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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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The BBC and the full story;
I was forced to rob for Allah’
A man who infiltrated a group with alleged links to an organisation Tony Blair wants banned, has claimed the group is radicalising young Muslims to become potential terrorists. Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned in several Arab countries and is being scrutinised by the Home Office. But a mole inside a cell said to be connected to the organisation, claims it makes recruits commit crimes to test their loyalty and uses brain-washing techniques to incite them to hate “non-believers”.
“Jay” told a joint BBC File on 4 and Newsnight investigation that he was recruited to the cell and made to swear loyalty to Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Oh and just in case the BBC remove the offending article;
The BBC and the full story.
On Wednesday morning a woman was killed in Sderot, Israel following injuries sustained by a Qassam, what al-beeb calls a HOME MADE ROCKET, and another man seriously injured.
In 2004, two young children, aged two and four, were killed while playing in the street after Hamas launched HOME MADE rockets at the town. Before that, a young girl was killed when a HOME MADE rocket landed near her kindergarten.
They rarely cause death or serious injury, but do cause fear and panic …
Do standing orders exist within the BBC to include the that phrase whenever a report mentions the daily targetting of Israeli civilians by rocket fire?
Israel hits Gaza militants’ homes
This piece includes it also, as part of a report on Israel targetting terrorists in Gaza:
Israeli airstrikes have hit the homes of several senior Palestinian militants in Gaza, wounding at least one person. The strikes follow several Palestinian rocket attacks which killed one Israeli civilian and wounded two others.
We also learn:
In each case, the Israelis phoned the homes and warned the occupants.
So there you go, on a daily basis the Palestinians seek to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible. When Israel retaliates, it does so by targetting known legitimate military targets and forewarns them.
It’s clear then that both sides are to blame.
A 24-year-old man was seriously wounded in the rocket strike, which occurred not far from the house of the Israeli Defence minister, who lives in the town.
The man was a member of a private security firm that guards Peretz’s home, police said.§ion=middleeast
Re: Recent Qassam rocket death in Sderot.
The woman killed was a Muslim married to a Jew. Don’t think this was mentioned by the “you know what”.
Also the fact that these “crude” rockets have killed 26 people in the last 2 years is also conveniently omitted.
One-dimensional journalism or what, why do you guy’s keep on paying them.
Time for a programme of mass disobedience, they can’t prosecute and jail you all —- a couple of 100 thousand folk should do it I think.
We don’t all submit to the extortion. As long as you don’t respond to the BBC’s letters non-payers are fine.
By the way, the BBC rarely reports the details of Israelis killed by Pally terrorists. I’ve long been convinced that this de-personalises the victims and is less likely to encourage sympathy. The BBC will often give you the details of Palestinians killed, and tell you of Mrs Abdul’s 16 year old son, who wanted to go to college and grow flowers for pensioners, but who was murdered by the Jews. You won’t get that treatment in Israel.
Here’s something else that the beeb will probably not cover, it makes interesting reading being a global survey of overall Muslim thinking on a variety of important topics. It certainly seems to trash the ‘denialist/appeaser’ attitude of “pretend it isn’t happening and it will all go away”.
What is fairly interesting in the above is the Muslim equivocation on the matter of Iran and nuclear weapons — mmmmm!
Several al-Beeb, al-Guardian dhimmis have made, or are applying to make the move to their sister station: al-Jazeera’s 24 hour English ‘news’ channel.And we’re not just talking Sir David Frost here.
See: “Slick,but depressing: a first view of English al-Jazeera” (15/11)
(Of course, we can’t expect too much criticism of al-Jazeeza by
Sky/The Times, as I understand about
5% of the ownership of News
International is ‘Middle Eastern’.)
As al-Jazeera pursues a similar
Islamic line as al-Beeb,now is the time for a money-saving policy:BBC
to leave Islamic propaganda to
its ideological sister station,
al-Jazeera, close down al-Beeb Middle East and Islamic coverage, and save UK taxpayers’money.
More on the victim of the Sderot rocket attack here:
It beggars belief that the BBC can continue with its “rarely cause casualties” lie when the Jerusalem Post reports that this fatality was the sixth in this town alone.
“Slutsker was the sixth resident of Sderot killed by rockets from Gaza, out of a total of 23 killed by Kassams over the past two years”
Great News!
Hes escaped death and hes Coming Home!
as usual, no mention of the Victim, the family of the victim etc.
all of the sympathy goes to the killer.
