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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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The Exploding Granny From Hell is mentioned here today right at the bottom of the latest “Palestinians – good/Israelis – bad” report:
Israel rejects ceasefire proposal
Of note is the original caption for the photo of the evil hag:
REFILE – UPDATING INFORMATION IN CAPTION Handout picture released from the Hamas media office …
The “it was the Joooos wot done it” gang are out in force on the Newsnight “blog”:
1. At 10:36 PM on 22 Nov 2006,
Gerard Killoran wrote:
Paxman decalred Gemayel to be ‘another victim of Syria’.
I hope Paxman has evidence.
Recently the country that has killed more Lebanese than any other of its neighbours – is Israel.
Cui bono?
5. At 05:16 AM on 23 Nov 2006,
hani wrote:
well everybody going on about Syria behind the killing.
I would also check out Isreal as They Too have a Track record of all this Covert killings.
Interms of Lebanon Isreal Has History
I refer you ALL to 1970s (no Not 80s). Isreal dealings with the Christians factions the rest You can Look it Up etc.
Apologies for the late comment on QT and The Week, but I too enjoyed the QT episode. Toynbee was predictable, Rantzen was surprising good and took on Toynbee a couple of times. Sayeeda Warsi = hot? or not?
McShane was pretty right wing on quite a few matters (“it’s muslim fighting muslim in Iraq, leave our British boys out of it” etc), and with wearing a cross.
Brillo Pad Neil was on good form later, in particular with “it’s just not fair” boo-hoo branson. I liked the ‘go buy u-tube then’ jibe.
Banson got himself ties up in knots – apparently the Murdoch press tell people what to think, and the murdoch press supported Iraq. Wait a minute, the majority of the public don’t support the war so errr….oh, and FOX news single handedly won Bush the Presidency. So how come the democrats just won the Congress and Senate in spite of FOX supporting republicans? Pile of p*sh. Portillo pointed that out to the bearded one (Murdochs or any newspapers ‘influence’ is overstated).
Portillo mentioned the dominance of the BBC. To which Diane Abbott replied “Yes, but the BBC are impartial…” I think i heard laugter but the camera cut away….
incase you missed it…
This Week 23/11/06
McShane was pretty right wing on quite a few matters…
MacShane is OK in my books.
British MP warns Europe of ‘new anti-Semitism’
via Melanie Phillips’s Voices of decency
Interesting use of the word racist:
‘Racist’ Richards hires PR expert
Whilst this guy is just ‘controversial’:
Abu Hamza jailed for seven years
“Controversial Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been jailed for seven years after being found guilty of inciting murder and race hate.
The court heard him describe Jews as the “enemy of Islam”, tell followers to “bleed” the enemies of Islam and they should not rest until they created a “Muslim state”.
The exploding granny – let no-one say that Hamas isn’t an equal opportunities employer.
In other news, did anyone know that the BBC has a Freedom of Information blog?
I’m a BBC journalist who specialises in freedom of information (FOI) … FOI is the law which enables public access to government information. I train and advise other BBC journalists on how to exploit it, and I’ve made plenty of use myself by putting in requests for information to pursue stories. I’ve been interested in FOI for some time. In 2004 I spent a sabbatical term at Oxford University researching how journalists in Ireland and Sweden used FOI in their own countries. See this. I’m based in the BBC’s Political Programmes department at Westminster. When I’m not doing FOI work, I oversee some of our weekly and special political output for Radio 4 and the World Service. I also produce political radio documentaries myself. Their topics have ranged from the nature of British identity and exposing dirty tricks in election campaigning to the political impact of alternative comedy in the 1980s.
So in this vein I left a message on the (moderated) blog. Do you reckon I have a cat’s chance of seeing it published or receiving a reply:
Mr Rosebaum
The BBC has spent many thousands of pounds of licence payers’ money trying to block the release of a report which is believed to be highly critical of its Middle East coverage. The corporation is mounting the High Court action to prevent the release of The Balen Report under the Freedom of Information Act, despite the fact that BBC reporters often use the Act to pursue their journalism. This action will increase suspicions that the report, which is believed to run to 20,000 words, includes evidence of anti-Israeli bias in news programming. Given your expertise in using the FOI Act, how do you suggest we go about persuading the BBC to release the Balen Report?
