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I agree completely re, your comments about the BBC and Kris Donald.
I attempted to say that myself in my own half-arsed way here.
Umbongo good comment there. Adam Afryrie is actually a faint aquaintance of mine, I have met him a couple of times… When I do again I’ll try and bring up the subject
” Pete_London | 08.10.06 – 5:32 pm |”
great reading that. and about time too.
The islamic veil across Europe:
Thanks, Al Beeb.
News you’re not likely to read on Al Beeb’s website:
Even more interesting is this article: titled “Belgian far-rightist calls on Jews to join battle against Muslims”
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Microsoft have signed a non-exclusive memorandum of understanding that outlines the future partnership between the two organizations.
The BBC recently released a statement asserting that the memorandum signals the intent of the two companies to determine similar interests, which can lead to the formation of a strategic alliance. (Source:
Now, what could that mean ❓
disillusioned german
I dont think the answer to extremist Islam is to support the rise of the far right. Instead we shoudl seek to reinvigorate the anti- radical islam stance of the reasonable centre in politics – and as a first step we have to rout the force that has devestated this centre ground opposition toi Islam – Left wing liberalism.
Left wing liberals have given aid and succor to the forces of extremist Islam by defending every position taken by muslim extremists to the point of absurdity …. especially when considering the tradition of liberals on issues like treatment of homosexuals, minorities, womens rights, freedom of speech … etc.
But thats a debate for another day. for my part I find it amusing that the ultra-Orthodox Jews of Antwerp support a party that believs:
An extremist Muslim, according to Dewinter, is anyone who refuses to send his daughter to a swimming pool attended by both men and women, who demands his wife wear a head scarf outside the home and opposes the inclusion of pork on the menu of public-school lunches.
Which one of these three things are ultra-Orthodox Jews in favour of?
Dewinter goes on to say “There is a common interest between Jewish and Flemish people in the struggle against Islam in Europe,”
I wonder whether Jews can support the far right in any fight for a sustained period of time. I believe thats they have too much common sense for that.
Bijan: I don’t know enough about the Vlaams Block to decide whether they’re “right wing” or not. As far as I’m aware they’re nationalistic Flemish people – I’m not sure that’s necessarily a bad thing. After all we don’t want a European super-state, do we?
I personally refuse to use the “term” right-wing because I don’t like the implications. Not everyone who is right-wing is a Nazi or Faschist. I consider myself to be a neo-conservative who is pro-Israel and anti-EU.
I do agree with your points though. As Pete_London’s posting has shown even some liberals are coming around and that gives me hope. We’re not going to change the view of extreme lefties but if we can get some moderates on board we may be in with a chance. If the rise of the Vlaams Block helps making conservative politics acceptable again I’m all for it. There are two interesting questions at the moment:
1. Which European country will be the first to introduce sharia law?
2. Which European country will be the first to ban the islamic veil (in its different forms)?
I’m waiting with baited breath.
News you’re not likely to read on Al Beeb’s website:…id% 3D1490812006
Very interesting.
Also 3rd in the list of newslinks, titled
” Far right poised for gains in Belgium, Qatar – 2 hours ago
Local elections in Belgium are expected to strengthen the anti-immigrant Flemish far right in the run-up to next year’s parliamentary election. …”
On the AJ page is a poll concerning the Mumbai train bombings which an Indian investigation ascribed to Pakistan’s intelligence agency.
More RoP denial?
I haven’t read the AJ piece, Paul… I read the International Herald Tribute Europe report though.
I paraphrase Pounce here: “The BBC and not even half a story”
Al Jazeera gives you more insight into European politics than Al Beeb. What a surprise!
Poll gain for Belgium’s far right
I hope that Vlaams Belang does well enough to show the Belgian establishment for the disreputable EU-linked gravy train that it is. I also hope that they can reverse the creeping islamisation of Belgium, and kick those ‘youths’ back to Morocco.
D-G asks pertinently which European country will first adopt sharia law? (I think France: the French won’t fight) But the other question is which European country will be first to kick out the muslims? I reckon Belgium.
Via LGF:
Tonight there were power shortages all over Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg. “Youth gangs” took the opportunity, spreading the European tradition of “Ramadan Riots.” Within an hour most schools and commercial centers in the north eastern suburbs were vandalized.
– It’s complete chaos in north eastern Gothenburg. “We’ve sent all available police units but there’s no way we can stop the vandalisation,” police spokesman Frank Karlsson tells
– Several youth gangs are wandering about smashing windows and breaking into schools, malls, banks and a retirement center.
I guess that’s a report about the incident but my Swedish is a bit rusty:
Which one of these three things are ultra-Orthodox Jews in favour of?
