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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Prince of Wales new web site
“The Israelis could do that all day (if they could stop laughing for long enough).
gordon-bennett | 21.11.06 – 1:02 pm”
theres a thought – and no casualties either! just keep phoning them up as the “march of penguins” waddles from one house to another.
would keep Hamas tied up in knots for months…
” Anonymous | 21.11.06 – 1:25 pm |”
errr. gee thanks…
And they could do the same with Hizballah in Lebanon…
George Orwell once wrote of the
“deep, deep sleep of England, from which I sometimes fear that we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs.”
On 7/7, we heard the roar of bombs in London. I sometimes worry that the deep, deep sleep that Orwell described in the 1930s is still here in relation to Islamism in sections of the Government, parts of the political and media establishment, the House and the country. This is one of the most urgent problems facing us, and if we are in that deep, deep sleep, it is time for all of us to wake up.
I can’t help thinking back to how the BBC treated another infamous denier not so long ago.
But hold on, Alexander Litvinenko, who claims that the Russian FSB were behind September 11th now claims they are poisoning him ! Of course they are! If that is what you believe Alexander! And his mate Oleg Gordievsky writes in today’s Telegraph:
“Mr Putin is eliminating his opponents with the same determination displayed by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s”
Yes, clearly Oleg, the same determination! And these are somehow credible voices to be interviewed. I’ve lost count how many times thay have made room for Gordievsky on BBC News 24, C4, etc. etc.
As for accusing Putin directly of authorising something as primitive as rat poison in something as yuppie as sushi, well, it does look like a contraction of fifties “spy-versus-spy” comic strip dramatics and slick twenty-first century spin, shot through with soap operatic angst. With a load of very fashionable conspiracy theory hysteria thrown in.
BBC dumber & dumber
George Orwell once wrote of the
From one (very quotable) great man to another….
Reagan made some profound statements that really strike a cord today:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We don’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
“History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap. To keep the peace, we and our allies must be strong enough to convince any potential aggressor that war could bring no benefit, only disaster.
Excellent item on today’s BBC News at 1pm-from Daniel Stanford? a practical demonstration of the power of the explosives that Abu Hamza used when he lost both his hands! It was like watching an interesting physics lesson. The way in which both the BBC journalist and scientist look at the hole in the metal and speculate what it would do to human flesh is astonishing for lunch-time TV.
I wonder if the BBC ministry of truth will now go back and change all those former reports where they say he lost them due to clearing mines? I never believed it for one moment! In fact I always suspected he was a petty thief and had both his hands amputated as punishment.
Ronald Reagen (pbuh) woke America from the decadant sleep of decades with the phrase its Morning in America and thus began the transformation of a society withered by the leftwing wrongheadedness from which we still suffer in England.
“Certainly DA or Reith wouldn’t be so judgemental when it comes to Mugabe”
Sure. Because individuals designated lefties by B-BBC have no moral compass, obviously.
Amazing perception: P_L knows I support Mugabe, some other clown knows what makes me laugh and yet another believes I want the wholesale massacre of jews.
Which sums up the empirical standards of the B-BBC commentariat nicely: heavy on strawmen, light on evidence.
You need to tutor your youthful stooge. Its taken him/her over three hours to come up with this feeble response, “heavy on strawmen, light on evidence”, but then again I suppose meedja studies ain’t rocket science is it.
In the meanwhile;
The Palestinian propaganda service in action:
‘It is widely accepted that under international law, the Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel are illegal.’
Filed under the bbc ‘in depth’ label. A misnomer by any stretch of the imagination.
Over three hours…..of course, the long lunches.
FFS, they’re broadcasting in Arabic now. Have they completely lost their minds?
Ana Asif (I’m sorry)
Peter Rippon 21 Nov 06, 01:29 PM
“We’ve upset the listeners again.
On Broadcasting House this week we wanted to pay homage to al-Jazeera’s new English-language network.
