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Classic Today story this morning – threatened closure of Post Offices. Should have been an easy win for the MontaQuinn. Get a Government minister in and throw expletives at him/her like “Cuts, vulnerable groups, Government forcing people to use banks, cancelling services, rural communities etc”.
Alistair Darling was in the fortuitous position of being able to remind the beeboid MontaQuinn that it wasn’t only the Government that had removed services from the post office – the BBC recently removed one of the post office’s big peices of business – it’s TV licence renewal service.
Baaad BBC, contributing to cuts at the post office.
Millions face TV licence change
Post Offices under threat
Lucky, lucky Bulgarians….
Bulgaria revokes BBC licence,,1924554,00.html
“Authorities in Bulgaria have announced that they are revoking the BBC World Service’s right to broadcast in the country after the BBC axed Bulgarian-language programming late last year.”
“The Bulgarian-language section was one of 10 language services that the BBC closed down earlier this year in order to redirect financing into Arabic-language programmes.”
You have to chuckle.
Eamonn | 18.10.06 – 10:04 am | #
I see Biased BBC has a link from the article above with the anchor text “tireless grumblers”!
On 1st January 2007 the Board of Governors of the BBC will be replaced a Board of Trustees. Four appointments had been pre-ordained with the final eight selections being announced on 12th October. And here they are in all their impartial glory.
Selected by Michael Grade (To be Chairman of the trustees and well known Tony Crony), Andrew Ramsey (Director at Department for Culture, Media and Sports and whose boss is Tessa Jowell) and two members from the Office of the Commissioner of Public Appointments, Sheila Drew-Smith and Jocelyn Ridley, the final eight were recommended to the Secretary of State, Tessa Jowell (who gets an incredibly easy ride from the BBC in relation to her supposed ‘estranged’ husband, David Mills)
Here’s Jowell’s take on it:
Well I thought they would be impartial until I read last night’s Evening Standard (the paper that exposed the odious Margaret Hodge inveigling the BBC to smear one of the former children in care at the time of the paedophile scandal at Islington).
It seems that the Standard has unearthed the fact that two of the eight new trustees, Diane Coyle and Richard Tait, are married to spouses who work for the BBC.
It also transpires that, of the original 415 applicants (with a final cut of 29), the final 8 were selected without any open consultation.
A conflict of interest screams out here.
Tony crony Grade has said, “The new Charter requires that the Trust is independent of BBC management representing the interests of the licence-fee payer.”
DifferentAnon says “I am seriously suggesting that the BBC does not explicitly recruit people with similar political views to everyone else in the corporation.”
When the oversight board is rigged then I’m sure we’ll never have a meaningful debate (new New Labour buzz phrase) as to whether or not BBC recruits people in their own ilk.
Has the BBC themselves appointed them? You claim it was Michael Grade, although I’ve not seen evidence of that.
The BBC’s own page on this explicitly outlines how it is the government that has decided the make up of the trustees. As such, how is this a comment on the BBC’s recruitment policy insofar as it relates to the recruitment policy used for everyone else?
“There will be 12 Trustees, appointed by the Queen on advice from ministers and in accordance with Nolan principles for public appointments”
You didn’t read what I wrote.
Aren’t you supposed to be headhunting?
Peter Hitchens:
Broadcasting opportunities for monsters only
BBC bias? Whoever would say there was such a thing?
The Government withdrew its support from Britain’s largest Muslim organisation yesterday after accusing it of failing to lead the fight against religious extremism.
Ruth Kelly, the Communities Secretary, attacked the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) for boycotting Holocaust Memorial Day, criticising police anti-terrorist operations and “sitting on the sidelines” in the campaign against extremists.
Muhammad Abdul Bari, the secretary-general of the MCB, was invited to hear Ms Kelly’s speech, which was delivered to a Muslim audience, but refused to attend.
Ms Kelly said that she was embarking on “a fundamental rebalancing” of the Government’s relationship with Muslim organisations.
You probably noticed – but, it’s so common, you didn’t comment – that in all the report on the unrest in some Paris suburbs and the disaffected . . er . . French youth, one word was conspicuously omitted. Guess which one!
The MCB has a perfect right to boycott Holocaust Memorial Day. Support for HMD is not compulsory although, by wielding a financial cosh, Ruth Kelly is trying to make it so. What interests and appals me is that we taxpayers have apparently been funding the MCB (and similar organisations) in the first place.
