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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Silly me … I missed the best one.
Even an ingenue should be able to spot the ‘liberal’ bias in most of the UK and US media. When Bush was elected last time, the BBC reporter was so aghast I thought he was going to cry.
We are all supposed the vote the way the media tells us to vote and they get very upset when, despite the mass political communication they subject us to, we still vote with our heads.
The liberal bias is not because “US political reporters want change and conflict” – they simply want to change the political landscape to their hue, via whatever means it takes, including a great deal of unobjective reporting. Journalists have an over-inflated sense of their own importance and many have become VIP personalities who regard their personal opinions as so valid that subjectivity becomes an essential part of their reportage.
To understand more, we need to examine who funds, and what is being taught in, journalism schools as well as what segment of the population they are recruited from. e.g. the BBC only advertises its posts in the Guardian.
Media election bias? It goes without saying!
Laura Thomas at 07 Nov 2006 11:51
This bit is especially true.
‘We are all supposed (to) vote the way the media tells us to vote and they get very upset when, despite the mass political communication they subject us to, we still vote with our heads’
I recall once the idiotic Toynbee woman going off her rocker and declaring that the electorate had made a grave error because they hadn’t voted the way she deemed appropriate. Not challenged at all by the BBC taking head, taken as gospel.
Caught the wife watching BBC breakfast bimbo TV this morning. (Thats her conjugal rights out of the window for a week). Anyone tell me what the discredited Alibai Brown was doing there today?
But it depicts a wider truth…
Humphrys talks to representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam about God as presented by the 3 great monotheistic faiths.
Strange though that the representatives of Christianity and Judaism are ministers of their religions (Archbishop and Chief Rabbi) but the representative of Islam is a…political activist. Says it all really, and encapsu;ates the problem with Islam and its relationship with the BBC.
“Even an ingenue should be able to spot the ‘liberal’ bias in most of the UK and US media.”
You’d struggle to spot a liberal bias in the UK print media when weighted to readership? Quite the opposite.
TPO | 07.11.06 – 11:16 am |
sorry about that
don’t know what happened
Anyone tell me what the discredited Alibai Brown was doing there today?
Shit stirring as usual, I suppose. The racist Alibhai-Brown pops up for the same reason that Sir Mingzies Campbell does – to deliver a left wing sermon to the great unwashed.
[deleted]admitted that she wants more and more death and destruction in Iraq, simply to say that she was right in opposing the war, and the BBC still gives her a platform.
Bad language deleted. Also, your statement above is not quite fair: she acknowledged that her desire for mayhem was wrong. More honest than many in admitting she felt it.
Edited By Siteowner
don’t you guys get it? that using expressions like “racist” or “race-hate” can be such barriers to understanding?
(at east with certain culprits whose victim status might thereby be diminished)
Ped. The deification of al gore is an attempt by a lot of people to show how right they were. That had gore won then he’d have single handedly saved the planet. That is, had evil george not ‘stolen’ the election.
Par for the course with the BBC…..
Somalia: BBC radio banned in Puntland
“Some 8 Puntland legislators introduced the bill to ban the BBC Somali Service from operating in Puntland regions. Sources said another 22 lawmakers supported the motion and a debate opened.
Lawmakers who proposed the motion accused the BBC Somali Service • the radio with the largest reach inside Somalia • of being partisan and pro-Islamic Courts, to the detriment of Puntland and other political factions.”
Radio Norfolk used to shoo teens
“BBC local radio station is playing their own broadcasts to scare off gangs of teenagers who loiter outside their studios.
BBC Radio Norfolk – not to be confused with Alan Partridge’s old stamping ground, BBC Radio Norwich – is being used in the hope that it will drive off the teens. A loudspeaker has been installed outside the BBC’s eastern regional headquarters at The Forum in Norwich.
Corporation staff were asked for suggestions of songs that would drive the noisy youths away, and BBC bosses decided the music they would least like to hear would be their own Radio Norfolk.
A BBC source said: ‘An email went round asking for suggestions of what music could be played through the speaker to get these kids to go away.’
‘We were really surprised they thought Radio Norfolk would be the most effective.’
I wonder why……?
Has this been on BBC News yet ?
The BBC and shoddy reporting.
Anybody seen this major story on the Uk headlines? It’s about £2.1 billion of British tax payers money and the BBC keeps it from the great unwashed. Oh you can find it on the sidebar on the politics page and again on the African page. But the World, Uk or England pages..nah not on your Nelly.
Brown launches vaccination bonds
Chancellor Gordon Brown has launched a £2.1bn bond scheme aimed at saving 10 million children in the developing world from deadly diseases.
“Mr Brown said he hoped to persuade countries including the US, Brazil,China and South Africa to join the scheme, which sees the bonds sold on behalf of the World Bank.”