As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery we thought it would be nice to test an Arabic version of Radio Four. So we got Charlotte Green to present one of Radio Four’s more iconic fixtures in Arabic (you can listen here).
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the listener who found it ‘frightening’. I also apologise to the listener who found it too politically correct. That really was not the intention. Finally, I would like to apologise to the listener who thought they had gone mad when listening to it. You have not.
I have.
Peter Rippon is editor of PM and Broadcasting House”
Going by this, the BBC can’t be far off launching licence fee funded Al-BBC tv & radio channels in Arabic for UK muslims. Alluah Akbar!
ritter -> i really dont see the joke. is that supposed to be some sort of BBC “humour”???
ho ho ho… i’m laughing. not.
What did they do to pay homage to the launch of Fox News. I doubt they flattered it.
Fox News is only Diverse as regards to the fact it caters to the 50% of Americans the rest of the MSM miss.
Al-Jazeera caters to a religious group that is 2% of the population and 100% of recent terrorism. NOW that’s diverse.
While al beeb splits its sides over its arabic shipping forecast ‘joke’, Caroline Glick, writing in the Jerusalem Post, gives a sobering assessment of the real cost of kow towing to al-jazeera.
‘On Broadcasting House this week we wanted to pay homage to al-Jazeera’s new English-language network.’
Call it what you like, brown nosing, arse licking, whatever. This smacks of good old common sense when you’ve got one eye on your future job prospects.
The trouble is that impartial objectivity flies straight out of the window when mammon beckons. Are you there Rageh?
… and yet another believes I want the wholesale massacre of jews.
Which sums up the empirical standards of the B-BBC commentariat nicely: heavy on strawmen, light on evidence.
DifferentAnon | 21.11.06 – 2:57 pm |
I assume you’re referring to my comment here
In your previous comment you say:
“why no mention of the fact that human shields are against the Geneva Convention”
While that may be true, presumably the Geneva convention remains silent about human shields that are voluntary.
a) You doubted that it was in fact true (ie: contrary to the GC)
b) You presume what the GC may or may not say without having taken the trouble to read the pertinent parts of the GC.
Having had the hard evidence of the facts handed to you on a plate you still refuse to accept the basic argument that the “Palestinians” are in fact in breach of the most salient parts of the GC and the Laws & Customs of War.
Please let’s hear no more from you about straw men and arguments here being “light on evidence”.
Ritter: Reagan made some profound statements that really strike a cord today
Margaret Thatcher and the Revival of the West
A great stateswoman.
By Ronald Reagan
“Having had the hard evidence of the facts handed to you on a plate you still refuse to accept the basic argument that the “Palestinians” are in fact in breach of the most salient parts of the GC and the Laws & Customs of War.”
Let’s deal with these points in turn.
It’s not hard fact. Legal matters of this type rarely are. More below.
You’ve jumped from a technical disagreement on the GC to “Sorry to dissapoint you but Jews have every right to defend themselves.”
So there’s your strawman: a different reading of the GC apparently means I don’t believe Jews should be able to defend themselves.
I don’t care what your motives are for defending Israel’s right to target. They are, frankly, unimportant and irrelevant.
As it is, I concur on the technical point of the GC having read a related document from the Red Cross.
Funnily enough, given that I searched only on the use of human shields, it deals with the use of voluntary, and some not-so-voluntary uses of human shields by the IDF, in which it concludes that even voluntary ones are illegal under the GC. Note, Israel has argued that the voluntary nature of these shields is permitted. It has also been cited for several abuses of the GC with respect to human shields, which makes holier than thou rhetoric on Israel’s position moot.
Note also the point about validity of targeting sites with human shields is still disputed –
“Please let’s hear no more from you about straw men and arguments here being “light on evidence”.”
What, so you actually present some evidence and suddenly everyone gets carte blanche for strawmen?
Found a few threads back and something I have to share:
The very idea that,I,of all people am egocentric!!!!
All I do is give you all the benefit of a different view point, a few counter arguments, and general common sense. Since non of you take it on board is an indication of your entrenched biases.
