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bbc news 24 gets an F for physics
bbc news at ten leads with climate change. The Stern Report. And that the government will be slapping “green” taxes on all of us.
(methinks gordon brown just saw another opportunity for a whole load of new stealth taxes)
archduke writes:
“bbc news at ten leads with climate change. The Stern Report. And that the government will be slapping “green” taxes on all of us.”
As I said in another thread, the entire thing has been a classic stitch-up.
David ‘I’ll be shaving soon!’ Miliband wanted to fly the idea of ‘Green’ taxes. The Stern report was leaked to the BBC and the Observer, knowing these two eco-loonie organisations would love the story, thus allowing the opportunistic Miliband to leap in a few hours later with his proposals.
What is so pathetic isn’t so much that ZaNuLabour still uses this tired old weekend tactic every month or so, but that idiots at the BBC fall for it every time, then parade twerps like Mark Byford (deputy director general) to say how wonderful the BBC’s news service is.
It’s as predictable as watching a Three Stooges routine, truly it is.
Ihe BBC (and most of the liberal press) has adopted a depressingly
uncritical, but very concerned,
‘UK-centric’ view of the Stern Report.
The implication is that if the UK government does not drastically increase ‘green’ taxes, the planet is doomed.
Most other nations are not so alarmist, and are sensibly not leading the way with such drastic
increases in tax. Perhaps they have
worked out the obvious: that unilateral tax increases will make their economies uncompetitive, and will increase unemployment.
This deserves a thread of its own really. The “BBC admits leftie bias” story the other day has obviously rattled a few cages and set the beeboid spinmeisters into overdrive.
So, today, in the Mail On Sunday, no less than the DG himself is wheeled out to protest that: “there are people out there who think the BBC is dominated by trendy, Left-leaning liberals who are biased against Christianity and in favour of multiculturalism….”
Er….and this is a surprise??
Refering to the “seminar” during which the remarks about the bible being theoretically allowed to be chucked into room 101 but not the koran, he says…
“Several papers insisted the seminar had taken place at a ‘secret location’ or reported revelations from ‘a leaked memo’ about its deliberations.
In fact the seminar was open to external participants and many outside guests took part. Far from being secret, it was streamed live on the internet.”
Oh really? And of course, this was open to the public was it? Funny, I don’t remember seeing the URL mentioned in any of the numerous cross-promotional promos the beeb prides itself in putting out across its output.
I’ll leave you all to wade through the rest of this self-serving rubbish – pass the industrial-sized sick bag, Alice….
alan writes:
‘The implication is that if the UK government does not drastically increase ‘green’ taxes, the planet is doomed.”
Indeed, I’ve just switched off R4’s Westminster Hour (or whatever the hell it’s called) in disgust as yet another BBC imbecile blathers fashionably away about ‘carbon emissions’, as if the miserable difference a country like the UK could make (even assuming there is any truth in the clams) is worth bothering about.
It must be said he was interviewing one of Camoron’s henchmen who was equally cluess, which rather reinforces my comment about Camoron being a product of the BBC party.
Camoron knows the only way he will ever be elected is if he sucks up to the leftie media luvies.. He can’t actualy openly convert to New Labour, but he can spout the stuff that has the beeb guardianistas throbbing in their pants….. the enviromnent….cycling.. be nice to hoodies… multiculturalism… yawn..
There’s so much in the Mark Thompson’s blurb that’s ripe for Fisking it would take hours. One of the statements that really smacked me between the eyes was this:
The British public aren’t easily fooled. When the BBC gets it wrong they contact us in their thousands. Some do worry about political bias. But there’s no evidence that they give any credence to the idea of vast liberal or PC conspiracies.
The man is definitely from another planet. He evidntly knows little about the organisation he allegedly heads and even less about the public perception of the BBC.
Alan-a-Gale writes:
“…he can spout the stuff that has the beeb guardianistas throbbing in their pants….. the enviromnent….cycling.. be nice to hoodies… multiculturalism… yawn..”
Having seen their last three contenders savaged from dawn to dusk by the metropolitan elite, the Tories elected a man who spouted the sort of rubbish they think the BBC/Guardian/Mirror/Indy wants to hear.
