Oh really, Thomas Buch-Andersen of the BBC.
Then why is the Guardian explaining:
“How one of the biggest rows of modern times helped Danish exports to prosper”??? (hat-tip DFH)
Oh really, Thomas Buch-Andersen of the BBC.
Then why is the Guardian explaining:
“How one of the biggest rows of modern times helped Danish exports to prosper”??? (hat-tip DFH)
No mention in the BBC article that the imam who organized the ‘tour’ also included unrelated pictures in order to manufacture a crisis.
This is bull. I see what you guys are talking about.
Yes, even the Guardian, that disgusting left-wing rag, had the info that the imam “included three pieces of unpublished hate mail – showing a dog sodomising a praying Muslim, Mohammad as a paedophile, and a French pig-squealing contestant.”
The BBC continually lies by omission and distortion of facts. It’s the worst of the whole motley crew.
What lesson would that be, Mr. Buch-Andersen? The lesson that once a muslim burns a flag our freedom of speech goes out of the window, we hand our artists over to them so they can be killed according to sharia law or what???
This article takes the biscuit. Whenever you think Al Beeb couldn’t stoop much lower they surprise you with the next insult to Western intelligence.
Stop paying the license fee, people!
LGF writes “Denmark Exports Soaring”: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=22777_Denmark_Exports_Soaring
They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims – while Muslims have taken a greater interest in themselves
er, who`s botheing about the Danes and the superior living conditions that have een offered to Muslims who cannot abide thier own crappy countries?
“Lying like an Imam.”
Ha! Giggle! Snort! Got to hand to the Danes. They know how to coin a phrase!.
I haven’t really posted on this blog before, but was soooo pleased to see you picked up on this tripe of an article on the BBC, keep up the good work!!! I also found this article absurd!
The question everyone is asking is has Denmark learned its lesson?”
Typical BBC journalistic con trick. Who exactly is this everyone. Maybe someone should email Thomas Buch-Andersen and ask for a list of specific names.
Here are some other people who have yet to learn their lesson.
they have “experienced difficulties with Islamic militancy first-hand” … difficulty is what the BBC calls death threats and murders by muslim fanatics.
Here is a BBC piece on of someone who “didnt learn his lesson” and consequently “experienced difficulty”
“They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims – while Muslims have taken a greater interest in themselves”
So a racist, narcissistic bunch of sociophobes appreciate their intrinsic, institutionalised, inherent disfunctionality while at the same time drawing the attention of their host community to said collective inadequacies.
This becomes a matter for celebration?
Where’s Kenny Everett when you need him.
‘But in the Dutch film community, Theo van Gogh was a well-known figure and has been described as the Netherlands’ Michael Moore.’
SURE! Can one imagine Moore making any kind of honest movie that would endanger his own life!
How much easier is it for the BBC to follow the Old Foreign Office line : better to praise your enemies and attack your friends if you want peace and quiet.
Your friends won’t fight back and your enemies will refraon from attacking you.
Plus -you’ll make more money.
bbc = scum
They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims – while Muslims have taken a greater interest in themselves.
So a racist, narcissistic bunch of sociophobes appreciate their intrinsic, institutionalised, inherent disfunctionality while at the same time drawing the attention of their host community to said collective inadequacies.
Great stuff, paulc. I couldn’t have said it better myself, though I was grappling with the fact that the Muslim-friendly Guardian could possibly reproduce something that absurdly self-absorbed without at least commenting on the absurdity of it.
In fact, I couldn’t have said it at all. I was speechless.
While on the BBC page on Theo Van Gogh I came accross this P.o.S article by Clarisse Pereira
“Imams on Dutch culture course” and what does Dutch culture comprisee of according to Clarisse?
“soft drugs, prostitution, gay marriage and euthanasia” … oh really? and I thought Dutch culture was epitomised by tolerance. Why no mention of that Clarisse?
Oh I see there is mention of tolerence in your last paragraph. But not in the context I was expecting:
“Whether Dutch society is ready or not for such a tolerance test might become a question to be asked in January 2003, when the first group of imams “graduate”.
Bijan Daneshmand
A couple of lines from your link (my emphasis):
Muslim clerics in the Netherlands are attending courses on Dutch values which include education about soft drugs, prostitution, gay marriage and euthanasia. Having had to read that twice for it to sink in, we have:
The seminars are part of a government programme for new arrivals, which since September has included a tailor-made course for religious leaders. Ah, now why do I believe every word of this particular BBC piece? Behold the dead hand of the western liberal, let’s tell’em about the decadent and trivial side of society. Frankly, I’m half inclined to sympathise with the ragheads. What is there to respect about a society which trumpets its drug culture and prostitution? Only liberals could be proud of the unseemly side of society AND expect the ragheads to be respectful of it.
