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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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It’s long been standard thought on the left that the powerless cannot opress others. In the West this equates to the (genuinely held) thought that ethnic minoroties cannot commit racist acts. Now, we know what lunacies reside in teh minds of liberals, but many of these lunacies are genuinely held to be the truth by liberals. Clear acts of opression and/or racism by minorities towards ol’whity are held not to be so, because in Britain minorities are held to be weak and powerless.
But as we know, liberalism is a sickness.
Sheesh, I wish I hadn’t clicked on that last link of yours. The denial of simple facts is breathtaking.
Racism, gang warfare and murder are topics which do not sit easily with Glasgow’s new-found image as a sophisticated, cultured city.
Yes, the scum have let down the liberal elite. Sack’em and elect other scum.
In many ways, Pollokshields, the area where Kriss was abducted, should have been a leitmotif for multiculturalism.
I think we’ve seen that it is.
The tightly packed streets are home to one of Scotland’s largest Asian populations. In certain schools, four out of five children are from ethnic minorities. Shops, located at the bottom of the area’s aging sandstone tenements, cater to Asian families from across the country. But beneath the seemingly peaceful surface, tales have surfaced of mainly Asian gangs terrorising businesses and families.
“Racism in my book has always been “treating people differently because of their skin colour” ”
Spot on. So then, what does one call bigotry when someone is treated differently because of their politics? I call it political racism, as it embodies the very worst traits exhibited by the very worst racists.
The funny thing is, like its mentor The Guardian, the BBC is staffed to the rafters with oiks who profess to love all races, all minorities, all creeds. But when a Conservative MP professes his innocence to grave corruption allegations hung on the evidence-free word of a known vengeful liar, the whole stinking posturing lying ship that is the BBC averts its collective (collectivist?) eyes with the same stinking deliberateness that the Germans averted theirs to the Nazis’ sacking of Jewish businesses on Kristallnacht.
The leftists at the Beeb and Guardian profess to hate racists, and they level the racist charge willy-nilly just to demonstrate their own supposed anti-racist credentials and score political points over their foes. But the Hamilton affair acts as the perfect device that allows the Beeboids and Guardianistas to demonstrate convincingly just what a bunch of nasty, wicked, hypocritical, posturing bigots they all are • far worse than any racist that I’ve come across so far in life.
But beneath the seemingly peaceful surface, tales have surfaced of mainly Asian gangs terrorising businesses and families
These ‘tales’, I suspect they are what are known as ‘victim statements’ elsewhere.
Hanzala Malik, a Labour councillor and a leading figure in Glasgow’s Asian community, said: “This has been a very sad state of affairs and a worrying reflection on youth culture. “This murder has indicated the gang culture which remains in certain parts of the city. The fact that race has been involved is an added disappointment.
An added dissapointment! I don’t remember McPherson describing the racist motive behind the murder of Stephen Lawrence as ‘an added dissapointment’!
I can’t go on.
Community pain after Kriss trial
By Stephen Stewart.
He’s obviously been on the BBC’s diversity awareness course.
It’s only a small piece of anti-American bias, but a question on BBC 2’s “The Weakest Wink” one of the questions was “Which London Embassy owes the most in unpaid congestion charges?”
The answer is of course the US Embassy, one of the largest embassies in London. Ruined a little when the contestant thought it was Wales (hence it was in Private Eye’s “Dumb Britain” – you don’t think I watch that crap do you?).
Of course they they don’t pay the charge – they consider it a tax, with good reason, and no embassy staff pay taxes in the host country.
A snide aside, but still bias.
TPO | 08.11.06 – 2:46 pm
Never been on a racism awareness course myself. Never met anyone who has – except for some coppers. They said much the same about it as your friends.
TPO | 08.11.06 – 2:51 & Heron | 08.11.06 – 3:30 pm
I wasn’t playing any numbers games. And Pounce certainly wasn’t ‘clearly trying to make TPO’s point.’
Pounce had linked to the story in question. So I assumed he’d read it.
Pounce does clearly say ‘you are more likely to be a victim of race-hate {crimes] if you are white.’ Note the ‘more likely’.