The BBC and the Cult of Death
Do standing orders exist within the BBC to include the that phrase whenever a report mentions the daily targetting of Israeli civilians by rocket fire?
Pete_London | 16.11.06 – 9:36 am
It certainly looks like it. This report has all the elements; homemade, crude, rarely kill, and the comparison with the higher number (says who?) of Pretendistinian casualties:
Living in the line of fire
Homemade rockets
Here in this small Israeli town lying 10km from the Gaza Strip there is growing frustration and fear among its residents at their country’s inability stop the Palestinian rockets from landing in their town.
Although there have been extensive Israeli military operations into Gaza since June – in which about 400 Palestinians, a mixture of militants and civilians have been killed – Palestinian militant groups continue to fire the rockets.
These weapons are crude and homemade – and only occasionally kill.
Re- 11.52 am entry above, to be more specific, the Saudi prince
Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud, owns about 6-7% of News Corp. He also has huge shareholdings in many major
international companies through his private: Kingston Holding Company.
(Apparently, the Murdoch family own about 29% of News Corp.).
Thanks for the link. Very depressing if unsurprising views shown. Don’t expect the BBC to highlight it anytime soon.
Seeing as Mirza Tahir Hussain was twice found not guilty by a court, only for an islamic court to impose the death penalty, I suspect he’ll be one muslim who won’t be campaigning for a worldwide caliphate.
“When asked if al-Jazeera was fairer to Israel than CNN or the BBC, he replied, “Absolutely, they’re much better than CNN or BBC.” (The BBC plans to launch its Arab TV channel next year.)”
How about this for new depths for the BBC.
For a long time they have avoided using the word terrorist, now they cannot even use militant without the infamous quotation marks; even when the person being quoted almost certainly used the word terrorist.
The Qassams mostly needle the Israelis, like pinpricks in the ankles of a giant, taunting him to stamp back with his big, US-issue army boots.
While only three Katyusha impacts have been detected to date, the routine Qassam attacks have had a powerful psychological effect on Israelis along the Gaza border, likened by one Israeli security analyst to “Chinese water torture”.
The Qassam rockets fired into Israel from Gaza are rarely fatal, but they cause injuries and anxiety, and disrupt normal daily life.
Hmmmm could be a pattern emerging here …
Photos From Iraq That Are Too Shocking & Graphic for The Mainstream Media
And here’s our daily reminder that liberalism kills:
Killer’s psychiatric care panned
The killing of a man by a paranoid schizophrenic with a history of violence could have been avoided with better health care, a report has said. John Barrett repeatedly stabbed Denis Finnegan, 50, as he cycled in Richmond Park, south-west London, in 2004 ….. He had absconded from Springfield Hospital in Tooting, south London, the night before the killing in September 2004. Barrett had been granted an hour’s “ground leave” from the Shaftesbury Clinic, a secure unit, but failed to return.
The 400-page report gave details of Barrett’s former violent history when he stabbed three people at a clinic in St George’s Hospital in 2002.
That’s two thousand and two.
Peter Houghton, who became chief executive of George’s Mental Health NHS Trust after the killing, apologised to members of Mr Finnegan’s family saying the trust was “deeply” sorry”. He went on: “It beggars belief that John Barrett, who was a restricted patient under the responsibility of the Home Office for a very serious offence of violence, in which he very nearly killed a man in 2002, should have been granted a conditional discharge by a mental health review tribunal as early as 2003.”
Anyone care to argue that liberalism doesn’t kill?
Abandon ship! | 16.11.06 – 12:44 pm |
Good link.
It must be obvious by now that the liberal MSM pack led by the BBC are guilty of more than just bias, the only accurate description, I suggest, is • collaborators – , Quislings and Joyces one and all.
One of the really sad things about it all is that the BBC which was once (and not too long ago) a truly great organisation has been perverted and corrupted, beyond repair I suspect.
Since the latest victim of ‘home made’rockets was a Muslim woman who came from the Caucusus Mountains with her Jewish husband, why wasn’t Barbara ‘Crybaby’ Plett weepingly reporting the story? Oh, she is expensively maintained by al-beeb in Muslim Pakistan where she gives glowing reports about the mercy of the government there in commuting the death sentence of a British man.
For that matter, how much are we paying to maintain a gaggle of ‘reporters’ in the USA? Last time I was there I understood everything people said. And what’s more, there are perfectly good news ‘feeds’ in ‘America. Sky and others use them to excellent cost effectiveness.