You’ve unintentionally pointed out the difference between Muslims and Jews with that sentence. An orthodox jew isn’t in favour of any of the three things mentioned, but neither do they go out of their way to force that view on other people. Jews tend to try and fit in, even the most orthodox, and will simply make alternative provisions or simply compromise where the local services can’t accomodate their needs. So, for example, they would provide their children with packed lunches, and might be willing to overlook unisex swimming baths on occasion.
D-G asks pertinently which European country will first adopt sharia law?
Looks like it’s gonna be Spain, not France. I base that analysis on the fact that they have a dhimmi leader while the French are firm on not allowing the Muslimification of school dress.
dg -> goteburg has had a problem of exploding cars, in september.
Bryan: Until last week I would have said either France, Spain or Britain but I agree with you. Zapatero is so dhimmified, one wonders whether he’s a closet muslim.
Maybe the strawman has unintentionally steered the UK back on the right course. We’ll see.
France: Sarkozy will be stricter once in power. I also expect a surge in NF votes come next Spring.
By the way, I’m allergic to Nazis and neo-Nazis but what does a citizen do when they want to register a protest vote? Look at Belgium: “Despite being the largest single party in many towns, left and right parties have combined to keep it out of office.”
And that’s what Al Beeb writes. Democracy? No, just the old EU-keen elites trying to remain in power. And they keep wondering why people vote for extremist parties.
Archduke: I read something about an exploding car as well. And was wondering. RoP?
“But the other question is which European country will be first to kick out the muslims? I reckon Belgium.”
i dont think so – it’ll be the most liberal country. probably denmark or the netherlands.
Flera ungdomsgäng drog sent i natt omkring och slog sönder fönster i skolor och köpcentrum i de östra stadsdelarna. På flera ställen möttes ett stort polisuppbåd av stenkastande ungdomar.
From D-G’s link, gangs of stone-throwing youths attacked police, attacking schools in the eastern parts of the city.
Like the BBC, no mention of you-know-who.
I think I may have found a solution to the Jack Straw ‘veil’ issue —
It works for me !
I don’t think any of them will go that far. In Denmark, just like here in Norway, around 60% of all taxi, bus, tram and tube drivers are muslims. The locals won’t do that kind of work!
“And was wondering. RoP?”
well, it is ramadan right now.
from the lgf comments:
“Full chaos in eastern city”
According to police dispatch, at 23.00 hours, most schools and shopping centers in Hammarkullen, Hjällbo, Lövgärdet and Gårdsten had been trashed…”
“Police patrols were met by stone throwing mobs and were forced to retreat…”
and so on…
DEVELOPING… (I.e. “Youth” rampage ongoing in Gothenburg, Sweden)
Congratulations on your Swedish, Allan!
Dennis the Menace: Good god. Don’t let Bill Clinton see that!
“The locals won’t do that kind of work!”
but the Poles will… and after them the Romanians will.
the word “tinderbox” comes to mind.
Billyquiz: But we’ve already found that some muslim taxi drivers are not going to drive you when you are in violation of the koran. And the locals would do that kind of work if they could afford to work for a pittance. Nothing wrong with being a taxi- or bus-driver if you ask me. There are worse jobs out there!
nothing on sky news about goteburg yet.
I expect Fox News to report on it tomorrow. Should they report on it tonight I’ll let you all know.
“The locals won’t do that kind of work!”
but the Poles will… and after them the Romanians will.
They’re too busy undercutting the painters, decorators and carpenters to do that!
I hate online polls, surveys etc. But this one I’m sure breaks the BBcs guidlines.
“Net crime ‘big fear’ for Britons”
This was an online survey so by its very nature has probably missed the old, the poor and any other vulnerable person who do not have internet access.
Now here is what the BBc guidlines say about online surveys, polls etc.
“We can report any summary of online voting on the radio or television programme associated with the website, but we should not normally report it elsewhere in news, or on other radio or TV programmes, or on other online services”
Also there is no mention of how many people participated and when it was carried out. The results are shown as percentages. But percentages of what.
To me this is very misleading
“The Get Safe Online study released by the government found 21% of respondents felt most at risk from net crime, while 16% worried most about being burgled.”
So Net crime is not a “big fear” for Britons – it is a slightly bigger fear for those who took part in the poll – who do not represent Briton.
What’s “net crime”? The online reporting by Al Beeb?
a blogpost from fjordman from 2005, gives a bit of background on whats going on in sweden
It’s all beginning to happen right now. Flanders is turning against its incompetent political establishment and Sweden is reaching the point where it can no longer hide the criminality of its RoP migrants.