Call Trevor Phillips!!
Gitmo detainees in racist abuse shocker
Actually, that headline is Regret and resentment at Guantanamo (how melancholy!) but we do have:
Military guard K, 19, is from Texas. I asked him whether he volunteered to serve here. “No, I was volunteered,” he said. He says that for guards like him there was no choice, but he doesn’t want to renew his service here since he was “not trained as military police”. K also complained of threats and assaults on him by detainees. “They call me nigger, slave, they touch their necks and say ‘We will kill you in Iraq’,” he said.
Passing over the fact that it’s news to a liberal American soldiers aren’t always afforded the luxury of picking and choosing where they’d like to go, I thought liberal doctrine was to run around like their hair’s on fire at the merest whiff of a racist comment.
McPherson claimed that a racism consisted of any action which someone, anyone, could perceive to be racist. Maybe liberals think that southern blacks are too dumb to understand what ‘nigger’ and ‘slave’ mean.
Of course letting license fee payers vote for who should sit on the BBC board would be FAR too difficult.
“Of course letting license fee payers vote for who should sit on the BBC board would be FAR too difficult.
How much would it cost to poll 60m people??
I didn’t see 60 million license fee’s being paid.
One website, type in your address and license fee id and vote.
I reckon about 10 Grand if I wrote it, or 250,000 if done by a Labour party connected company.
Less than the cost of one D.G.!
And how would you feel if an internet campaign mobilised voters and your voting system ended up being stacked with votes for trustees including George Galloway, Inayat Bunglawala etc etc?
It is amazing, the truth is in front of their noses and still the BBC refuses to understand it
In the BBC article it clearly says the detainee Abdel-Razzaq confessed:
“I was 17-years-old and full of enthusiasm for jihad, but now after five years in Guantanamo I have changed. I need to go back to my country, lead a simple life care for my old parents and have a wife and kids.”
Yet still the BBC HAS TO SHOW ITS SENSATIONALIST point of view
“But the main plea Abdel-Razzaq made to the board through his interpreter was a solemn one: “What I want really know is simple: Will you release me or not?””
Heck Abdel, after admitting that you indeed liked the jihad, and had you not been arrested you would have probably followed it, I would think twice about releasing you so soon. Once again all the liberal complains that the Guantanamo detainees were innocent is proven WRONG, they were indeed possible terrorists.
But the BBC cannot stop there, it has to say something bad about the US prison, anything
“They provide big meals, special food for Ramadan, respect for prayer times, copies of Quran and a library for detainees.
But in the six-foot by six-foot cells, I saw chronically overweight detainees.”
WOW BBC so they are feeding them TOO much and it is the US government’s fault that they get proper feeding, this is just ridiculous!!!
The BBC’s point is just to complain about the US, yet they don’t care that just a few miles from the US Guantanamo base, there is a Cuban prison where there are political prisioners and where the human rights of the prisoners are constantly violated.
Library for detainees??? the cuban citizens don’t even have full access to the National Library in Havana, you think the detainees are going to get anything??!!
“six-foot by six-foot” in US Guantanamo base vs. less than one-foot, no bathroom, no light in Cuban prison, and barely any food
Go to this page and scroll down to about the middle and you will see pictures of cuban cells along with the Human Rights Watch report at the end of the page
I thought the piece ripe for a fisking but I’d be there all day. Unwittingly, though, the BBC does acknowledge the freedom to worship, meals so large that the inmates are getting fat (something Mark Steyn wrote about recently), that some are indeed guilty of jihadist activities etc. But yes, even with this juicy material to go by, they just have to have a go. They just can’t help themselves.
Yeah, but presumably individuals paying as part of a single licence fee paying household would each want a vote, otherwise it’d be a recipe for all manner of intra-family/flatmate strife.
You couldn’t do it exclusively online – remember half the country isn’t.
It’s a matter of will. Money and logistics have nothing to do with it. The costs and logistics of the welfare state make organising such a vote look like a piece of cake. It won’t happen simply because liberal elites in GB are all about gathering power to themselves and not bothering with what the little people want.
Ritter – The US maintains its population by importing millions of Mexicans. Just as ‘our’ birthrate is propped up by our own vibrant minorities. Killing ourselves just the same as if we werent breeding at all.
