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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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The BBC and half a story;
Somali khat protester shot dead
Somali Islamist fighters have opened fire on a crowd, angry at a reported ban on selling the mild narcotic khat, killing one person, say eyewitnesses.
I see the law keeping puritanical Islamic thought police have shot dead a protester in Mogadishu.
And here is how Reuters reports the same story. (Funny enough it appears that the BBC used this report in which to base their own story)
Somali Islamists fire on protesters, kill boy
By Guled Mohamed
MOGADISHU (Reuters) – Somali Islamist fighters killed a 13-year-old boy and wounded other people on Thursday when they fired on a Mogadishu crowd protesting a ban on the popular narcotic leaf khat, witnesses said.
Did anybody else notice how the BBC spends over half its report on trying to excuse the Islamists of shooting dead a 13 year old child;
“The Islamic courts have tried to outlaw khat since they rose to power in June.”
“According to the Union of Islamic Courts’ website the flight ban has seen mosque attendance rise at prayer times.”
They say it encourages immorality.
And just in case anybody is concerned about the heavy handed way in which the faithful (mit Guns) are imposing their values on the rest the BBC inserts this cop-out.
“Many Mogadishu residents have welcomed their rule as they have brought law and order to the city after years of anarchy.”
Well that’s alright then according to the BBC, the thugs drunk on religion can do no wrong if they prostrate towards Mecca 5 times a day.
Funny how Reuter doesn’t share the same view;
“The Islamists initially won praise for bringing relative order to Mogadishu after kicking out warlords. But Somalis say there is disillusionment with their hardline practices.In the port of Kismayu, more than 20 people were arrested in two days in a sweep to rid the port of khat and cigarettes.
Hang on, I though it was just about Khat. The BBC never mentioned banning ciggies.
But then the BBC never quoted this statement from Reuters either;
“”The people who demonstrated were supporters of evil. We have imposed a curfew from 8 p.m. onwards. Anyone caught roaming aimlessly will be dealt with severely,” said Abdullahi Maalim Ali, in charge of security for the Islamists in Mogadishu.”
Allah ackba the BBC and half a story…
The BBC and biased reporting;
Compare these two stories from the BBC;
UK troops kill Afghan civilians
UK forces in Afghanistan have shot dead two civilians and injured a child.
An international military spokesman said a patrol opened fire after a van travelling at high speed failed to stop north of Girish in Helmand province. He said the vehicle failed to respond to hand signals from troops, adding that the incident was deeply regrettable and was being investigated.
Somali khat protester shot dead
Somali Islamist fighters have opened fire on a crowd, angry at a reported ban on selling the mild narcotic khat, killing one person, say eyewitnesses. Somali Islamist fighters have opened fire on a crowd, angry at a reported ban on selling the mild narcotic khat, killing one person, say eyewitnesses. About 60 khat vendors gathered in the capital, Mogadishu, to burn tyres and throw stones before shots were fired.
Local media reports a dusk-to-dawn curfew has been imposed. Kenya stopped flights to Somalia this week leading to a shortage of imported khat.
So when British troops open fire at a van which fails to stop, the BBC reports that not only were there civilians killed but a poor child was injured.
But when Islamist religious police do the same the information is a little blurred (even thou Reuters reports the number and gender of the dead. Why it takes the BBC 233 words before it informs that a 13 year child was killed. But with the British troops it takes 12 words to inform the great unwash that a child was killed.
The BBC and biased reporting.
‘The Khats out of the bag at last’,
The Yemeni Israeli’s grow tons of the stuff, it’s a cultural thing from Arabia/Africa and there are fields of it in the suburbs round Netanya and Qesarya.
I’ve tried it and you need to chew about ½ a kilo of the stuff to get any real effect (hard work believe me) and then all it really gives you is a good and durable hard-on (which shouldn’t be sniffed at).
I would have thought that all the ‘pink’ beebies would be outraged at this trimming of peoples ‘legitimate’, ‘sexual’ and ‘cultural’ expression in Somalia by an ‘oppressive’,‘religious’ regime.
Ahh, the BBC — minimal context and mono-dimensional stories (not news, lets be clear on that) • apparently ‘its what they do’ you know.
