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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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“Had the party membership have been able to vote, they would have voted for Mr Davis. That’s why they must never have a vote.”
But surely, Verity, the party membership did have a vote and they voted for Cameron over Davis by a 2-1 margin (thanks party to Nick Robinson and other media supporters):,_2005
(The only party members who were denied a choice were the Fox & Clarke supporters). The Conservative Party has noone but itself to blame for its present difficulty. The membership deliberately chose to sacrifice their principles in return for the prospect of a return to office (which may not in happen until the election after next and then only if the electoral system is not changed in the interim).
As far as the BBC is concerned the Labour Party poses no threat to its positions. Despite the various run-ins with its leaders notably Wilson, Callaghan and Blair Labour has always maintained the BBC’s ring-fenced access to public funding. The worse things that have happened under Labour have been changes at the top caused by the Hutton Report under Blair and when Wilson transferred the former Tory M.P. Lord Hill (aka the “Radio Doctor”) from his post as Chairman of the ITA to Chairman of the BBC in 1967 to spite Hugh Carleton Greene, then D-G. However despite these changes the ethos and dominance of the BBC remained unperturbed.
However Conservative Governments broke the televison monopoly of the BBC in 1953 and its radio monopoly 20 years later. Both these events had significant consequences for the BBC. However with Cameron the BBC will have nothing to fear. No doubt, he will continue to maintain the licence fee (albeit with backbench complaint) and continue to give the BBC a monopoly control of digital broadcasting thus preventing viewer from exercising freedom of choice and opting out of access to BBC services (surely one of the worst decisions of the Blair Government).
abandon Ship writes:
“Anyone notice the attempts by the BBC today to step up a gear in the “There’s going to be a cut and Run” strategy for Iraq? The BBC already assume it is cut and run, because it has all been a disaster of course, and to them there is no other choice.”
I said much the same thing to a friend in the States, last night. You get a definite sense from the UK media that they feel they have won their war.
Perhaps they are right. But it will reap them a very uncomfortable ‘peace’ – of that we can be certain.
Cuckoo, the version you refer to was edited. Thanks to the new revisionista feature you can now see clearly the fifference between the two latest versions. It is quite telling. I like the way the quotes migrated in the title.
Test comment.
Sorry folks. I tried posting in another thread but it wouldn’t post, so I’m trying here.
That worked but when I try and post the comment I want it fails to post.
Does Haloscan not truncate a post if it is too long and instead fails to post it now?
Used to be a 1000 character limit at one time marc, but it seems that has been changed now judging by the length of some of the posts!
On the road with the Taleban
This is what the BBC said, speaking of the Taleban, in that report Pete pointed out.
“They observe their interpretation of Islamic law to the letter, and support the primitive conservative values of the villages in this region.”
The Taleban don’t “support” any such thing – they impose it and kill all those who don’t obey.
Unlike the BBC who do support the Taleban.
Thanks Dave. I’ve tried several times to post a long rebuttal to Reith’s nonsense but it won’t post. I’ll try to post it in parts and see what happens.
I had to split the post in two to get it to post.
I did a lenghty rebuttal to Reith’s defense of the BBC over at the post about the BBC’s bias admission.
Good grief! Menzies ‘Zombie’ Campbell on PM yet again this evening, banging on inter alia about US politics as if he knew anything about them.
And the BBC isn’t biased?
Was that George Galloway ‘reporting’ hysterically from the BBC bunker in Basra on R4 ‘Today’ this morning, or John Humphries? When it comes to Iraq, I can no longer tell the difference.
BBC = Respect.
“Poll slump”..Hardly surprising as the guy is a wimp, Britain needs a Conservative leader that will call a spade a spade and do something about it.…
“Cameron appeals for time after poll slump”
completely OT: “Wired” magazine article on the “New Atheism” movement,71985-0.html?tw=rss.index
very interesting stuff – considering the BBCs output and all the usual politically correct “dont give offense” rubbish.
I’m American, though I’ve spent time over there – the BBC is shameless in its disdain for my country, and they spread it all over the world (financed by the British public). The HYS section drives me up the wall. I occasionally try to get a comment in, though they are not printed – left off in favor of illiterate conspiracy theory rants. My latest tactic was to simply address a comment about one of the more outlandish hate-America posts to the censors themselves. Seems it’s gotten me de-registered with the BBC! Considering the things they DO print, it was pretty tame.
“Britain needs a Conservative leader that will call a spade a spade and do something about it.…”
I would agree. Britain needs a John Howard.
there’s a very interesting paragraph in that wired article i linked to above – in particular , when one wonders why the BBC has wall-to-wall “islam islam islam” stories.