DifferentAnon | 21.11.06 – 11:38 am | #
The benefit of wisdom from Morris minor of the lower fifth and his ‘yah boo sucks with knobs on’ style of debate.
jr this isn’t an alter ego is it?
‘As it is, I concur on the technical point of the GC having read a related document from the Red Cross.’
So you were wrong then! What a pompous young ass you are.
A sock puppet, I’m afraid, TPO.
Anon was me – ref TPO’s post of 5.53pm.
The comment you cite is a sock puppet. Interestingly, a comment JimBob made in another thread was spoofed as Reith later on.
Parents wake up….
Parents halt school mosque trip
“Parents have forced a school trip to a mosque to be abandoned because they did not want their children exposed to a religion that was not their own”.
Well, that’s one way of putting it. Hmm now, let me guess what religion that would be…..
“A class of 10-year-olds at Atwood Primary, Croydon, south London, were due to tour Croydon Mosque as part of their religious education lessons.
But a number of parents withdrew their support saying their children were too young to learn about other faiths.
Mr Clark said: “The withdrawal of a significant minority of pupils unfortunately made continuation of the visit unviable. This was done wholly on financial grounds.”
Of course, God forbit it should be done on any other grounds, like oh, i dunno, maybe parents not wanting their kids exposed to a fanatical death cult? As usual the BBC avoid the I or M word until the last para. Wouldn’t want to upset our masters would we?
and Holland seems to be wakening up too….
Dutch Muslims seek a fresh start
The Dutch are about to ban the Burqua. BBC manages to use the word ‘Alienation’ as a sub-heading. You can guess who that is in reference to.
As usual Al-BbC state as fact that Theo van Gogh and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are ‘hard liners’ who were ‘controversial’ How so? One was murdered for making a film, the other had to flee the country with death threats ringing round her.
Both legally criticised the beliefs of a death cult. In what way does that make either of them ‘hard line’ or ‘controversial’?
When was the last time Al-beeb ever described Islam as ‘hard line’ or ‘controversial’ for example with respect to treatment of women, homosexuals, or non-believers?
Let me think….. oh yes, never.
“Tensions over integration came to a head with the case of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born Muslim-turned-atheist MP, who advocated a hard line to bring Muslim communities into line with Dutch norms.
Theo van Gogh (left) and Ayaan Hirsi Ali provoked controversy”
Looks like some people might be wakening up to the dangers posed by ever increasing Islamic radicalism though….
I don’t care what your motives are for defending Israel’s right to target. They are, frankly, unimportant and irrelevant.
Indeed my motives are unimportant and irrelevant. What have my motives to do with any of this? Where have I talked about my motives, if indeed I have any? You are making false assumptions again.
As it is, I concur on the technical point of the GC having read a related document from the Red Cross.
i’m so very glad to hear that. Now please continue to debate based on reality and not how you think things should be.
Don’t assume the Geneva Conventions say this, that, or the other without some minimal knowledge of them.
BTW, is that the same neutral International Red Cross which won’t allow the Israelis to use the Red Mogan David as their symbol and have insisted they use a Red Diamond instead?
The cap fits, so does the sock.
Unfortunately I have to do other things now. Bye bye lamb chop.
The best part of that article is right at the beginning:
Mohammed Farjani says that since his arrival in the Netherlands 38 years ago he has wanted nothing more than to be integrated.
Living among many other Moroccan immigrants in Slotervaart, Amsterdam, he became concerned that the groups of dark-skinned youths sometimes congregating on street corners would intimidate native Dutch.
So, wanting nothing more than to integrate in Holland Mr Farjani lives in a Moroccan ghetto…
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in
one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”.
– George Orwell
“Where have I talked about my motives, if indeed I have any?”
That’s my point: you’ve been perfectly happy to discuss mine on precisely no information. I don’t care about yours.
“i’m so very glad to hear that. Now please continue to debate based on reality and not how you think things should be.”