Can’t live with them and can’t wait for life without them!
Have you seen the Have Your Say question:
How serious is terrorism.
Those LLL need to take a close look at who is eroding the liberties, I think they’ll be shocked into denial:
QT tonight
boris johnson – buffoon. charming, and a laugh -but still, a buffoon.
tony mcnulty – labour
baroness bonham-carter -lib dem.
Ex BBC er. also worked for C4.
shappi korsandi – iranian female comedian. (her dad was a satirist, threatened with death by the mullahs and nearly assasinated… )
robert kilroy-silk – bit of swivel headed loon, but an anti-islamist. (so thats fine by me.)
all in all – not a bad lineup for a change. very eclectic. should be an interesting one.
guido fawkes has a bit of scoop – the full text of the Yates of the Yard letter to Dr Tony Wright, of the Public Administration Select Commitee
I notice the HYS on Milton Friedman is “Your comments”, not “Your tributes”.
I notice the HYS on Milton Friedman is “Your comments”, not “Your tributes”.
Yes, sooo predictable. Leftie, swivel-eyed loon kicks the bucket then it’s “tributes”:
Capitalist, right-winger then it’s “comments”.
Ritter | 16.11.06 – 2:43 pm | #
oh, dear…who’s to say that this crass commercialization will not lead to both bbc’s – domestic and international – becoming vulnerable to pressure from those naughty, capitalist advertizers?
i mean, i don’t care who your advertizing audience is: if i pay you for positive exposure in one geographic area, i certainly am not going to go quietly (or keep paying!)should you vilify me in a different area, am i?
the beginning of the end of that justification of a keep-us-free-from-risk-of-advertizers-pressure licence fee?
Leafing through BBC Online (yuk) for those deceased politicians who get the “send us your tributes” treatment on (D)HYS we can see that Mo Mowlem, Barbara Castle, Donald Dewar, Robin Cook, Lord Callaghan and even Screaming Lord Sutch were so honoured.
On the other side of the political spectrum we have…Edward Heath.
Poor old Sir Denis didn’t even get the “tributes” accolade:
Meanwhile, Tracy Emin’s tent, the cathode ray tube monitor and king-size chocolate bars all get the “send us your tributes” treatment.
I’ve scrolled through 35 screens of shite…
…with only Sir Ted, a watered down rightie. Perhaps a demon URL finder like John Reith can carry on? By the way JR, who are the six BNP supporters posting here?
Hmmm, no bias there then!
“Tributes” or “comments”?
Place your bets for the future (D)HYS pages:
President Carter vs President Bush (41)
Michael Foot vs Margaret Thatcher
Mark Steel vs Jim Davidson
Shirley Williams vs Norman Tebbit
…cont’d page 94.
…with only Sir Ted, a watered down rightie.????
This is the jerk who took us into the EEC on a lie, and he did lie. That has been established as fact.
I read these blogs and comments I do not write. However there comes a time when bias is so obvious that even JR must acknowledge it.
Milton Friedman died today.
What unbiased organisation could begin it’s obit with an accusation of him causing mass unemployment.
History has proved Friedman the champion of economics that actually works. Socialists disagree, they would wouldn’t they. And looking at all the successful socialist states who disagree with him.
At worst Fiedman required the breaking of a few eggs to make an omlette.
I think this comes to the very heart of BBC bias.
Every month the US economy thrives whilst socialism flounders. All the BBC can say is ‘Bigots and bastards they don’t care’. Failure is not a sign of caring!
JR claims to be ‘of a conservative persuasion’ prove it, acknowledge this dreadful slur in an obituary
The BBC lives in a world immune from real life or economics, a world in which their living is obtained by extorting money from others under threat of imprisonment.
No wonder they can treat Milton Friedman with contempt.
Economy could be twice as large if public spending is kept at 1960s levels
Crikey..I go away for a few days and when I come back John Reith is agreeing with pounce. JR are you feeling OK? Your fan is concerned. Meanwhile the legions of pounce’s fans carry on screaming ‘way to go pounce!’
