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The most common response I have received to this scenario is that the muslims will eventually find Western culture more attractive to their own traditional lifestyle.
Alan Man | 16.10.06 – 9:16 pm |
you know, i got to thinking lately that this is the kind of cultural arrogance that got you euros into the mess you are in…i suspect that a generation ago when diversification was encouraged by “importing” people of other cultures, some of you thought (contradictorily, methinks!)that the newcomers would soon realize how much more wonderful europe was and fit in nicely…all the while retaining (perhaps only at home?) all their native cultures…anyone still think it will work that way?
“Hold on. Apparently the whole of the US media apart from Fox is “liberal”, according to right wing mythmaking. Are you saying they can’t survive or they aren’t left wing?”
The Big Three are surviving on generations of habit – and because they are false perceived as being ‘objective’. Even so they are losing viewers.
New Dean of Worcester appointed
16 October 2006
The Queen has approved the nomination of the Reverend Canon Peter Gordon Atkinson MA, Canon Residentiary and Chancellor of Chichester Cathedral, to be appointed Dean of the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Worcester on the resignation of the Very Reverend Peter Jerome Marshall on 31 May 2006.
I know it doesnt make BBC news, but doesn’t this all have something to do with Christianity & the Church of England?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an image of the Queen, a reminder that she is head of the church, and then of the magnificent Cathedral, and news of this appointment. As a footnote, perhaps, to the latest ‘sensational’ news about Muslim school teachers in English Christian schools insisting on wearing conservative Islamic dress.
Do the Beeboids ever ask themselves why things like this are taking place in England? Why the Queen makes such appointments? All the talk about “faith schools” today, gave the very relativist impression that we were an utterly diverse nation. This is the impression the BBC likes to give, they can’t see the wood for the trees. They imagine that what the Queen is doing is meaningless and frankly irrelevant, and in doing so they will always fail to grasp the complete and utter anarchy that rules in Islam in the UK, and the absurd posturing of any old leader and any incoherent tin-pot chair of an MCB and the chaos of extremism that seeks after some world Sharia law. They are incapable of reflecting upon what the Queen did today,identifying it as culturally indigenous, as belonging to English historical tradition.
A relativist perspective(which is what the BBC is infected with) is incapable of grasping continuity and tradition at home- they see all things as “equal”, would place “faith leaders” alongside one another, jumbled up, like some big “faith lottery” game and give no preference to any of them. Who cares if the Queen is involved- what on earth does that prove, mate?
These Beeboids, would rather give us Orla Guerin on Madonna’s new adopted African boy than any news item that would remind the people that the Queen is the head of the Church of England.
BTW when Lord Ahmed issues threats about the discussion of the veil and that this could make things worse, does he mean that he envisages many Muslim women now deciding to go even further and wear the full burka?
A nice little article about your beloved and gleefully happy apostates:,,2-1470584,00.html
Seems like death might be an outcome after all.
As for the Tamil Tigers, I think they should be called terrorists, as do the UK government and the EU. The fact that they have a handy name and don’t impact the UK to any real extent means that we’re not so worried about them and the way they’re portrayed. Perhaps we ought to get the various muslim terrorist outfits to band together and give themselves a nice name as well, that way we wouldn’t have to remember them all.
Anon Wrote:So what are you saying, that because Adam Smith and David Hume lived in the “judeo/christian world” (not sure how many jews there were in Edinburgh in the 1700’s, This would be the same chrtistian dominated Europe where anti-semtism was rife.) we have those religions to thank for them ?
Yes. Because in the Islamic world neither Hume nor Smith would allowed to think or publish anything unrelated to the theocratic world view. Indpendent scholarship died in Islam c. 1100, killed by the Imams. The Christian Church on the other hand, for all its fault was the primary patron of knowledge of all kinds in the West.
Disclaimer: I am a non-Christian, (the ‘Judeo’ in Judeo-Christian)
Anon wrote;
“Punishment by death for apostasy(sic) is illegal in this country. Therefore, someone leaving any religious faith has the full power of the law on their side.”
Oh please spare me your attempts of reading the law as it stands in the UK. The idiots who kill their sisters for dating outside the faith aren’t bothered by the law neither were the idiots who decided to kill 52 of their fellow countrymen last year bothered about the law. Trying to say that people of a certain faith respect the law in this country kind of leaves out the veil incident, the Salman Rushdie incident, the Danish cartoon incidents, the Pope Incidents, get my drift. You leave out of your post the salient fact that the majority of Muslims see Islamic law as above British law.
