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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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Sorry paulc I was so annoyed I didn’t read the thread before I commented.
Ne vasno
On The Devils Kitchen’s page there are links to cached copies of both the articles. Look at the time stamps on them! They are both the same.
Didn’t the BBC just have an Editors blog story about how they don’t do stealth edits?
Caught out in a big one here.
On BBC1 TV yet again on the News at Six, reporting about the Litvinenko death, we hear reference again to “his killers”
Hello, only this afternoon John Reid said in Parliament, that the police were only treating the case as a “suspicious death”, and they were not yet saying that a “third party” was definitely involved.
So what do the BBC know that the police don’t? They don’t, it’s only that they have their collective heads so firmly up Boris Berezovsky’s PR campaign orifices and are dutifully on message that it must be that Orrible Putin what done it.
BBC news has rarely been so biased and exhibited such blatant Russophobia as in its reporting of this case.
No discussion yet, as far as I am aware, of Litvinenko’s claim that Putin was also behind last years 7/7 London bombings, as he was behind 9/11.
I guess the BBC must accept that as a given?
Actually, paulc/Umbongo, what really tees me off about the Great Milk Scandal is that Dr Crippen strongly implies that he’s had the BBC’s Flying Monkeys calling him a liar for distorting what the article says. That’s how corrupt these people are – not just trying to hide their screw-ups, but trying to use the bogus articles to prove evgeryone else is lying. Still, at least we know where ‘John Reiths’ been these past few days.
Long term the key thing for the BNP is to become more suit-and-tie.
“… they ticked off a couple of cabbies and other onlookers who stopped to give the protestors a bit of grief”
I think that is putting it mildly! The police decided who could protest, and it was the viscious Islamists calling for murder, not the peaceful opponents.
Grrrr, cut off in the prime of youth.
By that I mean the BNP needs to get rid of the skin head element/anti-semetism and stay on message.
Personay l I hope the UKIP develops further, since I don’t think the BNP can purge out its history or underlying racialism.
What is fundamentally needed is an Atlantacist party which recognises Britain as a Island separate from Europe and closely linking with the English speaking world.
It so far seems that great game will be played as the english speaking world (US/UK/OZ/IN) Vs the Islamic world, its Dhimmi’s (The EU) and enablers (Russia + China).
Israeli PM offers ‘hand of peace’
Last Updated: Monday, 27 November 2006, 16:14 GMT
“He was speaking at an annual memorial at the grave of Israel’s founding premier David Ben-Gurion in the southern Negev desert.”
BG was Prime Minister.
“Israeli troops re-entered Gaza – which they quit more than a year ago in a unilateral withdrawal – after Palestinian militants captured a soldier in a cross-border raid in June.”
Name of the Solider? Does anyone know?
And who were the “militants”, did they belong to any political parties? Maybe one begining with H?
Hamas won election on a platform of not recognising Israel’s right to exist. Israel has ruled out political engagement with the Palestinians until Hamas softens its stance.
“Hamas won election on a platform of not recognising Israel’s right to exist. Israel has ruled out political engagement with the Palestinians until Hamas softens its stance.”
By what margin?
“Softens its stance” is an understatement of the year. How about saying untill Hamas renouces terrorism? Which is what has actually been said?
Thanks for the inputs.:+:
Israel rejects ceasefire proposal
Last Updated: Friday, 24 November 2006, 11:55 GMT
“Palestinian Qassam rockets are fired into Israel on a daily basis. They have killed two Israelis in the past 10 days.”
I thought they were crude, home made and rarely caused injury?
“Israel evacuated its settlements and military bases in Gaza last year, but the military renewed ground operations after militants captured an Israeli soldier in a border raid in June”
Border raid? In which direction? Does the soldier have a name? And what groups were involved in the operations?
“Since June, Israeli troops have killed more than 400 Palestinians in Gaza, roughly half of them civilians. Three Israeli soldiers have died in operations and two civilians were killed by rocket fire.”
Palestinians == People
Israeli’s == Generic Civilians
“Governing Palestinian party Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack by the bomber and named her as Fatma Najar, a mother and grandmother.”
Of how many children? This has been reported in the Israeli press.
paulc | 27.11.06 – 7:35 pm
I had a look in News Sniffer regarding this milk allergy report and found some interesting variations (see link below).
http://newssniffer.newworldodour…/12692/diff/0/ 1
NS shows versions 0-8.