NuLabour Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell yet again adopts the language of apartheid (remember ‘whites & non-whites’) in a BBC article:
“This is about talking to them, it is about listening to their concerns and it is about working with the vast majority of all students, Muslim and non-Muslims alike, who oppose extremism.”
Campus radicals ‘serious threat’
Re last night’s BBC2s Newsnight special. In a climate when even the PM is expecting a knock on his door from the police, who exactly has actually decided that the person interviewed last night by the BBC should be above the law? It sounded to me that he was responsible for the deaths of very many people in Algeria. So what is he a French/British spy? We only have his word for that. And why did it take 10 years for somebody to be extradited to France. Maybe France is interested in him? How about the Algerian authorities who no doubt would like to have him. So who is providing political exile for him here in Londonistan? The CPS, MI5, Home Office?
The BBC should hand over details from their documentary to the Algerians so they can prosecute him for terrorism. Oh sorry, they only do that for political parties they don’t like.
On the Today programme, BBC journalist Alistair Stanford raving about Segolene Royal explains the French political scene:
‘Socialists’, ‘Mainstream Right’ & ‘Extreme Right’
“At University I thought Marxism was the Way, the Truth and the Life”
Giles Fraser, Anglican priest and regular contibutor to Thought for Today.
I am underwhelmed with surprise.
This morning Comrade Reverend Fraser dealt with religious fundamentalism in our universities. A recent report identified certain universities as being particularly at risk from Islamic fundamentalist infiltration. However Fraser does the usual trick of pretending that Christian and Jewish “fundamentalism” is an equal threat and so lumping them together with fundametalist Islam in a way that multiculturalists would approve of. He also pretends that the radical outlook of 1960s students was a similar threat (it was in a way that Beeboids don’t realise)and that it all goes to show that students have always been a bit like that, so no need to worry. Hmm, tell that to the victims of 7/7, or to Jewish students who are made to feel a little, shall we say, uncomfortable for being Jewish at universities.
Milton Friedman dies, Beeboids not sure how to react.
One can imagine the news editorial room at the BBC with much heartsearching over this – was he evil or very evil?
Or as Montaquinn asked this morning in relation to Friedman’s theories, “Did Thatcher and Reagan go too far?”
Today programme 7.50 approx. Cricket lovely cricket!
The Arts council have stumped up 7 grand to send a cricket poet to Australia to write short ditties about the game.
Man of the people John Humphrys gets indignant – waste of taxpayers money and all that – but is caught out when poet reveals he is also writing poetry for BBC Derby. Humphrys suddenly goes quiet as clearly the funding is no longer a waste of taxpayer’s money.
On to the poems, and we get a sort of Benjamin Zephaniah with pads and a box. Multicultural nonsense lauding Pakistani fans (clearly not the ones who were happily scrapping with white youths at a Headingley Test I saw twenty years ago). But the obligatory mention of Lebanon and Iraq. How wonderful, and paid for by idiots like you and me.
“Benjamin Zephaniah with pads and a box”
not bias but hopelessly dumbed-down and inappropriate
My radio cuts in for a traffic report from BBC 3 Counties Radio – after the report (they always take too long to switch off the traffic alert override) the DJ starts jabbering away and says (8.45am) that his friend says that “everyone who works in radio is an arse”.
More milk, little Johnny? What did the man say?
perfideous | 16.11.06 – 10:50 pm
“Milton Friedman died today.
What unbiased organisation could begin it’s obit with an accusation of him causing mass unemployment?”
The BBC doesn’t begin its obit with that. It begins its obit:
“The American economist, Professor Milton Friedman, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976, has been called the high priest of monetarism.
His death marks the passing of a giant in the world of economics whose approach to deregulation and free markets have become the centrepiece of economic policy across the world. ”
It goes on to say:
his belief in markets, and his critique of the attempts by governments to control unemployment by spending more money, have endured.
and adds:
Professor Friedman became widely known as a broadcaster and as a kind of instant oracle on the economic ills of many countries.
He presented a BBC television series in 1980…..
Professor Friedman was an impressive television performer.
He could speak off the cuff for an hour at a stretch with devastating fluency.
It was said that he never lost an argument.
His great talent was in seeming to make a complicated theory simple, and the conviction he showed could be very persuasive.