Excellent CiF piece by Jonathan Steele this morning
(I know, I know, don’t laugh,,1955936,00.html) which contained the following…
“Iraq’s mounting crisis is changing the calculus in Tehran and Damascus as much as in Washington. Iran’s theocratic leaders never wanted a secular democracy in Iraq, but the argument that they welcome or even promote instability there because it keeps the Americans tied down and therefore unable to move on to invade Iran is unconvincing. It would be much better for Tehran to have a Shia-run junior-partner government in Baghdad that is secure enough to tell the Americans to leave.
That goal seemed to have been reached last December when Iraq’s elections gave victory to Shia religious parties with a four-year mandate. Then came Samarra. The massive explosion in February that destroyed the golden-domed al-Askari mosque that is especially sacred to Shias was Iraq’s 9/11, a terrorist masterstroke that changed a nation’s world-view. All over Iraq, Shias decided Sunnis were out to deny them the success they had just won at the ballot box. Retaliatory attacks were launched on Sunni neighbourhoods, which then produced attacks on Shia ones, leading to an escalating sequence of horrendous revenge killings that now seems beyond anyone’s power to curtail – as yesterday’s wave of bloodletting in Baghdad emphasised.”
Firstly, look at the following comments to see how this insight into the spiralling violence is immediately shot down by the Guardianistas, and secondly, now that David Loyn in Baghdad has arbitrarily decided to report on specific “anniversaries” from Iraq (Haditha ‘massacre’ – one year on, what’s the odds on the Beeb reporting on Samarra ‘sacrilege’ • one year on, come February 2007?
Interesting use of the word racist
I agree double standards here. I watched a few episodes of Seinfeld recently, ‘The Limo’ (Season 3)is a classic!
“the actor – who played the eccentric Cosmo Kramer in Seinfeld”
Surely this should read
“the comic genius– who played the eccentric Kramer in Seinfeld”
Richards is himself a Jewish comedian, anti-Semitic? No doubt the thought police will be calling comedian Jackie Mason a racist for his comments about the Jews and condemning Richard Pryor for using nigger (link to Wikipedia article)in their acts.
The “it was the Joooos wot done it” gang are out in force on the Newsnight “blog”
I am surprised that JR hasn’t popped up defending his Lebanese Christian author of BBC Spooks. This writer must be wetting his pants and already scribbling his next episode or book with yet another Mossad hit squad popping up out of nowhere! I bet Dame EMB can’t wait.
The BBC and the full story;
Hungry man who killed swan jailed
A man who claimed he killed a swan because he was hungry on the second day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan has been jailed for two months.…est/ 6174344.stm
Did you notice how that well known BBC 2 Newsnight review panellist, Hari Kunzru, recently wrote in The Guardian (Nov. 21) a full day before this story…Casualties of culture
During the Danish cartoons controversy, a lot of the hacks solemnly draping themselves in the toga of European Enlightenment values were more accustomed to cooking up stories about swan-eating asylum seekers.”
cooking up, lol.
business “news”
I wonder why they left out the projected growth rates?
Just heard PMs headline on Michael Stone’s attempted attack on Stormont. Stone’s explosive device is described as “amateurish, but no less dangerous for that”. Not words you’ll ever hear used to described the kassam rockets fired daily at Israel. Al beeb ALWAYS describes these as ‘homemade’ but NEVER adds “no less dangerous for that”. The BBC and double standards.
Shaun Ley, clearly not afraid to adopt the biased BBC style of his late hack predecessor Nick Clark at lunchtime today on Radio 4,
speaking of “President Putin’s regime”; “How the Putin regime operates in Russia”
Putin’s regime! Oh I see, no bias here then!
And then Sophie Raworth on BBC News 24 chatting with the friends of Alexander Litvinenko, who appear in the studio, one after another, denouncing “Putin’s regime”,and with Andrei Nekrassov, who she introduces as “a friend of Alexander’s”(sic)
Nekrassov, almost weeping, tells us that he “was a person of perfect integrity” of course he was, he was a spy!
Not forgetting a close friend of Akhmed Zakaev, the Chechen leader, who the Russians want to extradite for his role in numerous terrorist atrocities.
“a person of perfect integrity”
Of course he was, it’s all a natural consequence of such a perfect balance of mind when blaming the Russian FSB for their involvement, not only in 9/11, but also of blowing up their own citizens and killing over 300 in those apartments in Moscow and writing a book about it!
“a person of perfect integrity”
Let’s not blame Islamist terrorists, or those people of perfect integrity in the Moscow Theatre siege and in Beslan. These people are salt of the earth.