Version 0:Mon Nov 20 05:20:12 GMT 2006
Version 4:Tue Nov 21 10:40:29 GMT 2006
This is where reference to “formula milk manufacturer” first appears BUT “formula” is spelt “forumula”.
Version 7:Fri Nov 24 07:40:30 GMT 2006
“forumula” now corrected to “formula”.
This doesn’t tally with the timestamps captured by the blog you referenced.
Very odd.
Corrected link to News Sniffer.
Tories claim pro-business stance
Last Updated: Monday, 27 November 2006, 15:18 GMT
“Shadow Chancellor George Osborne has rejected claims that the Conservatives are anti-business in a speech at the annual meeting of industry lobby CBI.
“Mr Osborne is standing in for party leader David Cameron, who opted instead to visit British troops in Iraq.”
Vs his implied natural constituancy at CBI? Why the term “opted instead”, which implies that DC made a concious choice to skip the domestic?
“He said the Conservative party was engaging with firms “as never before”.”
and a little bit later
“It is a paradox that, at the very moment when we have caught the political imagination of the country and we are engaging with individual businesses as never before, some claim that we do not understand the importance of business,” said Mr Osborne.
Very sloppy editing, the first micor paragraph implies that the Tories are ever more tightly linked to business.
While the full quote provides needed context.
“The decision to replace Mr Cameron with Shadow Chancellor George Osborne is likely to be seen by some as a rejection of business interests.”
Who is likely to see sending the #2 torry as a snub? Can we have names, The BBC is constantly making implicit statements.
Of course John Sunderland/CBI would be disappointed, but that hardly means he interprets it as a snub.
“”Other attendees echoed this view. “My only response is, why did Cameron pull out,” said one chief executive of a leading UK group, who declined to be named because the Tory party is one of his company’s clients.
“We’ve come here to hear what he had to say, what he was going to do. He could have gone to Iraq any day. He’s sending out the entirely wrong message by going to Iraq.””
Why must Iraq be dragged into everything? Is therre any evidence that this view is typical. Or is the classic BBC finds the three people in 1.5 million who agree with it?
Can we not hear more about peoples reaction to Osboure’s speech.
“In reaction to the survey, Mr Osborne, said that he hoped to introduce measures to “radically simplify business taxes” with his very first budget, if elected.”
There we go again.
Would not the following construction be clearer, more gramatical and express less doubt/belittlment?
Mr Osborne said that, if elected, he hoped to introduce measures to “radically simplify business taxes” with his very first budget.
BBC and milk.
1: disgraceful original article; recycling/accepting a company press release as news – the most basic of journalistic errors, for which a cub reporter on a local newspaper would have been sacked.
Hopefully the BBC will very quickly reassure us that there is no link between the person/journalist who published the original article and anyone in the private company who stood to benefit. Makes the BBC look no better than some truly amateurish student publication. PR companies try the sort of thing all the time with media outlets — whoever was responsible for this one must have been laughing their heads off at the original article — “I can’t believe they swallowed it!”.
2: well done to Dr C. who spotted the article and did the research. Disgraceful that the BBC accused you of lying. Fortunately the evidence is there to prove that it was “one of the country’s most trusted institutions” that was lying. And how disgusting that they indulged in “stealth editing” (which they deny they ever do) to try to cover up their dishonesty.
On a broader note, if the BBC were confident that they had such widespread public support I’m sure they could be honest about their gaffes. The fact that they are desperately trying to hide them, including manually editing the timestamp on stories they have altered, and then attempting to smear the people who point it out, shows that they must be worried.
OT. Joan Smith doesn’t mention the BBC by name, but they fit into the islamo-apologist far-left voices we hear daily on BBC broadcasts…..
Joan Smith: We invaded, but it’s the Iraqis killing each other
People who carry out attacks on civilians are terrorists
“…..Actually, the correct term for those who carry out these atrocities isn’t fighters or insurgents; people who carry out indiscriminate attacks on civilians are terrorists. This isn’t a fashionable view among opponents of the war, who appear to regard every atrocity merely as further evidence that George Bush and Tony Blair have blood on their hands. According to this view, everything that’s happened since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein is “our” fault and we should hang out heads in shame when we see the kind of horrific pictures that appeared on our TV screens after last Thursday’s bombings.