Only a B-BBC commenter could believe the BBC had done a ‘hatchet job’ with the Friedman obit.
John Reith, for once I agree with you. The Friedman obit I heard on the radio seemed extremely fair.
btw, any chance of answering the question about your access to BBC databases? Your silence is deafening.
D Burbage | 17.11.06 – 12:17 pm
John Reith:
D Burbage | 17.11.06 – 12:17 pm
John Reith | 17.11.06 – 12:42 pm | #
JR – Why so shy?
Milton Friedman piece on Today Program
with which I can find no fault.
Is the BBC changing?
If it is we ought to acknowledge the change or risk becoming a parody.
John Reith – who are the six BNPers who post comments here?
I watched Question Time last night and it was so much more interesting for not having the same tired lefty lib/lab types as the entire panel. I did notice that the main point of the issue raised by the Griffin trial and acquittal was entirely, and probably deliberately, missed: what if Griffin is right? Any answers?
Ritter asks:
“JR – Why so shy?”
It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? Whoever was wearing the ‘John Reith’ mask that day dropped a monumental clanger. S/he revealed access to BBC information and resources far beyond that of either the average feelancer or staff member working in her/his own time to defend her/his masters.
That and the attempt to smear B-BBC with BNP infiltration have just about destroyed any credibility the ‘John Reith’ persona may have had.
All the same, I do happen to agree with ‘him’ about the Friedman obit, which was far more balanced than one might have expected.
But I suspect that came about because the corporation is being very careful at present. As recent revelations have show, even the Islingtonites at the top of the dung heap have realised the natives are getting restless.
Anonymous | 17.11.06 – 1:07 pm |
Over on another thread I’ve just reminded JimBob of his comment from a couple of weeks ago where he pledged his vote to the Nazties.
I recall two others (at least) have done the same.
It’ll all come out in the wash.
I couldn’t find anything wrong with the Friedman obituary; it’s comprehensive and fair.
OTOH, Google in collusion with BBC news website don’t seem to like him very much.
GCooper | 17.11.06 – 1:16 pm
“far beyond that of either the average feelancer or staff member ”
The BBC Radio archive is open for any member of the public to consult at a library.
The entity known as ‘John Reith’ writes:
“I recall two others (at least) have done the same.
It’ll all come out in the wash.”
Which is a far cry from your wild allegation that there are five or six BNP members who regularly contribute here, isn’t it?
I think the prescribed ZaNuLabour formula is to wave your hands and talk about ‘moving on’ when you make a mistake of that proportion, isn’t it?
It’s what scoundrels do instead of apologising, when an attempted smear backfires.
‘John Reith’ writes:
The BBC Radio archive is open for any member of the public to consult at a library.”
Sure it is. And you seriously expect us to believe that is how you arrived at the dates and times of the pieces you dredged-up in an attempt to support your position?
If it is as easy as you now claim, why the reluctance to say so when you were pressed, time and time again, to explain? Your innate shyness and modesty, perhaps?
Priceless, indeed!
So the slur that 5-6 contributors to this site are members of the BNP becomes one identified person who says he might vote for the BNP and possibly 2 others who said the same.
JR obviously believes that all thos who vote NuLabour are members of the Labour Party. Brilliant
Back to business. I posted here yesterday on how the BBC de-personlises the victims of Palestinian terror in order to avoid encouraging sympathy for the Zionists. It is also the case that the brightest of lights is shone when Palestinians suffer. Right on cue:
Tears and blame amid Gaza’s dead
Last Updated: Thursday, 16 November 2006, 19:51 GMT
The 17 members of a Palestinian family killed by Israeli shell fire in Gaza were buried a week ago ….. One young man, Ibrahim al-Athamna, seemed to have a need to give a terrible, detailed account of what had happened. His words came in an angry rush. “Our life has become a hell – a hell, a hell. They killed our fathers, sons, daughters, mothers. We are orphans,” he said. “My wife was hit in the chest and the bones broke. She saw the whole scene in front of her. She saw her cousins and uncles cut into pieces. “My cousin Rami has a daughter of six months old. She was cut into pieces. They had to collect her body pieces and put them in a plastic bag. I couldn’t recognise her. “She was thrown from the fourth floor to the ground. God can’t accept that. “Where is the international community? What are they waiting for? Every day we are dying.” Around the fire there was seething anger at the United States for its veto of a resolution at the United Nations that would have condemned Israel for the civilian deaths. A young man with a child in his arms said he had learnt English so that he could communicate with Westerners, but that now he hated himself for having made the effort. A doctor, called Ali, was calmer. But he said that he was too depressed to return to work. “I hate life here. I hope to emigrate to anywhere in the world. This is not a life. Our suffering was too much,” he said. “The main problem is the occupation. If we don’t have a state how can we live, make a future for our children? That is our problem. We are a people without a state.”
