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Oh, and I BTW recommend you check out this great post from BBC Eye.
re: the new PC version of Robin Hood,
perhaps I might suggest some revised characterisations for the next series:
Imam Tuck
Maid Maryam
Allah A’dale
Much, the Mullah’s Son,
Walid Scarlet
The Caliph of Manningham……
Were you a gobby NCO of the sapper kind?
I know, I was!
Is there any other type of NCO?
Me too.(Scaley)
“Watch and shoot, Watch and shoot”
just noticed on news 24 that Nick Robinson followed Tony Blair all the way to Jerusalem, when , in front of Ehud Olmert, Mr Robinson asked him a stupid question about the sheenanigans back home.
well done Mr Robinson – just make sure that Mr Blair looks like a twat in front of the Israelis when he’s out there trying his best to sort out the violence out there. bet you’re soooo proud of yourself.
I disagree.
Good need not prevail as of right.
paulc | 09.09.06 – 11:50 am |”
i concur. just look at Polish history.
we were lucky. they werent.
i love the way ehud olmert basically told nick robinson to fuck off.
although he said that waaaay more diplomatically…
blair – “i’m surprised that you put that question to me, because i really dont want get into it here (Israel)”
blair 1
bbc 0
sorry for the above – context – just watching a report on BBC news 24 and just transcribing it as best i can.
i am dumbfounded by nick robinson’s behaviour. truely dumbfounded – it shows a utter disregard or empathy for the Israelis and what they have just been through. instead , he uses the situation to try to make Blair embarassed. “toe curling” is the phrase that comes to mind.
I’ve posted the following on (Don’t) Have your Say on Afghan troop reinforcements?
I often attempt to post on DHYS to redress the lefty bias, suprisingly most of my posts don’t appear.
This one is doing OK, so if you agree, give me a vote and get me up to no 1 spot, last time I reached No1 with a comment about media biased in the middle East I was invited onto the radio show, so it maybe worth a go.
“If that’s what it takes.
At the end of the day, if the Taliban/al Queda are tied down in Afghanistan and/or being killed, they are not killing and/or planning to kill innocent people on the streets of London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Bangkok, Sydney….”
Tim, Toulon, France
BBC 1 gives time to conspiracy theory nut, @bush regime brought down WTC” bbc presenter response- lots of issues to consider there
ex-Mi5 guy Shayler on Heaven & Earth Show just now saying 9/11 set up by Bush using explosives?
Peter Hitchens responds. Finished now but Katie Melua about to appear….nice
Who is that nice cuddly, smiling man on the BBC News website front page?
Some beeboid clown called Matthew Paris on News 24 yesterday afternoon opined that Downing St. wanted to ‘downplay’ the Blair visit to Israel for security reasons. Methinks they wanted to downplay it to avoid having to say anything truthful or nice about Israel. But they outsmarted themselves because they couldn’t avoid the press conference that followed.
At 4.30 the same afternoon there was another case of the bbc wrong footing itself on a European discussion show. They lined up a bunch of moonbat MEP’s from Italy, France, UK, etc and were delighted when they said that the UN should impose a proper ceasefire in Lebanon. But up pipes the German chap and reminds them all that no one called for a ceasefire during the more than three years that Hezbollah was lobbing rockets into Israel!
Can the BBC settle this point, on which I am genuinely in ignorance? The evidence on offer is circumstantial at best, and I strongly suspect that that is in itself a clue to the answer. Here’s a settler speaking last August:-
‘”When we got to Gush Katif in the 1970s, there was nothing; just sand dunes 15 metres high,” he says.
‘”It was desert all around, with a smattering of Bedouins who worked with us. We didn’t occupy anything. We developed these farmlands. From the sand, we created a paradise.”‘
Or to put it another way: what do you call someone who doesn’t want any Arabs living next door? A racist. What do you call an Arab who doesn’t want any Jews living next door? An anti-imperialist resistance fighter. They’re a laugh a minute, the anti-Zionist left.
it could be old but i missed it. from christian hate? read it all,it’s good
BAA facing £20m terror alert bill
“The alert came at a boom time for British airports with a record 15 million passengers using BAA airports in July.”
Inconvenient timing indeed. And the alert was is response to WHAT? Have you forgotten BBC? Obviously you have.
Send the compo bill to Osama, or the MCB, or the other islamic fascists who are the cause of these ‘terror alerts’.
If these security measures were in place before 9/11, maybe the hijacker terrorists would have found it more difficult to get a knifes (carboard cutters) on board and carry out their atrocity. Whoops, I forgot, 9/11 was a set up by Bush who arranged for explosive experts to plant and detonate both towers.