> “And how would you feel if an internet campaign mobilised voters and your voting system ended up being stacked with votes for trustees including George Galloway, Inayat Bunglawala etc etc?”: DA
As long as it was without fraud (a new thing for the left) I wouldn’t mind. After all nothing would kill the TV-tax faster.
> “You couldn’t do it exclusively online – remember half the country isn’t.”
Libraries all have internet access now. You could even set up a telephone voting scheme. I’d guess @100% of people with a TV have a phone.
AntiCitizenOne “As long as it was without fraud (a new thing for the left)”
OT but fyi
BRITAIN is to be investigated for the first time by the Council of Europe for alleged human rights breaches because of concerns over postal voting fraud.,,172-2409486,00.html
Fancy that, in the human rights dock over the actions of the left & the community.
Mohammed al-Durah. You’ll remember him. He’s the boy supposedly shot dead by Israeli troops a few years ago. It appears, however, that Mohammed al-Durah may not have been shot at all. Via LGF:
You’ll notice the BBC has a habit of dropping stories once they are no longer useful, as opposed to (say) Abu Ghraib which went on and on and on and on and on …..
Strangely, I’ve heard not a peep from the BBC on this at all.
“Belarus, where leaders opposing Alexander Lukashenko have been known to vanish or die, challenged Britain at a meeting of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. “Our delegation is concerned about the current postal voting system in the UK, in which there exists a potential risk of violations of the principle of equal elections and of extensive abuses,” Belarus said.” new…2409486,00.html
Alexander Lukashenko attended the Non-Aligned summit in Havana, Cuba this September, I’m beginning to get worried about this Non-aligned countries that incresingly seem to be more and more aligned with undemocratic practices. It looks like an army of dictators is being bred. 🙁
It’s called socialism. It was the cancer of the 20th Century. All we can do is eradicate it in our own countries and hope others do so in theirs.
“Strangely, I’ve heard not a peep from the BBC on this at all.”
Google news only has two stories, one of which is “honestreporting”, which is not a primary news source.
It’s not like there’s a rash of credible evidence discussed by all and sundry and they’re ignoring it, is it?
The Bible says “Be fruitful and increase in numbers” so I guess that’s the solution, multiply and teach our children well, the future depends on that proportion of good people vs. bad people.
I sure hope Europe doesn’t fall into the hands of socialism/communism again, or religious dictatorships like those of the middle east
“I’m beginning to get worried about this Non-aligned countries that incresingly seem to be more and more aligned with undemocratic practices. It looks like an army of dictators is being bred.”
Being bred? The list already includes Mugabe, Kim Il Jong, Musharraf and a whole host of ne’er do wells. The NAM is a who’s who of almost every dysfunctional state with a few bolters thrown in for good measure.
P_L: Nice to know socialism is the cause. Who knew geopolitics was so simple, eh?
Diff Anon
I said “being bred” because as you can see, Castro is the main promoter of these dictators, how do you think Chavez got funding to his campaign of lies, how do you think Evo Morales got funding in Bolivia, who do you think has been funding the guerrillas in Latin America causing chaos. And now we see this Lukashenko who seems to be following the footsteps of prior dictators.
If you acknowledge that the non-aligned is full of dictators then what is your point in refuting what I said, indeed they are being bred because they are funding each other to promote their dictatorships and also to promote socialism/communism in other countries in Latin America.
Don’t you see their alliances, and aren’t you worried that so far only the US and the UK have confronted them directly while Europe is in the stands dozing off.
It’s not like there’s a rash of credible evidence discussed by all and sundry and they’re ignoring it, is it?
Here ya go matey, catch up with the real world for once. It’s totally credible to any normal minded person of reasonable intellect, maybe not yourself!
You will have to concentrate to see the boy move after he was supposedly dead, it only last a couple of seconds! Useless Pali acting as ever! I doubt you will actually watch it though, perhaps others will gain something from knowing the truth.
DifferentAnon | 18.10.06 – 11:40 am | #
that’s all well and good, but that’s why we have phrases like “not only must justice be done, must it must be SEEN to be done”
surely having spouses of bbc employees in such a role is an obvious no-no, however by-the-book the selection process may (appear to) be
A nice bit of light relief in the form of the BBC actually poking fun at itself: BBC4, 9.30 tonight, ‘Broken News’.