The Islamic community is growing in the Netherlands, and now accounts for 6% of the population. Holland is screwed.
Since 2001 homosexuals can get married in the Netherlands while soft drugs are openly available in licensed shops and cafes. Prostitutes can become legal workers and pay taxes and euthanasia is legal. “We wanted the imams to be informed as much as possible without confronting their religious beliefs,” says Halim El Madkouri of the Multicultural Institute in Utrecht, who helped organise the course. But in such a progressive context, conflict between personal beliefs and social mores is quite common.
Ah yes, the ‘progressive’ liberal society. No quotes, just a straight claim from the BBC that cheap and decadent trivialities are ‘progressive’. You do have to wonder if the ragheads don’t have a point sometimes.
Socialism is Necrotizing:
They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims
After a visit to DK in the summer I had the opportunity of talking at length with many Danes. The reaction is not one of dhimmitude- far from it. The previous air of Scandinavian cosmopolitanism has been well and truly shattered, I would suggest, like paulc, that this interest is, essentially, an acute awareness of the enemy within. On the lines of- who the hell are these people living here(and in Europe) amongst us causing this damage! A sensibility that they can only really compare with the Nazi occupation in WW2. A very far cry from the presumed BBC/Home Office,socialist liberal-left philosophy that thinks that through education and social engineering, and an “in yer face approach, etc.” that potentially Islamaphobic opinions & feelings can be altered for the best.
This is doomed to fail, and each bombing outrage will punctuate this failed experiment. The Guardian is dreaming again and resembles Laputa!
It’s rather like saying that after the bombing of the Buddhist sculptures of Baniyan in Afghanistan that the Danes have now been forced to take an interest in Muslim aesthetics!
See these Iranian patriots have a go at Tony Benn. Something you will never see as part of BBC’s Uncovering Iran Season
Only liberals could be proud of the unseemly side of society AND expect the ragheads to be respectful of it.
Spot on, Pete_London. But then I found myself thinking that the wily Dutch were trying to discourage the newly-arrived imams from settling in. But I realised there were a couple of things wrongs with that concept:
The Dutch must surely know by now that Muslims intend to change Dutch society, and not to be assimilated into it.
And I had a closer look at the name of the guy who organised the course: Halim El Madkouri.
Hmmmm, the plot thickens.
Ref Mr Moradi and his protest.
Doesn’t anybody find it strange that the STW stewards are willing to use violent means in which to silence a single protester.
Yet the very people willing to use heavy handed techniques in which to silence a critic of the people they defend. Are usually the first in which to cry foul play if a policeman even looks in his direction when they do the same.
Oh by the way BBC clones. If that stupid old git in the red bib had tried the same with me. I would have ripped his bloody arm off and hit him with the soggy end. As for that Muslim git. It’s amazing how hospitals now serve baby food in which to feed cripples.
One thing pushing somebody who won’t fight back, It’s something else when the person being pushed will push back.
Isn’t it srange that 6% of the population have such a big say in the running of a country?
Well I suppose not when you realise that Labour run Britain with only 25% of the adult population even supporting them – and of this 25% a third are probably muslim.
Just a word of warning about Reza Moradi and they are both members of Irans Communist party
you can google them
The BBC is watched by losers….they like their brains programmed by the TV….
The BBC is obsolete…….
they were bed fellows with the Islamist until the Islamists started cutting their throats. I guess its a consolation that when Islam takes over Britain the first people to have their heads lopped off with be the lefties that the Al-Beeb
i found the Guardian article to be quite reasonable, with a proper review of the facts around the case – and this is the friggin GUARDIAN we’re talking about.
the BBC has gone so far to the left, that even the Guardian sounds moderate!
bijan is correct – the first people after the revolution were the communists. having said that, the Iranian communists are a good source of information of the consequences of sucking up to Islamists. I would listen to them. and everyone else on the left in Europe and America should also listen to them.
oops typo – the first people executed after the Iranian revolution…
“After a visit to DK in the summer I had the opportunity of talking at length with many Danes. The reaction is not one of dhimmitude- far from it. The previous air of Scandinavian cosmopolitanism has been well and truly shattered,”
hmmm this has got me thinking – is there a direct link from the danish cartoons to the recent election of the Swedish conservatives?