Correction: to 12.35pm entry above –
the name of the private holding company,owned by large Sky shareholder, Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud is: ‘Kingdom Holding Company’,
( and search ).
BBC Radio
Radio 5 live……what is going on? The main item for discussion today was whether or not people liked to use the ‘N’word …n….nnn…..nnnnn……..nigger……there i’ve done it. Anyway, various ethnics were wheeled in to state whether or not they found the word offensive which was all fairly boring.
Following this meaty and challenging debate, a young female golfer was introduced and a reasonably interesting discussion with her took place about how she became such a good golfer. The fact that she was a seikh was of course incidental, until out of the blue Victoria Derbyshire changed the whole context of the piece by switching from the girl’s golfing prowess to racial issues and invited her and her father to give a catalogue of discrimination events that they had encountered.
Why do the BBC have to turn every debate into one of race, colour and discrimination. I am sick of it!!
Today in the Telegraph:
Army chief confronts Democrats over Iraq troop levels
By Toby Harnden in Washington
Last Updated: 1:40am GMT 16/11/2006
The US Army’s senior general in the Middle East delivered a blunt warning to Democrats yesterday that setting timetables for troop withdrawals would damage America’s attempts to win the war in Iraq.
In a tension-filled and sometimes acrimonious hearing on Capitol Hill, Gen John Abizaid, the head of US Central Command, said it was imperative that commanders in Iraq had the freedom to modify troop levels depending on conditions on the ground
On the BBC?
Perhaps Simpson John, who thinks we should all get down on our kneees to thank the BBC, might care to explain why this oversight on The BBC’s webpage has occurred.
I won’t ask you jr as you only cherry pick and this one is too much of a toughy for you.
As convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to federal prison today, a source close to the investigation surrounding his activities told ABC News that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was one of the members of Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal prosecutors.
This is their take:
US lobbyist starts jail sentence
The investigation into Abramoff’s activities prompted Democrats to lament a “culture of corruption” among Republicans in the run-up to last week’s mid-term elections.
Another one on the too hard pile jr.
How about you Simpson John, you seem a gullible sort of buffoon, would you like a stab at this with your usual ‘ It’s tabloid lies’ stance.
This might be interesting (on Newsnight tonight):
Inside al-Queda
“The BBC’s security correspondent Gordon Corera has – over a period of many months – obtained exclusive access to Omar Nasiri – not his real name – who worked for European security agencies during the 1990s and infiltrated al-Qaeda both in the camps of Afghanistan and in terror cells in London.
His story is extraordinary, revealing the extent of al-Qaeda’s preparations – years before 9/11 – to target the west, but also the British authorities’ lack of preparedness to tackle Islamic terrorism.
“- years before 9/11” BBC? Oh dear, very off-message. Strage that, on the very same day of this Newsnight report, another BBC programme has also broadcast a ‘special report’ trying to convice us that the al-Queda terror threat is all part of our vivid imaginations and no such threat exists:
R4 ‘Today’ 16/11/06
“We speak to David Blunkett about “terror” fatigue and scepticism amongst UK voters.”
I have R4 ‘Today’ programme fatigue. Is there a known cure?
Better news:
BBC moves closer to online ads,,1948310,00.html
“Controversial proposals to put advertising on the BBC’s international websites have been approved by the corporation’s executive direction group, the most senior level of management before the BBC governors.
In an email obtained by, staff at BBC News Interactive were told this morning that the board has agreed that “both the UK and international sites will carry advertising when viewed from abroad”.
The News Interactive head, Pete Clifton, emailed staff stating that ads will fit around the current site design, as outlined in a BBC online article published in April.
The corporation will avoid “more ambitious, intrusive advertising” until it has carried out further audience research.
Last week, the BBC’s journalism board also “agreed to the principle of commercialisation”. The final decision is due to be taken by the board of governors on December 13.”
It’s funny. Anyone outside the UK will be able to choose to use the BBC News webpages for free, funded by advertising. As a Brit living in the UK I will have no such choice, I will be robbed via the licence fee. How come?
The Radio 4/Blunkett angle was basically, it’s all about Iraq isn’t it?
Well, John Humphrys, no it isn’t, but in the BBC echo chamber I doubt that other possibilities are considered.
How the BBC chooses it’s words carefully to ensure biased reports:
The World Trade Center disaster
“Disaster” BBC?
Quick Oxford Dictionary check please:
“noun 1 a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.”
Hmmm. Was the WTC terrorst attack a “sudden accident”? Nope. Was the WTC terrorist attack a “natural catastrophe”? Nope.