Reality? A curious view of jurisprudence: the point’s still under debate by a considerable number of scholars, because, funnily enough, conventions written in 1949 weren’t prescient enough to cope with events 50 years later.
“BTW, is that the same neutral International Red Cross which won’t allow the Israelis to use the Red Mogan David as their symbol”
Yes. Since you are somewhat of a scholar of the Geneva Conventions, you’ll know that under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, member national societies of the ICRC are required to accept the “Ten Conditions for Recognition” including that they, “Use the name and emblem of the Red Cross or Red Crescent in conformity with the Geneva Conventions.”
I had to come back just for this.
CBBC on channel 617 “here come the rubba dubbas”
If you press the red button you can hear them in Arabic.
the onward encroachment of the state into peoples lives
now they want to look after your children.
tpo-> you can have your side order of Fireman Sam along with your main course of “the Jews are pigs and apes” Jihad
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at its core a conflict over land and in the West Bank property rights, BBC Jerusalem correspondent Crispin Thorold says.
Crispin Thorold is wrong.
Tell the truth about peace
It has been obvious at least since 2000, when Ehud Barak offered Yasser Arafat a state on a silver platter, that the Palestinians could have a state over almost all of the West Bank and all of Gaza whenever they wanted. The fight is not over the remaining narrow strips of land but over something much more fundamental, whether the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world are willing to give up their desire to destroy Israel itself.
… under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, member national societies of the ICRC are required to accept the “Ten Conditions for Recognition” including that they, “Use the name and emblem of the Red Cross or Red Crescent in conformity with the Geneva Conventions.”
Anonymous | 21.11.06 – 6:21 pm
Could that be because the modern state of Israel didn’t exist until 1948?
As You yourself, or one of your clones says, “conventions written in 1949 weren’t prescient enough to cope with events 50 years later.”
Armed robbery in broad daylight, with CCTV and several witnesses, but there’s something missing…
I think I’ve identified a suspect:
tpo-> you can have your side order of Fireman Sam along with your main course of “the Jews are pigs and apes” Jihad”
I take it a Yiddish version is out of the question then.
I may be an old git but I have a very young daughter (23 months) and there is no way on this earth that I am buying her a junior burka kit for Christmas. Possibly the divorced Barbie at £250. Why so expensive, because she comes with Ken’s house, Ken’s car and 50% of his pension.
The comment in another thread was spoofed as me I’m afraid as I pointed out in the following post.
You really are a sanctimonious oink.
You deliver things as fact, yet when you’re proven wrong you debase your own arguments by saying things like ‘It’s not hard fact. Legal matters of this type rarely are’ or ‘that’s just your opinion’ as if your opinion is gospel.
People, I implore you to ignore this cretin.
The BBC and half the story.
Lebanese Christian leader killed
“Pierre Gemayel, a leading anti-Syrian Lebanese minister and Maronite Christian leader, has been killed in the capital, Beirut. Mr Gemayel, 34, was shot in his car in a Christian suburb and rushed to hospital, where he died. His death comes amid a political crisis in Lebanon, following the resignation of six pro-Syrian cabinet members.
And again near the end of the story we have this;
“Six pro-Syrian ministers quit their jobs last week in an attempt to bring down the government after their calls for a greater role were rejected.
So is the BBC saying that the resignation of those 6 pro-Syrian cabinet members has something to do with the story?
Here’s how last Fridays Economist (sorry I can’t link into it without giving my access codes away)
“Hizbullah emerged bruised but politically strong from what it portrays as an American-orchestrated war. As a result, its demands for a bigger share of power have grown more strident. For a start it is threatening to foment street demonstrations unless March 14th grants the party and its allies a veto over cabinet decisions. The ruling coalition, made up of Sunni Muslim, Druze and some Christian parties, offered to give Hizbullah supporters more cabinet seats. But they balked at ceding the power to push through key projects, rejecting what the prime minister, Fouad Siniora, calls the tyranny of a minority…. Even as it denied these charges, Hizbullah and its allies pulled six ministers out of the cabinet, a move that handicaps Mr Siniora’s government by stripping it of Shia representation, and so opening it to charges of failing the constitutional duty to represent all 18 of Lebanon’s recognised sects.”