“The number of nonreligious people in the U.S. is something nearer to 30 million than 20 million,” he says. “That’s more than all the Jews in the world put together. I think we’re in the same position the gay movement was in a few decades ago. There was a need for people to come out. The more people who came out, the more people had the courage to come out. I think that’s the case with atheists. They are more numerous than anybody realizes.”
Totally off topic;
I bumped into the leader of UKIP Nigel Farage and his PR chic (Not unnatractive) Annabell, in The Audeley Pub on South Audeley Street W1 (For those of you who know it)
Amongst other subjects we got onto BBC Biased – He is a huge fan of this site – Best be careful what I say, thats enough for the Beeb to publically assinate him at the next election.
“Best be careful what I say, thats enough for the Beeb to publically assinate him at the next election.”
he’s probably the only well known politician who speaks the truth on the European Union and what it gets up to.
(Tony Benn would be another ,well known and very outspoken critic)
he could so easily jump onboard the gravy train and just shut up (with a nice safe Tory seat), but he doesnt. I admire people like that.
and thats why you rarely see him on Al-Beeb.
gotta love Hungarian protestors.
they nick tanks.
no i’m not kidding… have a look:
Lynette writes:
“The HYS section drives me up the wall. I occasionally try to get a comment in, though they are not printed – left off in favor of illiterate conspiracy theory rants.”
Take heart, Lynette – you’re not alone! HYS is known here as (Don’t)HYS and for good reasons.
The web-monkeys employed by the BBC to censor HYS posts do a wonderful job. Assuming, that is, you’re a Respect admirer!
One of the nastier aspects of the BBC’s corruption is the way it stokes the fires of anti-Americanism. It’s one of so many reasons why we would be better off without the corporation and its student politics.
Gasp ! – talking of mad atheists…did you spot that “Torchwood” (the Dr Who cynical spin off) had one of the dead people say there was nothing on the other side…(in between males and females snogging to get audience ratings etc) – bet the Holy Father Pope Benny will have a thing or two to say about that! Oh wait – you mean there aren’t any 72 virgins either? Oops! Stand by for a bricking at the BBC! 😎
Seven dead ‘in Israeli Gaza raid’
Last Updated: Monday, 23 October 2006, 13:56 GMT 14:56 UK
“But Israel said its troops were engaged in a gunfight with armed men threatening Israel with rocket fire.
Palestinian sources said the incident was in Beit Hanoun but Israel said it was operating near Beit Lahiya.”
How about we say that this story is a mash-up and that what ever happened is too unclear to report on?
“The group is heavily involved in launching crudely made rockets across Gaza’s border into Israeli territory.”
I thought they were home-made rockets. I guess the hard ship of the embargo has caused the rockets to become crude.
” militant organisation called the Popular Resistance Committees, the group and witnesses said.”
And the PRC is associated with which government faction? Hint: Starts with an F and ends with an H.
“The militant groups often say that such missile fire is a response to Israeli army actions in occupied Palestinian territory.”
Such as? Which groups? What occupied territory?
“Violence between Israelis and Palestinians in recent weeks has been at its worst since June, when the Israelis launched an offensive to try to rescue a captured soldier.
The Popular Resistance Committees was one of the groups that claimed joint responsibility for the abduction of Cpl Gilad Shalit. ”
Ok, the BBC is still having a hard time with basic journalistic editing.
1.) Mention people’s name the first time they are mentioned.
2) What other groups were involved in the “Joint operation”. Perhaps one starting with an “H”?
3) Where was the solider abducted?
Perhaps Kidnapped is a better simpler term.
Let’s try this version:
“Violence between Israelis and Palestinians in recent weeks has been at its worst since June. The most recent violence began when Palestinian militants kidnapped an Israeli soldier, Cpl Gilad Shalit, during a cross border raid into Israel. Several palestinian groups participated including the Popular Resistance Committees and Hamas.
Since the kidnapping, Israel has launched regular military operations into gaza to stop the firing of rockets and rescue the solider.
The palestinian government, lead by Hamas, has refused to return Cpl Shalit, outside of a general prisoner exchange. Israel demands his unconditional return.
Israel admits phosphorus bombing
Last Updated: Sunday, 22 October 2006, 17:09 GMT 18:09 UK
“Israel has for the first time admitted it used controversial phosphorus shells during fighting against Hezbollah in Lebanon in July and August.
Cabinet minister Jacob Edery confirmed the bombs were dropped “against military targets in open ground”.”
Shelling or bombing which is it? Can the BBC please decide for us?