If we follow your logic, all Muslims would murder an apostate
And where Islam is the majority faith I think you will find that slitting the throat for honour while uttering the words “bismi-llāhi ar-rahmāni ar-raḥīmi” is the done thing.
(In English it means “In the name of God, Most Gracious, most Merciful”)
Oh and just for the record. I am an apostate from Islam.
My sister and I were taken into care because my Muslim Father was a brave man who knew how to hit his kids. While in care my white social worker was replaced by a Muslim one. Who then spent all of her time trying to get me to return to the man with the good right hook. I had one visit from my father after I went into care. He only asked how much spend I got and demanded I give him it. (My guardian threw him out on his ear) since that visit I have had no contact with that side of the family. To them I am unclean so much so, that the local Muslim population ostracized me as well.
Pray tell how a whole community can turn its back on two children simply for getting beaten is beyond me. But I admit that was years ago and maybe the Muslims of today have changed. So how are the Muslims of today?
I visited my sister a few years back. She married a Muslim and she asked me over for Eid. I visited and was placed in a room full of men wearing white and black hats.
(talk about feeling uneasy)They asked if I wanted to go to the mosque and pray with them. I refused. My brother-in-law stayed behind and asked if I wanted to watch him pray. (Yeah right like a hole in the head) when all the men came back I asked where my sister was? “In the Kitchen with all the other women” So I got up and left and at the kitchen I was met by the female version of Cerberus who barked “You cannot come in here family only” to which I pointed at a certain young girl and said “who is that?” “Your sister” was the reply and with that I pushed my way past here and sat in the kitchen and talked to my sis. On my return to camp that night I received a phone call from said sis saying that the family had told her I was no longer welcome as I am not a Muslim. (And how the BBC loves to promote the image that Islam is tolerant of other faiths)
And the million dollar question why they didn’t try and hurt me?
Because I learnt from an early age that the law is an ass and the only person who can defend me is me. Hence I learnt to fight the ju-jitsu, karate, Judo, boxing way.
Notice I said defend, I have no wish to harm anyone. But as the Muslim who ripped of my cross in the middle of the street a few years back found out. Pounce can really pounce.
On that note please don’t try and sell this image that apostates are well received by Islam. They aren’t.
I’ve even been told to change my CHRISTIAN name as it is Islamic and I am not. But I like it and the blokes who told me so couldn’t back up their words.
Please feel free to respond.
The BBC and half a story;
Anybody read the story the BBC has about Dubai and its rejection of a case of child slavery
Dubai rulers reject slavery case
Dubai’s ruling family says a legal case filed against it in the United States for allegedly enslaving thousands of young camel jockeys is baseless.
“This is the first time the ruling Maktoum family of Dubai has commented on the case which alleges tens of thousands of boys as young as three were kept in poor conditions against their will and forced to take part in camel races.
Follow the link to the right, notice something. Like how few the BBC has in relation to this story, why the only link is this one;
So the impression the BBC gives with its reporting on this story is that it could be just allegations and note the Arabs did ban it 13 years ago.
Well here are a few stories the BBC prepared earlier but couldn’t be bothered to link into the above story;
Child jockeys relive Gulf ordeal
Bangladeshi child traffickers arrested
UAE crackdown on child jockeys
Bangladeshi child jockeys sent home
Child camel jockeys find hope
Camel race ID cards in Gulf state
Child camel jockeys left disabled
What was that the BBC said about “Allegations?” it appears that the BBC doesn’t subscribe to the old adage “Where’s there’s smokes there’s fire”
The BBC and really half a story…
Pounce… let me state this again: I’ve got the utmost respect for you, my friend. It’s an honour to share this blog’s comments section with you. Unlike the Anon’s of this world people like you give me hope!
The BBC’s Spook’s Mi5 drama – on BBC3 right now. Terrorists have taken over the Saudi Trade Cenre in London.
There’s a twist. They’re jews filled with hate. They’re mossad.
Hmmmm. There’s a repeat next Monday BBC1 9pm
j0nz: The next episode will show a bunch of Amish bombing a mosque!
just watching next weeks episode of Spooks on BBC 3.
have a guess who the Al Qaeda terrorists , who take over the Saudi embassy, really are.
and no, i’m not making this up.
jonz -> arrgh. you beat me.
