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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Part 2
Somali regions in Kenya and Ethiopia should be part of Somalia, says Somali Islamic leader
MOGADISHU, Somalia: Somalia’s Islamic leader wants the Somali regions of Kenya and Ethiopia to be part of Somalia, he said in a radio interview, reviving the idea of a “Greater Somalia,” which caused tensions in the 1970s and was a cause of the war with Ethiopia.
Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, chairman of the Council of Islamic Courts, told Shabelle Radio in a live call-in interview late Friday that his group will work to unite Somali peoples, but he did not say how they proposed to achieve what he referred to as “Greater Somalia.”
3 Palestinians arrested with shotguns
Three Palestinians attempted to smuggle two shotguns and equipment used to manufacture explosive devices through an IDF roadblock southwest of Hebron Sunday afternoon. The weapons and equipment had been concealed in their vehicle and uncovered by IDF soldiers securing the roadblock.,7340,L-3330032,00.html
Palestinian arms race drives up cost of guns
NABLUS, West Bank — An arms race by rival Palestinian militants has nearly doubled the price of guns in anticipation that fighting in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and Fatah militias will spread to the West Bank.
I listened the Moral Maze during the week but I missed Nick Griffin’s moments – which I then heard through the link posted here. And from the Brussels Journal link previously posted, Fjordman wrote:
“The Islamic practice of beheading dates back to Muhammad and his companions, who massacred hundreds of Jews of the Banu Qurayza tribe in Medina, dumped their bodies in a ditch and sold their women and children as slaves. This is not a “distortion” of Islamic teachings; it was done by the founder of the religion, who later had sex with one of the women who had just watched her husband being murdered that very same night. Exactly how does this compare with the example of Jesus?”
The above is true, so Griffin’s statement for which he was tried, was essentially correct. His absurd posiiton on repatriation would be resolved if he (Griffin) were to state simply that adherents of ideologies whose central tenets are completely incompatible with western norms will be repatriated to lands compatible with their beliefs, and those expelled would include indigenous converts.
“The U.S. needs to give up the fiction
that Baghdad can save itself”
“Maybe it’s time to bypass the lame Iraqi military and the lamer Iraqi government and do the damn job ourselves. Let’s go in with massive force – 100,000 extra troops – and flatten the resistance and sectarian killers once and for all. Let’s crush the bastards and be done with it”.
The BBC and ‘Not the 9 o/clock news.’
Muslim leader sent funds to Irving
Isn’t Asghar Bukhari a favourite son of BBC2s Newsnight? He is nearly always invited along to debate- this would explain why it isn’t news. Presumably it brings into question their “impartial” vetting procedures and so called objective balancing acts, how often should we invite Hizb ut-Tahrir, etc.
In Afghanistan British troops are still using canvas top Landrovers:
“The senior Army officer who will command British troops in Afghanistan next year is embroiled in a furious row with the Ministry of Defence after learning he will be denied vital armour to protect his men”
Did anybody catch the Today programme a few days ago and listen to Sarah Montague’s
“So is the white working-class the new underclass” report?
Although it was introduced in the context of the Conservatives report via the Centre for Social Justice, I’m sure it was an attempt by the BBC to get back at the brilliant article earlier in the week(Wed) by Leo McKinstry published in the Telegraph In defence of the white working class
Given they do read the newspapers, the response McKinstry got (also on this blog) should have been enough to invite him on to the Today programme. But guess who they invited along with Philippa Stroud, Director of the Centre for Social Justice? Well, none other than David Nellis, the former MP for Coventry who was found to be a Marxist using the trusted tactic of entryism. Nellis, now leader of the Socialist group in Coventry, was expelled from the party by Neil Kinnock. You can guess in which direction it went. Why does the BBC set out to distort the interpretation of news so, inviting somebody like Nellis is a scandal.
John Reith, sorry in the lateness of my reply but I’ve only just noticed Over on another thread I’ve just reminded JimBob of his comment from a couple of weeks ago where he pledged his vote blah blah blah.
