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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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The BBC and how it promotes the British are intolerant line..
Viewing the religious
Religious freedom in this country is under threat – that’s the view of a coalition of organisations – including Muslims and Christians as well as trade unions and other groups all backed by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone. They are planning a rally in central London tonight calling for “an end to Islamaphobia” and “to defend freedoms of religion, thought and conscience”.
So the BBC sells the line that religious freedoms in this country are under threat.
Ok lets look into the above BBC promotion;
“Can a Muslim women in the Uk freely wear the burka?
They can’t in Turkey.
“Can Muslims practice their faith in the UK with no restrictions?”
Shia Muslims can’t in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia or most Sunni countries.
” Do Muslims have the same rights as Christians in the UK?”
Christians in Muslim countries don’t.
“Do Muslims in the UK (as do jews) have the right to kill their food in a totally barbaric way”
Christians don’t
“Does the British media shout out “Islamophobia” in the UK”
Does the British media ever shout Islamic intolerance towards non muslims in Islamic countries?
“Can a Muslim man have more than 1 wife in the Uk?”
Can a non-Muslim do the same ?
” Can a Muslim get away with issuing Death threats towards British people in the UK?”
Would a Non-Muslim be able to get away with doing the same towards Muslims in the UK?
But the statement that takes the biscut here is this one;
“So far on The World Tonight this has been generally been reflected obliquely in discussions we have had on such things as integration and multiculturalism”
Integration? The Brits have bent over backwards to accommodate those who wish to seek a new life in this country. You want a mosque, build a mosque. You want to prevent your wife from speaking English, you prevent her. You wish to force your kids to marry somebody you want from another country, you do so. People can come to the Uk and do as they please. In fact we’ll even pay them to do so. (Hell we’ll even pay them to bring over the rest of their clan)
Multiculturalism? Why in the Uk that doesn’t exist. We do have monoculturalism where the minority are allowed to dictate their ways onto the majority. And Allah help the person who objects.
Murder 56 people in the Uk and witness the government have the media speak out about Islamic fears of reprisals.
Murder a child in Scotland and witness the media speak out about Islamic fears of reprisals.
Get caught fighting against this country and witness the media speak about what a victim you were in Cuba.
Get caught planning a terrorist attack in the Uk and witness the media speak out about how you got tortured in Pakistan.
Ban pigs from school books and witness the media state that little Islamic children may get offended.
Ban free fruit (paid for by lottery money) for children and get the media sell the tale that Muslims may get offended by the use of gambling money.(doesn’t stop them buying the damn things)
The BBC and how only the non Islamic population of the Uk can be intolerant.
Evan Davis, BBC economics editor. Surely deserves the prize for most biased BBC reporter
Perhaps B-BBC should have an annual awards ceremony for prime examples of bias, contributors could vote for their favourites!
Two links that I should have posted above;
Free fruit;
Three little pigs
thanks pounce for that “free fruit” link.
i am living in wonderland. down the rabbit hole.
please wake us up when its over…
(trying my best right now not to go into a full rant swearing rant a la Devils Kitchen… but i know thats against the house rules on here)
“In the past nine days alone around 80 Palestinians have been killed. And altogether, close to 400 have died – many of them civilians – since the Israeli army intensified operations in late June.
Over the same period, on the Israeli side, there have been three deaths. They were all soldiers, and one of them was killed accidentally in friendly fire. ”
Oh really!!!
So this poor woman doesn’t count.
“A woman has been killed and one man injured in a Palestinian rocket attack on the southern Israeli town of Sderot.”
just a late night thought. is it conceivable that the early 21st century could see a 2nd mass (and i really do mean HUGE) migration from Europe to America.
strategically and politically this would benefit the U.S. – it would dampen the current “hispanic” influx scare over there. And secondly, it would add to the U.S economy enormously in term sof the imported brain power that is needed to go head to head with a future Chinese superpower.
I wouldnt be surprised if Dubya announces immigraton rules that are relaxed for Europeans in the coming years. Anyone else have thoughts etc on where this is all heading?