If pounce wanted to say ‘more white people in this country are victims of racially motivated crime than non white people’ he could have done so – as TPO did. And as the BBC story made abundantly clear through several sub-categories of crime.
“Three men have been jailed for life after they were found guilty of the racially motivated murder of white Glasgow teenager Kriss Donald.
Faisal Mushtaq, 27, Zeeshan Shahid, 28, and his brother Imran Shahid, 29, had denied murdering Kriss, 15, in 2004.”
“Hanzala Malik, a Labour councillor and a leading figure in Glasgow’s Asian community, said: “This has been a very sad state of affairs and a worrying reflection on youth culture.
Youth issue
“This murder has indicated the gang culture which remains in certain parts of the city. The fact that race has been involved is an added disappointment.
“The citizens of Glasgow lose out whatever way that you look at it. A young boy has lost his life needlessly.”
Right-wing groups have persistently sought to capitalise on the fact that Kriss was white and his murderers were of Pakistani origin.
But many feel that the murder was more the result of a violent gang culture which has made the area a no-go area for some.
One local shopkeeper said: “The lads in the area tend to congregate in groups and that’s when the trouble starts.
“In other parts of the city where the community is mostly white, the gangs will be made of white people.
“It’s not a black, white or Asian issue, its a youth issue.”
These two are flatly contradictory.
29, 28 & 27 yo are not youths.
The only youth involved was the poor bloody victim.
The bilge mouthed by Malik is just multi-culti blame shifting and the BBC are just broadcasting inanities for the sake of filling airtime while at the same time blackguarding young people who are regarded as objects of fear for the population in general.
For a non-BBC article on racist ideology against white people, see:
“Caucasophobia -the Accepted Racism”,
by Baron Bordissey, (posted 23 Oct.):
‘Never been on a racism awareness course myself. Never met anyone who has – except for some coppers. They said much the same about it as your friends.’
I’m surprised jr, the diversity awareness courses (as opposed to racism awareness course) are de rigueur for anyone in government, civil service, many ngo’s and many large companies, (and from Pounce’s account, the military too).
Now you stated on another thread that whilst you derive a large part of your income from the BBC you are not directly employed by them.
I make the assumtion that, by deriving a large part of your income from the BBC then there is some sort of liaison with, or oversight from the BBC.
Arre you, hand-on-heart, saying that you have not come across anyone in the BBC who has attended such a course whilst in the employ of the BBC.
I cannot belief, in all sincerity, that a central tenet of the CRE (which the BBC holds sacred) and the wider race relations industry (for that is what it is) is being ignored by the very organisation that twists in the wind on their every pronouncement.
JR, you try every which way you can to support the BBC but I remain unconvinced. I can’t watch BBC news now without being sceptical having witnessed the continual drip, drip, drip of propaganda which is in line with ‘BBC think’ from their apparently anti Christian perspective to their healthist agenda (we should all hate/pity/ban people who enjoy their ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles food/drink/cigarettes) to the very softly softly approach used in questioning/reporting on NuLabour’s many downright abuses of power, and, for good measure, add to this the appallingly PC, dumbed down, so called dramas/comedies/light entertainment. The BBC isn’t paid to tell it’s viewers how to think, who to vote for or moralise about their lifestyle choices. Reading this blog, I now know I’m hardly in the minority, feeling as I do that I am part of a highly repressed majority despised for all the values I hold dear. Unfortunately the rest of the ‘media’ is nearly as bad, but at least I don’t have to pay them for the priveledge of having my intelligence insulted in my own living room.
Many of the topics above about Kriss Donald and the six o’clock News racism statistics have been dealt with on my new blog today:
I’m new to this whole blogging business, so the page is not totally set up yet with large numbers of links etc, and I am slowly coming to terms with the formatting of posts in Blogger.
Something I didn’t see fit to put in my post was the way that the BBC is playing the absolutely minuscule majority that the Democrats have won in the House as if it’s some amazing landslide, and a crushing defeat for the Republicans. they seem to think that this tiny majority gives the Democrats some kind of enormous mandate (admittedly some of the Democrats think this too…)
These two are flatly contradictory.