BBC siding with Pro-Chechen terrorist sympathizers!
Have they ruled out a staged suicide yet for political propaganda purposes? We have Hamas Granny suicide bombers, why not suicide writers?
Melanie Phillips’s Diary has posted a new item, ‘The famed objectivity of the BBC’
BBC Radio 4s PM now 17.38 indulging in a piece blaming the bombings of the apartments in Moscow 7 years ago on the Russian security services.
BBC broadcasting conspiracy theory
Nekrassov in conversation with Eddie Mair, “anonymous forces that can crush you like an insect…of course it’s very frightening”
Eddie what do you intend to do now:
I filmed Alexander on various occasions…its a time to make that film
You heard it on pm first.
BBC is so slow in its news reporting. Have just read this
Doctors struggle to save poisoned ex-spy
By Peter Stebbings
Dr Andres Virchis, the consultant haematologist at Barnet Hospital, who treated Mr Litvinenko, said it was not until four days after he was admitted that he revealed he was a former spy for the Russian Federal Security Services (FSB) – the successor to the infamous KGB. Upon admission, Mr Litvinenko used his British name, a pseudonym he assumed after defecting six years ago.
Dr Virchis said: “He was first presented at the hospital with a two-day history of vomiting and diarrhoea. He was actually about to be discharged on November 7 because he was suffering just diarroea and vomiting. Then we got the result of a test which revealed a bug that needed treatment. That was the first time he said who he was and wondered if he could have been infected with this on purpose.
“He mentioned that he heard of the bug before and of potential other cases of people being purposely infected and wondered if that had happened to him. Knowing who he was, there was some concern, but it was just a concern. It wasn’t until about November 10 or 11 that it became clear this was not just gastroenteritis: he was becoming more and more ill, his hair began to fall out and his blood-counts were beginning to drop. That was when it became very clear there was more to this than meets the eye.
What bug would that be then?
How the BBC paints a picture of victim hood for terrorists;
And how the same person responded over the WTC in 2001.
“Mr Amin, who was giving evidence at the beginning of his defence case, admitted he had celebrated when he heard of the 9/11 attacks in the United States. He said he was in the city of Rawalpindi in Pakistan when he heard about the attacks and said he became “carried away” by the “joyful” mood of local people, who saw the US as an enemy of Islam.”
Hang on BBC this merchant banker caught trying to kill people in the UK with a huge fertilizer bomb had no problem dancing for joy over the murder of 3000 people, he most likely would have danced for joy over the deaths he and his ilk would have caused if not caught , and you paint him as a bloody victim. He’s a terrorist, he and his kind have no problem killing the sick,lame and lazy and yet you shed tears over how he was treated by Muslims in a Muslim country in which Islamic law is precedent . In otherwords BBC he was judged and treated by the very laws he himself used in which to plan the murder of as many non Muslims as he could in the UK.
And the BBC cries for a terrorist…
The Biased BBC at work
Yesterday in Beirut 800,000 people took to the streets in which to protest at the assassination of Christian politician Pierre Gemayel…src=rss&feed=12
The protests were aimed at Syria and Hezbollah.
So how does the BBC report on the mood in the region?
Lebanese viewpoints
Three Lebanese people give their views on the significance of the past few days in their country: the assassination of anti-Syrian politician Pierre Gemayel, and the huge crowds attending his funeral rally.…int/ 6176740.stm
1st viewpoint ; The Jews and America did it.
2nd viewpoint; Not sure who did it but I don’t think Syria did it. Oh by the way Hezbollah have a valid point about wanting more of a say in government.
3rd viewpoint; Hezbollah are great and America isn’t..
Hang on. 800,000 people protested against Syria in Beirut yesterday and its shared familiar ‘Hezbollah’ (so much so that today hundreds of Hezbollah supporters have blocked the road to the airport over insults made towards Hassan Nasrallah at the funeral yesterday.) articles…3331970,00.html
Yet strangely in Beirut today out of a total population of approx 1.5 million the BBC manages to find 3 people who not only support Syria and Hezbollah but hate the Jews and America in which to express the view in Lebanon.
Why am I not surprised
Just heard PMs headline on Michael Stone’s attempted attack on Stormont. Stone’s explosive device is described as “amateurish, but no less dangerous for that”.
The reporting on is even more neutered:
The Northern Ireland police chief said “their potential for death, destruction and injury is being assessed” but added they were “fairly amateurish”.