The Chris Evans Show
BBC Radio 2.
Background: Rupert Murdoch has purchased a significant amount of shares in ITV.
Business Reporter Rebecca Pike aka “The Fox” interviews Richard Branson about this transaction (Branson was basically outbid by Murdoch).
Branson is given uninterrupted airtime in order to beg for the Monopolies Commission or some such to intervene and stop Murdoch getting the shares because “he already has the power to influence elections in the UK and is a threat to our very Democracy” (I paraphrase). Also, they fear that the Murdoch Empire is becoming a Behemoth.
Neither Branson, nor Pike, nor Evans take the time or trouble to reveal that they are in fact reporting from Behemoth Central aka The BBC whose Bias and Labour Party friendly output is far more of a threat to Democracy than Murdoch could ever hope to be.
Note to the BBC: Murdoch does not fund his ambitions by sending the poor to prision as you continue to do.
BBC- As thick as a hessian sack full of blanched Marais Piper Potatoes.
BBC Ties Self in Knots to Avoid Noticing Hizballah Crimes
“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”.
– George Orwell
bbc news 24 – staggering reportage on the current lebanese crisis.
the conflict is CHRISTIAN VERUS MUSLIM for fcuks sake.
that is why they are getting angry about a CHRISTIAN minister getting assasinated.
and yet , somehow, jeremy bowen spins it into some sort of Israel v Hezbollah conflict and that America and Israel are to blame.
let me say it clearly for Bowen – the reason why the Christians in Beirut are getting angry is because the Muslims want to wipe them out and to create an Islamic state of Lebanon.
THAT is whats going on.
” Socialism is Necrotizing |22.11.06 – 1:03 am |”
i heard that.
but branson himself runs a global corporate. and yet he’s crying “wah wah wah, its all unfair” the minute some deal doesnt work out. “wah wah wah – i want the uk government to sort this out”
what a wanker.
end of.
and they were white?
hmmm…must have been mentioned in the court papers
From a puzzled Yank: what is a “D-Notice”, and have the British news media told you about those Iranians living in the Moscow airport? Google “kamalfar moscow airport” for details. Just how much news are you allowed to have??
Jeremy Bowen on top form :
The assumption in the anti-Syrian camp is that Damascus was behind the killing. There is no proof of that and Syria has been showing signs that it wants to engage with the West. If so, it is hard to see where its interest would be in killing Mr Gemayel.
Let’s think now. We have an anti-Syrian politician in a government that Syria opposes, and which Syria resents as having replaced its own pro-Syrian puppet government. This government has just decided, against Syrian wishes, to set up a tribunal to enquire into the assassination of a former Lebanese Prime Minister, which Syria is widely suspected of being responsible for. Syria’s terrorist clients Hezbollah have just vowed to depose the government and to that end its six Ministers in the government have just resigned. A couple more resignations (or assassinations) will under Lebanese rules cause the government to fall.
And the BBC’s Middle East editor finds it “hard to see where its interest would be in killing Mr Gemayel.”
It is just possible that Mr Gemayel was not killed on the orders of the Syrian government (no doubt he has other enemies) but to claim that you can’t see what the Syrian government’s interest in killing him might be indicates that you are deliberately looking the other way.
Is that racism and Fascism you say? Muslims themselves in poll after poll state that their loyalty lies with the Islamic Umma, not with the country they live in. “I’m a Muslim living in Britain, I’m not British” is the sentiment. Well, if Muslims themselves state that their citizenship is not worth the paper it is printed upon, why not take their word for it?
“Why the Future May Not Belong to Islam”
A question:
Excepting the world service, is EVERYTHING that the bbc does paid for by the license fee?
Thats been my presumption for as long as I can remeber being aware such matters, but why should UK residents pay for BBC Iran or BBC Arabic services?
It seems preposterous for a small country to be paying for television services which do not serve them in any way.