29, 28 & 27 years are not youths.
The only youth involved was the poor bloody victim.
paulc | 08.11.06 – 6:52 pm | #
The Metropolitan Police define ‘youths’ as anyone aged between 10 and 17
You can almost hear the BBC on-liners gritting their teeth as they try to get ALL of the Kriss Donald issues out of the way on their one front-page story (previously, as JR has shown us, it was kept rigorously to the Scotland pages). They reckon, probably rightly, that once they’ve come clean on the true horror of the case they can remove all references, comeback, follow-up etc for good. From tomorrow, back to business as usual. Don’t worry, it’ll soon be forgotten – and we can get back to the real issues about ‘are you going on the haj?’, ‘did you enjoy ramadan this year?’ and ‘we run thru the names and types of female muslim headwear’
LGF is mentioned at the BBC Arabic web site today, as an “extreme right-wing” site (apparently meaning we’re opposed to Hizballah and Hamas, and radical Islam): (Hat tip: Ilan.)
A Google translation:
“In the first sharp criticism on the extreme right-wing L.G.F. website, the blogger featured Ellison’s position on the war, saying ‘they will be celebrating in Gaza tomorrow.’”
Any reason for the picture in this piece?
What proportion of the British population do hijab-wearing women represent?
“It’s not a black, white or Asian issue, its a youth issue.”
Really? Tell that to my barber who was spat at for riding a bike whilst being white through an “Asian” area – the area Kriss Donald was abducted from…
With Dems in control
Analysts say control of the House ..could lead to significant changes on domestic issues like taxation and health care.
Visitors to the US will be well aware that that “small government” country can still provide world beating bureaucracy.
A blog account of the frustrations of getting past the jobsworths in order to vote has this conclusion
As the line was shifting I heard a woman say “This is what it’s going to be like with government health care.”
via Instapundit
I guess it won’t get any criticism from the BBC though.
Apopleptic Papist:
Any reason for the picture in this piece? talk…_choosing.shtml
What proportion of the British population do hijab-wearing women represent?
Apopleptic Papist | 08.11.06 – 10:38 pm | #
Don’t worry, it’s just part of Al-Beebs conditioning service. They’ve already made sure that most of the UK public understand when to use “Aloha Snackbar” (Barbaric for God is a goat or something) so this is probably just another example.
Alternatively, it could be that the BBC is actually facing facts for once and admitting that muslim women are far more likely to require the services of a GP than other folks!
Apopleptic Papist:
Any reason for the picture in this piece?
It’s a very good point, the BBC seem to be copying.I encountered exactly the same thing with the Home Office and their guide to taking a good photo for your passport:
Click to access PLE_04Eng-Photo.pdf
This is an unusual BBC article in that it gives house room to someone criticising climate change catastrophism.
I liked the subtle rebellion by the photo editor, against the BBC’s current policy of not being as abusive about Cameron as it was about previous Tory leaders. Here’s the only bit of text by Mr Hulme mentioning a politician by name :
Some recent examples of the catastrophists include Tony Blair, who a few weeks back warned in an open letter to EU head of states: “We have a window of only 10-15 years to take the steps we need to avoid crossing a catastrophic tipping point.”
And then there’s a photo of a politician, with the caption :
The language of politicians can be as strong as that of campaigners
But it isn’t Tony in the photo.
Newsnight discussed the lower media profile given to ethnic (my shorthand) on white racially motivated crime.
It was stated that about 5000 ethnics are wounded compared to 20000 whites.
Ah they say, but there are more whites.
They didn’t look at it from the other end of the telescope, as the figures show that
3 in 1000 ethnics have wounded a white in a racially motivated attack,
1 in 10,000 whites have attacked an ethnic.
So where is there the more hatred?
(Another odd figure was that 3000 Asians claimed that a car crime was racially motivated, far high numbers than those so reported by blacks or whites – what’s that all about then?)