It’s a measure of the dangerous power the BBC wields that it can project this much influence.
Of course, it may well backfire. Sick of ZaNuLabour lies and general uselesness, the Great Unwashed (of which I am a fully paid-up member) might just decide there is no difference between any of the vermin on offer, and will stay at home on election day.
I find it hard to make up my mind which of the three main parties I now despise most.
But stay at home on election day?
Not me. I want to stick my thumb in their eyes, all of them.
I’ve decided the best way I can do that legally is to vote for the BNP. Voting for UKIP seems too lame now.
May the BBC, ZanuLabour and the rest of the nation’s traitorous scum burn in hell.
Oh Dear!
This is not going to plan.
The BBC displays its pro-Islamic bias.
The death of one Muslim cleric outweighs 104 other people, HELL it out weights the outbreak of fighting between Sudanese based and supported Rebels and the country of Chad.
The BBC and its true allegiance.
The Biased BBC at work;
Of late the BBC has gone to great lengths in which to try and defend its somewhat biased reporting as well honest impartial reporting that is straighter than a Muslim cleric’s word. (Yeah right) to that end I shall compare two examples of how twisted the BBC is in its reporting;
Flag-burning law plan criticised
Human rights groups have opposed a plan by police chiefs to make flag-burning by protesters a new criminal offence.
The BBC finds any Mustapha, Mahatma and Mohamed in which to berate a motion which will make flag burning a crime in this country. (Funny enough if I was to burn the flag of any Muslim country the BBC would spare no effort in which to call it a hate crime)
Yet the motion in which to expel 150,000 Muslims from a Muslim country is treated well as nothing that warrants the critical eye of say the Islamic human rights community.(IHRC)
Niger suspending Arab expulsions
Niger’s government has suspended a controversial decision to deport thousands of Arabs back to Chad.
Err BBC you do know that the IHRC is actually funded by Iran. Must be why Massoud Shedjareh who you have berating the flag burning motion also demands the destruction of Israel.
(Could that be the reason the BBC loves to air this hate mongers views as just)
Strange how the BBC can dig up so called experts to berate banning the burning of flags in the UK. But cannot do the same when 150000 Muslims face removal from the place they call home.
But then in the holy Koran it does state that Muslims cannot rise against an unjust ruler.
In Nigeria it appears that ‘Blacks’ are expelling ‘Arabs’. Clearly not ‘racist’ attacks.
newsnight making up the news.
sorry if old.
If others here agree with you that this is ‘Newsnight making up the news’, they will be utter hypocrites.
Day after day B-BBC was accusing the BBC of bias for ‘failing to report’ the events in Windsor.
Pretty well everyone here seemed certain that these were full scale riots; that were racially motivated and that Muslims were to blame.
So what happens when Newsnight reports them? The BBC is accused of hyping up ordinary hooliganism into a race riot.
“I’ve decided the best way I can do that legally is to vote for the BNP.”
Looks like the Stern Report is going to be the new “Bible” at the BBC (or should I say “Quran”?).
The Stern Report: pro-globalisation, anti-US, pro-tax hikes, pro-green; Armageddon if we don’t pay up.
Pure honey for Beeboids. That’s probably why it is receiving zip criticism on the BBC. Funny how other Government reports are not welcomed with open arms (Hutton anyone?).
stern report was , of course, top of the agenda on Today this morning.
what i find incredible is the whole idea of “green taxes” – they are highly regressive, and will affect the poor in our society the most.
lets face it , if you have 10 million quid in the bank, a “green tax” on your 4×4 wont affect you much. but if you’re trying to live on the minimum wage , any “green tax” will most certainly affect you.
the thing is – these idiots proposing “green taxes” dont realise that the imposition of those taxes might be enough to cause a recession. but then the ecofascists would love that – a declining economy, rapidly going back to the stone age.
indeed SiN – its not going to plan at all. even i am surprised at the (negative) reaction.
is this a sign of a backlash?
I used to find it contradictory that the lefties accused Bush of going to war in Iraq for the oil; when the facts pointed to Russia and France voting against the war to protect their oil supplies.
Now, I find it even more odd that the BBC will report claims that Iraq was all about oil, but not even be slightly suspicious that “Climate Change” is being exploited by the Government to line their own pockets with our tax-money.
