A link-rich article by Peter Glover in American Thinker was recommended by Ritter and Kulibar Tree.
Auntie Beeb, anti-Israel?
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A link-rich article by Peter Glover in American Thinker was recommended by Ritter and Kulibar Tree.
Hi Natalie,
Many thanks for the name-check.
According to a Radio 4 programme I heard this week, discussing Al Jazeera’s new English service, the BBC and other Western media are actually biased towards Israel. Yes indeed, we’ve been wrong all along.
Did the conclude that program with a report on the sighting of flying pigs made recently by my grandmother, Mrs W Agon? She has wheels, you know…
Thanks. Interesting article. Perhaps B-BBC could have some kind of sidebar or thread exlusively devoted to the Balen Report and the BBC’s determination to put off the day of reckoning. Transparency for everyone else it seems, not them.
simo | 18.11.06 – 5:42 pm | #
and, as i’ve said on a previous thread, they spent your money to pay for the report, now they’re spending more of your money to keep you from reading it
A good example today:
“Human shield deters Israel strike
The Israelis have called off a planned air attack on a house in Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza after hundreds of Palestinians formed a human shield.
Mohammedweil Baroud said he was warned by Israeli forces to leave his home. He instead ran to a mosque and summoned neighbours to help defend the house.
Mr Baroud is a commander in the Popular Resistance Committees militant group.
The Israeli army often orders people out of homes ahead of attacks, saying it aims to avoid casualties.
A Hamas commander at the scene said people had gathered to show that the demolition strategy of the Israelis could be defeated.
Now you would have thought an honest Western reporter would show at least discomfort towards this use of human shields, which is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, but the BBC have not heard of this. For them it’s a heroic act of defiance:
“The BBC’s Alan Johnston in Gaza says it appears that an unprecedented act of defiance by the Palestinians to a particular Israeli tactic has worked.”
And so it continues in the same spirit. Read the whole unsavoury thing here:
The Israeli army often orders people out of homes ahead of attacks, saying it aims to avoid casualties.
Sums up BBC’s anti-Israeli bias quite nicely.
The Israeli army often orders people out of homes ahead of attacks, to avoid casualties. is how this sentence should have been written by a competent journalist.
this has made the front page of digg.com
all thanks to Al Beeb.
and look at the number 2 most downloaded item in the internet movie archive (right hand side).
Thank al beeb again.
Completely off tangent, apologies.
This story in todays Australian
http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,20758306-32522,00.html by Janet Albrechtsen on Bangladeshi Journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury.
A Google search turns up http://www.freechoudhury.com/ at the top of the list.
A search on BBBC …………………….nada.
Very peculiar since this story ticks all the boxes……..doesnt it?
Here’s an interesting topic that I guess won’t be being reported by the BBC any time soon. It concerns a new method for shale oil processing that will have a major impact on the dynamics of the global oil market and fuel supply.
Main points •
1. Synthetic Oil at 17 USD a barrel.
2. Cleaner more environmentally friendly process.
3. Actually recycles/uses up conventional crude oil waste products.
4. Up and running in 3 • 5 years.
5. Eliminate dependency on current crude oil supplies and suppliers (for those countries with large oil shale/sand deposits • e.g. the US, Canada, Israel).
6. Tee Hee, its an Israeli developed and patented process (they’ll probably be choosy with whom they share their little secret, I suppose).
Dunno what those guys in the Middle east, Venezuela and SE Asia are going to do with their oil now —– Boo, Hoo!
I suppose they can sell it all to the French, Spanish and Italians for one, but they are sure gonna miss that North American market. I foresee a large second hand market in used Luxury Yachts, Lear Jets, Rolls Royce’s and Ferrari’s.
To paraphrase Marie Antoinette “Let them drink their oil”.
Allah sure works “in strange and wonderful ways his mysteries to perform”.
Follow up to my previous post, now Kofi Annan, the UN and the BBC will blame Israel as a primary cause of global warming/climate change. And why not? They’re an easy target and already deemed responsible for almost everything else thats wrong with the world
Allah sure works “in strange and wonderful ways his mysteries to perform”.
DennisTheMenace | 20.11.06 – 12:16 am | #
this is probably off-topic off-topic (sic), but i think i can take advantage of your biblical rewrite, dennis, to query (challenge?) something i’ve read/heard repeatedly: to wit: that allah is not the name of an arabian and/or pagan god, but rather simply the arabic word for “God”. now, if this is so, and i have absolutely no idea one way or tother, does that not mean that the islamic slogan that says “there is but one god, allah, and ….. is his prophet” could actually be translated as “there is but one allah, allah, (or one God, God) and … is his prophet”?
if there are any arabic speakers out there, i’d be most interested to know.
Would al-beeb ever do a positive story about Israel or people in favour of the place? You don’t have to respond. There are Arabs who like Israel! Shh! Don’t tell the bbc to go here:
Mmmh, Traces of Plutonium and enriched Uranium in Iran and now a possible nuclear fuse?
Oh well, I guess we’ll all just have to wait and see, won’t we.
Wouldn’t it be ironic if the 1st one to go off is in Moscow, courtesy of the Chechyn “rebels”.