Surely as more people outside the UK will be watching and accessing the BBC’s services these services should be financed in ways other than the license fee?
And Im not arguing for the scraping of th elicense fee (as i can see an argument for it), but if the UK population is funding entertainment for free for the rest of the worlld , I am somewhat perplexed…
Can anyone clarify please?
If the BBC actually knew anything about the Lebanon/Syria situation they might mention the possibility that the assassination was the work of a group centred around the Syrian “Queen Mother” rather than Boy Assad.
Lee Moore
I noted that about Bowen also. Honestly the BBC stinks.
Clearly the Beeboids have been programmed to see Syria “in a new light” and no longer part of “dumbass” Bush’s axis of evil. So much so that they now find it hard to believe that Syria could do any wrong. What idiots – the dead hand of Syrian Baathism is all over this assassination.
I’ll tell you how bad it has got at the BBC. This morning on Today we had Edward Stourton smearing Gemayel and his party with the “Falange – Spanish fascist” angle. Oh that they would do the same about the “militants” of Hezbollah.
Good morning all (including the silly young meedja studies student who is using this site to compile his dissertation)
On your usual excellent form again last night. Unlikely that jr will be able to raise a cogent argument against any of it. (Fingers burnt again)
‘You really are a sanctimonious oink.’ & ‘People, I implore you to ignore this cretin.’
After yesterday’s foolish twaddle, especially the wriggling and writhing over the Geneva Convention, I agree, my fault should have done it sooner.
Today on the bbc’s website:
Mistrial in US of Colombia rebel.
A highly misleading headline if ever there was one.
What we have here is a jury unable to agree a verdict. In this country such an event is declared exactly as that, not as a mistrial.
If that terminology is used in the United States (and I’d appreciate input from any US contributors to this site), then it is incumbent on the bbc to ensure that the casual headline scanner is fully aware of the true meaning.
Mistrial has a connotation in this country, which, to the casual observer suggests something improper has occurred when, in fact, the opposite has taken place.
It matters not that the article itself makes mention of the jury being unable to agree, the seed is already sown. Bad USA yet again.
Crap bbc staffed by crap people recruited from a crap education system peddling their prejudices for all to see (except, of course, themselves).
“This morning on Today we had Edward Stourton smearing Gemayel and his party with the “Falange – Spanish fascist” angle. Oh that they would do the same about the “militants” of Hezbollah.”
I heard that too and heartily agree with you. Also that whole ‘Falange – Spanish fascist’ angle is a complete and total piece of tosh that’s been washing around leftist circles since their efforts to demonise Lebanese Christians and whitewash the PLO in the civil war. Gillian Becker (in a really brilliant book on the PLO) explains clearly how there is no link AT ALL between Spanish falangists and what the West badly translates as the Lebanese ‘phalange’, who have in fact always been social democrats. Unlike the Nazis of Hizbollah.
Seinfeld star ‘sorry’ over racism
Ex-Seinfeld star Michael Richards has apologised for directing a racist insult at a heckler during a stand-up comedy performance in Los Angeles.
An absolutely piss poor piece of news from the BBC. What angers me so much is how the BBC, rather than telling you what happened, or give you the facts, decide in advance how much of what has happened you will be told. This isn’t news it’s like a nanny watching over you. Of course we are not allowed to hear the “racist slur” or given the slightest indication what was said. It seems to me that the word nigger is an absolute unmentionable on BBC news, censored at any cost! Instead we are told what was said by a group who feel they had been offended and are clearly threatening Kramer. That they were not even present in the audience but rent-a-mob activists, escapes the BBCs objective reporting.
The BBC have the gall to say “watch the incident”. No we don’t!
The Daily Mirror’s piece(I’m sure there might be others, havent looked yet) by contrast tells you what was said:
So often its necessary to discover the truth of a story by going elsewhere, then you have to pinch yourself and remind yourself that WE ARE PAYING FOR THIS inadequate crap news reporting/censorship!Doesn’t the BBC grasp this?
An MSNBC video clip explains more fully the context and the incident.
