Pulling back from the fray for a moment, allow me to highlight two new blogs. Besides the interest in BBC bias that caused the authors to comment here, both have also have an interest in – I was about to say “foreign” languages, but had I done so certain members of my family would have told me rather firmly that the tongue of the Britons was spoken in these islands long before the Angles or the Saxons came. Both have an interest in languages other than English, then.
… the oh so helpful BBC went further and explained that this wasn’t really so bad for whites because whites make up over 90% of the population, and racial minorities are still more likely to be victims of racist attacks than whites. That’s all right then, we have not yet upset the BBC weltanschauung. Move along, nothing more to see here. For the BBC, this was ENDEX.
Read the rest. He mentions that Dutch viewers (who nearly all speak English) can get BBC1 and BBC2 as standard, and most of the other BBC channels on digital. I hope he will post further on how the BBC’s output is received in Holland and Europe.
Here in Wales for instance there is a very strong Welsh language bias evident in the BBC that makes it difficult for monoglot English speakers to get jobs there even though the vast majority of its output is in English. In its actual broadcasting there is a faux, and clearly enforced, policy of over-pronunciating Welsh names and places that verges on parody.
This are clear political motivations at stake in this. Practically speaking it is NOT necessary to speak Welsh to do the huge majority of jobs in Wales. Realistically speaking it is not even a real necessity to speak Welsh at all in the workplace as there are no monoglot Welsh speakers left – all Welsh speakers are bilingual these days. Although I support the preservation of the language it should not be carried out through one of the worst aspects of political correctness – reverse discrimination.
Both these blogs mention the coming expansion of the BBC’s Arabic and Farsi services.
Nep Nederlander:
Is it perhaps that they are expanding their operations in the Middle East, and even Iran, and desire to be viewed kindly by the Islamist regimes which rule the region and control the purse strings?
To gain some kind of persepective of its pandering to the Islamic World take a look at the interview with BBC Arabic TV’s News Director Salah Najm over at This Sceptred Isle.
Talking of which, this Little Green Footballs post says, citing a Google translation, that LGF was described as “an extreme right wing” site on the BBC’s Arabic service. I can think of a few commenters who probably speak Arabic – would anyone care to comment on the translation, or on the Arabic service generally? (I would also welcome views on the Farsi service.) LGF puts in one place many news stories about Jihadism. Quite a few of the comments there would and will get deleted by me if they show up here. But I don’t see what’s so “extreme right-wing” about the posts. Most of them are merely brief introductions to a link to a news story. Unless it’s extremist merely to keep such news stories coming in quick succession? Before 9/11 LGF was a mildly geeky blog mostly about cycling and software.
the LGF archive is very interesting – you can literally see the “mugging by reality” happening on Septh 11th 2001.
How bizarre…. I have to say the events of Sept 11 2001 didn’t prompt me to start splurging right wing politics all over the Tottenham Hotspur FC blog.
Just in case these people haven’t realised.. the BBC world service is not the same as the BBC proper; Its aim, whether it admits it or not, is to further British interests abroad. Indeed, it is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Cockney, you make right wing sound so dirty.
Tim G | 09.11.06 – 1:54 pm | #
Funny that… I always thought that the BBC considered its World Service mission to be the promotion of itself and of its own particular worldview…
Has anyone been following the thread on the Policeman’s blog about the BBC?
Indeed, it is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Yes, and they had their share of Philbys, Macleans and Burgess’.
They are with us today, the pro-Arab lobby.
“Indeed, it is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.”
No. It’s funded by taxpayers, the money is directed by the FCO.
No. It’s funded by taxpayers, the money is directed by the FCO.
You’re right.
“How bizarre…. I have to say the events of Sept 11 2001 didn’t prompt me to start splurging right wing politics all over the Tottenham Hotspur FC blog.
Cockney | 09.11.06 – 1:39 pm |”
common fallacy – being anti-Jihad does not equate to being “right wing”
OK. Go tell the lizardoids they are left wingers.
I thought the comments from Nep Nederland’s were a well thought out piece of observation.
I’m also an ex-pat living in Holland, and even here we can’t escape the Beeb’s “world view”.
The coverage of the Netherlands in recent years REEKS of political correctness (I mean next to the former South African Government,and the “neo cons” the Dutch are seen in the eyes of the BBC as racists.)
Just look at the way they handled the murder of Theo Van Gough and Pym Fortyn.
However I would like to offer a further comment as well.
Last night on Ned 1 (the national broadcaster of Holland) as part of the up and coming election , Jan Peter Balkenende (Netherlands PM) was interviewed by Peter Rosemeuller, the former leader of Green Left.
Set in Berlin (at the Ocktober Beer festival), this was an exceptional political programme, firstly for showing that people with opposite views CAN have a civil discussion without retorting to the usual name calling.
No talking heads here, just strait talking.
Secondly both men came across as thoughtful, intelligent and funny people, who did seem to “care” on the direction of the country, even though they have diverging viewpoints.