It’s not like there’s a rash of credible evidence discussed by all and sundry and they’re ignoring it, is it?
It’s not like every news organisation has 3000 journalists and a £3.5 billion annual budget. Given the spurious, unimportant rubbish which the BBC reports on daily, I’m sure such a famous hoax with such evil intentions and violent consequences could have been covered somehow. Alot of blood has been spilled because of the supposed death of Mohammed al-Durah.
Nice to know socialism is the cause. Who knew geopolitics was so simple, eh?
Look at every basketcase shithole on earth from Latin America to Africa to the Near east to the Far East. If it ain’t socialism screwing everything and everyone it’ll be islam and if it ain’t islam it’ll be socialism.
Barker_John How you can watch such a one sided documentary and conclude that therein lies “the truth” is beyond me. The makers of that film are every bit as biased as the palestinians. Independant they are not. Who can verify what they describe as the boys hand, or the location of Israeli positions relative to the boy and his father ? How old is the (presumably Israeli) kid interviewing the camera guy anyway ? 12 ? he sounds it.
Why did none of the major news networks question any of this ? Oh, that must be because they’re all rabid anti-semites who long for the destruction of Israel and support radical islam. Sensible conclusions once again from biased-bbc !
Did anybody else catch the ‘holier than thou’ General Secretary of the NUJ being interviewed on the BBC Radio 4 ‘pm’ programme (approx. 5.45pm) about how they managed to stop an intended page or two in the Daily Star? Apparantly it was to feature a Hijab babe, and the page 6 of the red-top was going to be entitled ‘The Daily Fatwah’ or something. According to the GS of the NUJ, it would have been “an incitement to religious hatred”. After seeing it, some journalist informer contacted the left-wing union, and the sensibilities of the Dhimmi brigade were put on red-alert (get it?) They stepped in, spoke to the editor-in-charge, insisted that this should not go ahead (some were SCARED!) and subsequently the newspaper were advised by teams of lawyers, etc., to ‘hold the press’.
Naturally, the BBC interview presented it as if it was a victory for common sense, rather than another example of enforced censorship in the West. Throughout it wasn’t an interview, more of a,’ we managed to prevent this racist incitement’ conversation.
Of course the Beeboids and their editors at Radio 4 live in a bubble, and seem blissfully aware of what is happening elsewhere in the media! Nobody posed the question why, suddenly the idea of depicting a Hijab babe? Is there something in the media air?
Well on Monday evening, Channel 4 TV showed
“The Real Blue Nuns”
Should we ban religious pornography or should we accept it as part of modern culture?
Channel 4, 16 October 2006, 11.00pm
I switched it on after BBC2 Newsnight, and just as I was getting sick and tired of the depiction of the Christian Nun, it suddenly changed track, and it got very interesting, discussing Islamic porn. Or, more accurately: “Hijab Pornography”. I have already looked this up at Wikipedia, and it hasn’t been written yet. There was an extensive interview with the so-called “The father of Hijab-porn” and talk about seeing the veil as erotic, etc. This French gentleman sees his mission in life as depicting the modern Scheherazade, and enlists numerous ‘beurettes’ for his flourishing French website.
Channel 4 showed many images from it, and we actually got to see interviews with lots of Muslim women who willingly wished to be portrayed in their Hijabs as modern Scheherazade’s. Channel 4 also interviewed an English Muslim, Emily, who was, an “opponent of Hijab Pornography”, so read the subtitles on the TV.
Watching this C4 programme I thought to myself wow, this is very timely, and thought it might have the same effect on British TV as the Mohammed Cartoons had in Denmark, that the ROP brigade will be up in arms when they see this and be protesting in Camden Town. I can only think that they were all in bed and missed it. Also the blurb to the programme above gives the impression that it is all about Christian Nuns, and nowhere refers to Hijab pornography. This is why it clearly passed the censors!
However, clearly somebody at the Daily Star didn’t miss it, and, I reckon the idea of a Hijab babe came from Monday nights TV.
BBC always two or three days behind the news!
Behind the news indeed but they’ll soon make up for it by doing a worldwide report, including lurid snippets and out of context quotations, translated into “Asian” just so the radical Imams get the required ammunition for further rioting. Then they can all slap each other on the back whilst a few more vulnerable christians get chopped up. Hurrah!