Really BBC, here is what the International Finance Facility for Immunisation Company has to say about the above two countries (highlighted) the BBC claims Brown wishes to see join up;
“Other donors are expected to follow suit. Brazil and South Africa, for example, have announced that they will each pay $20 million over 20 years to IFFIm.
I think BBC that you will find that Brazil and South Africa have all but joined up bar in name.
But no BBC report would be extant without a bash at the US.
“He suggested that the US administration did not have the “political will” to commit itself to this form of aid over the long term.”
Err BBC here is what he actually said;
“Mr Brown said a number of countries that had been wary of floating government-backed bonds to raise money for development were looking at the IFFIM launch. “This is a big idea for international finance. The immunisation facility is the first stage of that and other countries want to know whether, if it works, the idea can be applied to other projects. I think it can.””,,1941208,00.html
But hey, they even got their masters company name wrong;
“It also has the backing of Chief Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks, Iqbal Khan of the Muslim Forum, Ramesh Khalidi of the Hindu Forum, and Indrajit Singh of the Sikh Council of Britain.”
Actually BBC Iqbal Khan represented the MCB.
At least the Guardian got it right.
The first note will be presented to Cardinal Martino on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, with the next five being bought by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi, the Muslim Council of Britain, the Hindu Forum of Britain and the Network of Sikh Organisations.,,1941208,00.html
The BBC and shoddy reporting…
Lurker in a Burqua | 07.11.06 – 2:08 pm
‘Jury Out in Race Hate Trial’ could lead readers to suppose that the wheels of justice have spun unusually fast in the Nick Griffin case.
if, as you say, the BBC ‘seeks to mask the nature of the crimes involved’, then how come the story expressly refers to ‘racially aggravated murder’ and to the grisly details of the killing?
A “Human Rights Watch” report the BBC won’t be telling us about:
Palestinian women often abused
Biodegradable | 07.11.06 – 10:18 am | #
Bio: The BBC have decided to cover the abuse story. With certain ‘adjustments’ of course to assist with your ‘understanding’:
Don’t laugh at the headline….
Palestinian women ‘not protected’
‘Not protected’? Like if you go out in winter without a long coat you’ll be ‘not protected’ from the elements? Or maybe like Kriss Donald was ‘not protected’ when he was set upton, tortured and murdered in a racist attack?
No, the females referred to in the HRW report suffered abuse. An except from the HRW report:
Selected testimonies from “A Question of Security”:
“He [my husband] used to beat me everywhere. He beat me with a rock on my leg … I never went to the hospital, and I didn’t even tell my parents. I was just thankful to be alive.”
− Mariam Ismail (pseudonym), 35
“My problem started with my family. When I was 12, my brother attacked me, attacked me sexually…My brother was 24. He’d hit me. Everyone in my family knew. My father died when I was small, so there was no one to protect me. My brother would even hit my mother. I didn’t report it since there was no one to protect me. I couldn’t tell the police. I was not allowed to even leave the house.”
− Nada Omar (pseudonym), 30
“Rape cases are dealt with at the police station as special cases. Most of the time, the result is that they [the rapist and the victim] get married under the carpet to avoid scandal. Rape cases rarely go to courts … In all of these cases, the police want to solve the matter within the family without documentation.”
− Palestinian women’s rights activist, Gaza”
Hmmm. Maybe Israel could be blamed for the abuse of Pali women at the hands of Pali men? Oh, here we go, from the BBC article:
“The security threats that women face at home have been ignored in the face of the conflict with Israel, HRW reported.”
It’s those Joooos again!
Again a BIG elephant in the room here that neither the BBC nor HRW care to mention. What could be the reason, motive for Pali me to treat their women in this way? Clue: starts with I, M or Sharia.
Nick Griffin is currently in court for a variety of things, one I understand is calling Islam a “wicked, vicious faith”, and other comments relating to the way men of ‘asian origin’ treat women in the UK.
BNP leader ‘said Islam is wicked’
His brief could do worse than print off the HRW report and submit it to the court tomorrow as evidence in defence of his client.
Coming soon (17th november I think)
Bowen thinks he’s Bond.
From the HYS on the US midterms:
I can not begin to hope the election will represent the opinions expressed here, that would be a dream come true. At the very least the BBC can take pride in the type of people it attracts to its very high quality site.
[BanThisMember], Atlanta, United States
OK, finished rolling on the floor laughing, now….just had to share, sorry.
Shouldn’t the headline be
Jury Out in ‘Race Hate’ Trial, (with scare quotes) until and unless the defendants are found guilty of a racially motivated crime? This should apply in both the Kriss Donald and BNP case but the BBC seem to only apply this principle in one and not the other.