Thirdly some exceptional questions were asked, regarding faith (Balkenende is a deeply Christian) Iraq and Afghanistan, the pressure of being PM, race relations (both have been threatened by Islamic extremists, proving that even the left are hated by the neo-Salafists,Rosemeuller even had to give up politics because of the threats made against him) and other domestic issues.
All done with INFORMING the viewer in mind, without demonizing either party.
Even my wife (who hates politics) thought it was refreshing, humane and interesting to the point that has made her think about who she will vote for.
That not to say Dutch TV is any good (generally is not-imagine 42 channels of ITV, with such “gems” as “Undercover Lover “and “Big Brother” then you get the picture.)
But compare that to the Beeb’s “Election Debate special” from last year.
The pantomime histronics, the booing, hissing (especially with Howard and TB), jeering, and the usual questions trotted out…….
I was waiting for the rotten tomatoes to start flying.
And I’m not even going to waste my energy on the US election coverage.
Then the Beeb asks “why aren’t people interested in politics?”
Well indeed Beeb is it any wonder why are people not interested in politics with rubbish that is passed off as “political debate” (re Question Time and now Newsnight.)
Bit like that other question on the recruiting sergeant for Al Qaeda in which they mention everybody else but…..
And now Mad-onna’s “adoption” is a topic for “serious debate”
As a certain gentleman from a rather famous band said “Do you ever get the feeling you’re being ripped off?”
Actually, Keith, Johnny Rotten’s passing remarks as the Pistols faded from view in San Francisco were “ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”
Point taken, though…
Steve E…..
I stand corrected-although didn’t he say something similar on the reunion tour????
Nep Nederlander
You are quoted in the primary post as asking with reference to the BBC’s forthcoming Farsi TV channel:
Is it perhaps that they are expanding their operations in the Middle East, and even Iran, and desire to be viewed kindly by the Islamist regimes which rule the region and control the purse strings?
You clearly do not get the point of this service. Iran and the Arab World are today, if you haven’t noticed, ranged against Western values in much the same way as the Iron Curtain countries were during the Cold War.
Last year the Iranian mullahs started to block the BBC World Service Farsi website, in which the FCO had invested substantial funds. The new TV channel will vault over their internet filters and radio jamming and deliver free TV by satellite. TV that will help foster regime change from within. That is what the FCO is paying for.
All I remember from the Filthy Lucre tour was Johnny’s exclamation at Finsbury Park that he was “Fat, Forty and Back!”
(and all a bit to close to home from my point of view, I’m afraid…)
AntiCitizen and TPO
…No. It’s funded by taxpayers, the money is directed by the FCO….
You could also argue (I would) that it is funded by the profits of diplomacy.
British business – the so-called ‘wealth creating sector’ is by and large a joke abroad. None of the salesman speak a foreign language. They expect all their export opportunities to be delivered on a plate by the local embassy.
For more than 20 years the economy of this country has been sustained largely by one major deal – Al Yamamah – the Dove – that has contributed countless billions to national coffers.
Who do you think put that together?
BAe? Don’t make me laugh.
Mark Thatcher? He couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag.
The Enterprise Culture? Haha.
FCO Arabists. That’s who. Lock, stock and 600,000 barrels per day.
Not quite a diplomat:
I’m not entirely sure how being so soft on radical Islam is going to help cause regime change from within… or is their Farsi channel going to be Farsi different from all their other output?
In other news:
Since I had nothing even remotely Dutch related to write about today, I recount a story about the BBC and their visit to a dude ranch after the release of “Brokeback Mountain”: http://nep-nl.blogspot.com/2006/11/more-bbc-woes-first-of-all-i-would.html
No-one said everyone anti-jihad was left-wing, just that neither were they all right-wing. It is a fairly obvious distinction.
You (or Cockney) should try going over to tell them at Harry’s Place, normblog, General Theory of Rubbish or Drink-soaked Trotskyist Popinjays (to name but a few) that they are right-wing. I look forward to their response.
Not quite a diplomat
The UK economy is kept going in large part by the export of services (mostly financial services by the City). This has been so since the 50s and the export of oil/gas from the 60s until recently. The FCO is mildly helpful in supporting exports of manufactured products and marginally useful for services.
Don’t confuse your enthusiasm for the Arabist policies at the FCO with the running of a successful foreign policy. For instance, the brilliant FCO helped to “negotiate” our entry into the EEC (policy statement “what do you want? You’ve got it”) and our representation of Gibraltar vis-a-vis Spain (policy statement “what do you want? You’ve got it”). The FCO might appear to be useful in exporting arms to the Mid East but I suspect that a few £billion put into the right grubby paw is probably far more effective.
I have no interest in Tolkien’s works, but I do know how to spell his name in all languages.
phoebe: very interesting link – Its nice to know that even the police (rank and file) have not been brainwashed by the BBC.
Yes Jon, the comments are most illuminating!
Ash spellcheck durbatulûk, ash spellcheck gimbatul, ash spellcheck thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul!