The recent Tsunami was a natural catatrophe and therefore the word disaster is an appropriate desriptor.
The WTC attack was an Islamic fundamentalist terrorist outrage. Look it up in any dictionary. Why do the BBC think they can change the definition of English words to suit their own warped liberal-left mindset? I want the facts from the BBC, not their opinion.
Don’t feed the moonbats……
Have Your Say
How serious is the threat of terrorism?
How real do you think the offical terror warnings are?
“Added: Friday, 10 November, 2006, 10:26 GMT 10:26 UK
The threat is not serious at all. All this government has to sell us is fear. Don’t buy it. The timing of this speech is more than suspicious – just days after the US showed signs that it is no longer swallowing Bush’s fearmongering, up pops the MI5 head to put fear back in the headlines.
Mike R, London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 222 people
Did I imagine 7/7? Madrid? Bali? 7/11?
Disagreement on BBC strike impact
“A 24-hour strike among technical staff at the BBC has been “very successful”, union Bectu has claimed, though the BBC said it had been “business as normal”.
The BBC said that at 2230 GMT on Tuesday, 61% of people “who were scheduled on the rota and expected in” were striking.
That number had dropped to 39% by 1030 GMT on Wednesday, the spokeswoman said.
“The BBC has no way of knowing who is a member of the union and who is not.
“It’s difficult to know how Bectu came to their figure of 100%.”
The standard of Tuesday evening’s 10 O’Clock News on BBC One and Newsnight on BBC Two had been “fairly consistent with what it would normally be”, she added.”
Crap then.
“I have R4 ‘Today’ programme fatigue. Is there a known cure?”
The logic for today:
1. The war in Iraq has caused a terror threat.
2. There is no terror threat.
I particularly liked the way Humphries sneaked in an email from someone who thought the terror threat was non-existant as a last-word; he clearly felt he’d lost the battle when Blunkett mentioned 7/7, 9/11, Madrid etc. You could hear the childish petulance in his voice; he really should have ended with “So there!”
Next week presumably, we’ll have a similar diacussion about whether the government is lying about the global warming threat. Waiting……
That HYS thread is just a continuation of one that began after the M15 boss made her recent speech outlining the current threat assessment. What none of the Beeb’s ‘moonbats’ seemed to remember, was not that it co-incided with America’s mid-term elections, or with the death penalty given to Saddam Hussein or any other handy conspiracy that seemed to fit, but came only hours after Dhiren Barot (whose murderous career began in 1995, let us not forget) pleaded guilty to various plots to wreak mass murder on the British population.
I pointed this out at the time. But, of course, I never made the thread…
Thanks for the laughs.
“John Humphries in Search of God” recently on R4 had Humphries at his juvenile best, stamping his feet and begging senior clerics for answers to age old questions, Mostly the clerics were kind to the petulant old fool who demanded to know “where was God at Auschewitz?” (Answer from the Chief Rabbi Sachs “In the Commandmant “thou shall not kill”).
Had the old Marxist really wanted to find God, a walk in the countryside with his young child and the smelling of a few roses might have helped.
Hey guys’ its now official according to Jeremiah Al-Bowen, Ayatollah of the BBC Caliphate and noted Hamas and Hezbollah collaborator.
The Pally “terrorists” have finally been promoted (via “fighter”, “militant”)
to soldier (note the absence of quotes).
That didn’t take long at all, isn’t the English language a wonderful thing especially in the hands of the shit-for-brains BBC hacks.
This is interesting:
Added: Friday, 10 November, 2006, 10:26 GMT 10:26 UK
The threat is not serious at all. All this government has to sell us is fear. Don’t buy it. The timing of this speech is more than suspicious – just days after the US showed signs that it is no longer swallowing Bush’s fearmongering, up pops the MI5 head to put fear back in the headlines.
Mike R, London, United Kingdom
Recommended by 222 people
Is it possible that this is the same Mike R who left a highly offensive anti-semitic remark at the end of one of the threads at the beginning of the month? I suspect so.
The BBC once again proved to be the Social Engineering Department of the Government:
If the BBC reports Ehud Olhmerts comments ‘that these kind of accidents could happen again’, than they should explain their word play at least.
Accidents by their nature are unpredictable, thats why they are called accidents. If one proclaimed that these casualties have resulted as an accident that could happen again, one introcudes a new concept of accidents, if they are pre planned and hence reoccuring, they are not accidents, but assassinations.