Surely the debate should be that if we need more green taxes to incentivise us to stop causing global warming, what other taxes should we get rid of to balance this out. I haven’t seen much convincing argument that we need higher taxes overall so obviously this can just be a straight trade off can’t it?? Where’s the Have Your Say on this important point?
The Prince of Wales has held talks with General Pervez Musharraf as he and the Duchess of Cornwall began their visit to the Islamic nation.
Of course the BBC will be reporting his return as ‘The Prince of Wales’ arrives back in our Christian nation after visiting Pakistan, known to be home to many Christians who are persecuted by the Islamic majority
‘Day after day B-BBC was accusing the BBC of bias for ‘failing to report’ the events in Windsor’
And B-BBC was right, the BBC was distorting and downplaying the facts.
Now a tax just for living in a nice area
Of course BBC CEEFAX, clearly a part of the BBC that is over-represented by the liberal-left, chose to emphasise the Party of Vermin’s spin on it. ‘Labour ministers rubbish Tory scaremongering’
I’ve said it before, when it comes to believing the BBC or the Daily Mail, I’ll take the Mail any day. So it would seem does the BBC’s DG.
Robin Hood…
Tut Tut.
The BBC were going on several days ago about how we need immigrants, especially in the construction industry where 10% of the workforce are foreign. It never made any connection between the fact that the main reason we need these construction workers is to build houses for the very same ‘essential’ newcomers.
I wonder if they will link immigrants and construction with the ‘green’ issue. I bet not.
We all know this is all about taxing people to use their cars, to go to work, to pay their already high taxes.
How about some real journalism BBC?
The BBC and half a story;
Remember when Channel 4 brought out this film about Bush getting assassinated.
Death of a President
The 90-minute film shows Mr Bush being targeted by a sniper during anti-war rally in Chicago in 2007. He is confronted by a demonstration when he arrives in the city to deliver a speech to business leaders and is shot as he leaves the venue.
Death of a President will be shown on More4 on 9 October.
Oh how the BBC promoted that film
“”It’s a pointed political examination of what the War on Terror did to the American body politic.”
Well here’s another Channel 4 program (which will get aired tonight) which the BBC has made no attempt to promote. (Strange as they have bent over backwards in which to promote the scarf and veil as requisites of Islamic beliefs)
Women Only Jihad
Channel 4 Monday 30 October 2006, 8pm
There are around 1,600 mosques in Britain. Well over half do not allow women access to worship and hardly any allow women a say on how the mosques are managed and run. Journalist Tazeen Ahmad follows a group of young Muslim women who are waging a determined campaign to force these mosques to open up. She also investigates the recent Muslim scarf/veil controversies and speaks to some of the young women who choose to wear them.
Maybe the fact that in one of the adverts for this program we are regaled to Muslim women being verbally abused by Muslim men one even complaining of eggs getting thrown at her (where is two Jabs when you need him most) simply for asking to be allowed to pray alongside the men.
The BBC seems more than happy to promote Muslims as victims unless of course the assailants are Muslims.
The BBC and half a story..
“Now a tax just for living in a nice area”
thats being introduced in Northern Ireland first – your council tax will be evaluated as % of the market value of your home – i think the figure, in N.I. anyway , is 0.6%
if other words , chav scum will pay damn all council tax, whereas people who look after their neighbourhood will pay through the nose , thereby subsiding the chav scum.
great system, eh?
“The Acorn computer system uses marketing information obtained from companies, such as credit card and stores, ”
there you have it – your Tesco loyalty card is being used by the government.
The Mark Thompson statement in response to the “Daily Mail” article reminds me of similar statements made by Soviet bloc leaders during the Khruschev “peaceful coexistence” period of the early 1960s. Of course, they admitted, they “occasionally got things wrong” but they were flexible enough to respond to “genuine criticism” but to suggest that they were corrupt, self-serving bureaucracies which enriched themselves at the public’s expense was an idea only in the minds of “criminal and anti-revolutionary elements” Small wonder George Orwell wrote “1984” based on his experiences of working for the BBC in WWII.