BBC Heaven & Earth gave much of this morning’s coverage to conspiracy theorists. No good & evil here, just points of view, however warped. The BBC is an ememy of the people. It must be closed down.
>>>Big Mouth | 10.09.06 – 1:26 pm | #
Any Marr also wrongfooted himself somehwat this morning when his guest Chris Patten was calling for intervention & troops to be sent to Darfur. Andrew Marr said “How come there are no protests in the streets of the UK re Darfur?”
Patten didn’t answer the question.
Could it be because for the leftists in the UK, anti-americanism comes before intervention between waring parties becuse morally “something must be done”?
Similar to situ in Saddam era whn he was gassing kurds and shredding feet of his people. No big protests in the UK on moral grounds. Throw in the US to the mix however and the left are out in force – joining whoever else will come along, this time islamic fascists who want to implement Sharia in the UK.
The left are politically spent and devoid of morality. Each time they get proved wrong, they are quick to move on to the next ’cause’, until they are proved wrong again. But they have a warm home in the BBC.
Big Mouth: What German chap was that? I wasn’t aware that there are (many) German politicians with an openly pro-Israel stance.
Fellow gobby NCOs…
Hail fellows well met!
(Ex Infantry SNCO who drove his officers mad with the classic phrase ‘I quite agree with your reasoning for the tactical disposition of the platoon Sir …but…..’)
Then again most of us follow our senior officers out of sheer curiosity…..
I love the way Mr ‘Selective’ Reith thinks Gen Richards is now the best thing since sliced bread when the Beeb have been slagging off the Army Board for years now!
Did you also notice the way they splashed some Scots Guards pavement pounder whinging about how he would run the campaign out there and that he resigned because he didn’t agree with the way Gen Richards is running it?
Yeah right….how come Reith isn’t supporting this chap Doherty then? Oh right he was an ADC not a combat officer out there otherwise known as a bag carrier!
I also have to say I know Stuart Tootal CO 3 PARA very well (my old Adjutant when he was a Jock officer) and when he says his battalion’s morale is sky high despite the hard fighting and their tragic losses I believe him rather than either a whinging ADC or the BBC!
Great post on blogs and their lack of influence in the UK compared to the US. Good points made here.
The Telegraph following the Al Beeb line:
Media ‘contributing to rise of Islamophobia’;jsessionid=FCEMLBZJQC4JFQFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2006/09/10/nterr10.xml
Let them talk without asking tough questions. Nice one.
“I wasn’t aware that there are (many) German politicians with an openly pro-Israel stance.
disillusioned_german | 10.09.06 – 3:09 pm |”
maybe not openly, but i found it encouraging that the very first country Angela Merkel visited after being elected Chancellor was israel.
“BAA facing £20m terror alert bill”
This isn’t that large an amount for BAA. About the same cost as refurbishing a small departure lounge.
Big Mouth | 10.09.06 – 1:26 pm
I saw that prog as well. Did you notice how the beeb presenter so effortlessly managed to almost completely exclude the Conservative?
The sad fact is that he was talking commomsense and the fat lady from Italy and the dimwit from nulab were pushing the pro-Islam and pro-pali line in a dreary incantation of the usual victim rubbish.
disillusioned_german | 10.09.06 – 3:09 pm
The german had a name something like Graf … Lambsdorff
Graf Lambsdorff? Interesting. He’s a liberal – but more of the conservative kind.
“In WW2 Churchill considered and planned for the possibility that these islands might fall to Nazi Germany. The Army would fight on for as long as it could, then resort to guerrilla warfare, the Navy would sail to America and other parts of the Empire, the Royal Family would go to Canada.”
In Winnie’s dreams. George VI might have been on the dim side but he understood the nature of his job perfectly. If it came to that he intended to lead, or at least figurehead, any resistance. As the late Queen Mother said back in the day: “The children won’t leave without me. I won’t leave without the King. The King will never leave.”
“Someone said in this blog (I forgot who) that Churchill saw Stalin as a friend because he too apposed Hitler.”
That was probably me. But I never meant to imply anything but a temporary alliance of convenience – which indeed it was. Sometimes it’s wise to play one devil off against another. It would have been even wiser to be less accomadating of the second devil *after* the danger was past.
“If such war is under way, there are ten good reasons why, as things stand, Islam will not be defeated.”
I like to think this is a call for those ten factors to change rather than for surrender.
In Winnie’s dreams. George VI might have been on the dim side but he understood the nature of his job perfectly. If it came to that he intended to lead, or at least figurehead, any resistance. As the late Queen Mother said back in the day: “The children won’t leave without me. I won’t leave without the King. The King will never leave.”
‘The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men
gang aft agley’
I said Churchill planned. I didn’t say that others had no objections.