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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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oh – and MI5 werent in on “aftermath” – in fact, nobody in the army, or security services – just a close circle around the PM and Washington D.C.
(groan – MI5 not “in” on government stuff… yeah. ok. and gravity is a figment of my imagination)
“in the episode just broadcast, a gang of eco-warriors , called “divine earth” threaten to blow up the thames barrier if “aftermath” isnt published.”
err.. why didnt they just publish it on the eco-warrior website – and get zillions of bloggers picking up on it.
hmmm… reality… lack of… bubble…
The BBC and half a story;
Bethlehem Christians flee tensions
The little town of Bethlehem is perhaps more associated with Christianity than any other place in the world. But now there are fears that soon it could be home to hardly any Christians at all. To get into Bethlehem from Jerusalem you have to go through a checkpoint. Actually nowadays it looks more like a border crossing.
Israeli security personnel sitting behind blast-proof-glass ask for your passport. Soldiers stand, rifles cradled in their arms. The barrier goes up, and you drive in through a gap in the 30-foot high concrete wall that Israel says it has built to keep out suicide bombers. The wall now separates Bethlehem and Jerusalem – two towns that have been linked for centuries.
According to the BBC the reason the Christian population in the Holyland is going down is because of the Jew. The BBC even goes out of its way to absolve the Muslim world of being responsible in anyway what so ever;
Publicly Christians here insist there is no friction with the Muslim majority.
Earlier this year though the Islamist Hamas movement came to power.
And in private some say they now dress more conservatively. There have also been fights between Christian and Muslim families. The Church of the Nativity is opposite a mosqueFather Majdi Syriani says the problem is not local, but global.”
Right BBC and here is why those Christians are moving out;
The death threat came on simple white fliers blowing down the streets at dawn. A group calling itself “Friends of Muhammad” accused a local Palestinian Christian of selling mobile phones carrying offensive sketches of the Muslim prophet.The message went on to curse all Arab Christians and Pope Benedict XVI, still struggling to calm Muslim outrage from his remarks on Islam.
While neighbors defended the merchant _ saying the charges in the flier were bogus _ the frightened phone dealer went into hiding, feeling less than satisfied with authorities’ conclusion that the Oct. 19 note was probably a harmless rant.
Now the dealer is thinking of going abroad.
Call it part of a modern exodus, the steady flight of the tiny Palestinian Christian minority that could lead, some predict, to the faith being virtually extinct in its birthplace within several generations _ a trend mirrored in many dwindling pockets of Christianity across the Islamic world.This is one of the major themes the pope is expected to carry to Turkey for a four-day visit beginning Nov. 28 _ his first papal visit to a predominantly Muslim nation. The Vatican calls it “reciprocity:” Muslim demands for greater sensitivity from the West must be accompanied by stronger protections and rights for Christian minorities.In some places, such as Pakistan, it means more safeguards from extremist attacks. In Indonesia and elsewhere, it touches on appeals to quell growing sectarian clashes. In Turkey, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East, it seeks to preserve communities dating back to the time when Jesus and his apostles preached. But nearly everywhere in Muslim lands, Christian populations are in decline.
No place is this more striking than the Holy Land.
The BBC and half a story
in the episode just broadcast, a gang of eco-warriors , called “divine earth” threaten to blow up the thames barrier if “aftermath” isnt published.
( i am paraphrasing – but thats it in summary..)
archduke | Homepage | 14.11.06 – 12:16 am
Thanks for that. I’m glad that at least this week the Joooos are off the hook. I guess that’s BBC balance in action. or BBC balance inaction 😉
The BBC and half a story;
Afghan conflict deaths quadruple
There has been a four-fold rise this year in the number of people killed in the conflict in Afghanistan, according to a report on the insurgency. It suggests that more than 3,700 people have died so far this year – about 1,000 of them civilians.
So the BBC brings out a report on the high death toll in Afghanistan. To that end they substantiate the above by saying this;
“It says more than 3,700 people had been killed since January this year and that the frequency of insurgent or terrorist-related security incidents had now risen four-fold to 600 a month.”
And this;
“but it is estimated that 1,000 civilians have also been killed this year”
But for some strange reason it doesn’t say this;
“With 1000 of that 3700 figure being civilians that means that around 2700 terrorists have died trying to bring anarchy and Islamic oppression to the people of Afghanistan.”
And lets be honest here BBC the vast majority of that 1000 civy figure have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists…
The BBC and half a story..
The BBC and half a story;
Bethlehem Christians flee tensions
The truth has been out there for quite a while:
It’s that time of year, once more, peace and good will to all men…
Who Stole Christmas?
etc., ad nauseam…
BBC frightened of criticising Islam, says archbishop
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has accused the BBC of bias against Christianity and says the broadcaster fears a terrorist backlash if it is critical of Islam.
The archbishop, the second most senior figure in the Church of England’s hierarchy, said Christians took “more knocks” than other faiths at the hands of the BBC.
Dr Sentamu also questioned whether Muslim women were required to wear the veil by the Koran, and argued that those who did should not expect British society to be reordered to accommodate them.
He said Muslim scholars would say three things about the veil. “First, does it conform to norms of decency? Secondly, does it render you more secure? And thirdly, what kind of Islam are you projecting by wearing it?
The archbishop said he never wore a cross when visiting a synagogue or mosque, explaining: “Because I am going into someone else’s home. And I can’t simply say, ‘Take me as I am, whether you like it or not.’
“I think the thing is in British society you can wear what you want, but you can’t expect British society to be reconfigured around you. No minority can expect to impose this on the public or civic life.”;jsessionid=P3T5JVQSC33KNQFIQMFCFF4AVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2006/11/14/nmuslim14.xml
Iran plotting to groom bin Laden’s successor
Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qa’eda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.;jsessionid=P3T5JVQSC33KNQFIQMFCFF4AVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2006/11/14/wiran14.xml
Why isn’t this story…
…on BBC Online?
I’m sure if the granny basher was a Tory they’d be all over it.
Where have you been.
Jr is claiming that half a dozen BNP supporters regularly contribute to this blog.
My money is on him trying to smear you, but there’s only one fly in the ointment which holds him back.
I suppose it will have to be me then as I fit the BBC’s stereotypical view of Anglo-Saxon, white, middle aged (anyone under 60), middle class males.
And lets be honest here BBC the vast majority of that 1000 civy figure have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists…
Yes, there is little honesty in the reporting, when there is a large number in this country who are only too ready to believe that all the killing in Afghanistan & Iraq is by the hands of Western troops.
Alastair Leithead embedded with UK troops reported on last night’s BBC1 News. As is usual with BBC reporters, Leithead threw in a final comment which had not been explicitly explored in the body of the report. Leithead’s final downbeat & cryptic thought could only be interpreted as suggesting that we should enter talks with the Taliban.
To throw out this thought without providing some consideration of the likelyhood of the Taliban wanting any sort of compromise or of the Afghans’ willingness to have the Taliban accepted into government is just irresponsible.
Leithead provides his pessimistic thoughts at
Jr is claiming that half a dozen BNP supporters regularly contribute to this blog.
With the same amount of evidence that JR has for making his claim (i.e. f**k all) I can say that there are about half-a-dozen Beeboid lurkers here who are RESPECT party members and kiddie porn downloaders.