Yet strangely in Beirut today out of a total population of approx 1.5 million the BBC manages to find 3 people who not only support Syria and Hezbollah but hate the Jews and America…
I don’t suppose we’ll hear much about this from al-beeb either:
Lebanon: Palestinian killed in refugee camp clash
A Palestinian man was killed and two others were wounded in a clash between a militant group and a Palestinian security force in a refugee camp in northern Lebanon, officials said Friday.
The clash in the Beddawi camp near the northern city of Tripoli erupted when about 13 militants threw a hand grenade and opened fire on a joint Palestinian security force that came to check reports that an extremist group had rented an apartment near the camp’s mosque, Palestinian officials said.
One militant and two members of the security force were wounded in Thursday’s clash, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Maher Abdul al-Hadi, one of the two wounded security men, died in hospital Friday, the officials said.
Some of the 13 militants were Palestinians but the nationalities of the others were not immediately known.
The Beddawi camp, located on the outskirts of Tripoli, 90 kilometers (53 miles) north of Beirut, is home to some 20,000 Palestinian refugees. Islamic militants are believed to have taken refuge in the camp.
Is it me, or is it me But am i right in thinking that the spineless gits at the BBC have started defending themselves from the points of actual bias exposed on this site and other sites by bitching on the editors blog. The following subject s which have been exposed as BBC bias have all been defended by the chinless wonders at Bush house;
Coverage of Nick Clarkes death
BBC cash bonus.
The very high rate of unprotected sex amongst the children from Britain’s plumbers population.
BBC homage to Al jazeera
Children in need
Religious freedom in the Uk (for a certain faith that is)
Today programs message boards
Hizb ut-Tahrir (and the BBC try to say they weren’t out to get them)
(I wonder how the BBC would report on a suicide bomber at a BBC studio)
Faulty Jewish explosives detonate before time killing faithful”
Sleeping with the enemy in Afghanistan
(A story of hardship from a BBC film crew who spent a week with the Royal marines. Matches not included)
Should I go on. It appears that the BBC unable to defend itself over its somewhat polarised coverage of all things Islamic. (Allah be praised) has to invent a sort of blogg in which to defend itself from the likes of Biased BBC, USS Neverdock and the rest of you fine people who do nothing but expose the liberal tofu eating liberals who presume they speak for us all, when they prostate themselves five times a day towards Mecca for their masters.
Yeh, it’s started…
“Chechen separatists call Litvinenko their “brother” and “Muslim””
Семья Масхадова назвала Литвиненко “братом”
It seems to me that BBC presenter Sophie Raworth on BBC News 24, was quite sisterly too, toward’s Alexander’s friends.
Why this BBC bias?
Why this sympathy towards Chechen apologists, that create conspiracy theories around Islamist terrorism?
The BBC and “The tears of a Clown”
Say oh yeah baby baby
Now if there’s a smile on my face
It’s only there tryin’ to fool the public
But when it comes down to foolin’ you
Now honey that’s quite a different subject
So don’t let my glad expression
Give you the wrong impression
Cos really I’m sad (so sad sad)
Oh I’m sadder than sad (so sad sad)
Well I’m hurt and I want you so bad (so sad sad)
Like a clown I appear to be glad
Ooh yeah
There’s some sad things known to man
But ain’t too much sadder than
The tears of a clown….
A defendant in an Old Bailey terror trial broke down in the witness box as he was questioned about claims he was tortured by Pakistani security forces.
and here is what the BBC left out about the above terrorist victim.
“Salahuddin Amin, a 31-year-old from Luton, had information passed to him about an atomic weapon while he was at a terrorist camp in Pakistan, the court heard.
Mr Amin then set about trying to buy the device from the Russian mafia in Belgium after making contact over the internet, Mr Waters said.Although Mr Amin later told police he did not think “that you can go and pick an atomic bomb up and use it”, Mr Waters said the episode demonstrated the clout that the defendant held within terrorist circles.”An indication as to the trust imposed in Amin and his position in the Pakistani end of the organisation is perhaps gained from the passing of information to him in relation to a radio isotope bomb,” the QC said.”Abu Munthir [whom he had once met in a Luton mosque] asked Amin to contact a man named Abu Annis on Munthir’s behalf. Amin did so via the internet and Abu Annis said they had made contact with the Russian mafia in Belgium and from the Mafia they were trying to buy this bomb.”,,2-2098313,00.html
Silly me the BBC did mention it;
“Salahuddin Amin said he was forced to make a confession about sending co-defendant Omar Khyam the formula for an explosive device.