The Geneva Conventions ban the use of white phosphorus as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas.”
What other “human rights groups”?
What about the Human rights of the two solider’s kidnapped by Hezbollah. Do they have names? How did this fighting start in the first place
“”The Israeli army made use of phosphorus shells during the war against Hezbollah in attacks against military targets in open ground,” he said.
No information was given on when, where or how the shells were used. ”
They were used in attacks against military targets in open ground.
The BBC corespondent is thick as brick.
It seems to me that this story could use a little footwork to determine what the IDF means by marking targets.
WP is a sticky incindiary, so its good to paint targets with as a beacon for later air raids. The allies used a good amount of it in WWII.
The IDF uses Artiliry for fast response return fire after target aquisition.
After marking the target, its easy to call in an air raid at the same coordinates.
Not to be seen on the BBC…a moonbat crashes to earth.
The BBC and half a story;
Votes scam ‘may have swayed poll’
Postal vote-rigging may have influenced the outcome of local elections in London, a Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) report has revealed. Scotland Yard Assistant Commissioner Andy Hayman said minority communities were most vulnerable to the corruption.
And I wonder which minority community the BBC refers to. I wouldn’t know as the terms South Asian and Muslim don’t seem to apply to this BBC half story.
dispatches (c4) right now. they *might* (shudder) show the cartoons
mick in the UK
Thanks for the link. It’s powerful stuff, and as you say, a moonbat has had her eyes opened: “They never had any other intention except to eliminate Israel.”
One of the teenage boys cited “the dead of Jenin”, by way of excusing child suicide bombers. Another feather in the cap of the lying MSM.
dispatches audience vote
69% yes
however, john snow has a statement from channel4 , which orders that they dont be shown.
so there you have it. democracy in action – c4 style.
dispatches site
“The Dispatches Debate:
Muslims and Free Speech
Channel 4 Monday 23 October 2006, 8pm
Jon Snow chairs a special Dispatches debate on whether Muslims are threatening freedom of speech in the UK. Recent events such as the protests over remarks made by the Pope about the nature of Islam; to demonstrations over the publication of Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed; to the censorship of works of art depicting holy scriptures have all raised an urgent question: whether the objections made by Muslims are legitimate reasons to prevent publication or display? Jon Snow will question a series of guests who have been directly involved in these controversies.”
@ Lynette 6.19 and GCooper 7.46 pm
I started noticing a while back that not a single one of the comments I sent to the BBC’s ‘Have Your Say’ section was ever posted. Not one. I then tried experimenting. I tried on stories – stories it seems being the operative word – that had only just come out, I tried sending two conflicting viewpoints, I tried from a range of different computers/places, deleting cookies beforehand so they could not know I was the same person, but still nothing. It seems crystal clear that ‘fully moderated’ is merely a euphemism for ‘in-house propaganda’.
they have a Hizb-Ut-Tahir rep on now (c4 – dispatches).
The BBC and half a story;
Seven dead ‘in Israeli Gaza raid’
Seven Palestinians including a senior militant figure have been killed in clashes with Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials said. The officials said the men were shot at a mourning ceremony during an Israeli undercover raid.
But Israel said its troops were engaged in a gunfight with armed men threatening Israel with rocket fire.
Among those who died in the burst of fire was a man named Ata Shinbari, a senior commander in a militant organisation called the Popular Resistance Committees, the group and witnesses said. The group is heavily involved in launching crudely made rockets across Gaza’s border into Israeli territory. The militant groups often say that such missile fire is a response to Israeli army actions in occupied Palestinian territory.
So according to the BBC these men may have been innocent and that sometimes the group the men belong to lob rockets over the border into Israel.
Here are a few snippets missing from that BBC report;
2 Qassam rockets land in western Negev
Palestinians launched two Qassam rockets from the northern Gaza Strip Sunday afternoon. One of the rockets landed in an open area on the outskirts of Sderot and the second in an open field near one of the Sha’ar Hanegev communities.,7340,L-3318116,00.html
Rocket falls near Ashkelon
Police said a Qassam rocket fired by gunmen from the northern Gaza Strip into Israel on Sunday morning landed in open fields near a kibbutz in the Ashkelon area.,7340,L-3317794,00.html
Qassam lands near IDF base in western Negev
A Qassam launched from northern Gaza landed in an open area near an IDF base in the western Negev.,7340,L-3318325,00.html
3 Qassam rockets fired from Gaza
Three Qassam rockets we fired at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip, the Sderot Municipality and the Israeli army say.,7340,L-3317573,00.html
Qassam land in garden of Sderot home; one wounded
One person was wounded when a Qassam rocket landed in the garden of a Sderot home Friday.,7340,L-3317503,00.html
The last of the above incidents transpired on Friday last.(3 days ago)
The BBC and really half a story about why the IDF slotted the terrorists behind the above artillery barrage.