I don’t recall the BBC ever using the headline Jury out in Terrorist Trial in reference to Dhiren Barot, although bizzarely the Beeb did use scare quotes in error when one guy was a convicted terrorist:
Mayor U-turn on Tube ‘terrorist’
Are BBC journalists confused as to the use of scare quotes surrounding headlines that refer to the type of charge?
Don’t laugh
Pupils ‘should study campaigning’
Be good prep for a job at the BBC…..
Is this yet another plank of wooly liberal PC thinking on the family being consigned to the dustbin?
Black youths ‘in need of fathers’
Takes the left long enough to figure things out doesn’t it?
John Reith:
Re: my offer to donate £1,000 to charity:
Have you managed to find two BBC reporters of national fame who would be willing partake in a day-long demonstration of the evidence of The Gaurdian’s perversion of the Downey inquiry yet? Have you made any telephone calls yet?
“Have you managed to find two BBC reporters of national fame who would be willing partake in a day-long demonstration of the evidence of The Gaurdian’s perversion of the Downey inquiry yet?”
I’d have thought that BBC reporters of national fame could raise much more than £1,000 for charity by making personal appearances somewhere else a bit more interesting. How much does Paxo cost an hour?
Bio: The BBC have decided to cover the abuse story. With certain ‘adjustments’ of course to assist with your ‘understanding’:
Don’t laugh at the headline….
Palestinian women ‘not protected’
Ritter | 07.11.06 – 4:44 pm
Sorry, I couldn’t help laughing 🙁 nor could I help marvelling at the BBC’s spin on it, love the photo of women walking next to the wall:
Several factors were found to compound the problem.
Palestinian police lack the skills to effectively address violence against women, HRW said.
The justice system too, lets women down HRW said.
And although the number of shelters for Palestinian women is growing, Israeli restrictions on movement in the West Bank and Gaza make them difficult or impossible to reach.
Yep, of course the Joooos must have a share in the blame, never mind the medieval, misogynistic society they choose to live in.
I posted another couple of interesting tidbits on “Palestinian” wimmin in the marching penguin thread below:
Jonathan Boyd Hunt | Homepage | 07.11.06 – 5:30 pm |
see: 06.11.06 – 5:38 pm
John Reith:
Okay I’ll rephrase that. I wouldn’t want to make this too difficult. So here we go again:
John Reith:
Re: my offer to donate £1,000 to the charity of your choice:
Have you managed to find two BBC reporters of integrity who would be willing to partake in a day-long demonstration of the evidence of The Guardian’s perversion of the Downey inquiry yet? Have you made any telephone calls yet?
Which part of 06.11.06 – 5:38 do you not understand?
John Reith:
Don’t be so nasty John. You’ll end up getting harassed by The Guardian’s head-hunters.
I “previewed” my post to see if the hyperlink within worked. It didn’t. I had to go and find my previous post and copy the link again.
Once you enter the preview mode it is impossible to see other posts being lodged. I didn’t see your post until I posted my post. By which time it was too late.
HAHA! Clueless BBC journo nearly kills British troops (by accident).
“I’ve now been denied access to matches.”
Pete In London,
Yes I am American. Not that we don’t have our share of do-gooding busybodies over here.
When the Left says ‘Children don’t belong to their parents’ they mean ‘Children belong to the state’.
Me,I prefer parents.
I thought that John Humphrys put in a very sound intellectual performance today in his radio series: ‘Humphrys in search of God’.
He’s in discussion with an Islamic advisor to Tony Blair about Islam. Programme is repeated at 9-30pm tonight on Radio 4.
Of course, Mr. Ramadin was treated
with great respect, and there was no reference in this BBC programme to the fact that Mr. Ramadan is banned from entering the USA.For more on this see:
(posted 25 Aug. 2004).
For script/recording of Humphrys’
interview, see:
Just slightly biased, no?
A new tactic of appeasement from al-Beeb:
Israeli city hit by rocket fire
Suspected Palestinian militants from northern Gaza have launched at least four rockets into the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon, the army says.
I do wonder if the IDF realy said something along the lines of, “well, we suspect they were ‘militants’, but it could just as easily have been Israeli gays, or Hassidic Jews, or even Buddhists…”
… the rest of the report of course is all about the suffering inflicted by those nasty Joooos in Beit Hanoun.
John Reith again providing us with ammunition:
“The BBC called Barot a terrorist (and not in quotes) on the BBC 1 10 O’Clock News and so did Paxo in his intro on Newsnight”
The fact that this is worthy of comment simply shows how reluctant the BBC is to use the word. This should not be worthy of comment, yet JR reckons it is.
John Reith, just a question, how on earth do you get any time to work in the BBC press office if you are constantly online?
Or have they seconded you here to fly the (lone) flag for the corporation?