Funny how the BBC omits the story that those 6 MPs who resigned were not only Shia. But Hezbollah stool pigeons at that. But then the BBC has no problem remaining silent on the tyranny of a minority.
The BBC and half a story…
The BBC and half a story.
Worker jailed for a knife attack
A Lincolnshire farm worker who stabbed a man in the stomach with a vegetable knife has been jailed for 11 years. Nizar Mohammad Ali, 26, of Argyle Street, Boston, denied the attempted murder of Talib Karim, 22, a fellow Iraqi Kurd, in June.
Nothing about asylum seeker in the title. But at least he wasn’t a plumber…
And here’s how the local rag reports it;
Migrant worker stabbed in the stomach
Updated: Tuesday, November 14, 5pm: A MIGRANT worker needed life-saving surgery after he was stabbed in the stomach in an unprovoked attack, a court was told today (Tue)
The BBC and half a story
The BBC and HYS topics;
Pc murder accused ‘wants reward’
A man accused of the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky has told a court he believes he is entitled to a reward for helping police catch her killers.
I wonder if the BBC will start off a thread with;
Is it a crime that this man doesn’t get his reward?
bbc arabic , translated
thanks google.
now we have a way of keeping track of what the Beeboids are up to with the Jihadists.
The BBC and the reporting of a racist hate crime;
Murdered cabbie ‘payback victim’
A white teenage gang used racist language as they beat an Asian taxi driver to death, a jury has heard. Mohammad Parvaiz, 42, was lured down a cul-de-sac on the pretext of a fare and “ambushed”, Leeds Crown Court was told. He was hit with stones, dragged from his vehicle and beaten and kicked to death by six teenagers, it was said.
Michael Hand, 19, Graeme Slavin and Christopher Murphy, both 18, deny murder, as do three teenagers aged 16 and 17, who cannot be named. Mr Parvaiz, a father-of-three, suffered a fractured skull and jaw, broken ribs and brain damage during the assault on July 22 this year, the jury was told. Adrian Waterman QC, prosecuting He was pronounced dead in hospital.The Crown’s case is this was an attack motivated principally by revenge and payback prosecutingProsecuting, Adrian Waterman QC said: “During and after the attack the defendants displayed a racist attitude. “Mr Parvaiz is an Asian male. He was from Pakistan. Racist language was used, some very ugly racist language at that.
I don’t remember the BBC using the racist word once prior to the verdict on the Kriss Donald case, yet here the BBC uses the word three times?
And the trial as the BBC states at the end is still continuing
Biased reporting or what from the BBC.
The BBC and half a story;
Husband stabbed his wife 20 times
A Coventry man has pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of his wife who was stabbed 20 times in an alleyway near the city centre. Mohammed Islam, 30, from Lower Ford Street, admitted attacking his wife Nasima, 23, in a passage way near the city’s Pool Meadow bus station in June. Birmingham Crown Court heard Islam carried out the attack due to a dispute with his wife’s father over money.
So according to the BBC it was all about money?
Here is how the local rag reports the story;
Husband’s stab attack frenzy
. AN enraged husband stabbed his wife 20 times in a frenzied attack in Coventry city centre.People on their way to work watched in horror as the man went berserk near to Pool Meadow bus station. Details of the terrifying incident, which happened in the early morning rush hour on June 6, were revealed to a court yesterday when Mohammed Islam admitted attempted murder.The court heard that Islam had fallen out with his wife’s family. That morning he lay in wait for 23-year-old Nasima near to the bus station. As she walked along listening to her portable music player Nasima was unaware that Islam was approaching her with a kitchen knife.He plunged the knife at her saying she was going to die. She managed to defend herself from the first blow with her handbag, but couldn’t save herself as Islam repeatedly stabbed her.