Can I ask why you didn’t put a link in to the other thread as you usually do? And can I ask why you didn’t reply to me on the other thread?
Is it perhaps because you were made to look a sanctimonious, arrogant fool?
The nazi/naztie thing is really rather puerile.
In the past I have voted for Labour and for the Conservatives, I’ve never voted for the BNP but if I did, which I probably will if the main parties continue to ignore my views (it’s called a protest vote), will I always be a naztie (so good that one!) or do you think I could find redemption?
And if the BNP were banned and the nazties (brilliant!) who would have voted for them then had to vote for your party, would they still be nazties (genius!) or would they suddenly become astute, robust, dependable members of society like yourself?
By the way, I’m not a BNP member, I don’t have a skinhead, any tattoos, I don’t have a criminal record and my BMI is normal. I also have a fairly good education so I don’t need to be reminded about previous posts.
I’ll look for your reply on another thread shall I?
Excellent piece of television tonight on TF1 the French channel about Somalia.
Well researched, very hard hitting and extremely critical of Islam.
The kind of documentary that would never see the light of day on al Beeb.
(and not just because it was in French!)
Holocaust archive tells many new stories:
John writes:
“I listened to the repeat last night of The Moral Maze, I thought one of the most revealing panellists was actuallyIan Hargreaves his BBC bigotry really came to the fore in his questioning, as well as his skittish characterisation of the bnp’s manifesto (ethnic cleansing, gas chambers)…”
Whether he knows it or not, Hargreaves made a complete and utter fool of himself. He sounded like a caricature of a 1970s student radical, or an SWP yob out on a march.
If he is representative of the intellectual level of BBC management (and one has to assume he is) then heaven help us all. The BNP is possibly going to do extremely well if we are allowed another general election, with voters being driven into its arms by idiots like Hargreaves managing to make the party sound reasonable by comparison.
Anonymous writes:
“Holocaust archive tells many new stories:”
And this has to do with the BBC how?
It’s the off topic thread, isn’t it? 😛
Anonymous | 19.11.06 – 2:28 pm | #
Kos he’s a collaborator like most of the BBC journalists and their back-office editorial staff.
Waddles, has feathers, floats, quacks — methinks its a duck
(you don’t have to be an ornithologist to tell the difference between an eagle and a duck).
DennisTheMenace writes:
“Kos he’s a collaborator like most of the BBC journalists and their back-office editorial staff.”
What baffles me is the mentality behind a post like that. Commenters here are regularly accused of being Zionist stooges. If that is the case, does “anonymous” really think commenters here do not believe the Nazis murdered millions in cold blood, so need convincing?
Sometinmes, the liberal-Left’s ability to think itself into knots seems more like a disease than the result of a credible intellectual position.
Check the time reference of my post Mr. Anonymous (Troll/JR/Mr Minit etc. etc. etc.) before you unzip your fly’s; I was referring to this —
“Fresh from being embedded with the Taliban, al-Beeb’s David Loyn goes to the heartland of Sunni opposition to the Americans:…ast/6162442.stm
This guy seems to be able to operate in the most anti-western parts of the Islamic world – I wonder why it is so easy for him?”
Nuffink to do with the Holocaust etc, — now please have a nice cup of horlicks and go to bed ‘like a good likkle boy’ for some much needed sleepy-byes.
(and one has to assume he is)
I think so, as former Director of BBC News and Current Affairs it really is a rather sad intellectual advert for political awareness.I suppose we ought to put it up there alongside John Humphry’s demonstration of his profound knowledge of theology last week in his interview with Rabbi Jonathan Sachs.
Dumber & dumber. BBC what we do
Go on – guess the religion of the chap who gets a whole breakfast programme to himself on Monday on 5 Live.
Methodist? Jain? Agnostic? Shinto?
Has anyone audited the completely disproportionate volume, let alone the grossly simpering tone of most of these programmes about the Religion of Peace?
Silly me. It’s Islam Awareness Week:
Should children be taught to love their country?