Strange how the BBC has a habit of telling half the story…
Serb born and living in the UK:
If anything pisses me off its bbc bias
Hi Nikola, interesting blog….it pisses us all off!
The BBC and half the story;
Italian right ‘tried to rig poll’
Italian prosecutors have launched an inquiry into claims that the government of ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tried to rig April’s general elections.
The BBC describes how Silvio Berlususconi party (then in power) tried to rig the an general election as a plot by the rightwing element of Italian politics. Because quite correctly they were right wingers.
And how they report on the same subject in the UK;
Vote rigging councillors jailed
Two Liberal Democrat councillors from Lancashire have been jailed for trying to rig a local election
Election fraud probe is launched
Police have launched an investigation in to allegations of electoral fraud in Derby in last May’s local elections.
Judge upholds vote-rigging claims
A judge investigating vote-rigging in Birmingham’s local elections has ruled there was widespread fraud and has ordered new elections.
Votes scam ‘may have swayed poll’
Postal vote-rigging may have influenced the outcome of local elections in London, a Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) report has revealed. Tower Hamlets is under investigation
UK post vote fraud claims probed
Britain is to be investigated for possible human rights breaches, over concerns about postal vote fraud…. The visit follows a resolution, signed by 18 members of the Council’s Parliamentary Assembly, citing “a growing body of evidence that widespread absent vote fraud is taking place in the United Kingdom”. That has been backed by the Assembly’s monitoring committee, which has appointed a former German justice minister and a Polish senator to look into allegations of irregularities in Birmingham, Blackburn, Coventry and London.
City vote fraud inquiry widened
Police in Bradford are now examining 252 cases of alleged electoral fraud, prompting calls for an “urgent review” of the postal voting system.
And I wonder what all the people concerned with the above have in common?
Yet the BBC in not only unable to join the bloody dots it is unable to call a spade a spade. (Unless of course its rightwing Italians)
The BBC and half a story…
Well good to know im not alone! At least ppl can be honest with each other in cyber space, even if we have to endure the monotonous big brother truths of the mainstream media:)
pounce, I’ve made you a logo.
The BBC and a classic example of how it defends Islamic terrorism.
Lebanon strikers call for unity
Businesses in Lebanon have closed down for a two-day strike over the killing of politician Pierre Gemayel.
Government weakened
Factories, banks, and financial institutions closed down on Friday as Beirut responded to the strike call. Hezbollah has threatened to call street protests next week.
Correspondents say the government is accusing Hezbollah of exploiting the delicate political situation in Lebanon to try and block the UN-backed probe into the Hariri killing.
So the BBC correspondents say that the Lebanese government accuses Hezbollah of solely trying to block the UN probe into the murder of ex-PM Rafik Hariri. Really and there was me thinking that Hezbollah is demanding that the government give it more power because they stood up to Israel in the summer or else……(peaceful protests my arse)
From last weeks Economist;
“Hizbullah emerged bruised but politically strong from what it portrays as an American-orchestrated war. As a result, its demands for a bigger share of power have grown more strident. For a start it is threatening to foment street demonstrations unless March 14th grants the party and its allies a veto over cabinet decisions. The ruling coalition, made up of Sunni Muslim, Druze and some Christian parties, offered to give Hizbullah supporters more cabinet seats. But they balked at ceding the power to push through key projects, rejecting what the prime minister, Fouad Siniora, calls the tyranny of a minority.”
It seems that Prime Minster Fouad Siniora sums up it to a tee;
Any BBC clones wish to take me up on this…
BBC Radio 5 at 16.45 today. The presenter gleefully announces that; “Gordon Brown is to introduce new green taxes on 4x4s and flying” – so right from the start of the report they are parroting the government spin that these taxes are not about raising money, but about benefiting the environment. This is not questioned through the entire report. For a supposedly independent comment the presenter announces; “I am joined now by the environment spokesman for the Institute of Public Policy Research…”. And surprise surprise, the IPPR spokesman thinks these taxes are generally a jolly good thing — Case closed, and then it’s on to some feelgood story about fluffy bunnies or whatever. At no point does the BBC think it necessary to announce that the IPPR is a (self-proclaimed) left-wing organisation with very close ties to the Labour Party. And it was seemingly too much trouble to ring up a right of centre organisation for a possible alternative view, and the BBC presenter certainly wasn’t going to question whether these new taxes were in fact green, or simply another tax grab.