O/T Democrat leaning US MSN
Front page of ABC News has headline
Market Soars to Record High on Democrats’ Win
Soars? Flaps, perhaps. The Dow rose 20 points, about 0.15%.
here we are at the great EU Ref
Eye-less in Gaza:
Eyewitness: Gaza bloodshed
Nihad Tiha, a teacher from Beit Hanoun, describes what he saw early on Wednesday morning.
“Last night was quiet in Beit Hanoun. But at five or six this morning, shells hit our neighbours while we were all asleep.
There is more, but basically Mr Tiha saw nothing, the rest is standard whining and wailing…
They are just 300m away from us. Eighteen people killed from two families. And many, many people now injured.
Lots of people have gone to the hospital to see what’s happening to their relatives.
I know these people. They are my neighbours. We are like one big family here.
Yesterday they killed my aunt. She lives in eastern Jabaliya camp [near Beit Hanoun]. She was cleaning inside her home when a shell hit the room she was in. She died instantly.
I am at her house now with her family. Many people are visiting us and giving us condolences.
The last few days have been very difficult.
There were 16 of us in the house; my wife, my son, my extended family. We spent all our time inside.
We had no gas for cooking and little food. There was no water to wash in.
My son is two years old. He was so scared; he was like an animal in the zoo, moving from corner to corner.
I moved them all to my uncle’s in Gaza City this morning. It’s too dangerous here.
There is tension, stress and nervousness here.”
Muslim PC barred from unit due to Al Qaeda mosque fears
Muslim firearms officer was barred from his elite protection unit because of fears his mosque had been infiltrated by Al Qaeda, it has emerged
Anonymous | 08.11.06 – 8:41 pm |
Your post broaches a massively important issue. The leftist, anti-American, anti-conservative bias that (almost certainly) permeates the BBC’s foreign language services. Who the hell is monitoring them??
Will at 1.15 am said “(another odd figure was that 3000 asians claimed that car crime was racially motivated, far higher numbers than those so reported by blacks and whites – wahts all that about ?)
An acquaintance of mine was employed in the insurance industry in Bradford (thats the English one, not the place they make Zippo lighters)the favourite scam by the asian insurees? It was to insure a banger,pay monthly,but only one months premium and get their insurance documents. Lo and behold once they had these documents they would have a prang whilst ferying their family/friends and all claim whiplash. It got so bad that few Insurance companies would take the risk.
Jonathan Boyd Hunt | Homepage | 09.11.06 – 7:20 am
“The World Service earns every penny we put into it, by promoting our world-view and policy, It has done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future”. Margaret Thatcher.
Quick Everyone! The BBC have found a band that are doing Protest Songs, Yeah!
Its just like the sixties Yeah, like Billy Bragg & Dylan yeah!
We`re gonna change the system yeah! Like, I believe music has the power to that yeah!
(Note to the BBC: changing the system requires that you recognise that you are a large part of the problem……..Yeah!)
The are some interesting comments on the Coppers Blog about the dangers of having the BBC around ..
There views on the BBC seem to be the same as ours 🙂
John Reith:
The BBC now is not the BBC it once was, John.
For your information, when I used to work in the Libyan oil exploration industry in the early 1990s I used to feel a sense of pride whenever I heard the Libyan geologists tuning into the chimes of Big Ben on the BBC’s Arabic Service. “BBC is straight”, they used to tell me. “Not like snake. Not like Voice of America”. I positively glowed that our national broadcaster could be held in such high regard for its truthfulness by the very nation Britain was in diplomatic loggerheads with over the Lockerbie outrage and the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher.
However my direct experience of the N.H. affair • one of this country’s most damaging political controversies of all time, which resulted in a national cynicism of our Parliamentary democracy that stays with us to this day • has merely served to show me just what an inherently dishonest, dangerous, anti-democratic, politically-bigoted organisation the BBC really is from the bottom ranks all the way up to Mark Byford, Mark Thompson, and Michael Grade themselves.
That the BBC is still listened to as an authoritative voice around the world now troubles me deeply. It seems to me the BBC maintains its global reputation by continually running down our greatest ally the United States • the very nation to which the world owes its greatest thanks for defending freedom and democracy around the world.