Now while I don’t doubt the need of these people to give a ‘terrible, detailed account of what had happened’, I’m sure plenty of Israelis have felt the same need when they’ve seen their loved ones, friends and compatriots blown to pieces in front of their eyes. The differentce is that the BBC is never on hand to bear witness to Jewish suffering.
I forgot to add: that piece above contains another yet another tacit defence of Palestinian terror aminating from Gaza:
Israel says that its continual military pressure on Gaza is an effort to stop militants here firing rockets every day into nearby Israeli towns and villages. These are crudely-made devices that often cause panic and injury. They rarely kill, but one did on Wednesday.
Over on another thread I’ve just reminded JimBob of his comment from a couple of weeks ago where he pledged his vote to the Nazties.
I recall two others (at least) have done the same.
It’ll all come out in the wash.
Strikes me that you are struggling to back up your assertion about 5 – 6 BNPers posting here.
Backup or withdraw your claim.
John Archer I recall pledged his vote to the BNP (not sure whether he’s paid his subs) on the extremely amusing grounds amongst others that they’ve got Jewish people in them now so they must be ok. Last I heard there were Jewish people in Belmarsh, the Emirates Stadium, and Birmingham and I have to say that I’ve still no great desire to visit those places.
Last I heard there were Jewish people in Belmarsh, the Emirates Stadium, and Birmingham and I have to say that I’ve still no great desire to visit those places.
I can’t speak for Belmarsh or Birmingham, but we most certainly do not let any old riff-raff into the Emirates Stadium, so count yourself excluded anyway!
In other news, Arbeit Matt Frei seems to have picked his man for the Big One in 2008:
So, if you’re Sen Barack Obama, and you only have two years of Senate experience under your belt, the obvious advice would be: Run, Obama, run!
At the same time as appearing to make up stories:
Matt Frei:
Forget America’s notoriously low turnout – this year saw a bumper crop of voters bloated by popular anger with the Bush administration.
Voter turnout was more than 40 percent this year, slightly higher than in the last midterm election, according to the nonpartisan Center for the Study of the American Electorate at American University ….. The national figure of slightly over 40 percent turnout this year compares with 39.7 percent in the last midterm in 2002.
WASHINGTON: A preliminary analysis shows voter turnout on Tuesday was about the same as in the last midterm congressional election, around 40 percent, says Curtis Gans, director of the nonpartisan Center for the Study of the American Electorate at American University.
Pete_London writes:
“At the same time as appearing to make up stories:”
What’s really impressive about Frei is his ability to hang onto his job. Nothing else. Just that.
Compare and contrast…
David Loyn at the BBC…
“Mr Dhari is an Iraqi nationalist who is opposed to any co-operation with America and is also against government proposals to give an amnesty to anyone who gives up the insurgency.”
Omar at IraqtheModel
“If you’re not familiar with the name, al-Dhari and his organization are the only party that totally rejected the political process, never denounced Saddam’s regime, explicitly praised al-Qaeda and is believed to be responsible for sponsoring a great deal of the activity of terror groups and insurgents loyal to the Ba’ath regime.”
Both reports come out of Baghdad, but happen to be a million miles apart…
The BBC and half a story;
Somali curfew after khat protests
The Islamist group which controls Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, has imposed a curfew after protests over restrictions on the stimulant khat. Eyewitnesses say one person was shot dead by Islamist fighters on Thursday.
I see the BBC hide the fact that the person shot dead was a 13 year old boy as well as that the death toll has risen to two.