You have a point, the reaction to the Mohammed cartoons was staged. I would have thought that Hijab pornography would get the Imams and mobs well wound up. It’s a blue-touch paper waiting to be ignited. If we reflect on the speed with which they get hold of rent-a-mob (Westminster Cathedral, etc.)I would expect something similar to happen outside C4s headquarters. It shouldn’t take long for the Imams to put together fly-sheets that scream at the infidel in the West for insulting Islam. I can well imagine they would get considerable sympathy as well, if the NUJ guy on BBC radio 4 was anything to go by. Incitement to racial hatred full stop. The fact is British TV has aired this- the prog. is still visible on C4s web site. Perhaps as we speak the radical Imams are preparing it already and we will have a Hijab Pornography riot. It is being done in France though, with French Muslims. The fact that a British TV channel chose to show it may water-down the outrage this side of the channel. C4 has a reputation as the porno channel anyway.
Ironic when you think that MT is now in charge of BBC
I’ve shown that footage to numerous friends who as yourself normally sit on the fence over such issues. Every single one of them were shocked to see him sneak a look after his supposed death. Almost everyone of them still don’t really believe that the Pali’s are corrupt when speaking of the issue, privately they must be turning cartwheels in their minds, having to disbelieve all that they thought was written in stone, just as an alchoholic refuses to believe the obvious.
That one sided site is the other party in the Agent France court case, not some wannabe nobody. Watch what is happening, not just make your ridiculas liberal minded assumptions, for Gods sake!
Who can verify what they describe as the boys hand, or the location of Israeli positions relative to the boy and his father ?
That’s Israeli position, not positions. Its location in the film is consistent with all reports and representations of it. You question its verification because before today you had no idea who Mohammed al-Durah was (and still is, it seems), how Palestinians and France 2 lied about his apparent death nor of the vast amounts of blood that have been shed since because of it.
Why did none of the major news networks question any of this ?
You’re getting the hang of this.
Oh, that must be because they’re all rabid anti-semites who long for the destruction of Israel and support radical islam. Sensible conclusions once again from biased-bbc !
You’re really getting the hang of this.
Sorry, France 2 as Pete London states.
Has anyone noticed the guidelines for BBC reporters?
The word “terrorist” is banned. However, this ban which should apply to the whole BBC only seems to apply to Islamic terrorist groups:
Actually, John, after looking at that French site I can see the possibilities of the veil as an erotic device.
I wonder if they would be so popular if blokes started giving them wolf-whistles wherever they went!
Come on, The Sun, let’s have a campaign!
newsnight on tax cuts tonight.
paxman talks to two other bbc drones – so its a discussion amongst the bbc themselves.
then he turns around and has another conversaton with Vince Cable (lib dem)and Alan Duncan (left wing of the Tory party).
nobody from the Taxpayers Alliance or the low-tax wing of the Tories interviewed.
and this passes for “analysis”?
If whichever of the Anons who asked this question
Why did none of the major news networks question any of this ?
is so new to the game, further reading on the anti-Israeli bias of the media is available at
Who can verify … or the location of Israeli positions relative to the boy and his father?
Well, actually anyone who does five minutes research on the Internet, can.
See enhanced aerial photograph.
Much has been made of the impossible angle of possible Israeli bullets. This sketch shows why.
Lots of material on
The problem, and this relates directly to this blog, is not that Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims stage propaganda. The problem is that the BBC and the rest of the media generally broadcast it uncritically and either refuse to correct it when challenged or do so in such a delayed, ambiguous, quiet manner that only those looking for a correction find it.
Fiona Bruce is allowed to wear a cross necklace while presenting the news as long as it is not large and shiny, BBC executives have ruled.,,173-2410512,00.html
No doubt this will be fed into the licence fee increase bid – costs for the staffing of the size & shine committee.
In today’s story concerning the suicide bombing that injured several British soldiers the Beeb couldn’t help adding the little dig at the end:
The BBC’s Alastair Leithead said Lashkar Gah, in the south of Helmand, was generally one of the safest areas in the province.
A totally useless piece of information designed to cast doubt about the mission in Afghanistan.
lI don’t think suicide bombers take these things into account when choosing targets, maybe we should make a complaint!