………..This fact alone should give pause to those who continue to insist that “we” are currently killing thousands of Muslims in Iraq. If it doesn’t, it’s because justifiable loathing of President Bush combines with masochistic self-hatred to produce a rhetoric in which the West is to blame for the oppression of Muslims throughout the world.”
But that’s the ‘Today’ programme’s raison d’etre!
“…..however disastrous the West’s interventions have been in the Middle East, it doesn’t absolve individuals in those countries from moral responsibility when they set about slaughtering their fellow citizens. And most of them are doing it in the name of religion.
These are the conditions in which dictators and theocrats flourish. They also increase the likelihood of civil war, which threatens Lebanon again after the assassination of a Christian cabinet minister last week. What that tragic country needs, besides a period without interference from Israel, Syria and Iran, is a democratic politics that isn’t based on religious affiliation – and the same is true of most of the Islamic world. Women would be a hell of a lot better off for a start, and I’m certainly not going to take the blame for the sectarian conflict in Iraq or apologise for upholding secular values.”
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
BBC and timestamps.
So, lots of BBC people read here, can any of you confirm what I hear?
The timestamp for a story on the BBC server is automatically generated, you post a story, it gets approval, and it goes up with the current time – derived from what is generally a very simple automated command from whatever software they use. Overriding that command however is an altogether more tricky affair – one that the average BBC journo would have to call in some expertise.
So tell us, just how many journos and their seniors were involved in editing the story, how many tech people helped stealth edit the timestamp [on call were they? at what rate?], and how many managers compiled and wrote abusive letters to the person who complained about the original story?
Can I feel a Freedom of information request coming on? Now now, don’t go destroying those internal e-mails!
To archonix and archduke
I agree the BNP do have socialist leanings. However, reading one of the policy leaflets that can be downloaded from their website, they criticise Labour’s tax increases and go on to say we (as a nation) are over-taxed; if elected, they would follow at worst/best a policy of tax-neutrality (i.e. no tax-increases as a percentage of GDP). At least, it appears they appreciate the suffocating effect of never-ending tax increases upon enterprise and on the economy, not to mention its effect on personal freedom.
This seems a pretty radical departure from all the other parties – what government has not increased tax and what other party would not do the same if it came to office? The BNP may be socialist but to me they still seem an awful lot less socialist than the rest!
If, or when, the BNP establish a majority in parliament(!) then I might start fretting about who they select as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
But, quite honestly, what sensible alternative is there right now (apart from dhimmitude)? So, I shall be voting for them.
bobo | 27.11.06 – 9:33 pm
The timestamp for a story on the BBC server is automatically generated, you post a story, it gets approval, and it goes up with the current time – derived from what is generally a very simple automated command from whatever software they use. Overriding that command however is an altogether more tricky affair – one that the average BBC journo would have to call in some expertise.
I think you have to allow for minor corrections, like typos for example, not changing the timestamp otherwise the site will be generating shedloads of RSS items for piddling changes.
Unfortunately, this can be a loophole for shady journalists. We should be able to trust beeb journalists but we cannot, as this affair demonstrates.
“So how come the BBC characterises organisations it considers racist (obviously not Respect or Islamist organisations) as right-wing, when clearly they are more likely to be left-wing?”
beats me.
“The BNP is of course the obvious confirmation of this. Whatever they say their people rend to be racist, yet they have distinctly socialist policies. Nationalists and socialists? National Socialists perhaps. Always remember, Auntie Beeb, that the Nazis openly espoused socialist policies.
Richard | 27.11.06 – 4:46 pm |”
the “white community” idea is just as collectivist as the idea of the “working class”. its the same thing – collectivism. i.e. socialism.
same as the Hitlerian idea of the “Volk” – again, a socialist idea.
Right wingers occasionally do venture into collectivism with their ideas of “nationhood” – but , the idea of a nation , from a libertarian standpoint, is merely a construct to defend freedom within from external enemies. (which basically is what happened in Amercia)
posted by nonmuslimmillie at….
The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building and improving his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks he’s a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed.
The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
The squirrel works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks he’s a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the squirrel is warm and well fed.
A social worker finds the shivering grasshopper, calls a press conference and demands to know why the squirrel should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate, like the grasshopper, are cold and starving.