You’re defending an organisation that is undoing everything your father and my father served in the Second World War to defend, John Reith. The sooner you realise it, instead of exercising misplaced automatonic tribal loyalty, the better.
The BBC’s utopian default position on immigration seems to be that any policy on immigration control into the UK is an unjustified
restriction of freedom.
The attitude emerges yet again with the publication of the latest Tory policy on immigration.
For a realistic analysis of
the economics of UK immigration, see:
Professor Robert Rowthorn,”The Economic Impact of Immigration”, (April 2004)
1327 refers to the post on Coppers Blog concerning a request by the BBC to have him on some programme.
Here’s one that sums up what most feel:
I’ll tell you my experience of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Company. They came into my unit at the start of a night shift. A producer was ever so nice in asking if anyone, but particularly the females on our shift would like to be involved in the making of an upcoming series. They were met with a wall of silence and it WASN’T contrived, everyone had decided of their own volition they weren’t getting involved. So somewhat non plussed they left, but only to a nearby Inspectors office where they discussed another angle. In walks an Inspector who tried to browbeat one of our female colleagues into agreeing to take part. I was expecting a firm NO, but to my delight her exact words were Tell them I said they can F**k off! lol! Obviously there was a part of that they didn’t understand. They came back in with another angle. ‘Your Chief constable has given us carte blanche to film where and who we want, so we could feasibly film you anyway, but it would be sooo much better if you would only co operate!” The silent indignation turned to silent glares of outrage. They left.
But they came back, I suspect having being tipped off that another female colleague was off that night. They came back a few days later on a day shift and tried to slyly hoodwink our hitherto unaware colleague. She was called into the inspectors office before we could ‘get at’ her.
The show went out, it was farcical by all accounts, and guess what? They never did get our high profile female officers on their smutty little production. BBC.. New Labour sponsored news agency, Tell them to do one mate.
I’ve seen it happen. I’ve seen the BBC ramp up stuff just to make it look sexy.
There is another posting by a PC called to a disturbance outside of a nightclub. Afer he’s dealt with it he finds out that the situation has been engineered by a nearby BBC film crew who had been doing a programme on bouncers but hadn’t got any decent material.
I’m sure jr will be zooming over here poste haste to tell us that this was not a BBC crew but a contracted outfit. Same thing.
Apopleptic Papist:
Any reason for the picture in this piece?
Any reason for not using the picture?
The problem is not that the BBC uses a smiling girl in a Hijab. After all why not use a smiling Scot in a Tam O Shanter; Sikh in a turban; rastas wearing West Indian; East Indian in a sari, Chinese in silk , Orthodox Jewish girl in a scarf, etc?
The problem is that the BBC automatically goes Muslim, disproportionately to their numbers in the population, when they want to step outside the English stereotype and ignores the rest.
There is, however a problem of headgear in ID pictures. It shouldn’t be worn unless worn for religious or medical reasons. A Sikh example would have been nice but I expect the UK Passport Service was skimping (our money) on an extra model’s fee.
That’s not a bad thing, is it?
Currently running on DHYS
Would you wear a white poppy?
The main instigator of this absolute rot, one Jonathan Bartley, recommends people to wear a white poppy as the red one has no christian significance.
This man should wear a white feather.
Oh I nearly forgot, one of his employers was the BBC.
However, the posts are not going the BBC’s way.
I was just writing a post on that on my own blog.
“According to Islamic law, dhimmis
cannot criticise the Prophet or say that Islamic law has a defect without
risking death. Hence, the Islamic
blasphemy laws -even at the United Nations – have been imposed on us, and particluarly on the western media.” (by Bat Ye’or).
It is clear to me that the BBC and
all of us have been adversely affected by what she analyses here.
I recognise it explicitly? Does the
(Extract from Bat Ye’or’s speech on ‘The Ambiguities of Multiculturalism'(posted 8 Nov) at:
Smashing double bill on BBC1 tonight.
