about the trial over the awful murder of PC Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford. Today’s proceedings have centered on Yusuf Jamma, described by the BBC in each instance as being ‘from Birmingham’.
Er, no. Birmingham might be where he was arrested, but he’s from Somalia, the same Somalia that was his apparent reason for being given refuge in our country, and the same Somalia to which his brother, Mustaf Jama, is believed to have fled to avoid British justice. I guess when the chips were down he figured that Somalia wasn’t so bad after all.
Somalia? Any imperial links with Somalia? What exactly are gangs of Somalis doing let loose in this country? Maybe they’re here to reduce the Blairite ‘skills shortage’ because “education, education, education” hasn’t quite worked.
On the day when the Queen is co-opted into NuLabour’s vacuous, spent project, one really sees what a wasted decade Blair and his party have given us.
The BBC – yet again telling us all the news they think we need to know, and in the process promoting the cause of the BNP.
I’m so glad Andrew pulled this one out of the BBC’s soup of lies.
I heard it on R4 news, while driving home this afternoon. I’d made a mental note to comment about it later but, of course, forgot.
It is in these small ways that the BBC does its work. Incrementally, like a malignant disease.
They said ‘Birmingham’ so that they wouldn’t ‘fan the flames’ of those who (rightly) believe that immigration to this country has been out of control for decades.
Somalia, Birmingham — so easy to mix ’em up!
The BBC always choses the line of least resistance. For example, it never refers to the Yorkshiremen who did 7/7.
Allan@Aberdeen: actually, there are British imperial links to Somalia. Google “British Somaliland.” Most of Somalia was ruled by Italy (badly – it was where bad colonial administrators were sent so that the important colonies, Eritrea, Libya and Rhodes, could be managed by competent types) but a considerable part of the north was run by Britain. The British even fought a colonial revolt there in, I think, 1922, against someone they called the Mad Mullah.
Once again a non-story in terms of imagined BBC bias.
The story you linked to – and the bulletins you heard – were court reports (or based on court reports).
Most court reports come from specialist agencies rather than staff reporters.
These agency Court Reporters are obliged to follow certain conventions in the interest of justice.
In the story you link to, the accused’s address is given as:
“Yusuf Abdillh Jamma, 20, of Whitmore Road, Small Heath, Birmingham”
That’s what would have been said in open court. That’s what is normally reported.
The rule of thumb used for addresses etc. is:
The addresses that may be published or included in a relevant programme are addresses at any relevant time… ‘relevant time’ here means a time when events giving rise to the charges to which the proceedings relate occurred.
John Reith
Fine. The BBC can call him ‘a Somali, resident in Birmingham’.
And just when are you going to get around to naming the 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP here?
Pete_London writes:
“And just when are you going to get around to naming the 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP here?”
Yes, and weren’t we also waiting for Reith to explain how he can access records of radio news items from several years ago?
Incidentally, his attempt to explain away the ‘Somali/Brummie’ issue is the usual nonsense. The report I heard was from a BBC reporter, not an agency hack. He could perfectly well have mentioned the accused’s Somali origin. He simply chose not to.
Fine. The BBC can call him ‘a Somali, resident in Birmingham’.
I’m a Londoner resident in Spain. That means I am from London. When somebody asks me where I am from I reply, “I’m British”. It’s that simple; the accused is a Somali from Somalia.
Quite. “Where do you live”, and “where are you from” are two quite different questions. I live near The Hague, but I am from England.
The distinction also exists in all the languages I can speak.
Coming soon from the BBC:
Ronnie Biggs – the well known Brazilian train robber
Napoleon Bonaparte – the St Helenan Emperor
Kevin Spacey – the British actor & producer
Any other offers?
Oh, and I almost forgot:
John Reith – the founder of the BBC – a cockney through and through.
How about, Madonna, the British Mother Theresa
Chris Moyles, Vernon Kay, Suuuura Cox, all of London.
Nemanja Vidic, Patrice Evra and Edwin Van der Sar, all of Cheshire.
