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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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As an example of the above, just listen to Humphrey’s intro to the interview with Hillary Benn at 8.32am.
It’s all black, black, black, black.
They printed one of my comments (No.110) on the Editors Blog but not the second about their ‘impartiality’…
Give them time. I’ll grit my teeth and defend The Editors here. They are actually quite good at publishing negative comments. Give them time. There’s a delay before they publish comments while they check for…well, whatever they check for.
The comment above was directed at
Schoolboy Error | 24.10.06 – 5:34 pm
BBC TV is this morning stating that actor Michael J. Fox is campaigning for the Democrats. The deskpeople state that Bush has banned stem cell research. The accompanying video report (available online at the BBC website) states that Fox is seeking to
overturn a block on embryonic stem cell research by President Bush’s Republicans.
But there is no block or ban. Bush vetoed the use of federal funds for research.
gordon-bennett above comments on the liberal stance of the US broadcasting networks, but even they have more balance than the BBC.
Last night’s R5 “Upallnight” interviewed an ABC man to discuss an analysis of US opinion/voting intentions.
After discussing the effect of Iraq, the BBC man asked how influential was voters’ concern over terrorism, describing this as “a vote inspired by fear”.
Even the ABC man had to baulk at this description.
Re: Travelling with the Taleban…
Here is the news from 1944:
Travelling with the Nazis
The BBC’s David Loyn has had exclusive access to Nazi forces mobilised against the British army in Europe.
There is no army on earth as mobile as the German army.
I remember it as their secret weapon when I travelled with them in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s, as they swept aside rival armies in Europe.
Piled into the back of open Panzerspähwagen, their vehicle of choice, and carrying no possessions other than their weapons, they can move nimbly.
They have surprised the British by the ferocity of their fighting and their willingness to take casualties.
The Nazi official spokesman explained: “When the Nazi movement of Germany started in the first place, the main reason was because of concern among people about corruption. “People were fed up with having to bribe governors, and other authorities.
“We rose up and saved almost the whole country from the evils of corruption and the Jews. That’s why people are supporting the Nazis again now.”
The intensifying conflict itself also plays into their hands. It is hard for the Allied Forces to promote its mission as humanitarian given the inevitable civilian casualties of conflict.
In a village damaged by a British attack on the night of 7 October, some people were too angry to talk to me because I was British. One merely pointed to the torn and bloody women’s clothing left in the ruins of the house and said bitterly, “Are these the kind of houses they have come to build – the kind where clothing is cut to pieces?”.
Allied sources describe this village as being heavily defended by the Nazis, who fired on their forces throughout the operation.
Thousands of people have fled the fighting, many seeking refuge in various cities and towns, where they are putting severe pressure on the ability of the League of Nations to help.
They fear for the homes and farms they have left behind, and while not active Nazi supporters, it is clear that most blame the Allies more for the worsening violence.
One man, Rudolph Schneider, now squatting with his family in a building site in Dresden, said the Nazis have most to gain in the continuing conflict.
“It’s very obvious. Right now we see foreigners with tanks driving through our vineyards. They destroy people’s orchards.
“They break through the walls and just drive across. When they take up positions in the village like this, nobody can cooperate with them.’
There is one other factor that increases Nazi morale.
Few have any education beyond years spent in the Hitler Youth, the fundamentalist organisation in Germany that has produced an endless supply of Nazis for more than a decade.
Five years on they are back, and regrouping against an old enemy.
On the BBC News at 8:30 am during the “Today” programme there were just 5 items: the main item concerned the decision by Richmond Council to penalise residents parking non-green cars; another was the appearance by Madonna on the Oprah Winfrey show. Are these the most earth shattering events that happened in the world today? No mention, for instance, of the defeat yesterday by the government of attempts in the Commons to amend the UK-US extradition treaty: of course not, that is just a matter of personal freedom – loony LibDems in Richmond and the appearance of an American pop star on a US TV programme are much more newsworthy.
Again, not necessarily bias, but certainly crap journalism.
The BBC (in conjunction with ken and the MCB) and half a story.
pounce | 24.10.06 – 5:57 pm | #
The BBC bias is that of the thought Police of the PC elite.
I watched BBC London News last night 6.30-7pm, hosted by newsreader Asad Ahmad.