I can’t figure out whether it’s real BBC or another episode of Time Trumpet.
If it is real then WTF.
Here’s a point to ponder. There are 350000 Turks in London. The vast majority secular Muslims.
Never any trouble from them is there?
Why is it just the “disaffected” Pakistanis who tend to cause “trouble”?.
Forgot to add: via
Anon “You don’t say what the solution is to avoid this ? Deportation, extermination or banning of islam ?”
In Bradford (& probably elsewhere in Britain) 60% of Muslim marriages have 1 partner from the sub-continent.
So the UK adopting the Danish law of preventing the admission of non-EU spouses where 1 partner is less than 24 years old make a start in stemming the rate of increase in the Muslim population.
It would have the benefit of giving UK born Muslim girls a better chance of completing their education. Also marriages of 2 UK educated Muslims would give the offspring a better chance in the UK education system, not being handicapped by having English as a 2nd language.
“ican’t figure out whether it’s real BBC or another episode of Time Trumpet.
If it is real then WTF.
max | 17.10.06 – 12:11 am |”
oh , its very real Max. she’s was on sky news as well.
With Synagogues and graveyards vandalised, Jews attacked in the streets, I would have though the behaviour of many muslims in Europe 2006 had more than a whiff of Germany circa 1936.
Ooooooooooh, you’re such a racist. How dare you make such comparisons? Don’t you know that Islam means ‘peace’? (and I’m the Queen of Sheba)
Curious discussion on newsnight tonight.
Anne Widdecombe defending the right to wear the cross as jewellery and khalid mahmood defending the right of the teaching assistant to wear a veil.
Obviously some beeboid on the newsnight staff thought it would be oh so clever to discuss these points of view concurrently since they were both religous matters.
Unfortunately, that connection didn’t exist (as I gleefully told the beeb complaints person).
BA was banning all conspicuous jewellery, religous considerations didn’t apply and it was simply a coincidence that a cross was involved.
The egregious km was defending the use of the veil on religous grounds but as we know the koran says that dress should be modest but doesn’t prescribe the veil.
I made the point that the religous common theme didn’t exist and that gavin essler and the newsnight team should have been knowledgeable enough to know this and not set up the faux discussion at all.
I believe that as a result of my intervention several of the newsnight team will be resigning in shame. Not.
Mark Steyn just appeared on Hannity & Colmes. Sadly I noticed only a couple of seconds before the end of the segment. Look out for the video on the Fox News website.
“You don’t say what the solution is to avoid this ? Deportation, extermination or banning of islam ?”
You should, of course, control immigration more effectively and you should deport the radical imams that preach hatred and violence in the mosques.
However, I know for sure that painting a rosy picture of Islam in the way BBC does is not a solution but will make matters worse in the long run. That is because the rosy picture of islam has no basis in reality but is instead based on the prevailing multiculturalist ideology.
And you should recognize that islam is not only a religion but it also includes a legislation of its own together with a system of government.
“The idea the Belgium, with the centre of govt. for the EU will shortly come under Sharia law is laughable. It’s out the box all right I’ll grant you that.”
As a typical leftist you put too much faith on bureaucratic institutions like the EU.
I never said that these things happen “shortly”. I was talking about generations and decades.
The country of Belgium is in itself an artificial construct and ethnically divided. Political party promoting the independence of Flanders has gained support in recent years.
Any idea why Radio4 is featuring David Blunkett reading from his autobiography this week? (Any bets on whether he’ll be touching on the subject of the prison riot)
This is hardly the outpourings of a politician retired from the fray. This is coming from a man who was prised out of his Ministry scrabbling and fighting and who wants nothing more than a sec…sorry third chance.
How are the BBC going to “balance” this?
“Curious discussion on newsnight tonight.
Anne Widdecombe defending the right to wear the cross as jewellery and khalid mahmood defending the right of the teaching assistant to wear a veil.
Obviously some beeboid on the newsnight staff thought it would be oh so clever to discuss these points of view concurrently since they were both religous matters.
Unfortunately, that connection didn’t exist (as I gleefully told the beeb complaints person).”
I don’t bother with the BBC’s complaints dept. anymore. When I used to complain I usually found myself talking to some poor sod who’d just come to the UK from Portugal or South Africa or where ever and hadn’t got a clue who they were working for.
