Thanks to Alison at Making Headlines for the screen shot. She also adds this:
“Note there are no “” around the quoted words sorry. The BBC usually likes to employ these for effect.
The BBC would like to make it very clear to peace loving muslims the world over that the Pope is very very sorry, humbled in fact…
I’d like to know if muslims are sorry for Darfur which is also in the news at the moment and which took something of a back seat to your sensibilities. Its only genocide of fellow muslims in the name of Islam after all.
I’d also draw your attention to this essay from David Warren (thanks to Dave T and others) which draws attention to the BBC’s responsibility in this debacle, and to this sad story from Somalia. Warren didn’t actually mention the existence of this site, but he might have. Your license fee at work.
Start the Week 24th February 2025
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…