again, and leave you to pat each other on the back for finding “more of the same” no doubt you have me down as an anti-semite too.
Hopefully you get at least a flavour from me….
Mr. Williams, do you really think you are the only one who has come onto this site with his anti-Israel attitudes and agendas? Talk about self-importance. You guys are a dime a dozen. You moan about Israel but you never have anything negative to say about the Palestinians. And your idea of a debate is the same idea a pigeon has when it defecates on one’s head. Just a few days ago, as I’ve already indicated, someone called Al got all sulky and put his nose in the air and wouldn’t debate the BBC’s coverage of Gaza with me, claiming that my point of view was somehow beneath his notice. You are doing the same thing.
No, I’m not looking for every chance I get to play the hard done by little Israel card. Hmmmmmm, prejudices showing there a little, huh? I’m here to help track and expose BBC bias, whether it relates to Israel/Palestine or any other subject.
Now I suppose you might be bewildered and hurt by the fact that not only is Israel going great guns in rooting terrorists out of Gaza but that your wonderful BBC isn’t shouting “Israeli brutality” from the rooftops. Tough. You’ll just have to live with that for a while. Lebanon is the fashionable place for BBC hacks right now. But check Alan Johnston out. He’s still in Gaza and he’ll give you a small daily dose of propaganda, just to keep you going.
Clive Williams writes:
“righty ho G Cooper. Why not do a quick google search for the story before claiming that anyone who carries it is part of a ‘clutch’ of ‘anti-US, and anti-Israel activists’.”
You really should try to read and understand posts before responding to them. I said your citing as a source of support that aforementioned clutch of anti-US, anti-Israeli activists wasn’t convincing.
I did not say that anyone who had carried the story was in that category.
I can only deduce, therefore, you are either a distorter of what other people say, or incapable of following an argument. In which case your decision not to post here again won’t cause me any distress.
Don’t trip over on your way out, will you?
Game set AND match to GCooper and bryan!
Perhaps the BBC and Foreign Office can explain why taxpayers funds are used to transmit programmes on BB World Service such as September’s offering on “persecution” of Muslims in the United States since 9/11 ?
In fact the amount of news and comment on the United States on BBC World Service now revives memories of Radio Peace & Progress – the Voice of Soviet Public Opinion – which had similar content.
I know that in the past MI6 used to maintain black propaganda stations in Cyprus and other locations, but do we really need the BBC to broadcast the same kind of conYears ago there used to be Conservative councillors in inner city Leeds, Bradford and other northern towns. tent ?
I know that in the past MI6 used to maintain black propaganda stations in Cyprus and other locations, but do we really need the BBC to broadcast the same kind of content
dave t,
He didn’t put up much of a fight! Aren’t there any decent trolls out there anymore?
Aren’t there any decent trolls out there anymore?
It is significant that people arriving here to support the BBC & to state that it has no bias, end up showing themselves to be anti-Israeli, anti-American, pro-Islamist & socialist/statist.
It only serves to confirm that the BBC’s editorial stance co-incides with their views.
I’m not sure what they hope to achieve by coming onto a site that contradicts their worldview.
Perhaps subconsciously they are simply in desperate need of a break from the dreary socialist crap they get fed on the sites they habitually visit.
Yep, but it is signifiant that all the people coming here to support the unbiased BBC turn out to be loony left Israel hating Islamoappologists. Wouldn’t an unbiased station attract an equal number of defenders who, say, thought Mrs Thatcher was right ?
True. Maybe we should work on a comprehensive standard response to have handy whenever they arrive. It would save a lot of time and effort.
Dumbjon writes:
” Yep, but it is signifiant that all the people coming here to support the unbiased BBC turn out to be loony left Israel hating Islamoappologists”
Yes, that’s an excellent point. Just as the BBC claims to be impartial because it criticises government policies from time to time (but only criticises them from the Left), so its defenders only support it with Leftist arguments.
I’ve been telling the Beeb to do this for years.
They should do more to make ungrateful Licence Fee payers like yourselves realise how lucky you really are.
The BBC is on of the best institutions in this country, and indeed the world. The news is not biased, it’s impartial, it simply doesn’t pander to a load af right wing conservative twats.
The news is not biased, it’s impartial
Hahahahahahah! 😆