What was far more fun was ringing the BEEB directly and asking to be put through to the Duty News Editor. Over a number of years I managed this quite successfully. A couple of years ago or so, the switchboard operaters started to ask if I was a member of staff. Of course, I lied. Well they do don’t they.
When I got through to the Duty News Editor or his deputy I would tell them exactly what I thought of the content of what they were peddling. A heated exchange would take place ending with the phone being put down.
I learnt to persevere. I’d keep ringing back and get put through to the same person.
Experience taught me that they would normally break down after the third call and resort to expletives before slamming the phone down and then instructing the switchboard to hold all calls.
It always seemed to work late at night and gave me immense satisfaction, especially if I’d had a glass or two. I’ve stopped doing it now but perhaps someone else might like to try it out and let me know how it goes.
I don’t doubt for a second that it’s frowned upon to leave islam. Most people who leave their community are dealt with quite harshly by that community and often rejected by it, be they catholic, presbyterian or protestant or whatever. Imagine a Rangers fan converting to catholism the going back into his old boozer in his new celitc strip. He’d probably get beheaded too.
The fact that there are 200,000 apostates in the UK does suggest to me that given a chance to live in a country where they don’t fear being beheaded for not being a good muslim, many will adopt a secular life. People who seek to deny them this right should be dealt with harshly. I think they are, and muslims who get locked up for honour killings and the like, will be be getting a rough time of it to say the least inside.
“And you should recognize that islam is not only a religion but it also includes a legislation of its own together with a system of government.”
I hear this so often, but as another poster points out there are 350000 turkish secular muslims in London, but their not the ones who want to go beheading apostates etc. Clearly there are muslims who have lived in theis country for a long time and engage in the democratic process.
Wherever there are strict rules young people will break them. Who knows whether the next generation of muslims will be like the current one. A lot of these mullah geezers look ready for the coffin.
Christ, now R4 are doing ‘Mark Oaten & wife – our side of the story’
I’ve nothing against the Guardian or the News of the Screws doing this cra..(sorry inappropriate use of words)..stuff but when did the BBC become a platform for pols PR campaigns?
Mark Steyn’s Interview is here:
It’s amazing how this BBC man is actualy interrogating a Muslim in such a way. Never seen it done before. Maybe it’s a new trend and if so – good (I mean journalists doing their job not interrogating Muslims).
“Obviously some beeboid on the newsnight staff thought it would be oh so clever to discuss these points of view concurrently since they were both religous matters.”
They both relate to religion in that the refusal to remove the offending article was on religious grounds.
The grounds on which the offending article was requested to be removed was not religious in either case (unless you’re aware that schools hate Muslims or BA catholics) – i.e. it’s wholly inconvenient to have a teacher whose mouth one can’t see and it’s not practical or to have a check in worker with jewellery swinging around outside their uniform.
Hence the discussion is whether religious sensitivities should be allowed to override workplace practicalities to any extent. A wholly reasonable discussion one would have thought.
I hope the Beeb complaints person called you straight back to complain about your wasting taxpayers money.
Anon “the Brave”…..sense the sarcasm do you?
“Imagine a Rangers fan converting to catholism the going back into his old boozer in his new celitc strip. He’d probably get beheaded too.”
Yeah right…which is why Mo Johnson kept his head as a Catholic playing for Rangers and there are measures being taken to ban sectarian songs etc. Funny how the Christians try to sort their own house out but the Muslims don’t! And yes there have been incidents and yes there are fights and a few people have been killed over the decades by drunken fans from the other side but in every case there has been an outpouring of horror and attempts have been made to bring the killers to justice. Too many Muslims shrug their shoulders and ignore their responsibility as a community. THAT is the problem and until they face up to it then there will be further problems.
I’m a left footer married to a Prod yet her Dad never came round trying to beat me up or worse…..funny that.
Stop trying to make excuses when there are none ! It makes me laugh when you see lefties trying to defend those who would kill them first because of their support for all that many Muslims hate like womens’ rights and gays! I and most others here don’t care if you are black white pink with furry yelow stripes or worship the Great Bird of the Galaxy so long as (a) you don’t force your views down my throat but engage in meaningful debate (who knows you might convert me) and (b) are part of the team. The team in this case being Team GB and we all work together to make this country a better one for ALL our citizens not just a select few namely the Labour Party and a small religious sect who want to destroy our way of life.