Re Stourton’s report – you beat me to it! But, quite unconciously, Ed also acknowledged something else. Apparently the Israelis did target their bombs/missiles on Hizballah areas. Ed tells us that in the Sunni and Christian areas of Beirut people were out in coffee bars etc enjoying themselves in an unscarred environment while the South of Beirut (the Hizballah/Shia area overseen oh so politely by the “boys” of Hizballah) is still in ruins as a result of the Israeli/Hizballah punch-up. So much for the BBC meme of indiscriminate Israeli bombing we were treated to a few months ago.
As other commentators have noted – got a story on Nulab/Bliar? Send it too the Beeb, they’ll pay £100 for each one they publish…
BBC bonus bid to ‘smear’ PM,,2-2006540327,00.html
“This morning on Today we had Edward Stourton smearing Gemayel and his party with the “Falange – Spanish fascist” angle. Oh that they would do the same about the “militants” of Hezbollah.”
One important aspect that is missing from coverage of Gemayel and his party is their role in the Sabra and Shatila massacre.
Maybe it’s because the BBC and their masters are quite happy to maintain the commonly held view that Ariel Sharon was responsible rather than remind us that it was in fact the Lebanese Maronite Christian militias who did the actual killing.
And the Herald takes a look:
Outcry after BBC offers £100 for stories on honours probe
“Gary Smith, the head of the BBC’s political news operation based at Westminster, was blamed for issuing the memo to BBC political staff and producers,
Do the Beeb have other bonus schemes in place like a Hizbolla bonus or a ‘Bush-bonus’ for anti-US stories? I think we should be told. Matt Frei should be in for a good Christmas….
‘You really are a sanctimonious oink.’ & ‘People, I implore you to ignore this cretin.’
After yesterday’s foolish twaddle, especially the wriggling and writhing over the Geneva Convention, I agree, my fault should have done it sooner.
TPO | 22.11.06 – 9:28 am
Mea culpa too.
Jeremy Bowen’s piece seems to have been written by Syrian UN envoy Bashar Al-Jaafari:
Another bit on the beeb dosh story:
“BBC row over cash for honours bonus”
“Yesterday, the BBC described as “wholly inappropriate” an e-mail sent to Millbank staff by the manager, named by Labour as Gary Smith. A spokesman said the manager had been guilty of an “error of judgement” and insisted that its journalists would continue to cover the “cash for peerages” affair in a fair and balanced way”
“wholly inappropriate” – Now if it was the Conservatives.
Mr Gary Smith needs immediate promotion to Head of News Gathering to replace Bimbo Boaden who, in turn, needs to be fired without delay.
A different perspective on Afghanistan.
“Taliban drown our values in sea of blood, say political leaders from the Pashtun tribes”
Hundreds of political leaders and chiefs from the Pashtun tribes inhabiting Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan have for the first time held a peace jirga, or tribal council, demanding an end to Taliban violence.
Golly. If I had to rely on the bbc then I’d never have known about this. Ho hum.
Letter in the Telegraph today:
Sir • So now we have Parent Tsars, all qualifications, but no life skills.
A continuation of a New Labour trend:send 50 per cent of children to university to gain an “ology” in order to preach to the other 50 per cent. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Peter Boxall, Buckhurst Hill, Essex
At first I thought a fair proportion of the first 50% gravitated into meedja stuff like the bbc, then I realised Mr. Boxall was right. The bbc epitomises “Do as I say, not as I do.”
“Golly. If I had to rely on the bbc then I’d never have known about this. Ho hum.”
Apart from these of course:
Interesting QT Line up
Denis Macshane (Lab)
Sayeeda Warsi (Con)
Sarah Teather MP (LibDim)
Esther Rantzen (?)
Muriel Gray (?)
When fundamentalism is an accepted part of life, what hope is there?
Muriel Gray on giving extremism room to breed
Golly. If I had to rely on the bbc then I’d never have known about this. Ho hum.”