There are a lot more but I couldn’t be asked to cut and paste them all;
c4 hahahahha
Chris I posted a comment on the BBC with the link of the real number of civilian cassualties in Iraq, which is about 48 000 and not 655 000 like the Lancet said, and the next day when I checked my post had been erased from the discussion, and all the posts you would see were from those who believed the Lancet report
BBC = CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp[se]oration: same force-paid, left-wing, PC propaganda and spin. Only, so far, CBC hasn’t admitted a thing.
Great news these days: The bloggers are outing this sissy fifth column;-)
18 doughty street
the so called alternative to the bbc is a joke,
it is just another extension of the metropolitan elite excusing the left wing domination of the media.
you know what pissed me off, how the BBC uses the word “militant” which refers to someone “active or aggressive in support of a cause” and the synonyms are “activist” or “militant reformers.”
I don’t think that an organization that bombs places with rockets is an “activist” or militant. They are terrorists because they walk around with guns and they fire rockets at others. Yes, maybe they do have a cause: to destroy everyone else that doesn’t think like them and to extinguish democracy.
BTW terrorist in the dictionary is not a synonym of militant, so the BBC IS using that term with a manipulative intention.
Just like the use the word alleged to their convenience
Ohh and take a look at the antonym of “militant,” it is “conformist or conservative”
It all fits in doesn’t it!!
Jon Snow chairs a special Dispatches debate on whether Muslims are threatening freedom of speech in the UK ….. during the course of which Channel states it won’t show a bunch or pertinent cartoons.
A couple of other things:
1. The Lib Dems’ greatest financier, Michael Brown, was recently jailed. The money he donated to the Lib Dems was earend fraudulently. I saw no mention of this on the. I think the day the news broke was the one day on which Sir Mingzies Campbell was – mysteriously – absent from a BBC studio. Michael Howard admits to ‘being questioned’ as part of the cash-for-honours investigation, and that story is currently number one on the front page.
2. French police face ‘permanent intifada’
This one’s been doing the rounds for some time now. The world’s biggest dump – Paris – seems to have a permanent level of islamic violence. The BBC seems not to have noticed.
3. And finally folks, never forget: liberalism kills.
Sex offenders register increase
The latest figures show there were 29,973 people on the sex offenders register last year. And the number of violent offenders and other sex offenders under Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (Mappa) has also shown an increase. These went up more than 13% year-on-year to a total of 14,317. Mappa were monitoring 47,653 violent and sex offenders in England and Wales at the end of 2005/06.
I’m sure every single one of those 47,653 ‘violent and sex offenders’ is being monitored very very closely. Don’t you?
This is the first annual report since the system was criticised for its failings in the case of convicted rapist Anthony Rice. In May this year an inquiry by Chief Inspector of Probation Andrew Bridges highlighted how Rice killed mother-of-one Naomi Bryant nine months after being freed from a 16-year jail term because officials placed his human rights above protecting the public. The local Mappa was “distracted” when Rice had been freed, because it had been considering his human rights, the report said. Rice, 49, strangled and stabbed to death Ms Bryant, 40, at her home in Winchester in August last year, only days after they had met.
Maybe not then, but I’m sure the distraught family of Naomi Bryant are now relieved to hear that lessons will be learned. Those lessons are always learned after liberals do what liberals do and someone is killed.
The number of individuals already on the register who have re-offended has fallen from 79 in 2004/05 to 61 in 2005/06 – a drop of 22.78%
Ah, maybe those lesson aren’t learned after all. Never mind eh, mustn’t upset NACRO. What the BBC hasn’t said, and what I discovered on Sky News earlier, is that some 250 rapes and murders have been committed by murderers and sex cases who have been released early from prison. Liberalism kills.
“The number of nonreligious people in the U.S. is something nearer to 30 million than 20 million,” he says.
Quite possible but I’d love to know where he got his numbers from – Lancet?
“That’s more than all the Jews in the world put together.”
“I think we’re in the same position the gay movement was in a few decades ago. There was a need for people to come out. The more people who came out, the more people had the courage to come out. ”
oh poo! It is perfectly safe to be an atheist in this country. In fact it gets you strokes from the MSM and Liberal Establishment when you demand your sensibilities not be offended by any reference to religion.