Above I said :…_06/ default.stm
“The BBC’s 2006 party conference page is well up to the usual standard. The first thing I noticed was that the zone at the bottom has specially titled sections leading you to more stories about Labour, the Conservatives, the Lib Dems, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, the Greens, and Respect.
Curiously, there are no slots for more stories about UKIP or the BNP.”
And whaddya know – within 24 hours they’ve added a slot for extra stories about UKIP ! Yo, Beeboid ! How about that link to the UKIP DHYS ?
What is it with you peoplpe.
“Stop trying to make excuses when there are none”
What exactly do you think I’m trying to make excuses for ? I’m not excusing violence and intolerance by anyone. But what you and those like you singularly fail to grasp is that not all muslims have the views that you think they do. I am defending those who are law abiding, those who engage in the democratic process and those who reject violence carried out in the name of their religion. It seems that most people on this forum don’t belive they even exist. Or they don’t speak loud enough for their liking. So they spend most of their time demonisong the entire religion based on the views of the minority, or based on the views of muslims who don’t even live in the UK.
Moderate muslims are suprisnigly easy to find but the sad fact is that they face an impossible task in sorting out their house as you put it, because we have people on forums like this who wont allow them to. They know that Islam is evil and therefore whatver anyone else says about it can’t be right. This is your problem, not muslims, and it only makes things worse. Even a moderate muslim would be offended at being pigeon-holed as part of an “evil creed”. Would they not ?
When it comes to problems of religious violence in this country (Scotland) it is overwhelmingly caused by christians, they’ve been trying to sort out their house for years unsuccesfully, and the truth is that if they banned all the bigots from parkhead or ibrox, they’d be half empty. How many muslims do you think were murdered in scotland last year because they were apostates, how many gays were murdered by muslims or how many honour killings were carried out ? Far far less than the number of people killed or mutilated in sectarian violence. You expect us to believe that the real work is to stop any more muslims coming into the country. How do you justify your opinion that muslims are fundamentally evil, moderate and islam are contradcitions when presented with clear evidence to the contrary ? It’s easy, you just ignore it.
Come on Anon, get with the programme. If you can’t exercise a bit of moral and factual certainty in the comments section of a blog, when can you, eh?
Now, back to those islamofascist breeders and their cunning designs to have Flanders under sharia law by next Wednesday…
Cockney | 17.10.06 – 10:48 am
Hence the discussion is whether religious sensitivities should be allowed to override workplace practicalities to any extent. A wholly reasonable discussion one would have thought.
You’re not often right but you’re wrong again.
The BA woman could wear her crucifix as long as it wasn’t visible. Her religion does not mandate the wearing of a crucifix so she cannot even plead that she must wear it, never mind that she must wear it visibly. BA was making a point about jewellery not religious icons so it’s not a religious matter.
The muslim woman wanted to wear a veil but her religion does not mandate the wearing of a veil so she cannot plead religious necessity. Therefore the matter is not a religious principle.
Since religion could not be validly raised in both of these matters, newsnight was wrong to link the topics and essler should have rebutted the religious points when they were raised.
It’s commonsense really.
“her religion does not mandate the wearing of a veil.”
There we have it then ! lol.
I think everybody should stop feeding the trolls.
“BA was making a point about jewellery not religious icons so it’s not a religious matter.
“A BA spokeswoman said Miss Eweida had not been suspended. She said the matter remained under investigation and an appeal was due to be heard next week.
She said BA recognised that uniformed employees may wish to wear jewellery including religious symbols.
“Our uniform policy states that these items can be worn, underneath the uniform. There is no ban.
“This rule applies for all jewellery and religious symbols on chains and is not specific to the Christian cross.”
That’s called being a troll on this forum. tut tut.
GB – missing the point mate.
Which is that dangling jewellery of any type is a hindrance when working on check in. If you tuck it into your shirt it doesn’t dangle and hence isn’t an issue. It’s a relatively sensible dress rule. The only reason it’s an issue in this case is because the bird was a catholic and hence thought that her religious ‘rights’ would take precedence.
Mouth covering paraphenalia of any type is a hindrance when working as a teacher. It’s a relatively sensible dress rule which I’m sure would be equally applied were somebody to turn up wearing a bucket on their head. The only reason it’s an issue in this case is because the bird was a muslim and hence thought that her religious ‘rights’ would take precedence.