We could really do with a regular column on here about the supposedly independent experts that the BBC picks to provide background to a story.
More BBC ‘victims’
Bomb suspect tells of ‘torture’
There go the BBC and their “Analysists”
That Anon Fellow.
The World At One Gave an extra half an hour, the first part, on the death of a presenter.He may be a nice fellow, proficient at his job, integrity etc but he was a presenter, not a head of state.Billions of people go about their work (and die)and we dont need the BBC to get indulgent in maudlin celebrity eulogies when one of their “own” passes on.
True. I wish that you had put it that way earlier.
Ok, so polonium 210 is 250 billion times more lethal than cyanide. How in hell did he survive two weeks or so?
They have found traces of radiation in four or so hotspots in London. Is this where he had a crap or something? It was supposedly digested & yet Polonium 210 is not able to penetrate the skin, how does it leak out into the hotspots? Must of had a crap!
This looks like another conspiracy theory gone mad & the BBC are falling for it hook line & sinker. He had enough reason to sacrifice himself for the greater cause in his own deluded mind. Hoping to bring Putin down with him. Will the BBC really betray their old masters so readily?
You sound barking mad mate….ffs.
Retard. Your’e saying he killed HIMSELF???….
Yeh, it’s started…
“Chechen separatists call Litvinenko their “brother” and “Muslim””
Radio station Echo Moskvy reported Friday that Litvinenko converted to Islam. Litvinenko, it said, was read the Yasin surah, or prayer, and given Islamic death rites by an imam invited to the dying spy’s hospital bedside.
Ekho, a prominent liberal broadcaster funded by state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom, said Litvinenko would be buried in a Muslim cemetery in London. The station cited Chechenpress, the official news agency of the wartorn republic’s insurgency.
A statement dictated by Litvinenko two days before his death and read by friends on Friday said nothing about a conversion to Islam.
The Times Business Editor, James Harding, wants to spare us a modicum of pain by encouraging the BBC to use its unfair funding advantage to increase its sales abroad.
The BBC is there primarily to serve the British audience, which it does, mostly, with wit, imagination and integrity. But, abroad, the BBC punches at about the same weight as Bob the Builder. The Government has the chance in the next few weeks to puncture the old myth of the BBC’s untapped potential internationally. Ministers should agree a financial settlement that ring-fences the costs of digital switchover, but then sets the terms for licence fee increases well below inflation for the next four years. The financial strain should prod a lazy incumbent out of its comfort zone at home and into action worldwide.,,175-2470736,00.html
conservative rep has just come out against the iraq war – and quite strongly too.
so i guess that makes it
left wing 5
right wing 0
Utter garbage the Iraq war if anything was a left wing war, to link the Iraq war to either the left or right anyway is simple to the extreme.
With regards to the story about the football fan that was shot and the beeb’s reluctance to use certain words. Well, there are some words that it isn’t shy about using in the report, you’ve guessed it ” the far-right white nationalists”.
You sound barking mad mate….ffs.
Not only me “mate”
While Scotland Yard say they are treating his death as suspicious, they are not describing their investigation as a murder inquiry. One possibility being considered is that Mr Litvinenko poisoned himself.,,1956680,00.html
Perhaps a sacrifical lamb for one of Berezovsky’s propaganda onslaughts. I’m very curious about Lord Bell’s involvement and the anticipated film now.
Biodegradable thanks for that! Moscow-upon-Thames meets Londonistan…The enemies of Bush, Blair & Putin unite!
On C4 last night, they showed extracts of two(sic) films already shot about Litvinenko, one showing him working out in a gym.
Re: Lord Bell
Today, as chairman of Bell Pottinger Communications, his clients include Mr Berezovsky with the result that his firm has been fielding media inquiries about Mr Litvinenko, and distributed the photograph that showed the former spy in hospital.
Polly Toynbee worked as social affairs editor for the Guardian for seven years, before taking up the same position with BBC Television News in 1995.
Eventually, the constraints of having to be impartial :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and having to limit her output to two-minute bite-sized TV chunks, proved too much and she returned to her more natural home at the newspaper desk, first to the Independent and then back to the Guardian.
Her editor at the Indie was Andrew Marr, a firm Toynbee admirer.