Most recommended:
The BBC asks “? Should nationalism be instilled in children, or is it more important to teach other values such as respect and tolerance?”
The wording of the question tells us so much about the political leanings of the people that run this forum. They use the word “or” implying that you can’t be patriotic and tolerant as well. They ask the question while at the same time soliciting the answer they want to publish!
George Graham, Manchester
Recommended by 91 people
Joe quotes:
Should children be taught to love their country?”
That response from George Graham was absolutely spot-on!
And yet this baffles me. For all the sparkling examples amassed here, day after day, we still have visitors (not to mention one or two regulars) who claim there is not a scrap of evidence of the BBC’s liberal-left bias!
None so blind…
The theme for Islam Awareness Week 2006 is ‘One World’.
A “one world” that is solely Islam by any chance?
as well as addressing the universal concerns of the environment
Good to see the Beeb crowbar-ing the green message in here too!
Newsround has already had it’s Islam week:
Newsround Special: Islam
and here’s how the BBC dealt with the complaints of bias:
Should Newsround have Islam Week?
“Why is Newsround staging an Islam Week? Does it show a lack of balance, as some viewers have suggested? Newsround’s editor explains the reasons behind his decision.”
“This year, Newsround is also planning an Africa week and a China week.”
Uh huh, they would both be Countries, not religions?
“Will Christian and Sikh week be next, some viewers have asked?
Newsround would also feature programmes on another religion, if that religion had been reported on a lot in the news over a long period of time.”
So, that would be ‘no’ then.
The BBC and half a story;
Storm over ‘pig-for-name’ artist
Hornsleth says the villagers back his campaign
A Ugandan minister has condemned a Danish artist as “racist” for persuading villagers to adopt his name in exchange for a pig or a goat. The criticism comes as an exhibition of Kristian Von Hornsleth’s photos from the village of Buteyongera opens in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Hornsleth, however, says he is trying to help the villagers by highlighting the failure of international aid. The exhibition is called: “We want to help you, but we want to own you.” “We are mirroring things which are happening at a higher level – how we treat each other, the Western world and Africa.”
Hornsleth says the Ugandan villagers are aware that they are making a statement and denies exploiting them to gain publicity for his exhibition.
So the BBC concentrates on allegations of Racist behaviour from a white to a non white in which to tell its tale.
Here is how Reuters tells the very same tale;
BUTEYONGERA, Uganda (Reuters) – A Danish artist has stirred up controversy by giving Ugandan villagers free goats, sheep and pigs — but on condition that they adopt his name. Kristian von Hornsleth says his aim is to highlight the perils of tied aid in Africa, but his project has already been denounced by a Ugandan minister as “evil and satanic”.
Hornsleth launched an exhibition in Copenhagen on Friday of the project. The 108 photos of people holding up their new “identity cards” in the red, yellow and black of Uganda’s flag with the name “Hornsleth” are meant to comment on conditions Western donors attach to aid.
“It’s a remark about hypocrisy, about Western and Third World relations,” Hornsleth told Reuters.
Oh and that statement from the BBC right at the end;
Hornsleth says the Ugandan villagers are aware that they are making a statement and denies exploiting them to gain publicity for his exhibition.
Here’s how aware they really are on the subject;
George Sabadu Hornsleth is grateful for the pig he got.
“I never had a pig, I was jobless apart from some land,” the 46 year-old said.
“Africans adopting European names for gifts — that’s nothing new. We’ve been doing that since colonial times. Why do you think I’m called George?”
Hornsleth said approaching subjects was easy.
“They said to me: ‘We get a pig? Great’,” he said. “So I explained the exhibition. They said ‘yeah, yeah, yeah, but give me the pig. We’re poor.”
“We don’t care about his idea, the art, we care about the benefits,” said David Sendulya Hornsleth, 29. “We can have a hundred new names if each brings us further out of poverty.”