Three quarters of the Labour Cabinet, from Monaco or Switzerland.
John Reith, from a dark room in White City, waiting for the next cherry to pick.
The BNP, c/o the Biased BBC website. Who are those 5 or 6 people, Mr Reith?
I don’t know about Reith’s 5 or 6, but B-BBC is all muslim all the time and this focus is clearly resonating among a certain mindset.
The relatively recent emergence of commenters either using “race war” language very similar to that of BNP supporters back’s Reith’s wider point.
E.g. “whitey” and “ethnics”, the allegation that Kriss Donald was castrated (an angle missing from the mainstream press and largely, it seems, driven by far right websites).
Kylie – The famous French pop singer.
Me – The Norwegian who is not a member of the BNP but might vote for them at the next election in order to stick two fingers up at the mainstream parties.
DifferentAnon, maybe reading far-right web sites allows us to form a Balanced opinion when compared to the far-left BBC.
but B-BBC is all muslim all the time, we only react to what the BBC gives us reason to. If we are “all muslim all the time”, it’s simply because that’s what the BBC is.
Most of the occasions that the words “whitey” and “ethnics” have been used have been sarcasm IMO. I also checked the castration story myself to find that the sources are not what I would call reliable and I imagine that few on this site will believe any allegations that cannot be substantiated by a reputable organization. Time will tell wiith regard to Kriss’s injuries.
Thanks for pointing out the castration DifferentAnon, I’d missed that one.
Can you give me some recent examples of race war language that you’ve seen on this site? I read most comments and again, I must have missed those.
I was going to put in a sarcastic comment about my concentration level diminishing amid concerns about ethnics but I fear it may have been lost on you.
JB: you mean you’ve missed all the “clash of cultures” rhetoric, the talk of collaborators and traitors, the scaremongering about Eurabia, the increase in references to whitey, ethnics, etc?
I was going to put in a sarcastic comment about my concentration level diminishing amid concerns about concerns about ethnics but I fear it may have been lost on you.
DifferentAnon, just give me one example of race war language found on this site.
Just one will suffice.
DifferentAnon, just give me one example of race war language found on this site.
Just one will suffice.
JimBob | 16.11.06 – 5:18 pm |
The above is one example which DA or JR will be brazen enough to cite.
Yes it’s amusing that when somebody mentions ‘ethnics’ these liberal/lefty Beeboids class it as ‘race WAR’.
Yet when a terrorist blows up a bus full of people, he’s not a terrorist, or a ‘terrorist’, or a disgrace to the human race, he’s not even at WAR, he merely has an opinion he’d like to make.
In the DifferentAnon world.
There is no clash of civilisations, there is no terrorist threat, there is no black, no white, no growing Muslim influence among European cities, no demands for Sharia law, nothing to worry about.
Unless of course you’re talking about the clash of civilisations, terrorist threat, ethnic tension, oppression of disadvantaged Muslims that have been brought about by the U.S.A., UK and Israel, in which case the whole planet is at risk.
I think that’s what you’re getting at, innit?
you mean you’ve missed all the “clash of cultures” rhetoric, the talk of collaborators and traitors, the scaremongering about Eurabia, the increase in references to whitey, ethnics, etc?
– DifferentAnon
People have every damn right to start questioning what’s been going on around them, what’s really happing on the streets, and not meekly swallow the sanitized PC drivel churned out by the likes of the BBC, the government, assorted un-elected busy bodies, and the self appointed great and good.
Probably for the first time in a generation or more, Britons are starting to ask very serious questions about just where the hell their country is going and who the hell is deciding it, and the chattering classes don’t like it one little bit.
Ordinary Britons should keep their mouths shut and listen to their betters? Well those days are gone and aint coming back.
DifferentAnon, you must be really busy searching for that one example of race war language.
When you’ve found one, please give Mr Reith a nudge and ask him for the names of the 5-6 BNP supporters.
Then maybe have a look at the rather large table at the bottom of this page http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ which is a list of people killed in the name of Islam since 9/11, not right wing, just FACT (and it doesn’t even have the recent UK ‘honour’ killings in this table).