It’s good to see you here, but if I am paying part of your salary (and pension) from my licence fee, I would rather you got on and did some work.
Re the business slot on the Today programme, they were highlighting the increase in FTSE 100 directors’ pay yesterday. I thought they had a cheek given how much licence fee payers'(as oppose to shareholders funds) we know the BBC blows.
its U.S. election night folks. whats the betting on the GOP winning both Houses?
Now I’d happily spend an hour or six in a locked room, with just President Bush for company, beating some sense into that head of his. He was elected to be a Republican President, something he has forgotten far too often. In short, President Bush and the Republican Party deserve a thorough kicking in the mid-terms. But if the GOP did win, I’d laugh myself silly.
I would like to see the Republicans keeping both houses if only for the looks on the faces of jim smug of nogtey et al (gore?).
I get a small, quiet satisfaction from the fact that some of the beeb traitors work from BUSH House.
Further to the above, I would also enjoying putting a reith on the grave of the dimocrats.
Strange though that the representatives of Christianity and Judaism are ministers of their religions (Archbishop and Chief Rabbi) but the representative of Islam is a…political activist. Says it all really, and encapsulates the problem with Islam and its relationship with the BBC.
Abandon ship! | 07.11.06 – 2:31 pm | #
Add to this that the same political activist is banned from entering the US, and the BBC choice was very strange indeed!
One would also have thought they could have chosen somebody who could speak English fluently. Ramadan’s English was littered with errors, and at times he sounded like Inspector Clouseau trying to imitate Jacques Derrida.
Actually, my impression of John Humphreys is now what a waste of space. This ‘Mastermind’ has absolutely no grasp of Theology • he is a bumbling idiot. The political activist managed well his answers- he always withheld the most simple Islamic judgement (Are Infidels or Apostates destined for hell?) with an ‘I don’t know,’ or ‘perhaps’. How adept he must be at providing all those who listen to his judgements of Islam in the West, with a false reassurance that it is really a profoundly sceptical religion and can mean all things to all men! The kind of relativism that the politicians love to hear! He represents the acceptable face Islamo-liberalism.
Alan-a-Gale | 07.11.06 – 8:14 pm
For the umpteenth time: I don’t work at the BBC press office. I am not seconded to fly any flags. I am not employed to monitor this blog. The licence payer is not funding my time on-line. I do not have access to teams of researchers. I have never claimed to speak for or on behalf of the BBC. On the contrary, I have emphatically stated that I speak for myself alone. When I first started commenting here – in response to a reasonable request for clarification on some point – I ‘declared an interest’ in that a substantial part of my income (but by no means all) does come from the BBC. At the moment I am travelling. The BBC is not paying for my trip. Hope that’s clear now.
Clearly ‘John Reith’ is a composite of BBC hierarchy,with admin. support.
The BBC is going to considerable
time,manpower and money(taxpayers’), to preserve its privileged, biased
‘liberal’ political power. The BBC
sees this site as a threat to its authority.
The DG et al, know of the many
criticisms of e.g, the BBC’s largely
pro-Islam, anti-Christian bias, but
is not prepared to respond to democratic pressure. So, the struggle continues.
P.S. Is Andrew Marr a ‘John Reith’?
We know he’s off work with a physical
problem.He has time on his hands.
US elections – HA HA HA HA HA.
Goodbye Bush, goodbye Rumsfeld, goodbye neo-Cons, you have been a disaster and your time is up!
No go away, put your own house in order and stop criticising the BBC for accuratley and steadfastly highlighting your failings.
“No” go away, because the Beeb has “accuratley” highlighted your failings.
Sure they have.
Very accuratley.
Can’t say much in defence of their accuracy, though.
(Note: to understand the above lines you need a sense of humour and some grammar. Back to school, Donald duck.)
In my time I have been accused (if that is the word) of being Patrick Crozier, Rob Hinkley, Susan and Verity.
Maybe I could prove that I’m not any of these people, or maybe I couldn’t – it’s not worth the effort to attempt it. Debates over “are you who say you are” just go nowhere.
LATER: Afterthought/correction to self: it often is worth checking the IP address and location of the server. But once one has established those facts, I’ve noticed that debates of this sort just degenerate into angry accusations and denials that can’t be proved either way and are very depressing to read for third parties. There is a reason why MPs are not allowed to call each other liars in Parliament: not because they are never liars, but because it derails debate.
Cockney: “You’d struggle to spot a liberal bias in the UK print media when weighted to readership? Quite the opposite.”
You’re kidding, right?
You’re kidding, right?
No, I think he is serious & correct.
The readership of theguardian & Independent is tiny (but amplified by the BBC & broadcast media).
The Sun (Blairiteish, therefore Right)far outsells The Mirror. The right also has the Mail & Telegraph.