CBC Listener
BBC = CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp[se]oration: same force-paid, left-wing, PC propaganda and spin. Only, so far, CBC hasn’t admitted a thing.
I was Australia not so long and the ABC is the same. It peddles exactly the same liberal-left lines on Iraq, immigration, the US, popular culture. In fact I think they have it worse over there. Not only do they have to put up with the drivel, but it comes in an Aussie accent.
i know this is not BBC bias but just now on Doughty street , Spooks the most leftist propagana bollocks ever filmed was called right wing , un-challenged by the supposed consevative ian dale. Apparently story lines like mossad killers and white racists trying to subert democracy ( every episode by the way)
and then being foiled by well meaning guardian readers.
the hand which controls the media goes deeper and deeper
Jon Snow chairs a special Dispatches debate on whether Muslims are threatening freedom of speech in the UK ….. during the course of which Channel states it won’t show a bunch or pertinent cartoons.
That kinda ends the debate.
Hi Roxana,
(Actually I’m not 100% certain which country you’re referring to, so please exuse me if I get it wrong)It’s not at all safe to admit to being an atheist in many parts of the US. When I lived In Tennessee I once had a letter published in a major newspaper, in defense of a boyscout who admitted to being an atheist. My mailbox was filled with hate mail, including rants about “wops”, and my back woods was set on fire.
In NJ, my children were harrassed in the schools during the years the Christian kids were going through confirmation classes, by both classmates and teachers.
It seems atheists are the last group it IS PC to intimidate. The easier course is to keep your mouth shut. I’m not very good at that.
Doff writes:
“i know this is not BBC bias but just now on Doughty street , Spooks the most leftist propagana bollocks ever filmed was called right wing , un-challenged by the supposed consevative ian dale.”
I must say I’m not greatly surprised. In fact I regret my early enthusiasm for 18 Doughty St which, I agree, is seeming more and more like just another opportunity for the chattering classes to… er… chatter.
The problem, as I have said here before and which was also brought out in that excellent piece from The Times that someone quoted earlier, really stems from our education system. Until we get that sorted out, it is hard to see how we can prevent the media remaining an almost wholly-owned subsidiary of the liberal-left.
My word but Dr. Dawkins and Mr. Harris are unpleasant people! And given that the three most murderous, totalitarian and destructive ideologies of the 20th c. were blatantly atheistic, (Communism, Socialism, Nazi-ism) they haven’t a leg to stand on ethically.
As any Star Trek fan can tell you from observing Mr. Spock and his fellow Vulcans Logic is not only limited by your premises but a lousy basis for a life-philosophy.
I am sure most of you are familiar with Sacha Baron Cohen’s charater ‘Borat’. He has done a whole range of sketches – check for yourself on Google/video or similar – from taking social etiquette classes, sports & hobbies classes, and ‘interviewing’ all types from employment advisors to politicians and feminists to hunters.
HOWEVER, when the BBC does an article on ‘how Borat hoaxed America’, over half the article is a platform for feminists. Check out the link. In particular, notice the ‘related internet links’ part on the right. There’s five links. The first is for Borat’s own site and of the remaining four links, three of them are for the feminists and their organisation. …And there I was thinking that there was no advertising on the BBC. Silly me.
I’m American too Lynette, however I’ve lived on both coasts in areas where it’s dangerous to be a conservative – forget religious! (I am not btw Christian). Idiots belong to all ideologies.
Betcha ‘Borat’s made fools of some Brits too. I don’t see how anybody wouldn’t pick up he was a phony, but then it sounds like most of his victims were liberals anyway and common sense is *not* their strong suit. Nor a sense of humor either.
God knows I don’t know much about Khazakhstan – and what I know about Khazakhs is about eight hundred years out of date – but even so!
Well Lynette, everyone is entitled to believe or not in any religion they want as long as it doesn’t threaten other’s rights.
I don’t think it was right what was done to you, but that doesn’t mean that in the rest of the country those things happen. Also I don’t think that because we have to be “politically correct” we have to be forced to change things such as the Pledge of Allegiance, or a court seal because they have religious things in it. After all we can’t deny history, and the truth is that the Founding Fathers of this nation were Christian, and even when they were Christian they included the right for everyone to worship or not as they wish.
I live in Miami and I’ve never heard of those problems.
In fact, when I took biology in highschool I was quite upset that my teacher barely mentioned the divine-creation and made a joke out of it, yet when we went on to discuss evolution and the Soup-Model theory, the theory itself was extremely vague, although my teacher gave it more emphasis, it was full of somehow’s and spontaneously’s, but it failed to explain why this theory contradicted entropy.