First item…Ken Livingstone “The treatment of Muslims right now is like the Jews in Germany in the 1930s, bla bla bla” Muslims face ‘serious prejudice’
London’s Muslim community is ‘disproportionately’ a victim of faith hate crimes, a report from the mayor’s office says.
Interview with Muslim Councillor Ahmed challenges him that Livingstone’s analogy is OTT. Councillor: ‘Ken was basically right…no apologies’
Then interview with Ahmed Versi, editor of the Muslim News, repeated showing of news headline in Muslim News that ” A pigs head was placed outside a Mosque”
There are 706,000 Muslims in the city, of which 40% were born in the UK (according to the 2001 census).
Change of topic on news poetry. A very bright young Muslim poet (half Egyptian) with serious attitude towards police and Islamophobes expressed in his rhyming couplets, has just won a competition. Young poet reads out his anti-police poetry.
New exhibition at Croydon Museum about the 1920s & 1930S. Quick look at some exhibition items. Followed by an interview with an OEP from Croydon who knew of the airport? No, BBC London can’t have that, instead, followed by interview with a black ethnic org. representative of Croydon, singing the praises of Croydon’s new found diversity!
Tell me that I’m not living in a European colony Mark Steyn? And the BBC has the temerity to suggest ‘yourlondon’! I notice that BBC London are doing there own HYS, no comments are published. I am a little angry that I am addressed by the BBC as a “non-Muslim” and asked what I can do!
Have your say
• If you are a Muslim have you been a victim of discrimination or a hate crime?
• What can non-Muslims do to encourage tolerance and equality in the capital?
Send in your views and experiences – email:
well done all
Keep pounding the BBC you have got em all rattled.
The campaign for an English Parliament and the English Democratic party received some coverage yesterday.
Fleeting though it was its appearance at all is a testament to you lot.
Alan G:
Your parody of BBC news was brilliant.:lol:
For everyone else:
The ‘news fairy’ has given me the power to set priorities for BBC news. Help me.
Should some countries (other than Britain) receive more coverage than others? What are the criteria?
❓ Percentage of immigrants from that country?
❓ Trade figures?
❓ The amount of blood shed? The amount of blood likely to be shed?
❓ Historic ties?
❓ Geographical area?
❓ Percentage of followers of that religion worldwide/nationally?
❓ Percentage of English speakers?
❓ Existence of visual or auditory material?
❓ Public interest (however defined and by whom)? or interest by the public?
❓ Liklihood to lead to war against Britain or in general?
❓ Cost to produce?
❓ Time relationship to another story already broadcast?
What have I missed?
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Try this little diversion.
HowManyOfMe.comThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?
There used to be a time when I watched the BBC News from beginning to end. No more, my patience is at an end. Dutifully I tune in at 6pm to watch BBC TV News. I listen to the headlines and that familiar nausea flows over me. I could be physically sick if I was not of a strong disposition. It appears ugly and misleading. Nowadays I have to leave the room immediately for fear of painful embarrassment.
Could writers of long posts (mea culpa) please learn to use the very basic HTML available for this site and paragraphing? It makes reading so much easier and helps convey your point. :+:
Compare this post below (not formatted or paragraphed) with my previous one (formatted).
Alan G:
Your parody of BBC news was brilliant.
For everyone else:
The ‘news fairy’ has given me the power to set priorities for BBC news. Help me.
Should some countries (other than Britain) receive more coverage than others? What are the criteria?
Percentage of immigrants from that country?
Trade figures?
The amount of blood shed? The amount of blood likely to be shed?
Historic ties?
Geographical area?
Percentage of followers of that religion worldwide/nationally?
Percentage of English speakers?
Existence of visual or auditory material?
Public interest (however defined and by whom)? or interest by the public?
Liklihood to lead to war against Britain or in general?
Cost to produce?
Time relationship to another story already broadcast?
What have I missed?
If the Muslims are being treated like the Jews of 1930s can we expect the camps to be built any day now?
It is the same as all these morons out chanting for CND at Faslane etc. They KNOW they are not going to be shot or thrown into jail for 15 years without trial with free torture sessions thrown in. If they went to Iran or Syria to protest they wouldn’t last five minutes and they’d be screaming for the British Embassy to get them home!
Who do the BBC give these clowns the time of day?
Still nothing on the Beeb about the Chief of Staff at Number 10 being quizzed under caution (unlike most of the others so far)…..gosh if only he’d been a Tory it would be on the front page with a huge photo of gold coins on an ermine robe or suchlike to make sure you couldn’t miss it!