“What makes her stand out as a journalist is not only her strong views,” he says, “but also her ferocious appetite for research. In a media world in which too many media columnists simply voice their top-of-the-head opinions, Polly always arrives heavily armed with hard facts.”
So, why did Scott Burgess et al. make a career out of ridiculing her “fact checking”?
Anon, don’t be silly. Obviously, Scott Burgess was one of those top-of-the-head-opinion voicers.
In the Telegraph Magazine (not online) this morning we have a revealing and unashamed peek at the BBC mindset from one of its iconic cover girls, Joan Bakewell.
In an article headed “The world of Joan Bakewell, journalist and broadcaster” she reveals that the most impressive person she’s ever interviewed is Nelson Mandela (the Ghandi of Rivonia – except Ghandi never organised, supported or apologised for terrorism) and whose autograph was the only one she solicited as a journalist. Even more revealing is her choice of the greatest villain of her life (remember she is 73 – born in the early 1930s): is it Hitler ?(no), Stalin ?(no), Mao ?(no), Saddam ?(no) it’s . . . . Mrs Thatcher. Joan tells us that Mrs T was “callous and ruthless” and that her “hand in the miners’ strike was vicious”: Joan then metaphorically winks at us and adds that “the BBC was meant to be politically neutral but someone on the team came in selling batches of mugs in support of the miners” and the mug she purchased is shown in a photo to the left of the article.
Is there any more to say?
Not much, Umbongo, but just in this thread we’ve had Bakewell outing herself as a moonbat, plus reminders that the High Priestess of Liberalism is ex-BBC, while Andrew Marrtian is ex-Indie (motto: like the Guardian, but off meds). How come an ‘unbiased’ broadcaster has a staffing roster so heavily tilted leftwards ?
I suggest you go back and look at the “Daily Ablution” (Scott Burgess’s blog). You will see – if you want to that is – that each one of his posts is not only well-argued but is based firmly on accessible and checkable evidence (unlike much of Polly’s work). Scott, for instance, discovered , much to the chagrin of the Guardian – and probably you – that one of the Guardian’s ace cub reporters was “the irrepressibly sassy Dilpazier Aslam, [who] was working for this group [Hizb Ut Tahrir] as recently as June of last year, when he was writing for the Hizb Ut Tahrir magazine”
Pete London has already raised this one about the peeping toms and voyeurs loitering about the changing rooms in Iran:
It’s this bit that gets me;
“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been championing a drive to banish unwanted Western cultural influences from Iran.”
Could anybody enlighten me or am I just being naïve? I thought voyeurism was universal and not just me imposing my cultural influences on the poor, sexually-repressed mullahs and other assorted mosque-flockers in Iran.
Having worked in a number of muslim countries in the 70’s my personal experience was that indecent exposure, groping and voyeurism were the norm.
My first wife was followed home one day and groped on the stairs leading to our flat. She threw the groper down the stairs. Well, she was six foot one.
bbc why don’t you fire the prat that wrote that one up.
Tunisian goes berserk and beats man to death. Police are checking the immigration status of the attacker.
Not here he isn’t, it’s just Joe Soap.
Don’t they just hate it at the bbc when it’s not your bog standard, rabid, foaming at the mouth, white supremacist, racist.
“President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been championing a drive to banish unwanted Western cultural influences from Iran.”
And unwanted by whom? Despotic mullahs certainly, who have to keep the islamic boot on the necks of millions of Iranians who seem to me to want more freedom. It’s funny how these rejected ‘western influences’ never extend to military technology. airplanes, satellite tv, cars, mobile phones, home appliances ….
So that’s where the TV tax goes!
Oh there the old soak is, still blaming the Jews and the rednecks:
Killing plunges Lebanon deeper into crisis
By Jeremy Bowen
No-one except the gunmen and the men who paid them knows who killed Pierre Gemayel …..
Ok. Bowen goes on to say:
But if not Syria, who? In the last few days in Beirut I have had heard theories linking Israel, the United States and other Lebanese Christian leaders with Mr Gemayel’s assassination, for a variety of reasons – to remove a rival in the case of the Christians, to spread confusion and dismay for the others.
Which, of course, you are quick to pass on. You’ll be speculating next on how the US base on Diego Garcia managed to escape the tsunami.
No-one has produced any evidence for any of the theories that are flying around.
But, in the absence of hard facts, the theories will keep circulating, at a faster and faster rate.
So we see, Jeremy.
Edited By Siteowner – bolding errors fixed