We have the 2nd episode of “The State Within” with Virginia (must be still Republican) being beastly to UK Muslims & the thinly veiled saga of Britain’s former ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray.
Before that we have some more campaigning lawyers, even the title makes one shudder, “The Innocence Project”.
The BBC and its liberal stance.
Yet again the so called trendy tofu eating ethical latte drinking fatherless liberals at the BBC have to play the “I am different” card in which to try and knock down another brick in the wall that is British society.
Red poppy ‘less Christian’ claim
A Christian lobby group has claimed the wearing of red poppies is “politically correct” and stifles debate.
So how does the BBC try to pass its anti establishment message across? It uses a Christian lobby group to play the PC card. Yeah right since when has the BBC of late ever defended the church? Never mind use the church as the cornerstone of an argument. Now compare that stance with a certain eastern faith.
But they knew they would set the cat amongst the pigeons with this one, so they issued some sort of disclaimer in which to stand back and say “It’s only an argument”
The BBC’s religious affairs correspondent, Robert Pigott, accepts that Ekklesia’s call for parity for the white poppy is provocative.
Some cop out BBC.
But here’s something I noticed about the Biased BBC and its hatred of British society.
I noticed that in the above article you posted 3 links.
2 in support of the white poppy and 1 in support of the red poppy. Strange how you left out any mention of the huge amount of work the British legion puts into helping ex service people. £75 million worth in 2004 alone. Here is a small list of what they do;
Each year the Legion answers thousands of calls for help to its helpline, Legionline.
It helps with a huge range of issues, including counselling, job retraining, skills assessment, getting the right pensions and benefits, advice and interest free loans for setting up small businesses, welfare grants, Remembrance Travel to war graves, convalescent and nursing care, and home and hospital visits.
The Legion has close links to many other charities, organisations and trusts, enabling it to draw on the best resources and expertise, and to refer people to those best equipped to help them.
The Legion will be needed for as long as people continue to be affected by conflict. It doesn’t advocate war but is simply there to support those who have been prepared to make a personal sacrifice through serving in the British Armed Forces.
More than 70% of the workers at the Poppy Factory are disabled or suffer from chronic illness. The Factory was designed to offer jobs to such people and its remit remains the same today.
Now BBC would you CAIR to state where the money for the white poppy goes?
Are the people who sell them volunteers and just where in China are the white poppies made?
Charity begins at home BBC and at least the British legion spends its money to those who helped defend this country, be they black, white or yellow and who once they find themselves broken, dejected and rejected by those they served are helped by people buying the poppy.
The BBC and its so called Liberal stance.
Strictly O/T (but well worth it)
This choice little number is the worm in the Independent apple.
Let Robert Fisk explain in more detail:
But the UN (!?!) begs to differ.
Have you noticed how everything Fisk touches turns to, well, one big steaming pile of Fisk!
Many thanks to
More from the readers of the Register IT news website on the recent Horizon episodes and a sneak preview of next weeks ..
At least in the US, you are allowed to wear head gear so long as the full face and eyes are visible.
I.e so no mirrored sunglasses or veils, but head scarfs are OK. IMHO that is the reasonable course to take. For example someone might have scars or wear a wig, and thus not want to remove thier hat.
And speaking of France (which nobody was) 12.25 R5 midday news carried an item about Zinedine Zidane (footballer (rtd)) possibly having his end away with a pop star.
This was the News from across the channel.
The only event happening in France worthy of a mention on the BBC; an old footballer pops a poptart.
There is a French Presidential election on the horizon and Blacques Jacques Chiraq will be out on his ear.
This means a vacancy in one of the two most important positions in Europe.
The Presidency of France (the other is the Chancellorship of Germany).
The main players are all in place, including the Neo Nazi M. Le Pen, and the campaigns are already running.
And the word from the BBC….?
Perhaps French Politics is a little bit too impenetrable.
How about the incendiary attacks on buses in Paris?
The nightly torching of 100 cars?
The assaults on police, ambulance workers, les pompiers….?
I want my license fee back
The BBC and ‘the Rime of the Ancient Mariner;’
Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink.