One blow was so powerful that the blade of the knife broke under the force, the court was told. Islam then knelt on her back and reached around to cut her throat, causing a 5cm deep wound.Simon Phillips, prosecuting, said it had been a “frenzied” attack in which the victim sustained wounds to her back, arms, legs and throat.Some brave people nearby rushed to try to help the badly injured woman and Islam fled. He was captured by police, covered in blood, a short distance away.
At Coventry Crown Court yesterday 30-year-old Islam, of Lower Ford Street, Hillfields, admitted attempted murder.The court was told that he had rowed with his father-in-law over money and felt “dishonoured”.Philip Parker, in mitigation, said the couple were wed in an arranged marriage in Bangladesh five years before but their relationship deteriorated over time. Islam lived with his wife in her parents’ home but didn’t get on well with anyone in the house.He said Islam lived a “lonely, isolated miserable life”.
Did you read that folks it was in the middle of Coventry town centre in front of lots of people who rushed to help her. (The BBC says in an alleyway) he knelt on her back after he had stabbed her and tried unsuccessfully to cut her throat. (the BBC makes no mention of how savage the attack was) and it makes no attempt to say just where the murderous thug came from.
Err BBC why don’t you run a story about how Muslims love to express their dishonour with knives?
Anyone hear Jeremy “context” Bowen on PM? I think he tried a little too hard to convince us that Syria had no reason to murder Gemayel. “What is in it for them?” he opined. Well, at least he didn’t blame it on the Mossad.
The BBC and half the story..
Anybody here read the story about the replacement of the British Trident nuclear deterrent?
Trident decision ‘not yet taken’
A decision has not yet been taken on whether to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system, Lord Drayson has said.
Anybody notice how quick the BBC are in getting CND and Greenpeace to voice their objections;
“CND and Greenpeace claim increased activity at the Aldermaston research site show a new nuclear weapons programme is already underway.
“But CND chair Kate Hudson told the Commons defence committee activity at Aldermaston “suggests the decision to go ahead with a new generation of nuclear weapons has already been taken”.
“I wonder if the above CND Kate Hudson bitching about nukes is the same as this one”
“Iran has signed up to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a non-nuclear weapons state, pledging to maintain that status. Under the NPT, Iran is also entitled to develop ‘the applications of atomic energy for peaceful purposes’. In other words, it is entirely legitimate for Iran to develop nuclear power for civil purposes. Iran does have a nuclear power programme, as do many countries across the world, and is adamant that the programme is strictly peaceful.”
No wonder the BBC love to here the above berating the Brits and the Yanks. It appears that she also seems to think that the religion of peace can do no wrong.
Before any clone wish to try and trip me up read the following.
The BBC and half a story.
Evan Davis, BBC economics editor. Surely deserves the prize for most biased BBC reporter. On BBC24 just now; ‘Well of course nobody calculates how much the Olympics will cost until they win the bid. So its not that they got the sums wrong…’
Almost as fawning to Neue Arbeit as his ‘Well Browns £5bn/yr tax on pensions is a good thing because it will encourage people to save more for their old age’.
My how Blair and Co must chortle.
not bbc bias, but i thought i’d point it out ,regards the current lebanon situation.
newsnight are interviewing the lebanese social affairs minister right now.
Paxman says that she was too afraid to leave her house , so they go to her to interview her.
this is a minister we’re talking about.
god help them.
“Well of course nobody calculates how much the Olympics will cost until they win the bid. So its not that they got the sums wrong…”
so in other words, they lied to the Olympic committe.
“Err BBC why don’t you run a story about how Muslims love to express their dishonour with knives?
pounce | 21.11.06 – 8:19 pm |”
i had to re-read your local rag story twice , rubbed my eyes, and read it again, just to make sure i was a story from Coventry rather than Islamabad.
what hell is going on in our country?
lebanese minister interviewed by newsnight tonight
She’s a maronite christian.