Apart from these of course:…sia/ 5412734.stm…sia/ 1615824.stm
DifferentAnon | 22.11.06 – 12:12 pm | #
Nice try BBC. The jirga in question took place on Monday 20th November. The last article published by the BBC on this matter was on 6th October – Five weeks ago! One of the articles you link to above was was written in 2001! Is that the best you can do?
As TPO correctly said, it appears that the BBC has not covered the jirga that took place on 20th November. Unlike the Telegraph who did cover it.
Not covered by the BBC.
Source: Pakistan Daily Times
Pakhtun rally ahead of loya jirga today
Pakhtuns pledge unity despite differences
Last article on jirga written by the BBC on 6th October
DifferentAnon – Are you on a ‘bonus scheme’ for blogging lies to B-BBC?
She’s a hard-bitten wumman, sharp tongue, not very bright. Struggling with the problem of Islam being so much nastier than Christianity, ill-informed criticism of which used to be her shtick.
Did a ghastly series about walking in the hills.
Lee Moore:
Jeremy Bowen on top form :…ast/ 6171024.stm
“The assumption in the anti-Syrian camp is that Damascus was behind the killing. There is no proof of that and Syria has been showing signs that it wants to engage with the West. If so, it is hard to see where its interest would be in killing Mr Gemayel.”
This crap passes for analysis.
Syria has been gagging for rapproachment with the West and failed, so its easy to see where its interest would be in killing Mr Gemayel.
How much does Bowen get paid?
Crap bbc employing crap staff.
Bowen was on the box last night, and was prepared to give credence to the Syrian’s usual ploy of blaming the Americans/Zionists for their (or Hezbollah’s) latest atrocity. I actually used to quite like Bowen (his book on the The Six Day War is very informative) but last night’s report was a disgrace.
Ritter, Forgive me but could I refer you to this:
‘You really are a sanctimonious oink.’ & ‘People, I implore you to ignore this cretin.’
After yesterday’s foolish twaddle, especially the wriggling and writhing over the Geneva Convention, I agree, my fault should have done it sooner.
TPO | 22.11.06 – 9:28 am
Mea culpa too.
Biodegradable | 22.11.06 – 11:19 am | #
It really is a waste of time, the child has no coherent arguments.
Contrast and compare:
“The assumption in the anti-Syrian camp is that Damascus was behind the killing. There is no proof of that and Syria has been showing signs that it wants to engage with the West. If so, it is hard to see where its interest would be in killing Mr Gemayel.”
– Jeremy Bowen
“Syria has nothing to do with this. It is affected directly or indirectly by such horrible crimes committed in Lebanon. It is not in our interest to see escalation in Lebanon. We want stability and national unity in Lebanon. We want it to preserve its identity and establish a national unity government to lead the country to a better future,”
– Syrian UN envoy Bashar Al-Jaafari
Close contest as Dutch cast votes
The CDA-led governing coalition collapsed in June after a row over its handling of the disputed citizenship of a Somali-born Dutch politician.
“Somali-born Dutch politician” She has a name!
So soon. The bbc trying to expunge the memory of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Crap bbc employing crap people.
Spreading misinformation by stealth.
The Daily Politics must receive hundreds of e-mails from viewers, but surprise, surprise the producer/presenter choses one to read out that is factually incorrect, but furthers the BBC’s agenda.
Today we had the “UK/US doing nothing about Sudan beacause it has no oil” line.
Whereas –
Sudan does have oil.
China has the major interest in Sudan’s oil.
China has blocked progress on Sudan in the UN Security Council.
Plus, the snivelling, illinformed wretch who sent in the e-mail would be strongly against any action by the UK/US without UNSC approval.
It is disgraceful for the BBC to promote this misinformed view.
TPO actually wrote: “if I had to rely on the bbc then I’d never have known about this.”
This is wrong. He would have known about the jirga, and would have known about the agenda as described In October by the BBC and latterly in the Telegraph’s reporting of the result.