The BBC, by adhering to these wordplays and derogatory prescriptions of Palestinians, has been doing Israle work for them, how enlightening and how stupid can we be.
Compare the two reports of sexual health and contagion risks in the UK, which appeared on the web today:
“Agency warns of rise in syphilis”
“Bulgarian, Romanian Migrants to
Bring ‘AIDS Epidemic’ to UK”
The report,B, is from honest Bulgarian site,which names names and
uses that useful word to describe part of the problem, “immigrants”.
The BBC – more p*ss-poor reporting. Lack of context, it’s what we do.
UK troops kill Afghan civilians
Have a read of the article. Something missing? Why on earth would UK troops open fire on civilians? Context anyone? Because uk troops are inherently trigger happy evil bad guys?
No clues from BBC. Here’s two: Suicide bombers. They’ve lost count of em in Afghanistan last month.
Afghanistan suicide bomb kills 18
‘Suicide attack’ in Afghanistan
Suicide attacks shake Afghanistan
Suicide blast wounds four Britons
Five dead in Afghan suicide blast
BBC report suicide bombings above so why not add context when uk troops open fire by stating something like “UK troops may open fire on vehicles that do not stop when requested to do so and continue hurtling towards them, because of the high risk of suicide attacks from Taliban Islamic fundamentalists.”
Nope. The Beeb would rather imply that UK troops are trigger happy cowboys.
Bias by omission. A real Beeb favourite.
Here’s the BBC’s ‘take’ on your Daily Mail link:
BBC to help pensioners go digital
“Under the legislation, the BBC would be handed the social security and war pensions information for an estimated seven million people.
The corporation would then provide and install the equipment to convert one television set per household to Freeview.
Instructions on how to use the equipment would also be given.”
I’ll tell my 80 year old gran about the digital link for pensioners. It may well make up for the fact that recently, 1 month after her husband of 59 years died she received a rather threatening letter saying she had to now pay for her TV licence.
Mixed messages from BBC on islamic terrorism: on the one hand,
‘Today’ is asking -what terrorism;
on the other hand, BBC2 ‘Newsnight’
is running a second report this week, (TONIGHT), about the very real, and
longstanding islamic terrorism threat
with a report from an Al-Qaida spy,
on that organisation’s global, murderous jihad.
What if you don’t want the BBC to get its mucky paws on your personal data?
Don’t pensioners have ‘rights’?
Isen’t it curious that this scandal involving the Democrat Senator Reid comes out only after the election. hmmmm
“Former Republican Congressman Bob Ney of Ohio was accused of taking gifts and trips at Mr Abramoff’s expense in exchange for backing laws to help his clients, and pleaded guilty in September.”
How about Democrat Charles Rangel who lied in the Congress forms and did not report that he made trips to Cuba sponsored by dictator fidel castro. How come this Charles Rangel was placed as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee???
Hipocresy, that’s how, the Dems love to criticize others but they follow the same corrupt paths. Some Dems were even making oil deals with Hugo Chavez.
On a second note. Here is what Iran newspapers said about Israel. Not sure if the BBC will report on this “peaceful” commentary from Iranian newspapers.
Iranian paper: Great war to wipe out Israel coming,7340,L-3328416,00.html
“The Qassam rockets fired into Israel from Gaza are rarely fatal, but they cause injuries and anxiety, and disrupt normal daily life.”
The same could have been said of the V2 Rocket.
“How the BBC chooses it’s words carefully to ensure biased reports:
The World Trade Center disaster…rld/ 5298746.stm
“Disaster” BBC?
Ritter | 16.11.06 – 3:13 pm |”
a while ago, i found an even better one Ritter…
you know – like car crash is. or a little kid dying of cancer.a tragedy.
“As part of his series on the fifth anniversary of the 11 September attacks, the BBC’s Stephen Evans talks to Muslims in New York to see how they have been affected by the tragedy.”
one would also use that word if the RAF say , missed their target an hit a bunch of our squaddies. friendly fire is a “tragedy” as well.
maybe it’s because NYC Muslims were killed in the towers,that it became a “tragedy” according to the Beeboid mindset.
“The US Army’s senior general in the Middle East delivered a blunt warning to Democrats yesterday that setting timetables for troop withdrawals would damage America’s attempts to win the war in Iraq.”
That’s the idea.
Remember Dems *want* us to lose so they can say ‘I told you so.’ and get back that post-Vietnam buzz.
Boris Johnson on question time tonight. Don’t know who the other 4 leftists are.