Then ask yourself why the BBC only tells us about the ones in Iraq.
Precisely what I mean about a hysterical response.
Who are these chattering classes? Just a mythical group of anyone you don’t agree with, by the sounds of it.
“Ordinary” Britons have always been perfectly capable of expressing their political will – the poll tax riots, the countryside alliance etc etc – so don’t bother to make out this is some seismic cultural change. It isn’t.
If you don’t see the BNP-inspired talking points here, especially insofar as they relate to the Kriss Donald case, then I’m not going to waste time explaining it all to you.
While you’re busy with the strawmen, a few points:
1) I don’t work for the BBC
2) The race war/civilisation clash rhetoric most definitely isn’t mine.
3) I’m sure in cartoon beeboid world they think terrorists are just expressing an opinion, but back in reality it’s pretty clear they don’t.
All I only want is one example of race war language.
Surely that’d be an easy task with ALL the example syou’ve seen recently?
2) The race war/civilisation clash rhetoric most definitely isn’t mine.
It most definitely is. You’re the first person to mention “race war” on this thread and you still won’t give me an example of such “rhetoric”.
(or are you dumbing down your original ‘race war’ reference to ‘civilisation clash’. You really should get a job at the BBC).
And before you give me an example from this site of ‘civilisation clash’, that won’t do, I want just one example of race war language. Pleeeasssse.
‘Race-war language’ – hyperbole, meaning “I’ve lost the argument, cannot back up my claims, and calling someone a racist no longer shuts down the argument. Help.”
Pete_London writes:
“‘Race-war language’ – hyperbole, meaning “I’ve lost the argument, cannot back up my claims, and calling someone a racist no longer shuts down the argument. Help.””
Indeed! It’s significant that two of our BBC apologists (Reith and DifferentAnon) have both recently become rather shrill and hysterical – hurling the BNP insults around.
They must be getting some sense of the trouble they are in.
Well, it’s been nearly 3 hours DifferentAnon and I really am tired of waiting now. I actually thought Mr Reith would jump to your defence, obviously he would if he could.
A little tip for you, now that NuLab are talking about immigration, asking Muslims to take off their veils etc., and that the majority of people think these issues affect them, it HAS become acceptable to debate these things without, as Pete says, shutting down the debate by crying ‘racist’ or ‘race war’.
The fact the BNP have an opinion on Kriss Donald should not stop people talking about it. I’m sure they have an opinion on the environment and the economy, are we to keep quiet about those things too! Actually I’d be up for that if it would stop the BBC forcing its ‘global warming’ OPINION down our throats all the bloody time!
And by the way, ordinary people were not rioting over the poll tax. Ordinary people were at work.
JimBob writes:
“And by the way, ordinary people were not rioting over the poll tax. Ordinary people were at work.”
That’s an extremely good point and one the BBC never seems to remember, any more than it does that a very large number of people thought the community charge proposals were a damn good idea and far preferable to the extorion we face under ZaNuLabour’s alternative.
If you don’t see the BNP-inspired talking points here, especially insofar as they relate to the Kriss Donald case, then I’m not going to waste time explaining it all to you.
“BNP-inspired talking points” = anyone daring to question the BBC’s attitude to covering race attacks. How dare you plebs question. How dare you!
As for the Kriss Donald case, I think all too many would like Britons to just shrug their shoulders in indifference, and buy the “no racism here” lie.
I can see the 2 sides of DifferentAnon;
On one side, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly at the thought of Kriss Donald and any hint of racism.
Then on the other, smashing the windows of McDonalds because he’s being forced to pay to vote.
When is John Reith going to name the six BNP members posting here?
I presume he/she cannot, so let’s see if he/she is big enough to retract the statement…I’m not holding my breath.
DA wrote:
“If you don’t see the BNP-inspired talking points here, especially insofar as they relate to the Kriss Donald case, then I’m not going to waste time explaining it all to you.”