Not sure I see the vast chasm of difference…
He may be correct, but it seems that the BBC’s message can’t be delivered without the air of smug self-satisfaction that comes from knowing that you have the right to shake down the UK population to pay your salary.
Peter Fincham, the Controller of BBC One has mocked claims that website clips will replace television.
“User-generated content is a wonderful thing, but it won’t simply replace the professional stuff. There’s such a thing as a user-generated garden shed — you buy it from Homebase and put it together yourself,” he added.,,171-2407191,00.html
DifferentAnon | 17.10.06 – 1:45 pm
From the link you quoted:
She said BA recognised that uniformed employees may wish to wear jewellery including religious symbols.
“Our uniform policy states that these items can be worn, underneath the uniform. There is no ban.
“He is alleged to have been a member of a cell in the UK with links to al-Qaida. Sources with knowledge of the case say the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons….”
Is this because his first name is Mohammed? And consideration of sensitivies towards the ROP?
Can anybody explain to me how the BBC can get into contact with one of the brothers of the terrorists and record an interview on the BBC “about his family’s concerns”
Why is it that the BBC get hold of the name?
BBC news or censorship or both?
BBC witholding news that we won’t share with you
Cockney | 17.10.06 – 2:03 pm
The only reason it’s an issue in this case is because the bird was a catholic and hence thought that her religious ‘rights’ would take precedence.
She was wrong, end of story.
The only reason it’s an issue in this case is because the bird was a muslim and hence thought that her religious ‘rights’ would take precedence.
She was wrong, end of story (again).
There was not in either case a clash between religious obligations and workplace rules.
My point is that the 2 issues have been presented (wrongly) as clashes where no clash occurred. This is incompetence on the part of the beeboids.
cbeebies just had a segment on the celebration of Eid and Ramadan.
they start them young nowadays dont they?
I know, it makes it much easier to bring your kids up as racists when the BBC shows them how to identify “the enemy”.
I didn’t see much of the BBC taking up the case of a possibly victimised
(white?) schoolgirl in the Salford area.’The Daily Mail’ reported it though:- (14 Oct.).
Has anyone noticed that BBC Agent One (alias Anon, but never mind) has actually said that “moderate Muslims” cannot defend their pitch because of blogs like this that attack Islam? Excuse me, are you mad or had you had too much cocaine with your Brutish Fartcasting Creeperation mates? Even supposing for a minute that we all are prejudiced morons, that is like saying that, since there are such people as Jenny Tonge, therefore Jews are prevented from taking a view about Judaism. Such is the mind, so to call it, of those who decide what the rest of us will be told.
Why would the BBC take up the case? Do you want them to be biased or not?
They did report it, though:
Note, bias conspiracists: we get her and her mother’s view and only later the blandest of comments from the school and the police. Bias or what, eh?
” I’m sure would be equally applied were somebody to turn up wearing a bucket on their head.”
Well, I think we are still free to disciminate against readers of the guardian. 🙂
This case is so silly for the same reason that you can’t communicate effectivly if you have bed sheet over your mouth.
What if there were deaf/hard of hearing students who needed to see the teachers lips.
I don’t have a problem with wearing a headscarf, but hiding your face with a bandana is no dice.
DiffAnon again:
“But what you and those like you singularly fail to grasp is that not all muslims have the views that you think they do. I am defending those who are law abiding, those who engage in the democratic process and those who reject violence carried out in the name of their religion.”
What YOU fail to graps is that we DO grasp that there are moderates but unfortunately the BBC for one rarely lets these moderates have a voice. We DO understand that there are many Muslims who abhor what goes on in their name but again when we get ‘polls’ claiming that a majority either support or would not disapprove of another 9/11 etc then what on Earth are we suppose to do? Accept that we should simply buckle under to a belief system that is more dictatorial than Nazism or Communism? One that wants to rule every aspect of our lives?
Oh wait we’re halfway there already with NuLabour!
dave t: what YOU fail to grasp is that I didn’t write the quote you’ve attributed to me.
Note, bias conspiracists: we get her and her mother’s view and only later the blandest of comments from the school and the police. Bias or what, eh?
But why continue to use the deliberately misleading reference to “Asian” students instead of Pakistani/Iraqi/Iranian/Bangladeshi. Tell it like it is for once.
I’m sure the girl wouldn’t have been arrested if the so called “Asians” were of Thai, Vietnamese or Chinese origin.