As archduke implies it’s a “we’re all doomed unless . .” fest on “Today” this morning. More than 4 minutes of the 10 minute 8:00 am “news” devoted to the Stern Review and then an interview with the man himself. There was the usual ration of crap journalism eg Stern was not questioned at any depth on the probabalistic element of both the climate change data and his economic analysis and policy suggestions based on those data. To understand this element is vital and should be at the root of the BBC “mission to explain” by promoting understanding of the issues. I wasn’t able to listen (I have to go to work after all!) to the discussion between the 3 economists at the end of the programme. Mind you, had there been anything approaching a sceptical view of either climate change or the Review it would have been relegated to the “graveyard” slot after 8:40 am on “Today” anyway.
So bias (Stern is God and his word is gospel) and crap journalism (no sceptical – or even mildly critical – interview with Stern) in one package. How predictable.
Robert Peston – the BBC’s business editor – chimes in with his analysis [1] the first paragraph of which reads “The Stern Review says that climate change represents the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen. And on the basis of this intellectually rigorous and thorough report, it is hard to disagree”. Peston – a bien pensant refugee from the Telegraph – has swallowed the BBC line whole. Note, for instance, the use of the words “market failure”: this from the BBC (which avoids the rigours of the market through its tax income) and from Stern, an ex-employee of an institution whose raison d’etre is a continuous search for instances, no matter how spurious, of “market failure”.
Peston also adds his expert opinion to Stern’s analysis underlying the policy recommendations “Any way you look at it, the financial case for tackling climate change looks watertight”. Not a breath of scepticism or the mention of a possibility (however remote) that the Review may be overstating its case or even, God help us, may be wrong.
“I wasn’t able to listen (I have to go to work after all!) to the discussion between the 3 economists at the end of the programme.”
they did the usual “weirdo on the outside” stunt – the only sceptic was on the phone, rather than in the studio.
Watch 12 minutes of the award winning film, Obsession; Radical Islam’s War Against the West
Time and time again the Beeb and their green mates gibber about how WE must pay through the nose to sort out the planet. Hmm so they ignore one claim I saw that even if we let NuLabour shaft us yet again and take all the money they want it would only take 79 days for China to undo all the efforts we have made for the year….. it needs an international effort ideally to bring everyone else up to the same standard of living and proper use of dwindling resources. How come the Beeb and NuLabour/Tory Boy are not talking about, for example, the way China is already sliding into Sudan, Zimbabwe and Congo etc to try and ensure she has unfettered and exclusive access to natural resources such as oil, copper and uranium? THAT is where the real world wars will start – when people start fighting over the resources. we are seeing our own British/European natural resources such as fish,water, gas and oil dwindle faster thanks to the ever increasing hordes coming here when we should be encouraging them to stay home and bring their country to our level thus ensuring the resources last long enough for someone to build a better starship…..baggsies the first seat to Mars!
If others here agree with you that this is ‘Newsnight making up the news’, they will be utter hypocrites.
sorry should of read,newsnight making up the news ?
i dont know if newsnight made it up or not,but marcus wood thinks they did.
How BBC headlines contradict the actual content:
How curry spice could help against arthritis and osteoporosis
Experts say new drugs may be found, but eating more spices is unlikely to work.
“I do not think there is any evidence that countries that eat a lot of turmeric have a lower frequency of rheumatoid arthritis. So simply eating more spices is not likely to be effective clinically.
So much for that then…
BBC2’s “Working Lunch” is a programme which includes details of investments, stockmarket performance etc. But its tone is the usual BBC consumerist approach that is in effect anti-free market.
Today inevitably the programme was concerned with green issues.
The 2 presenters having their little chat thought it would be super if energy companies charged households a punitive rate, above a threshold, for “excessive” fuel use.
The operation of the market is not for them.
I wish they had gone on to tell the audience how this “excessive” use was to be determined – would it set a threshold for each household taking into account age/size of property, how many occupants, whether people were at home all day or out at work, etc etc?
Did the complications or equity of their punitive rate even cross their minds? Perhaps they were thinking that their licence fee inspectors could be given an additional task of getting into everyones homes to check on thermostat settings.
The moment a polar bear fancied a BBC film crew for lunch
from comments page.