FWIW, following Ritter’s (24.10.06 – 2:09 pm) link to the Helen Boaden piece I submitted the following comment. If it had been as equally intense but in favour of the BBC I guess it would have been posted. As it stands, it wasn’t.
[To Helen Boaden ]
Is the BBC biased in favour of all those things dear to the left/liberal grauniad-reading bien pensantistas?
Is the Pope a Catholic?
I have no interest in what the Daily Mail says, nor the BBC and certainly not in giving your piece any credence. The evidence has been plain for all to see for decades. Yes, decades.
As far I am concerned the rot is so utterly ingrained that your once decent institution is now way beyond any hope of redemption. Case closed. The BBC should be broken up and any useful bits auctioned off.
Requiescat in pace. And good riddance.
Fleeting though it was its appearance at all is a testament to you lot.
riddiford | 25.10.06 – 10:39 am | #
Riddiford. Did you catch Eddie Mair’s interview with Canon Wright on Radio 4s “PM” programme in advance of his speech yesterday? Scroll to [36 minutes.58 sec.] of the hour long programme it lasts until [41 min.26 seconds ]
He mischievously suggested to listeners that if they had any suggestions of how an English constitutional settlement could be framed to send it in as a text message. to “84844” The fact that he is Scottish himself wasn’t revealed, but Mair was wallowing in a pseudo BBC objectivity, where the Canon revealed his Scottishness, Mr. Mair tried to play the role of some disinterested interviewer. Problem was, the text message jibe, says rather a lot.
In fact how dare this Scot ridicule the English so! But this form of subtle racism is allowed on the BBC, such ethnic disparaging is permitted.
Eddie Mair’s nationality ?
Eddie was born in Dundee, and began his journalistic career at Radio Tay in the city, hosting weekly phone-ins, news shows and the breakfast show. In 1987 he joined the BBC, starting as a sub-editor for Radio Scotland and later presenting the station’s flagship television and radio news programmes, Reporting Scotland and Good Morning Scotland.
BBC bias, what bias?
Of the loathsome Eddie Mair, john asks:
“BBC bias, what bias?”
One might equally ask ‘journalism, what journalism?’
Hosting radio phone-ins is hardly journalism, is it? I’m not so sure about the rest of his CV either. On the face of it, it sounds like he’s a little more than professional newsreader/programme presenter.
Perhaps the CV omits something…
Pete_London : the Wiki on WBAI is pretty clear. The corollary to your assertion “she sought them out” I can’t imagine anyone with centre-right views would choose to work there! Also, there was a big fight in 1977, presumably when
at one point described as ‘an anarchists circus’.
Good training, no doubt – “Its programming is leftist/progressive, an admixture of leftist political orthodoxy tinged with aspects of its more complex and varied past…”
Another insight into that station’s philosophy is the case that went to the Surpreme Court about Carlin’s Filthy Words where the WBAI owners lost to the FCC over broadcasting indecent material during the afternoon.
More tea, vicar?
edited out by mistake “presumably when it made its name in the ‘progressive’ broadcasting community”
About my “parody” of BBC News.
I should have pointed out that I took the BBC report commented on by pounce and Terry Johnson and changed the words Taleban to Nazi and Afghanistan to Germany. In true BBC style, I left out information that I felt irrelevant.
I should also point out that what I did wasn’t original – a few months back, there were several such parodies on this website. What amazed me was how easy it was to take the David Loyn article from the BBC website and turn it into something that would have been regarded as traitorous sixty years ago.
PS readers may also be interested in this
which is a newsletter from 1977 on the crisis at the station. It contains that well known phrase “institutional racism”. Someone should tell the OED so they don’t get their derivations confused with Macpherson. It also says that WBAI staff should “include more Blacks and Latins” – future echos of the BBC’s Greg Dyke, perchance? can we spot some similarities here in our national broadcaster?
(linked from )
Did anyone catch the interview Humphries did with the (christian) Archbishop of Basra on the Today programme just before 9pm? He sounded utterly p*ssed (the Archbishop not Humph)
I’d drink as well if I had his job.
Helen Boaden claimed the ‘impartiality seminar’ was streamed live on the web.Was it open to all viewers?Is there a record somewhere?(Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere).Could someone direct me to where?