Kriss Donald was not killed by the BNP: he was killed by anti-white racists. I would think that such a case is worth talkng about but clearly organisations represented by DA and JR do not want us – the indigenous – to consider what we see happening to us and others like us.
Re: BNP Blog members
Guy’s let me put you and JR out of your misery, their names are –
Doc, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Bashful and Sleepy (there may be a seventh but I can never remember his name).
All led by [deleted] Snow White — so there you have it
There was a reference in this post to an abusive & anti-semitic comment made by another commenter, since deleted. I recognise that the reference here was ironic. Nonethess, I’ve decided to delete it too.
Edited By Siteowner
Do you, like communist Trevor Phillips think BNP members/supporters should be banned from church?.
What would you have done to them? Hounded out of their jobs? Imprisoned?
“organisations represented by DA”
I represent an organisation now? I do? Which one?
I’m not debating that the Donald case is important, nor that it signals a wider issue. However, while it was a racially-aggravated killing, Donald’s own mother has blamed it primarily on gang warfare – Donald’s killing, especially the brutality of it – being presumably because he was assumed to be a member of a gang.
“It doesn’t matter to my family what colour these men are. Kriss is gone because of gangs, not just in Pollokshields but every area of our communities.”
Not quite the same as Donald being killed solely because he was white – an important distinction missing from the far right narrative.
JimBoB: if you want to fabricate whole viewpoints and actions for me, and least give me an up-to-date one. Why, I’m a commie Islamo-appeaser, drinking my latte and selling this good country down the river for failing to repeat the BNP’s talking points.
As for the race war rhetoric: off the top of my head: Archduke’s suggestion of internment (10.11.06), Anon’s suggestion that moral and legal order is collapsing, while the influence of radical Islam is growing (10.11.06), Allan@Aberdeen’s comment that immigration can’t be stopped by democratic means (“Could it be that the migrants from Mexico now outnumber the Anglos and that the colonisation of the South-West of the US cannot be stopped by democratic means?”), Susan’s “You guys are looking at Eurabia” and “We won’t survive as a nation that kind of a massive immigrant influx… Plucky Little Australia is now the only hope for the survival Anglo-Saxon culture”
DifferetnAnon, I should read your emails on a Monday, they’d cheer me up for the week. I loved the off the top of my head bit. That did make me laugh.
I still can’t see the race war inferences in those postings.
It’s interesting that whenever a commenter here spots some ‘significant fact’ that the BBC or MSM hasn’t included in some report or other, the reflex reaction on the part of B-BBC is to allege that the said fact (e.g. that someone is from Somalia) has been excluded for reasons of bias.
It’s striking too how quick people here are to unearth facts from blogs and websites that the msm has overlooked.
What are we to make then of the lacunae in B-BBC commentary?
Despite the Nick Griffin case being discussed on numerous threads over the past few weeks, I have seen no mention here of the following:
1. That Griffin has a previous conviction: from 1998 – for inciting racial hatred against Jews.
2. That the pamphlet that gave rise to this prosecution contained these words that confirm Griffin as a Holocaust-denier:
“Back in the 1960s the Jews quietly shifted the alleged sites of the mass gassings from the no longer believable German camps such as Dachau and Belsen to the sites in Communist Poland such as Auschwitz and Treblinka. Now that the very idea of Zyklon-B extermination has been exposed as unscientific nonsense, they are once and again re-writing bogus history, playing down gas chambers and talking instead of ‘hundreds of hitherto unknown sites in the East where more than a million Jews were exterminated by shooting”.
3. When the former MP Alex Carlisle reported Griffin for inciting racial hatred and Holocaust denial, Griffin fumed: “This bloody Jew, our local MP who organised the raid whose only claim to fame is that two of his parents died in the Holocaust”.
4. That Tony Lecomber – BNP Group Development Officer – was sentenced to 3 years for the malicious wounding of a Jewish schoolteacher.