At the risk of sounding uncharitable, it would be two less BBC people to pay for with licence fee money.
Close escape for the bear! Had he eaten the BBC crew he could have himself suffered a painful death by politically correct poisoning!
– John C., Manchester
This is on scare tactics and negative campaigning in the US mid term elections.
The chap tries quite hard to be balanced and gives us examples of Republican scare tactics about bin Laden wanting the Democrats to win, and Democrats trying to be negative about Bush. But before too long he completely loses it, and from about half way down (everything after the heading “Late Osama bid”) we hear no more about the Dems, and its solid Republicans going negative stuff • about terrorism, immigrants, gays, Nancy Pelosi etc
i overheard something on radio 4 this morning – i think it might have been today – where the usually green gibberish was being mouthed off by a bbc hack to a supermarket rep.
it was the old “one kiwifruit = X amount of CO2 emissions, because they have to be flown here”
said supermarket rep corrected the beeboid , by pointing out that most overseas fruit is actually shipped over in container ships.
“He said the green challenge was also an opportunity “for new markets, for new jobs, new technologies, new exports where companies, universities and social enterprises in Britain can lead the world”.”
Interesting to note, and somewhat unsuprising, that David Miliband doesn’t seem to be aware of the broken window fallacy.
In today’s torrent of unquestioning support for the Stern Review (to add to yesterday’s and the day before’s) :
it would be unjust to say that the BBC has published not a single syllable of scepticism about it. In this summary of “expert” views
only nine of the ten are unquestioningly supportive of Sir Nicholas.
(The fourth story above contains the following utterly deranged comment :
Never let it be said that the current UK administration is inefficient. Its ability to generate several days’ headlines from a single report is the stuff of spinmeister legend
And who exactly is being taken in by this spin and deciding to splash this story all over the BBC for days on end ? The tooth fairy ? Or BBC journalists ? )
archduke | Homepage | 30.10.06 – 1:51 pm
This is a bit like the food miles nonsense.
Green moonbats say that it is better to buy food produced locally because that means a cut in food miles.
What they don’t seem to realise is that if the same food comes from further away but still costs less, that’s better.
In both cases the cost of the food miles is included in the price.
Wat O/T but can’t resist sharing
Alan Smith to appear on £20 note;jsessionid=2DOT3OFWTP24DQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0
Gunners fans at the Telegraph?
archduke | Homepage | 29.10.06 – 9:09 pm
This is emblematic of so much in the beeb. Science (and logic) is poorly understood by the average arts graduate beeb “journalist” and so we get distorted reports based on emotion rather than information.
The BBC (and the liberal press)
forget to point out,in the context of the Stern Report, that UK consumers and businesses already pay the highest fuel prices in Europe. There is already a massive ‘green tax’ on diesel in the UK, which makes it difficult for UK firms to compete
internationally, especially UK
haulage firms.Fuel duty should be REDUCED in the UK, so that UK fuel prices are at least something like EU averages.
From the DTI itself:
“UK diesel prices at the pump are the highest in Europe; In March 2006, a litre of diesel cost 93.9 pence and was 34.7 pence per litre higher than Latvia, which at 59.2 pence per litre had the lowest price.
“In March 2006,the tax component of the pump price was 65%
in the UK, compared to a range of 41 to 56% in the rest of Europe.”
30734,pdf.Section 5, 2.1.
link that gordon-bennett to “climate change” hysteria.
its quite obvious that the BBC is completely out of its depth.
said supermarket rep corrected the beeboid , by pointing out that most overseas fruit is actually shipped over in container ships.
archduke | Homepage | 30.10.06 – 1:51 pm
No he didn’t. He agreed with Greg Wood (for it was he) that one punnet of New Zealand strawberries = carbon emissions of 12 school runs.
That’s why, he said, his supermarket (ASDA) has taken to sourcing fruit locally whenever possible; only flies stuff in on scheduled flights so as not to add to the total number of flights…..and then said that bananas from the Windward Islands came in on …a banana boat.
Seemed to me he had bought into the global warming thing rather than trying to dispute it.
Anyone notice Nick Robinson quoting John Howard on ‘whatever we do gets undone by China in a few weeks, so what’s the point?’ ? An argument re-iterated on the World at One?