D Burbage
Many over here think that the McPherson coined the phrase ‘institutional racism’. It was actually the marxist, racist Stokely Carmichael back in the 60s or thereabouts and he did so for leftist, racist reasons. It seems that the no doubt spliffed-up McPherson of the time at paid least attention to something.
A day in the life of the BBC left-liberal agenda driven so-called ‘news’:
Fancy a bit of US-bashing? BBC give their sofa favourite Ming Ding some publicity:
Extradite US soldiers – Campbell
Up for some eco-guilt? Here’s a free slice from the BBC:
How green is your office?
How about some namby pamby liberal ‘justice’? Didn’t you know prison doesn’t work? BBC tell you why:
‘I grew up in secure units’
and finally desert – the BBC’s favourite minority group. Here’s a reminder – they are persecuted dontcha know?
Muslims face ‘serious prejudice’
their sofa favourite Ming Ding
I wonder whether his chums at “Today” will invite him to comment on the views of Dean Godson
WE MUST thank the University of St Andrews for that rare opportunity — the chance to employ with a straight face the cliché “it’s like Caligula appointing his horse as consul”. How so? Because Scotland’s oldest university has decided to award an honorary doctorate of law to former President Khatami of Iran “in recognition of his efforts to encourage interfaith dialogue”.
I kid you not. No less a person than Sir Menzies Campbell, the university’s Chancellor, will bestow the accolade on the acceptable face of violent, arbitrary clerical rule. It will come to be seen as one of the most shameful days in the university’s history — on a par with the honorary degrees granted by the University of Edinburgh to Robert Mugabe, of Zimbabwe, or the Central London Polytechnic to Elena Ceaucescu, of Romania. They, too, were once fashionable items among the appeasing classes, of which Sir Menzies is the contemporary personification.,,172-2420043,00.html
I suppose the firsr question to Ming would be “Shouldn’t this honour really be going to President Ahmadinejad, the embodiment of the glorious democratic & tolerant state of Iran?”
Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy from the institutionally islamist BBC.
I grew up in secure units
You’ll notice what I thought of as a photo of the yob in question (‘Diana’). The caption even mentions her name. Yet the story states:
I ended up making a complaint against the staff in the South East because they wouldn’t provide any ethnic food for me. I was young and I was used to eating African food. The Muslims get halal food, so why couldn’t I get African food?
Diane described her family situation as “messed up” – her father died in 1996 and her mother later remarried. She did not get on with her stepfather and soon began to get into trouble.
He shaved my head – he said it was discipline or something. But I was brought up in Europe, he wasn’t. He didn’t understand that you can’t just shave someone’s head. After that, I didn’t want to listen to anyone.
Sounds like she’s an African girl then. Does that photo look like an African?
The photo alt tag says
“teenager (generic)”
I grew up in secure units…/uk/ 6080868.stm
The article contradicts itself. The girl says
“Sometimes, when I came up before the judge in court, I’d plead guilty to stuff I hadn’t done just to get locked up. I didn’t mind at the time, I preferred being locked up to being at home.
“”Even though it was much further from where I lived, things in Hull were much better. You’d have one-to-one sessions with staff who would try and help you solve your problems.”
Her only visitors were from the Howard League for Penal Reform, who helped her to find a place to live when she was finally released. ”
So obviously the girl felt that being locked up was better for her than being at home, and in fact she even admitts that she received help when she was locked up, so how can she then complain about the authorities, when according to her it was better to be locked up and she had lied in order to stay locked up.
Did she expect the authorities to treat her in a condescending way when she had admitted she was a criminal?? The authorities even changed her to a different unit when she made the complain and was having problems with the staff. What more could she expect?? A hotel reservation and private servants???
They even helped her find a place to live when she left, and she was an admitted criminal
They’re still at it.
EU migrants fuel UK growth debate
The British government’s curbs on Romanian and Bulgarian workers clearly come in response to the embarrassment it suffered over the previous wave of Eastern European immigration.
Mods – the bold thingy is cocking up again (I hope that’s not too technical for you).
That Terry Lloyd article’s a classic as well.
Leaving aside the basic premise, namely that jounalists should be able to wander freely round a battlefield in complete safety, two things are particularly outrageous. Look how the circumstances of his death are phrased:
Mr Lloyd was killed by a US Marine’s bullet during the Iraq invasion.
Sounds like some crazed Marine gunned him down right ? Actually, he was killed in a vehicle-vehicle clash when his vehicle was raked by US fire. There’s all the difference in the world between someone being shot by someone else (where they might reasonably be expected to identify the target as a jounalist), and a passenger being hit in an exchange between two groups of vehicles.