Just in case these people haven’t realised.. the BBC world service is not the same as the BBC proper
Well, :o( I knew but I forgot.
Has anyone noticed any differences in the two world views?
I don’t suppose the BBC will be broadcasting in Hebrew anytime soon.
So the Farsi language BBC Service is going to be done via satelite? Interesting I could have swore not long ago the Mullahs cracked down on satelite dishes and receivers, they are already illegal in Iran.
“No-one said everyone anti-jihad was left-wing, just that neither were they all right-wing. It is a fairly obvious distinction.”
Being anti-Jihad is just being sane. But there’s obviously various approaches to dealing with it from bombing the f*** out of what you perceive to be the source to giving those nice Islamic chaps everything they want and hoping they go away (or even God forbid a mixture). I would perceive the former to be the more ‘right wing’ approach and LGF to be in that boat from it’s selection of articles flagged and the views of its commentariat.
Afternoon Steve E
It’s hard to keep track of what the man of many words has said over the years.
I remember a great interview with him and Jah Wobble (on Radio One) about PiL, very very funny…
Shame there is very little to laugh about in Beeb land now days.
BTW-Anybody a footy fan-Have you seen the latest version of 606?
Afternoon Keith,
Yes our very own Pantomime Dame has kept us amused over the years, hasn’t he?
Yes he has….
I only wish a certain US “punk” band that keeps on looping on about “September never ending” actually took a leaf out of Mr Lydon’s book and actually acted like a punk band rather than an advert for MTV and the democrates…..
Banned In Britain.
I think the Guardian Council (the mad mullah’s to me and you) tried to,but to no avail at the moment…
I’ve read somewhere (I think it was a CSIS report)that Iran was speaking with China about getting a “Great Firewall”.
Since the crack down two years on the reformers (as NOT reported by the BBC) there has been a purge on both the underground press and a number of journalists as well in the mainstream.
By all accounts the crackdown was extensive and bloody with rioting in Esfahan and Qom.
So no they won’t get rid of satillite TV, but you can bet your mortgage they know who is watching what.
I know you’ve been busy and I appreciate how easy it is to get sidetracked but as an ex-forces man (that’s you, not me) I’d really appreciate your take on the doc “The Webs They Weave” to which I referred you a few days ago.
It concerns the goings on between eight hardened lefties, who for nearly two whole decades since the mid-1980s, were allowed to merrily subvert our democracy like little garden moles, unbothered by our lazy, self-serving, left-dominated blind-eyed media.
Four of these people share a conspicuous hatred of the U.S. and U.K security services. One of them is an alleged former Soviet spy, while another had official access to U.K. and U.S. government secrets for years. No kidding.
“The Webs They Weave” also throws new light on the Profumo scandal, in which one of these characters had an absolutely pivotal role, showing that the whole affair was, at the very least, quite likely to have been conjured up by the Soviets right from the outset specifically to bring down Macmillan’s administration.
If you read it you’ll see that it’s based on heavy factual research, not wild leftie-type spin and conjecture.
Here’s the link again:
If can find the time I would really appreciate your thoughts.
Sorry time’s limited at the moment and this is my first chance today to come onto this site.
I have had a brief look and have saved it to favourites so I can go back to it this weekend.
Just so as you are aware, ex-forces, ex government contractor abroad (Oman) + other places, ex-police and ex-Intelligence Officer (yes I did work with and alongside of what is known as MI5 and I can tell you, unreservedly that ‘Spooks’ is currently the biggest load of tosh on the BBC, pure fantasy land). The Security Service is staffed by civil servants. James Bond they ain’t. They are not allowed to carry guns and most of them are geeks. The sexy, roughty toughty, stuff is usually done by specialist police squads or by the military.
Oh, and the old man was MI6 during the cold war.
So yes, I will definately come back to you when I can.
Now you’ve told me even more about yourself, I don’t ask you, I bloody-well insist that you digest every single word of said document.
If you open up the web page and configure your print settings to the narrowest lefthand margin allowable the web pages should print out perfectly without any cropping of text.
But if, despite having carried out the above process, the right hand of the web pages are cropped, the text is also reproduced as a RTF doc which can be downloaded from the button at the top of the first web page.
If it interests you sufficiently and you require documentary proof I can provide you with all the documentary evidence that supports every single statement of fact and contention within, from scores of pages of the official parliamentary record “Hansard” to Lord Denning’s official report on the Profumo scandal.
Thanks for getting back to me. Looking forward to your thoughts.
Here’s the proof of the very seriousness of the problem posed by the British media.
One of this country’s most mendacious journalists, the vile David Leigh, author of “Sleaze” and a key conspirator in The Guardian’s perversion of the Downey Inquiry, has just been appointed a key role in corrupting the minds of this country’s future journalists.
“Investigative journalist David Leigh is to take up a role as professor of reporting at City University in London.
“He will teach investigative reporting to students on the university’s postgraduate journalism programme, and also be responsible for research and being an ambassador for the school of journalism.”
For info about David Leigh read: