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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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spot the difference
What a difference a few days makes. The BBC calimed to be agonising about reporting of hate crimes, telling us that it was ‘a largely subjective crime – and one which has proved extremely difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt’.
The Jeremy Whine show even devoted a whole segment to discussing whether or not it was a useful concept but now, suddenly, they don’t even need the bother of an investigation to report unequivically that a crime was a ‘racially-motivated arson attack’ (and no quotes in the original)
What can have changed ?
Every time I turn to Radio 2 for a little Brittany Spears I hear the horrible and mawkish Yousef Islam aka Cat Stevens singinging about having found God.
Why is the BBC giving this man airtime
“”Salman Rushdie controversy
On February 21, 1989 Yusuf Islam addressed students at Kingston University in London about his journey to Islam. He was asked to describe the controversy in the Muslim world and the fatwa promising Salman Rushdie’s execution. Islam claims to have only stated the legal consequences from the Qur’an and not actually have made any claims of support for the fatwa. Newspapers quickly denounced Yusuf Islam’s “support” for a possible assassination of Rushdie. Shortly afterwards he released a statement clarifying that he was not personally encouraging anybody towards vigilantism.
The New York Times reported on May 23, 1989 that Yusuf Islam was to be on a British television program the following week, and was quoted as saying:
[If Rushdie turned up at my doorstep looking for help,] I might ring somebody who might do more damage to him than he would like. I’d try to phone the Ayatollah Khomeini and tell him exactly where this man is. [6]
Islam’s most recent clarification of the issue is stated in a 2003 article on wherein he says that he never stated support for the fatwa but was describing what he understood of Muslim law, and laying the controversy at the door of “journalistic malice”:
I was simply a new Muslim who had stated something which I considered quite plain and obvious and if you were to ask a Bible student you know what the Ten Commandments were you would expect him to repeat them honestly, you wouldn’t blame him for doing so; the Bible is full of similar headlines if you’re looking for them.[7]
The backlash over the Rushdie incident included the band 10,000 Maniacs, who had covered “Peace Train” on their 1987 In My Tribe album. The band deleted the song from subsequent pressings of their album as a protest against the remarks he made.””
from Wikipedia
“Why is the BBC giving this man airtime”
hmm… good question.
“The Jawa Report has obtained evidence that Yusuf Islam, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, was once connected to radical clerics Omar Bakri Mohammed & Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. According to at least one credible source, he was also involved in terrorist financing.”
The BBC must have decided that their licence fee funding is secure.
BBC reopens Kelly case with new film
THE BBC is risking a new confrontation with Downing Street by launching an investigation into the death of David Kelly, the scientist at the centre of the storm over the “sexed up” dossier on Iraq’s supposed weapons of mass destruction.
The 60-minute documentary is scheduled to be screened in January, just a month after the BBC hopes to have secured an inflation-beating licence fee rise.,,2087-2450132,00.html
thats because Tony is on the way out, and Gordon is the new person to suck up to.
all part of the “non-person” exercise when Tony leaves No.10.
gaza beach cameraman wins “best news cameraman” prize
its on bbc news 24 now.
“The competition was organized and sponsored by international organizations: such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the Cable News Network (CNN) and the Rory Peck Trust organization in London.”
Look out, they want to nail the BNP • and our freedom of speech
This was beyond doubt a political prosecution instigated by the Home Office and the government and to which the Crown Prosecution Service was, one suspects, a reluctant accomplice. “This is not the police,” one West Yorkshire copper said, a little shamefacedly, during a raid on a BNP member’s house, “it’s coming from much higher up than that.”
And now the government has lost, it intends to shift the goalposts so that next time they charge Nick Griffin they’ll get him. Gordon Brown has hinted at a change in the wording of the legislation that will make it easier to convict. Quite outrageous really.
If the government intended a sop to agitating Muslim organisations (such as the Muslim Council of Britain), then the stunt backfired; twice a jury refused to convict someone for saying that Islam was a ghastly religion. If it was intended as a shot across the bows of the BNP then the failure was even more spectacular — the BNP will, of course, feast on this for months.
As a test of the government’s fervent belief in hate crime legislation, it suggested no sensible jury will be prepared to convict, no matter what dark matter they believe lies in the heart of the accused. And the rest of us are left fuming that a man could be prosecuted, at enormous cost to the taxpayer, for exercising his freedom of speech.
One of the things Griffin was accused of saying was this: quite soon Britain would suffer a terror attack perpetrated by British-born Muslims. This was thought of at the time — the summer of 2004 — as being a little inflammatory, and so he was arrested. His case came before the courts only a few days after the bombings of July 7, 2005.
In retrospect, of course, he was absolutely right — and his words differed in meaning not one jot from those uttered last week by MI5 chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller.
One assumes the fuzz won’t be round to feel her collar in the next few days. Times have changed; the things that Griffin said two years ago can now be uttered, with impunity, by members of the government or the head of the secret service.
Perhaps Griffin will soon be back in court, once Gordon has gerrymandered the rules; facing another costly trial which, whatever the verdict, will make the BNP leader once, twice, three times a martyr.,,176-2449792,00.html
Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon
FOUR months after Israel launched its onslaught against Hezbollah, the Lebanese guerrillas are back in south Lebanon stronger than ever and armed with more rockets than they had before the conflict, according to Israeli intelligence.
During the month-long war, which began on July 12, Hezbollah fired 200 to 250 rockets a day into Israel, killing 43 civilians and terrorising much of the north of the country.
“Since the ceasefire, additional rockets, weapons and military equipment have reached Hezbollah,” said an Israeli intelligence officer. “We assume they now have about 20,000 rockets of all ranges — a bit more than they had before July 12.”
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, has confirmed the Israeli estimate. In a recent interview with al-Manar, the Hezbollah television station, he claimed his organisation had restocked its arsenal and now held at least 30,000 rockets, sufficient for five months of war.,,176-2449728,00.html
Re: “Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon”
Not for a first time a press report on the re-arming & not for the first time no mention of the failure of Unfil.
Any report by the BBC on this subject would, however, be for the first time.
Not (on) the 9 ‘o’ clock news:
“Saddam’s general wants US to stay”,,2089-2449837,00.html
Perhaps the BBC will be pushing for another hanging, since he seems a bit off message?
Thought for Today regular Bishop Tom “The Indie is so much more relevant than the Bible” Butler says it’s alright to euthanise babies.,,2087-2450134,00.html
Don’t let your children near Bishop Tom.
The Cenotaph ceremony this morning.
Commentator ‘happened’ to mention out of the blue and for no reason that I could see that ‘you may have also seen ‘Gordon Brown the Chancellor of the Exchequer’ and then there was silence for around twenty seconds. Was he debating whether to add ‘the future Prime Minister, friend of the BBC etc etc?’ What on earth was that comment all about?
PS: Did anyone also notice that Helen ‘Old Boot Socialist’ Clarke PM of New Zealand standing next to Blair was not singing the National Anthem at the end? (Well at least she’s not being hypocritical, just disrespectful. Bet that annoys a lot of the Kiwi veterans who attended the moving ceremony yesterday to open the NZ War Memorial at Hyde Park Corner though)
Is Elton inviting a knock on his door from the fuzz?
Sir Elton: Ban organised religion
“Sir Elton John has said he would like to see all organised religion banned and accused it of trying to “turn hatred towards gay people”.
Organised religion lacked compassion and turned people into “hateful lemmings”, he told the Observer.”
No quote from Gordy BBC? Surely the law must be changed to stop the odious Elton spouting his anti-religious hate speak?
The BBC insults war dead on Armistice Day.
Painful lessons of war handed on
RBL schools adviser Helen Hill said: “We are reaching a lot of young people but there are still some not getting the message.
“We are the custodians of remembrance. It is up to us to make sure our war dead are not forgotten.
“We show them the horrors of war and the sacrifices that were made.
“And we show them that war is still going on. Hopefully it makes them realise the futility of it all.“
The futility of resisting Nazi Fascism in WW2? The futility of dying on a battlefield defending our freedoms?
Looking at the BBC’s attitude I guess it really was futile!
Interesting to watch the BBC closeups of our survice people in uniform when covering the Albert Hall and Cenotaph ceremonies. Why did they have to be mainly of black and ethnic personnel? Is some camera person being bullied to get a shot of an ethnic? is some BBC producer shouting “More diversity!” Or simply the BBC is drawn to people of colour?It’s bad enough being assailed by BBC rainbow News without besmirching the Remembrance ceremonies with the BBC agenda.
You obviously saw the large numbers of ethnic minority troops gathered around Blair when he visited the troops in Iraq. They were in some cases flown in at great risk to themselves and the aircrews to provide a “balanced” photo-op for Blair. Indeed the infantry regiment in Basra at the time (think it was 1 LI if memory serves) were not amused – Blair had come to visit them but in fact spent the whole photo session with this specially selected group. Of all the employers the Army is the one that keeps winning the ethnic minority best employer awards so why keep going on about this sort of thing. We don’t give a damm if you are pink, yellow or green so long as you do your job and don’t let the team down!
As JFK once said ‘There are no foxholes marked ‘white’ or coloured’ on the battlefield’ So take your PC agenda BBC and shove it…
Jon Snow (not BBC but certainly a fellow traveller, and another newsreader with a big sense of his own cultural significance)
“There is a rather unpleasant breed of poppy fascism out there – ‘He damned well must wear a poppy!’
Well, perhaps Jon I could concede that there may be a mite of pressure to wear a Poppy but why rebel against this form of “Fascism” when YOU are fully signed up to all of the prevailing “fascisms” yourself. From watching your broadcasts may I suggest that YOU are quite a Fascist Yourself when it comes to;
-You selfish attitude towards riding a bicycle in London Traffic.
-leftwing Enviromental Hysteria.
-Anti Zionism.
-The promotion of Multiculturalism.
-You also seem to be quite a Pro-EU Fascist and I`d say that you were an anti Capital Punishment Fascist as well.
Are we in an era of Pick `n Choose Fascism?
If everythings Fascism Jon, then surley nothing is. Are the Fascists of today not in fact the ones reading the News?
I think Jon Snow will come to regret his poppy fascism remark, personally I think he’s a pompous prat.
Dave T
I have been involved in 2 very prominent organisations, one UK military, where it was entirely clear that race was never an issue anyone cared about, amongst the most open and genuinely colour-blind environments. If you could do what was expected, you got the respect. Both were very old, traditional, relatively conservative organisations that have been attacked by the “liberals” of the centre/left. “Liberals” and socialists use race, they don’t really try to stop it being an issue.
eu ref on john cruddas mp and the warnings about the rise in BNP support amongst Labour voters
very lenghty analysis – well worth reading.
Sidenote: funny how a party , labelled by the MSM as “right wing”, is picking up votes in rock-solid socialist/marxist northern Labour areas.
archduke writes:
“Sidenote: funny how a party , labelled by the MSM as “right wing”, is picking up votes in rock-solid socialist/marxist northern Labour areas.”
Not once you start scratching the surface of the BNP’s economic policies. Not for nothing did St Norman d’Tebbit call them a Left-wing party.
And he was right.
Cab loses licence over guide dog
“A Cardiff taxi driver has been stripped of his council licence for refusing to carry a visually-impaired passenger because he had a guide dog.”
Laban at UK Commentators wonders why we are not told the reason for the taxi driver refusing the dog in his taxi.
From “Disabilty Now” we get the answer
“Muslim cab driver ‘ill-informed’ after banning guide dog”
The BBC can’t give bad publicity to thier masters can they?
The Devil points out that space constraints at the BBC mean they can carry yet another story of Islamovictimhood, but can’t carry any actual evidence.
K: “Let’s assume you do work for the BBC ergo you are a sympathiser for islamist fascists. Unless of course you’d like to correct me.”
Yes, K, I’ll correct you. I don’t work for the BBC. Like much of what you write, your analysis if way off the mark.
What made me see red was – first; the government’s disgusting, PC, sentimental and ignorant decision to rehabilitate all the tiny handful (300 in an army of several million over five years of fighting) of soldiers shot for cowardice and desertion in the First World War; and second, the BBC’s emphasis on their families parading at the Veterans’ Parade. That stank. A bunch of crappy politicians none of whom has ever heard a bullet fly has the unmitigated arrogance to second-guess martial courts who knew all the facts and were able to judge whether the accused was simply the victim of the “shell shock” for which tens of thousands of British soldiers were hospitalized, or just your plain vanilla coward who endangered all his comrades because he thought it would suit him better not to be in the line of fire. And then they place their families to commemorate them in the same parade with people who have lost their limbs, their sight or hearing, their lives, in the service of their country and of freedom. And then their accomplices at the BBC underline the fact, as though it were something to be proud of – and not a kick in the stomach of anyone who ever gave his or her life in defence of their country. There is nothing too bad to call such individuals. They are the strongest possible argument for retroactive abortion.,,14934-2443805.html
Interesting comment on the consequences of the BBC entering into production JVs with US commercial broadcasters.
oh dear. they had another muslim sob story on breakfast news this morning – about how a middle aged white English lady , now all veiled and converted, wanted to marry an Algerian whom the government want to deport back to Algeria for his links to Al Qaeda.
of course, the usual protestations of innoncence abounded. but there she was all veiled and holding a Koran.
obviously the BBC reporter never asked her what she thinks of Kuffars and Jews.
“There is nothing too bad to call such individuals. They are the strongest possible argument for retroactive abortion.
Fabio P.Barbieri | 13.11.06 – 11:02 am ”
makes me sick too mate – my great grandfather volunteered in 1914, fought through nearly every campaign on the western front, only to be killed in action in 1918. he never deserted. Even after the Easter Rising of 1916, and all the turmoil in Ireland as a result, when it would have been tempting for him to desert and stay at home, he still went back to his regiment on the frontline.
thats just one example – there were many, many more like him.
I strongly urge you all to listen to Any Answers from the BBC Listen Again page
That the Left are in control of the Airwaves is not in doubt but what is interesting about this broadcast is the extent to which the Public (the callers to the program) differ in opinion from the presenter (the well known leftwing firebrand Jonathan Dimbelby).
I have not heard Dimbelby stuttering and spluttering for answers before. The mood in England is turning and turning fast.
The left are furiously bailing out a vessel that has been holed below the water line and it is a joy to behold.
I have no idea who Will Hutton is but Tim Worstall translates what he says about ‘giving the BBC a generous licence fee’ into English.
Will Hutton’s a lefty. He wrote a book back in the early 1990s called The State We’re In. I was supposed to read it as part of a degree unit I was doing, read a review of it, and told my tutor instead that I don’t read commie trash. Apparently it states the argument for big government.
Since then I’ve only heard of him as a writer for the Guardian and Independent.
Bloody Hell Pete, isn’t university supposed to be for encountering, considering and largely rejecting a range of views, rather than sitting in an echo chamber? It’s a wonder you didn’t end up in a hopelessly irrelevent cul de sac of economic thought with that attitude, like libertarianism for example. And they say students today are workshy layabouts….
Max – Will Hutton is actually the former editor of the Independent. His works have largely been disproved by the course of economic history and have no doubt consequently been dropped from the university syllabus, so I wouldn’t bother worrying too much about him.
Spooks – can’t spot the Jewish connection from this Radio Times write up of tonoght’s episode.
a group of environmental terrorists who storm the Thames Barrier. They threaten to flood London within hours by not closing the barrier against a massive tidal wave unless the Government publishes a mysterious document known as Aftermath. …. It’s terrific stuff and, as ever with Spooks, it’s neatly pertinent with a story strongly focused on the catastrophic effects of climate change.
Perhaps that Aftermath document will prove ChimpyMacHaliburton is set on destroying the planet to bring about the end times.
RB writes:
“Max – Will Hutton is actually the former editor of the Independent. His works have largely been disproved by the course of economic history and have no doubt consequently been dropped from the university syllabus, so I wouldn’t bother worrying too much about him.”
But not the BBC, which regards Horrible Hutton as A Very Wise Man, in which role he is often hauled-out to speak on behalf of, I seem to recall, some shady bunch of statist stooges called The Work Foundation.
Interesting story from The Register:
“TV Licensing abandons case against unlicensed TV owner”
I remember will hutton as economics correspondent on newsnight during the Thatcher years.
Day in, day out, week after week he would give us his Pte Fraser economics.
We’re doomed I tell you, doomed, doomed I say.
But we weren’t.
Via Harry’s Place
Apparently, Channel 4 was less likely to report good news for the US and British Coalition during the 2003 war in Iraq than its broadcasting rivals.
A detailed investigation led by academics at the universities of Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool, into how the media covered the 2003 war in Iraq found that Sky News and ITV were most likely to report good news for the Coalition, Channel 4 News the least likely, with BBC News sitting somewhere in the middle.
“The Coalition was responsible for over 50% of direct quotations across TV channels and 45% across newspapers, but quotes from the Iraqi regime never amounted to more than 6% of the total.
“And while Iraqi civilians received a substantial degree of media attention as subjects, they were less well represented via direct quotation with figures ranging from 5% for Channel 4 to Sky’s 11%, averaging 8% across newspapers.”
So Comical Ali should have been given more airtime. The BBC/CNN etc should have used their credits built up pre-2003 to insist that Saddam came out of his bunker & give interviews. And their should have been more quotes from the man in the Baghdad market saying that he knew f**k all about the military plans & progress of either side.
This story dominated Al-Beeb’s Muslim Newshour.
The UN sponsored report, of course, contains all the multi-culti platitudes and attempts to explain that the reasons of the rift between the West and muslims are political and not related to religion. One of the key grievances is, naturally, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The have your say entry selected also conveniently reflects the BBC worldview:
“The only way to bridge the gap is to respect other peoples’ beliefs and customs”
Tell that to your muslim masters, Al-Beeb.
Ok, now I know. Thanks all.
Al Qaeda seeking nuclear kit for attacks: UK official
LONDON (Reuters) – Al Qaeda is trying to acquire the technology that would enable it to use a nuclear device to attack Western targets including Britain, a senior British official said on Monday.
Perhaps that Aftermath document will prove ChimpyMacHaliburton is set on destroying the planet to bring about the end times.
Nah. It’ll contain the proof that French housing projects and the ‘mill and mosque’ northern English towns are not zones of social deprivation and exclusion, that have always harboured political ideas that the right find repulsive. Nope, their outposts of barbarism and potential launching pads for jihadist ‘fifth columns’ that will sooner or later engulf the countries in which they have become ‘implanted’. It will reveal the existence of a concerted Islamic plot to subjugate Europe, involving all Arab governments, whether ‘Islamic’ or not, but also to credit a secret and unelected parliamentary body with the astounding ability to transform all Europe’s major political, economic and cultural institutions into subservient instruments of ‘jihad’ without any of the continent’s press or elected institutions being aware of it. Except melamie philips and the commentators on here of course. Lol. When it comes to ludicrous conspiracies – u lot have swallowed the biggest one of all.
The Rape of Europe
Better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now.
i’ve just had one of those “hang on a minute!!!” moments.
bbc news at ten – just described a gang of thugs who have been locked away for a very long time by the Judge. far enough you say.
but then the report mentions “36 previous convictions”… well, ok – we’re used to that sort of crap going on by now.
but then , the final stunner – “they’ll be deported after the sentence because they were foreign”.
huh? hang on a minute – what about the 36 previous convictions? why werent they booted out after the first one????????
here’s the news item i referenced above
archduke writes:
“but then , the final stunner – “they’ll be deported after the sentence because they were foreign”.”
Yes, I watched the same item – and with exactly the same reaction.
The way the BBC presented this story ammounted to concealment – a clear attempt to play down the fact that these vicious thugs were foreign nationals.
No doubt, conciously or otherwise, the BBC’s fear is that revealing the truth might ‘inflame the situation’.
Thus we are lied to – as much by sly omission as by outright commission.
Spooks – can’t spot the Jewish connection from this Radio Times write up of tonoght’s episode.
a group of environmental terrorists who storm the Thames Barrier. They threaten to flood London within hours by not closing the barrier against a massive tidal wave unless the Government publishes a mysterious document known as Aftermath. ….
will | 13.11.06 – 3:12 pm
Living outwith the UK as I do I can’t watch it, but I’d bet a pound to a euro that “Aftermath” resembles the Protocols of The Elders of Zion.
Do fill us ex-pats in on the details please.
“When it comes to ludicrous conspiracies – u lot have swallowed the biggest one of all.” – Anon
Well thank God there’s the benevolent BBC and programs like “Power of Nightmares” to bring us all back to reality then.
I would like to see the victims of these crimes bring law suits against the government officials and politicians who prevented these criminals from being deported first time round.
But expecting the great and good to be held accountable for literally anything in modern Britain is just a pipe dream.
“I would like to see the victims of these crimes bring law suits against the government officials and politicians who prevented these criminals from being deported first time round.”
thats what i’ve thought about as well, and i briefly agreed with it , but on thinking about it , i would say that the reason why is that the law is built in such a way as to prevent that from happening.
i would agree with that – the law is the law after all. and what should happen is a change in the laws , rather than an explosion in “sue the bastards” court cases – one can only imagine the bandwagon that would develop.
and there’s the rub – changing the laws assumes that we have some sort of democracy , in ancient Greek style – when we dont have that. so , unfortunatley, it will have to resort to court cases eventually.
my question though is – why hasnt anyone tried this? is there a conspiracy amongst lawyers to prevent this from happening? why arent victims sueing the ass off the probation board for example.
i’m not a lawyer – so , i would like to hear about this from any B-BBCers with more experience on this than I. (cos hell will freeze over before the BBC ever explains it to me)
“Living outwith the UK as I do I can’t watch it, but I’d bet a pound to a euro that “Aftermath” resembles the Protocols of The Elders of Zion.
Do fill us ex-pats in on the details please.
Biodegradable | 13.11.06 – 10:51 pm |”
Aftermath is a conspiracy between the U.S. and British governments to grab the remaining sources of oil in the world – by military means if necessary. The “Aftermath” plan acknowledges that 25% of the worlds population will die off as a result of climate change – so , because this is enivitable, the British and U.S. governments will do all they can to retain their dominant positions in the world – whilst throwing scraps of “green” stuff at the eco-fascists to keep them happy.
in the episode just broadcast, a gang of eco-warriors , called “divine earth” threaten to blow up the thames barrier if “aftermath” isnt published.
( i am paraphrasing – but thats it in summary..)