It was instigated at Karzai’s asking, the agenda set by him. The BBC interviewed the guy, on the 11th of October about it:
The 2001 link, though dated, is the only available list of the powerbrokers. Yes, it’s old, but without it there is no context as to who goes to these things.
Additionally, a brief search of the Beeb’s site reveals that Lyse Doucet is presenting a two parter documentary on Afghanistan, featuring interviews with its leaders, the first part of which went out on Monday.
I’ve not got access to an internal database of Beeb radio and tv programmes, but given a web search reveals it was covered on BBC pashto, there is a strong likelihood it has cropped up in a report.
Interesting survey on public opinion in Baghdad…
Some pretty gloomy reading there for the Yanks and Brits but the one line that gives a lie to the whole ‘Iraq is a disaster’ meme
“Iraqis (whether Sunnis or Shiites) want the U.S. out of Iraq, because after the regime’s removal (which they applaud) it has only brought chaos,” said Joost Hiltermann, the Middle East Project Director for the International Crisis Group, a non-profit that studies global conflict. “But they also know that the U.S., for all its blunders, is still keeping the army together and is serving as a buffer between Shiite militias (Badr and Mahdi), so a precipitous departure could spell disaster for the country.”
will no doubt be rigorously edited by the Beeb’s thought police once they get hold of it.
OFF TOPIC, but interesting
The Press at War
We are told by careful pollsters that half of the American people believe that American troops should be brought home from Iraq immediately. This news discourages supporters of our efforts there. Not me, though: I am relieved. Given press coverage of our efforts in Iraq, I am surprised that 90 percent of the public do not want us out
Steve E.:
“Interesting survey on public opinion in Baghdad…”
“will no doubt be rigorously edited by the Beeb’s thought police once they get hold of it.”
Same as the Telegraph’s story on:
“Taliban drown our values in sea of blood, say political leaders from the Pashtun tribes”
“Hundreds of political leaders and chiefs from the Pashtun tribes inhabiting Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan have for the first time held a peace jirga, or tribal council, demanding an end to Taliban violence.”…2/ wafghan22.xml
You’re not going to get that from the bbc.
Sorry, that link is
DA writes:
“Additionally, a brief search of the Beeb’s site reveals that Lyse Doucet is presenting a two parter documentary on Afghanistan, featuring interviews with its leaders, the first part of which went out on Monday.”
Yes. But it is by Lyse Doucet. The woman who, even if her opinions and analysis weren’t the purest BBC tripe, has an accent you could use to sand doors. What a typically fine choice for a radio broadcaster!
No doubt she represents some special interest group the BBC thought needed representing. French-Canadian at a guess.
Today’s BBC media student is actually referring us to BBC Pashto in defending his claim that the BBC has covered the recent jirga:
BBC Pashto
Further to Branson’s hysterical outburst
Sir Richard’s words did not find favour at ITV, which, significantly, is staying silent on whether it feels that Sky’s stakebuying raises competition problems — and even the BBC is willing to acquiesce in Sky’s move for now.
BBC insiders indicated that they would be concerned “in the long term” if Sky’s stake in ITV meant that the Coronation Street broadcaster became less committed to Freeview, or if a Sky-ITV combination led to reduction of choice in news provision.,,172-2465289,00.html
So the BBC, with its £3bn a year tax funded income & unwarranted channel creep, prevents the entry of other players into the market but it feels that it is entitled to interfere in the operation of its competitors.
BBC meja student says:
I’ve not got access to an internal database of Beeb radio and tv programmes, but given a web search reveals it was covered on BBC pashto, there is a strong likelihood it has cropped up in a report.
DifferentAnon | 22.11.06 – 1:56 pm | #
“strong likelihood”?? With journalistic skills like that you’ll be lined up for promotion through the BBC hack ranks in no time!
I like your rationale though. Talking of strong likelihoods, if I agree with you that there is a strong likelihood it has cropped up in a report, will you agree with me that there is a strong likelihood the BBC is institutionally biased?
ok. I stop feeding now.