Presumably you’ve heard the story of the 14-year old arrested for “racism”.
The BBC report doesn’t mention any of the details i.e. what she supposedly
did or said that was racist. Can’t imagine why.
I’ve been busy, and by the time I came to look at this post and follow the link the BBC story had improved considerably. It now has many of the strangely-missing details, only, oh, a day or so after everyone else.
Here’s a link to the Little Bulldogs post.
My serene confidence that Little Bulldogs, a newish blog of which I only became aware in the last few days, correctly describes the original BBC story is based on experience. They do this. After a while you get to spot the prim, repressed tone that says they’d rather you moved on from this particular story as soon as possible.
It does not help the people they think it helps. All it does is create an atmosphere of distrust.
Sure, if details are still emerging, make that clear. But practically every other news outlet in Britain managed to report what Codie Stott claims happened as soon as they heard about it. In other circumstances the BBC is quite capable of indicating that it does not necessarily endorse what someone asserts.
UPDATE: Now that the comments are working again I’ve seen this comment by “pounce” on the same story.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Back after the weekend, Little Bulldogs provides a screenshot.
Let’s go one better, Natalie…
This just off the jihadwatch.org website:
Non-Muslim students at Islamic school forced to wear headscarves
Robert Spencer, for once, has a few very harsh thoughts:
“Also, what is this requirement that ten percent of the students must be non-Muslim? How will they be selected? Will they be forced to go there in the name of the mighty god of multiculturalism? Catholic schools these days that admit non-Catholics are quite careful to do nothing in the way of proselytizing. But will these non-Muslim students be subjected to da’wa? Almost certainly. And will there be any concern about that from British authorities? Of course not. After all, Islam is a religion of peace! Why should British authorities care if more and more people join a group from which the 7/7 bombers came, and which has made no effort to cast those sympathetic to those bombers out of its ranks? What are you, some kind of racist Islamophobe?”
Why aren’t the BBc interviewing the girl on Today or Newsnight. They seem quite happy to interview the hijab wearing “teacher”. BTW Does anyone notice that these incidents seem to be happening now – at the same time as the Jack Straws comments. I would be interested to know if this “teacher” actually wore this tent before – or if this is a political statement.
The BBc can’t seem to get enough of this rubbish and both it and the political gestures from the so called “Muslim Community” are playing right into the hands of parties such as the BNP – I await the coverage by the BBC at the next election. Will the BBC , while trying to get the Labour Party realected drop these stories and start a full blown campaign trying to dig up skeletons from Conservative candidates pasts.
i dont have the link right now, but it seems as if this is a story that the MSM went crazy over – and then the school backed down. So, i guess we’ve won that little battle.
Infidels 1 Islam 0
completely OT – can anyone explain to me why loads of Indians are converting to Christianity or Buddhism? what is this “caste” thing all about?
The BBC and the full story
A reporter asking questions that really do count.
For once the BBC really does tell the full story.
Thank you.
Thanks for that link, pounce. Looks like at least one guy among BBC TV staff doesn’t find it necessary to walk on eggshells around Muslims and their “sensitivities”.
She probably thought she’d get an easy ride from the BBC. Interesting how he caught her out with a crucial question that she wouldn’t answer. That exposed her for the political fraud that she is.
She says that the veil is not intimidating or a barrier to understanding in her class because when you call a call centre you don’t see the person. That’s ridiculous. She’s teaching English and the children need to see her mouth as she forms the words to help them understand what she’s saying – especially since she doesn’t articulate words well and it’s sometimes difficult to follow her. She’s actually not suited to be an English teacher.
It’s quite likely that she’s not acting alone but has been put up to this by others and that it’s a political stunt to see how much Muslims can get away with.
Will she win and will the school be forced to put up with her, veil and all? That’s a likely outcome in this climate of PC idiocy.
A brief run-down on caste and conversion.
Hindus believe that in order to progress up the reincarnatory ladder, they have to obtain a sort of spiritual bank balance called karma. They get a good karma by performing the duties (dharma) allotted to them in their current incarnation.