Now, about that Iraqi vehicle:
Mr Lloyd was shot in the head while in a makeshift ambulance.
Because of the nature of my job, I often eat lunch in my car. This must make it a ‘makeshift restraunt’. The vehicle was a minibus that was part of a group of similarly civilian type vehicles being used by the Iraqi Army to transport troops. Not only was the bus not marked in any way as an ambulance, it was carrying unwounded Iraqi troops as well as casaulties. Or, to put it another way, it would far more accurate to say ‘Mr Lloyd was shot in the head while in a makeshift Iraqi Army troop carrrier’, except of course, that would make the whole thing sound stupid.
Natalie et al
I was just looking through the comments on Helen Boaden’s editors’ blog trying to spot the B-BBC regulars when I came across one peddling a familiar line.
Someone called Richard Davies wanted to know why Stephen Lawrence is a household name and Kriss Donald isn’t. He then (wrongly) claims the BBC haven’t reported the case outside Scotland.
That’s been said in these threads • and in just the same terms • a number of times recently. To murmurs of general agreement too.
The quick answer is obvious: it wasn’t his murder that made Stephen Lawrence famous but the campaign to try to secure justice when the Police failed (a campaign helped in large measure by Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily Mail, who’d employed Stephen Lawrence’s father to work on his house). By contrast, the Glasgow cops were quick to identify suspects in the Kriss Donald case and the story has since been subject to tight sub judice reporting restrictions.
But something nagged at me about the suspiciously similar wording. So I googled a bit • and sure enough the BNP site, stormfront and various other of a similar ilk are all peddling the same lines. Nick Griffin’s even been up to Pollockshields himself.
Not the first time B-BBC has been playing Little Miss Echo to a BNP propaganda meme.
Just thought you ought to know. You do, after all, have a reputation to keep up.
69% Vote to see the Mohammed cartoons.
The elites at Channel 4 say no, because they know best, and besides, they are scared.
I am, like most British people, sick of hearing about Muslims and their grievances. And this is with just 3% of the population. I dread to think what will happen when they get to 20 – 30%.
I would add that it is Atheists who have challenged and confronted the Islamist’s most. Alot of Christians have a naive Rowan Williams view of Islam.
Mr Lloyd was shot in the head while in a makeshift ambulance.
Because of the nature of my job, I often eat lunch in my car. This must make it a ‘makeshift restraunt’.DumbJon | 25.10.06 – 3:41 pm | #
Nice on DJ – raised a smile. ‘makeshift’ can be added to ‘so-called’ along with all the other TruthSpeak words and phrases approved by the BBC in their aim to present biased news.
Let’s not forget those ‘homemade’ Palestinian missiles which ‘irritate’ Israel.
Not the first time B-BBC has been playing Little Miss Echo to a BNP propaganda meme.
And the Guardian, BBC, Reuters et al don’t slavishly copy the decreed leftie talking points……so JR finds ONE possible post by someone whose name doesn’t ring any bells (is this alleged BNP copier a regular here?) and tries to insinuate that B-BBC are merely echoing the BNP. Nice one JR!
By Harry, God and St George (in a non-nationalist way of course) he’s getting desperate!
ohh and “alleged” and “militants.” It seems that most of the facts that the BBC dislikes are just “allegations” and the innocent groups of civilians who happen to be carrying guns, shooting, and have fired “homemade” missiles are “militants” never terrorists. Poor innocent activists that just want to blow up places and who are unjustly “gunned down” (sarcasm)
JR: nice to see the hilarious ‘impartiality summit’ has got you so rattled! Now, to business:
the comparison was not made here with Stephen Lawrence, so much as with the equally horrendous murder of the black youth Anthony Walker on Merseyside. This received heavy, and justified coverage on the BBC, NOT due to police corruption, but to the horrific nature of the crime. The Kriss Donald case has NOT received equal BBC coverage. YOU may say it’s got some ‘sub judice’ reasons (you’re always bringing that up when you want to cover something up), but others may conclude it has something to do with the religion of the accused, something the BBC repeatedly avoids mentioning in a negative light. It’s got nothing to do with the BNP, you fool
Mr. Reith:
Take up the White City Man’s burden!
Have done with childish days–
The lightly-proffered laurel,
The easy ungrudged praise:
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers.