But what gets my goat is this propaganda message from the BBC about its Islamist friends;
But according to the Union of Islamic Courts’ website, Kenya’s flight ban has seen mosque attendance rise at prayer times.
Err BBC that may be because of this;
Since seizing Mogadishu in June, the Islamists have expanded their territory to include most of southern and central Somalia where they have imposed strict Sharia law, banning numerous popular pastimes and entertainments. In addition to prohibiting khat, they have banned tobacco smoking in the southern port of Kismayo as well as live music, cinema halls and photo shops in most areas they control with varying degrees of enforcement.
But how does the BBC report on the above;
“In some parts of the country, Islamists have been closing public cinemas and, according to some residents, enforcing strict dress codes.”
The BBC and half a story.
I JR posting from the bbc network?
No U-turn
“Just to set the record right, there has been no change in BBC policy with regard to paying for user generated content.
The “shock” headline on the Media Guardian yesterday suggesting the BBC had done a U-turn on its policy and was now set to pay for all this content coming in from members of the public to our TV, radio and online services is just not right. But I suppose a story saying the BBC had published guidelines for its journalists repeating existing policy in one area is not quite as attractive.
We do not in normal circumstances pay for user generated content. Nearly all the content we receive comes without a request for payment and is sent for entirely different reasons than making a profit. This includes the hundreds of pictures and videos we are sent each week – from pictures of people’s travels all over the world to local news events like fires, crashes and demonstrations.
Of course it includes dramatic pictures of events like Buncefield and 7 July too. If we did get a unique piece of news content, as an example, Concorde crashing, we would under our normal newsgathering criteria pay for that. We’ve always done that and continue to do so.
As a publicly funded organisation we are in a different position from the other media organisations asking for this content – would those who pay for our services be happy for us to give £100 each to each person who takes a picture for Your perspective on the world, when people are happy to send them for free? We showcase hundreds of pictures from the public a week (mainly online but also on News 24 on occasion) and hundreds of thousands of people see them. For those who send and those who view, it’s a process which doesn’t have to involve money.
Vicky Taylor is editor of Interactivity”
Hmmm. Might send em a couple of pics of me and the wife on holiday. Price? £131.50
Or, might boot up Photoshop and paste the head of Bush onto a pig, send it in to the Beeb. Price? £131.50
Think they’ll pay up?
Interesting article at American Thinker…
Auntie Beeb, anti-Israel?
November 17th, 2006
“While I might prefer the BBC to own up to what Monty Python’s Cleese would call the “bleedin’ obvious” • its ideological ‘values-bias’, as the Balen Report may help to confirm beyond doubt • what I truly resent, as a Brit taxpayer, is being legally bound to subsidise ideologically left-biased ‘public service’ broadcasting • and, by nauseating extension, its iniquitous anti-semitic propaganda.”
has anybody been able to listen to this week’s moral maze, with BNP’s griffen, yet?
seems to be unavailable… wondered if thats the same for everybody… or has it been sabotaged as usually happens with the (D)HYS topics that dont fit in with the beeboids agenda.
Not so much biased, more ‘shit’ really:
BBC Children in Need Appeal
Join Terry Wogan, Fearne Cotton and Natasha Kaplinsky, as well as a whole host of celebrities, for a night of fundraising on Friday 17 November. Read on to discover the star-studded line-up…
The heart sinks. Alternatively, you can sod off down the pub and give this crap a miss.
7pm • 7.30pm
McFly kick things off, then the apprentices from Celebrity Scissorhands are waiting in the wings to pamper and primp a host of stars including the cast of Hollyoaks, who’ll be performing a classic song.
Who or what are celebrity scissorhands?
8pm • 8.30pm
After a UK-wide search to find the new voice of the speaking clock, the winner is finally revealed.
I reckon it’ll be read out in Urdu.
9pm • 9.30pm
Kim and Aggie hit the road with Status Quo in How Clean Is Your Gig?
WTF? There are times when my decision not to pay the TV Tax looks like the best thing I ever did.
“Last I heard there were Jewish people in Belmarsh, the Emirates Stadium, and Birmingham”
What a slur on HMP Belmarsh!