5. That a few days ago a leading BNP theorist suggested toning down the organization’s anti-semitism for tactical reasons. He didn’t bank on the vigilance of the redoubtable Melanie Phillips:
“he wrote that it was foolish to tar all Jews as villains when ‘only some of them’ were wrong-doers, and that they should be treated ‘like any other foreign people’ and as neither ‘intrinsically evil nor always the enemy’.
Don’t you just love that ‘always’? Of course, the whole thing is beyond satire. Visceral Jew-haters such as the BNP don’t suddenly see the light; indeed, as is plain from the above, even the language they use in attempting to disavow the prejudice is riddled with it. They remain as obsessed with ‘the Jewish question’ as they ever were. The only thing that has changed is their strategy.
They are trying to bury their reputation for thuggery and neo-fascism, and to pose instead as a respectable nationalist party defending Britain against the threat to its way of life. It won’t wash.”
And what do we get here?
Allan@Aberdeen saying the BNP are friends of Israel!
John Reith
Who are the 5 or 6 members/supporters of the BNP in here?
Mr Reith,
This is not a discussion board about the BNP so why should people be discussing what the BNP did in 1998!
It is a discussion board about BBC bias in the news today. The name of the blog gives it away really.
If you’re saying that it is ok for the BBC to report the BNP in a different way than they do George Galloway and others, then doesn’t that prove the bias?
You go on about Nick Griffin in 1998 being anti semetic, yet every day, today, the BBC constantly delivers anti semetic messages and you still don’t see the hypocrisy in your comments.
Mr Reith, you have proved beyond all reasonable doubt that Mr Griffin is not a very nice man. Which we all knew already. Well done. Doesn’t really answer any questions on BBC bias, nor does it prove that he’s not still right about some things.
The point of my last post is that when the BBC omits some fact or other, it is accused of bias. If that fact is anything to do with Islam, the allegation is often explicit that the BBC is making common cause with Islamism.
By the same logic, you should now be open to the accusation of making common cause with the BNP.
If you consider that ‘preposterous’, a ‘slur’, or an ‘unfounded ‘smear’then…join the club. You are very free with ‘Al-Beeb’ smear.
Time to re-think your approach, perhaps?
Mr Griffin doesn’t think the BBC is anti-semitic. He says it’s run by Jews bent on providing ‘an endless diet of pro-multiracial, pro-homosexual, anti-British trash”.
Remind you of anyone?
John Reith’s obsession with the BNP is starting to sound troubling.
What a shame he seems unable to turn his skills as a historian to answering the two simple questions he is so reluctant to address.
Could he possibly have something to hide?
What the likes of Reith either don’t understnad, or wish to obscure, is that Nick Griffin’s and his parties activities are lawful or not. If they are lawful then their policies can be debated on their merits. If they are not lawful, then the courts can decide what happens to them (or not, as happened recently.)
Reith’s little game here is clear though. On the basis of sod all evidence he’s trying to build a kind of B-BBC/BNP narrative. Well he can sod off. If this was my site he’d be getting a warning.
No-one one with honourable intentions can equate the views of a bunch of people who oppose the pro-Leftist views of the BBC with those of the pro-Leftist BNP anyway. Reith is cmopletely inverting reality here. As DumbJon asked him (without response): apart from race, where does the BBC disagree with the BNP?
Given what we know of Reith it wouldn’t surprise me if he was politically active too (I mean as in party politics, and not the BBC kind.) If so he may well know that the BNP achieve what its successes in Labour areas. It has never won a seat from the Conservative Party, it has won plenty from Labour. This is the reason why Reith, Trevor Phillips and so many other commies are nervous. They know they’re support emanates from the same wellspring as the BNP’s.
Now, unless Reith is willing to put up and name the 5 or 6 member/supporters of the BNP in here, as he alleges, he can shut up.
Mr Reith
Mr Griffin doesn’t think the BBC is anti-semitic.
You’re obsessed.
You’re obsessed.
JimBob | 17.11.06 – 11:48 am
Odd that. The other day you posted:
The BNP received 26% of the vote in a council election in Rotherham several days ago.
They’d get my vote…..
JimBob | 03.11.06 – 5:30 pm