Danes have been “interested” in Islam long before the Khartoon Jihad. The so-called “far right” Danish People’s Party which is anti-Muslim immigration has been a partner with the ruling coalition for five or six years now. I have ex-leftist, socialist friends in Denmark who now vote for the DPP, such is the “favorable” impression that their Muslim immigrants have had on the native population. Under the DPP’s influence the ruling coalition has severely curtailed the country’s formerly extremely liberal “family reunification” policies which led to massive importation of cousin-brides from the “home country” and hence, Muslim colonization of a sort. A few thousand Turks imported into Denmark in the 70s during a labor shortage ballooned into 200,000 or so today because of family reunification and imported cousin-brides.
Denmark has been carrying a heavy load of being practically the only Western country willing to stand up for Western values for quite some time — it didn’t just start with the Khartoon incident.
“They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims – while Muslims have taken a greater interest in themselves”.
1. Is it possible that Muslims could become more self-interested than they are already? Islamic culture, especially in the West, does not appear to be creaking under the strain of low self-esteem.
2. After Kristalnacht Jews were likewise “forced” to take an interest in Nazis, an interest not enough people in a position to help saw fit to share. There were consequences, I seem to recall.
“They admitted, however, that the row has had its positive side. Danes have been forced to take an interest in Muslims – while Muslims have taken a greater interest in themselves”.
Isn’t there something missing in this love triangle?
What interest have Muslims taken in their hosts? Nil, zilch.
The hosts who have allowed them to practice their religion, and live in one of the most pleasant, civilised countries on the planet.
One of the reasons it is so pleasant is that it has allowed its citizens to disagree with each other peacefully, to grow thick skins from the occasional insult, and hasn’t been burdened with being stuck in a 7th C way of life for the past 1400 years.
Has anyone ever noticed that whenever a loudmouth Muslim is threatened with deportation back to Syria, Egypt, Algeria etc, he cries out ‘no don’t send me there – they will do some nasty things to me’.
A worthwhile insight into Iran on BBC4. The Storyville series is one of the few worthwhile news oriented programmes on the BBC. The Danish? documentary while not particularly well made (it failed to show teh scale of teh problem) was at least honest which is far more than you will get from BBC news reports filed by Frances Harrison.
It backed up some of the views I was trying to share with you on these boards last month on the true situation in Iran.
“In the Eighties, documentary maker Nahid Persson left Iran. She recently returned hoping that previous injustices had been swept aside, but what she found, as her moving film reveals, is a society and where “drugs and prostitution go hand in hand with hypocrisy”. Persson follows Minna and Fariba, whose husbands have been jailed and who have been forced to make ends meet by going on the streets. Both have a child and are heroin addicts, but Persson doesn’t judge the pair. Instead she presents a world in which they are condemned to struggle as secondary citizens and where the men either short-change them (“Six dollars?” queries one man. “Do you think I’m rich like a mullah?”), or buy sex by marrying them in what is called a “sigheh”, a temporary marriage, allowable under Shia law, which can last 10 minutes or 99 years.”
chevalier de st george, is right the equivalency of Gogh with Michael Moore is totally bogus, as the BBC know, Moore, Clooney et al are taking the appeasing line with them, and yet they have to come out with this bullsh*t! The left have nothing to lose with appeasement, its Fox journalist who get kidnapped nowdays! It’s a dead giveaway the BBC are bankrupt.
Thats morally bankrupt.
Pathetic explanation of “So called War on Terror”
The Beeb edited the original article at 5.40pm today – compare & contrast?
“Almost everyone agrees that the ensuing row was a wake-up call for Denmark. Ironically, the controversy may have been what the country needed to begin engaging with its Muslim citizens.”
Surely the phrase should be…“…..the country needed to STOP engaging with its Muslim citizens.”
mick in the uk,
Thanks for the chuckle. And so true.
I’ve just taken a look at your homepage, Mick. So you were in NYC on Sept. 11th 2001 or had you left by the time the attacks occurred?
disillusioned german:
Yes we were there at the time…very painful, but we’ve been back a few times since then (we have family there).
I spent this Sept 11th at ground Zero supporting a lone woman against the moonbat protestors and conspiracy theorists who were gathered there (with Police protection), and although I’m all for free speech, they should have taken their protests elswhere on that day.