What I am looking forward to is how the BBC reports(?) these happenings, if at all.
Archduke – interesting post – this bit stood out for me.
“How does the Swedish political elite respond to their largest cities breaking down? By pretending there is no problem. The media elite shares the same contempt for and fear of the common people, and has largely played along. Some Swedes have compared Swedish media to Pravda in the old Soviet Union.”
Sounds like New Labour and the BBC.
btw, there were ramadan riots in brussels recently
of course, completely overlooked by the bbc.
>>”Over time I’ve detected a change in people’s attitudes too. At first I wondered if I was imagining it but the damn is about to blow in my opinion. Where islam is concerned, fewer and fewer are giving a damn about appearing racist anymore. What convinced me of the change was seeing friends of mine, London liberals, begin to criticise islam and muslims”
Sorry my last was quoting pete from London.
What i meant to say (and was cut off in my prime.. very if painfull not the least)
is that the elites of this world will have no problem dropping Islam and picking up another cause. Such is their way. Meanwhile the rest of us have to pick up the pieces and like the kings men try to put them together again.
Damn messy at the best of times.
Yeah, Pounce… but would you rather be an elitist without morals or someone who cares about human rights and actual equality? As I stated before – I believe we’re righteous people who will hopefully prevail because the alternative is unthinkable.
It is messy, it is a struggle but it’s a fight worth fighting. I see myself as being guided my hero, Sir Winston Churchill. I’d like to think he’s currently smiling down on us rooting for us to succeed.
4.48 am CEST:
Fox News just reports that there are reports that North Korea has tested a nuclear weapon.
Worrying? I’d say so. Can you talk with manic dictators? Nope. What are we going to do now?
What are we going to do now?
Give North Korea a seat on the Security Council and worry about enlarging the table for Iran! 🙁
Do you want to know which European country will give in to Sharia first? Norway. Followed by Sweden. And if you want to know why, here is an account of what the Norwegian elites do, on my own blog: As for Sweden, read Fjordman’s excellent and shocking account.
“I guess that’s a report about the incident but my Swedish is a bit rusty:”
The one thing about Swedish media is that they never explicitly state the ethnic or religious background of criminals. This standard covers all the electronic and print media.
In the UK media you can draw your own conclusions from the euphenism “Asian youths”.
In Swedish media you have to look at the places, in which the incidents take place. If the place is a well-known suburb mainly populated by non-European immigrants, it is safe to assume that the rioting ‘youths’ are muslims.
In the case of recent Gothenburg vandalism, I would say that there is a 90 per cent chance that the rioters are muslim immigrants.
“Do you want to know which European country will give in to Sharia first? Norway. Followed by Sweden.”
My money is on Sweden.
One of the largerst Swedish muslim organisation recently sent an open letter to political parties demanding the imposition of sharia in family and inheritance matters. This letter also contained a fairly extensive wish list. However, the demands were explicitly rejected by Swedish politicians.
The BBC is getting beyond parody.
BBC Breakfast Show has reporter situated at the Stock Exchange. His “business” report concerns fuel surcharges on airlines & how they have not fallen with the recent fall in oil prices.
Reporter turns to “expert” in the Stock Exchange studio. The “expert” is the fop, Laurence Llewellyn Bowen. Why? Cos he introduces the BBC holiday programme.
As Bowen obviously knows nowt about matters as sordid as oil prices, his response to questioning is to suggest that people stop taking their horrid cheap holidays & lay in bed & think about the environment.
“But the other question is which European country will be first to kick out the muslims? I reckon Belgium.”
Ain’t no country gonna be first to kick them out.
If they cause the kind of crap in their own countries that they cause in the West they are either killed or expelled. Witness Kuwait’s expulsion of Palestinians for supporting Saddam and Syria’s massacre of Islamists in order to crush their movement.
The long evolution of freedoms and individual rights written into law in Europe will ensure that Muslims are neither killed nor driven out.
The most that Europe will be able to do will be to limit immigration and jail or expel those Muslims who have been proven, through arduous legal processes, to be terrorists. And it wont be able to expel those Muslims who are citizens.
European countries will have to hang on to their culture and traditions by their fingernails. Looks like grim times ahead.
there was a power outage in malmo as well
still no mention of any of this on the bbc.
From those links, it appears that the power cuts CAUSED the vandalism. Hmmm, that’s a new one.
BBC only tells of the new ‘cartoon row’ in Denmark.
This is because the Prophet Muhammad has been shamelessly mocked yet again.
Something NOT mentioned by the BBC this morning, in its coverage of North Korea.
Guess who is one of the biggest donors of “humanitarian” aid to N.K
why, its the EU