JR I am from the US, what do I have to do with the BNP??
in any case it would not justify the fact that the BBC’s agenda is biased in favor of leftist-liberal propaganda because the BBC is funded by BRITISH TAXPAYERS, which includes conservatives and liberals, so the BBC should not be biased at all towards any viewpoint, we just want facts not absurd and manipulative commentaries in between.
Also Biased-BBC is not sponsored by British taxpayers and yet it allows anyone to comment freely such as yourself John Reith, even though you disagree with Biased BBC.
The BBC IS CENSORED and it does not allow a free debate, although it claims it does, because it deletes posts that express views disagreeing with the BBC’s point of view. Don’t you think it is biased to delete my posts and to not allow all opinions to be expressed??? Your posts have never been deleted on this website, yet the BBC does delete my posts and that of others. Be fair John Reith, otherwise you will be just like the BBC.
If you censor opinions then you are biased, and thus the BBC is biased.
Question Time up for grabs,,1931059,00.html
“Independent producers will have the chance to bid for Question Time, one of the BBC’s flagship current affairs shows, after the corporation decided to put the contract out to tender.
David Dimbleby is expected to stay on as presenter of the BBC1 Thursday night show for the new production contract, which will start next autumn.
The Tinopolis subsidiary Mentorn, which has made Question Time for seven years, is expected to be among the bidders when the tender is issued later this year.
The BBC is understood to be interested in new ideas about areas, such as the make-up of the studio panel and audience, how the show reflects the location it is broadcast from each week, and how it uses the internet.”
Here are some handy tips for bidding production companies aiming to land the QT contract:
1. Pick 4 panelists from the left (Respect/LibDum/Lab etc), add in a token soft tory from the left of the party and a comedian or ‘broadcaster’ (or Billy Bragg if he’s available). Do not invite UKIP or BNP etc.
2. Shows should be broadcast from Labour constituiencies with high ethnic minority demographics eg Bradford
3. For studio audience purposes, up the muslim contingent to about 30%. Add 60% left wing voters (Respect/LibDum/Lab). 10% for ‘other’. (try not to let too many of those pesky tories through the door)
4. For QT on the internet, propose a ‘muslim panel’ to comment on political issues of the day e.g. victimisation of muslimzzzzzz
job done.
Diana 1
jr 0
Uncensored BBC quote
“Instead of a veil we have a mass of scar tissue”
Consultant surgeon, Peter Butler (Royal Free Hospital)on face transplants.
Interviewed by Eddie ‘bonnie’ Mair, BBC Radio 4 “PM” who thought it interesting to raise the subject of the Muslim veil, as they were talking about the importance of seeing the face in human communication.
Hey, did I halluciante it or did JR really try and bag B-BBC for covering the same issues as the BNP, NF and the like ?
Abstract away from euphamisms like ‘neo-con’, and the ‘some people say’ type distancing, and there’s not much to choose between the BBC’s coverage of the War on Terror and that of the BNP/NF loons. Anyone remember ‘The Power of Nightmares’ ? Or, for that matter, coverage of a well-known source of oranges.
Hello again TPO.
Far be it from me to suggest the lady is drunk, but I can’t make head nor tail of it. Can you?
The lady JR deserves respect, and for your information I don’t drink, it numbs my reasoning and I can’t afford that when there are people like you and like the BBC in the world.
Now if you want to answer my comment directly with rational arguments then you are more than welcome, otherwise, it is still 1 to 0 on that part.
Mr Reith, nice to see you back on the subject of Kriss Donald again. Two weeks ago I posted this;
Mr Reith, you must be on a different BBC site than I because when I do a search on ‘Kriss Donald’ I get 48 articles. ‘Anthony Walker’ brings back 96 PAGES, i.e. 960 articles…..
I took your non-response as an admission of guilt. So if you’re going to talk about BBC non bias over Kriss Donald then please answer why the stark difference between the number of articles on the BBC.
Also explain why everyone has heard of Walker but virtually no one has heard of Donald? And if the BBC is the No. 1 news agency in this country do you think the blame can be placed firmly at the door of broadcasting house?
If you want to make it 2-0 ask JR if he thinks it’s right for the BBC to broadcast an interview of Osama Bin Laden (as was apparently agreed during the recent “impartiality seminar”) but not broadcast news about this –
given that all these people –
have valued the merits of the research that underpinned it.