A new report from the United Nations Development Programme has demanded a big increase in spending to provide clean water. The UNDP wants another $4bn (£2bn) a year spent, and says that water has not received the attention it deserves.
Why look’st thou so ?’–With my cross-bow I shot the ALBATROSS.
“There have been some high-profile failures where western companies have not been able to deliver their promises in developing countries.”The UNDP wants another $4bn (£2bn) a year spent, and says that water has not received the attention it deserves.
Ah ! well a-day ! what evil looks Had I from old and young ! Instead of the cross, the Albatross About my neck was hung.
“There have been some high-profile failures where western companies have not been able to deliver their promises in developing countries.”The UNDP wants another $4bn (£2bn) a year spent, and says that water has not received the attention it deserves.”
There passed a weary time. Each throat Was parched, and glazed each eye.
A weary time ! a weary time ! How glazed each weary eye, When looking westward, I beheld A something in the sky.
“Globalisation has given rise to a protracted debate over trends in global income distribution, but we sometimes lose sight of the sheer depth of inequality, and how greater equity could dramatically accelerate poverty reduction,” Mr Watkins said.
I don’t wish to make light of such a serious topic BBC, but yet again you promote half a story in which to castigate the west. Did anybody read that report? It seems you left out a large number of points which kind of tells a much different story than the water apartheid one you promote as fact;
1) “The UNDP wants another $4bn (£2bn) a year spent, and says that water has not received the attention it deserves”
Page 8 Para; Four foundations for success.
“Since the mid 1980s there have been a proliferation of international conferences dealing with water, along with a proliferation of high level international partnerships. Meanwhile there are 23 UN agencies dealing with water and sanitation.
So many conferences, so much activity and so little progress.”
It appears that a lack of money isn’t the problem BBC.
2) “But he says that water has been left out of recent announcements on development by the richest countries in the world.”
Page 8/9 Para; Four foundations for success.
“Life saving investments in water and sanitation are dwarfed by military spending. In Ethiopia the military budget is 10 times the water and sanitation budget- In, Pakistan,47 times.
Whose fault is it again?
Oh yes one subject you did leave out was demographics trends (page 298)
Pakistan had a population of 68.3 million in 1975, in 2004 a population of 154.8 million and is projected to have a population 193.4 million in 2015.
And how did you finish your tome;
“Globalisation has given rise to a protracted debate over trends in global income distribution,”
It seems that not only didn’t the writer of the above not fully read it. (Granted it is bloody long) but it appears he knows nothing about mathematics and simple division..
The BBC and half a story.
All doom and gloom from Afghanistan from the BBC here is a story they haven’t published;
A judo coaching session for girls in Kabul, Afghanistan, conducted by a female Flt Lt serving in the RAF. After seeing an article in “The World of Judo” magazine, about the state of judo in Afghanistan, a female Flt Lt decided she could help. As a former GB international, a qualified coach and the captain of the RAF ladies judo team she contacted the President of the Afghan Judo Federation, Zakaria Assadi, to ascertain what could be done. The result was a two-day training package in Kabul and the donation of 30 mats from the UK’s Royal Air Force (RAF) Judo Association and £2,000 worth of judo suits from Fighting Films, a UK-based martial arts equipment supplier. The Flt Lt is an RAF officer serving with the British detachment at Kandahar in Southern Afghanistan. The British presence leading NATO’s International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF) in the region is tasked with stabilising life south of the capital Kabul as well as regenerating society within Kandahar and neighbouring Helmand Province.
EU Ref has this
“The World Service earns every penny we put into it, by promoting our world-view and policy, It has done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future”. Margaret Thatcher.
In 1985 that might still have been largely true. It is also conceivable that MT was referring to the World Service she had listened to in earlier years.
In 2006, a generation later, I don’t think the same applies at all. It is curious that you dug out a quote over 20 years old to try to prove a point regarding today’s BBC, and maybe that is telling in of itself. On the occasions I hear the World Service (after R4 closes down) the output does not tend to promote “our world view and policy”. Strange to think, actually, that you think this is what it might/should be doing!