The dharma of each individual is largely determined by the family into which you’re born. Within Hindu society, each family belongs to a social grouping which we in the west usually call castes. There are four main ones, and your status in life – the job you obtain, who you marry, etc, is still largely determined by which caste you are born into.
Good dharma consists of living a good life in the station to which you were born.
There are, however, people who are born outside any caste (dalits). Such people traditionally did the worst jobs, had the worst income, housing etc. Other Hindus would not mix socially with them, even breaking crockery that they had eaten or drunk out of.
In theory, the caste system was made illegal at Indian independence, but unofficially it’s still a most powerful force within Indian society. Social and economic discrimination against dalits is rife in some areas.
You can understand that conversion away from Hinduism to another faith which teaches equality of all before God in this life and the next, might make a great deal of sense to a socially aware dalit.
I believe – and better informed commenters will surely correct or expand on this – that by converting to another faith, the dalit status is lost to some extent, resulting in more equable treatment by the new religious community at any rate.
Hope this helps.
Note that it was Peter Sissons conducting the interview with this ‘teacher’. During the summer when Andrew Marr’s Sunday AM was off-air Sissons’ News 24 programme was shown instead, the bien-pensant, self-loathing, anti-British, anti-American tone of Sunday morning BBC TV news presentation dropped noticeably.
Sissons is a rare survival of an approach to broadcast journalism that disappeared almost altogether at the BBC during the early 1990s. It’s interesting how some relics of the 1970s and 1980s such as Simpson, Humphreys and Paxman who became enthusiastic exponents of the new order of the 1990s have flourished, whilst others who remained with the BBC, such as Sissons, appear to have become less visible, particularly so since the defenestration of Dyke and Gilligan.
The BBC and flogging a dead Camel;
Once again the BBC airs a story which portrays a certain faith as Victims;
Minister ‘reckless’ over veil row
The 23-year-old insists the veil is not a communication barrier
A minister has been accused of “reckless intervention” after he said a Muslim teaching assistant suspended for wearing a full veil should be sacked.
Phil Woolas told the Sunday Mirror that Aishah Azmi, 23, had “put herself in a position where she can’t do her job”. But the Muslim Council of Britain said Mr Woolas, whose brief covers race relations, should not have interfered.
I did like how the BBC gave her lawyer’s room to air this statement about the young lady in question;
“”Mrs Azmi is very well able to carry out her role as a teaching assistant providing support to pupils who speak English as a second language,” said Nick Whittingham, of Kirklees Law Centre.”She is able to do this effectively while wearing the veil. She has demonstrated in a number of interviews that she can communicate effectively while wearing the veil.”
Is that so BBC? Well it appears who ever wrote the above didn’t watch that BBC interview;
Timestamp 1.57
Mrs Azmi
“How can somebody be alienating and imidating”
Err BBC she’s hired to teach English.. If she can’t speak English what is she doing there in the first place…
Timestamp 2.30
BBC questioner;
“Who interviewed you for this Job ?”
Mrs Azmi;
“Mr’s Susan Maya and em Mr Smith”
BBC questioner
“You were interviewed by Mr Smith and you were wearing the veil then were you?”
Mrs Azmi;
It seems Mrs Azmi couldn’t communicate effectively when the fact she was interviewed by a man without wearing a veil for her job came out.
Oh dear BBC it seems to me this story has some sort of political agenda behind it.But as usual the BBC is as blind as a bat when it comes to the R.O.P.
Obviously she found the interview imidating.
The BBC biased and misleadingly reported about the teenage Salford area schoolgirl, who was arrested for racism ,after refusing to sit with a group of Asian students because some of them did not speak English.(see: http://littlebulldogs.blogspot.com
13 Oct.
Is it a question of the BBC’s anti-Christian prejudice? Or does the BBC
pretend that it needs more money from us before it improves its poor,
biased reporting? I don’t think that we will get fairer BBC reporting on
issues in Salford, even if the BBC
finally moves its HQ there for £400m+.
(See: ‘BBC’s Salford move may be delayed a year’
http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk(16 Oct.)