The BBC and half the story…
Here’s an interesting topic that I guess won’t be being reported by the BBC any time soon. It concerns a new method for shale oil processing that will have a major impact on the dynamics of the global oil market and fuel supply.
Main points •
1. Synthetic Oil at 17 USD a barrel.
2. Cleaner more environmentally friendly process.
3. Actually recycles/uses up conventional crude oil waste products.
4. Up and running in 3 • 5 years.
5. Eliminate dependency on current crude oil supplies and suppliers (for those countries with large oil shale/sand deposits • e.g. the US, Canada, Israel).
6. Tee Hee, its an Israeli developed and patented process (they’ll probably be choosy with whom they share their little secret, I suppose).
Dunno what those guys in the Middle east, Venezuela and SE Asia are going to do with their oil now —– Boo, Hoo!
I suppose they can sell it all to the French, Spanish and Italians for one, but they are sure gonna miss that North American market. I foresee a large second hand market in used Luxury Yachts, Lear Jets, Rolls Royce’s and Ferrari’s.
To paraphrase Marie Antoinette “Let them drink their oil”.
Allah sure works “in strange and wonderful ways his mysteries to perform”.
Always slow on the uptake, It has just occoured to me that Sunday AM stands for “Sunday Andrew Marx”
Very Clever that but watch Marx (the BBC Relativist in Chief) equate Scientology with that well known and Peacefull Religion, Islam.
In Islington see, they`re all just the same these religious nutters! Tsk, Tsk.
“Very Clever that but watch Marx (the BBC Relativist in Chief) equate Scientology with that well known and Peacefull Religion, Islam.
In Islington see, they`re all just the same these religious nutters! Tsk, Tsk.”
Well Mohammed married a 6 year old, and L Ron Hubbard was rumoured to be a child molester, plus they both answer criticism with threats (violence and suing respectively) so maybe they’re not so different after all
Naughtie on this morning’s Today with this year’s most unnecessary comment:
“Let’s not get bogged down in the details of the Falklands”
Indeed they do not, as Naughtie, Simon Jenkins and others move swiftly on to instead get bogged down in denouncing the invasion of Iraq.
Last night the World Service was wall-to-wall reporting of Human Rights Watch’s report into the trial of Saddam.
At the time the BBC Online headline was that the trial had been “declared” unjust. “Declared” (To make known formally or officially) as if HRW was more than a pressure group.
BBC Online have now rowed back a bit, they even resort to quotation marks
Saddam trial ‘flawed and unsound’
But the BBC love it, don’t they? Any story seeking to undermine our efforts in Iraq & Afghanistan is given max coverage.
“I listened to the repeat last night of The Moral Maze, I thought one of the most revealing panellists was actually Ian Hargreaves his BBC bigotry really came to the fore in his questioning, as well as his skittish characterisation of the bnp’s manifesto (ethnic cleansing, gas chambers)”
john | 19.11.06 – 1:59 pm |
indeed – by using such emotive terms, Griffin ended up being the one appearing reasonable.
Pure logic and rationality can demolish any BNP argument – attributes that are clearly lacking in Hargreaves hysterical outbursts (they actually reminded me of the outbursts of Nazi era court judges…)
“Holocaust archive tells many new stories:
Anonymous | 19.11.06 – 7:03 pm |”
thanks for posting that. very interesting.
in an era of Islamofascist holocaust denial, that sort of thing needs to be out in the public domain – and digitised for the web as well.
try looking up info on Belzec, Treblinka etc – there’s actually not that much on the web in comparision with the realms of paper based evidence out there.
oops – heres the link
[Deleted – impersonation]
Edited By Siteowner
Is that post (JimBob 9.45pm) from you Mr Reith?
Not quite sure what it means. Are you trying to be me?
The impersonation is quite flattering though.
Pure logic and rationality can demolish any BNP argument – attributes that are clearly lacking
Hmm, i doubt it. They are opposed to multiculturalism and immigration, legitimate and balanced positions and viewpoints. That’s why they are demonised and avoided like the plague in terms of rational debate.