The BBC shows up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper; with cuts to a video of the squirrel in his comfortable warm home with a table laden with food.
The British press inform people that they should be ashamed that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so, while others have plenty.
The Labour Party, Greenpeace, Animal Rights and The Grasshopper Council of GB demonstrate in front of the squirrel’s house.
The BBC, interrupting a cultural festival special from Notting Hill with breaking news, broadcasts a multi cultural choir singing “We Shall Overcome”.
Ken Livingstone rants in an interview with Trevor McDonald that the squirrel got rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the squirrel to make him pay his “fair share” and increases the charge for squirrels to enter inner London.
In response to pressure from the media, the Government drafts the Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti Discrimination Act, retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The squirrel’s taxes are reassessed.
He is taken to court and fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as builders for the work he was doing on his home and an additional fine for contempt when he told the court the grasshopper did not want to work.
The grasshopper is provided with a council house, financial aid to furnish it and an account with a local taxi firm to ensure he can be socially mobile. The squirrel’s food is seized and re distributed to the more needy members of society, in this case the grasshopper.
Without enough money to buy more food, to pay the fine and his newly imposed retroactive taxes, the squirrel has to downsize and start building a new home.
The local authority takes over his old home and utilises it as a temporary home for asylum seeking cats who had hijacked a plane to get to Britain as they had to share their country of origin with mice. On arrival they tried to blow up the airport because of Britain’s apparent love of dogs.
The cats had been arrested for the international offence of hijacking and attempted bombing but were immediately released because the police fed them pilchards instead of salmon whilst in custody.
Initial moves to then return them to their own country were abandoned because it was feared they would face death by the mice. The cats devise and start a scam to obtain money from people’s credit cards.
A Panorama special shows the grasshopper finishing up the last of the squirrel’s food, though spring is still months away, while the council house he is in, crumbles around him because he hasn’t bothered to maintain the house.
He is shown to be taking drugs. Inadequate government funding is blamed for the grasshopper’s drug ‘illness’.
The cats seek recompense in the British courts for their treatment since arrival in UK.
The grasshopper gets arrested for stabbing an old dog during a burglary to get money for his drugs habit. He is imprisoned but released immediately because he has been in custody for a few weeks.
He is placed in the care of the probation service to monitor and supervise him. Within a few weeks he has killed a guinea pig in a botched robbery.
A commission of enquiry, that will eventually cost £10,000,000 and state the obvious, is set up.
Additional money is put into funding a drug rehabilitation scheme for grasshoppers and legal aid for lawyers representing asylum seekers is increased.
The asylum-seeking cats are praised by the government for enriching Britain’s multicultural diversity and dogs are criticised by the government for failing to befriend the cats.
The grasshopper dies of a drug overdose. The usual sections of the press blame it on the obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity and his traumatic experience of prison.
They call for the resignation of a minister.
The cats are paid a million pounds each because their rights were infringed when the government failed to inform them there were mice in the United Kingdom.
The squirrel, the dogs and the victims of the hijacking, the bombing, the burglaries and robberies have to pay an additional percentage on their credit cards to cover losses, their taxes are increased to pay for law and order and they are told that they will have to work beyond 65 because of a shortfall in government funds.
BBC chairman Grade moves to ITV
The BBC are linking directly to the BNP site.
“But, quite honestly, what sensible alternative is there right now (apart from dhimmitude)? So, I shall be voting for them.
view_from_england | 27.11.06 – 9:44 pm | ”
i’m sure sensible Germans in 1933 were saying exactly the same thing as your good self. dont be tempted by it – find a party that values freedom, liberty and has a strong Atlanticist and anti-EU policy, cos in the long run, none of us will benefit from the BNP. Heck, even if the BNP won a majority in parliament, you can bet your life that the powers that be would declare martial law to prevent them getting into power.
we dont want to go down that route do we?
joe -> bloody ‘ell – thats a first!
somebody get a screengrab. it wont be up there long.
” mel simpson | 27.11.06 – 10:16 pm | ”
my head just exploded.
dear god.
Connell | 27.11.06 – 10:18 pm | #
Thanks conneel Sky News are all over this. Not a peep on news twenty bore.
Baaaad news for BBC. Good Christmas present for us.
Grade resigns, moving to take up Chair & CEO at ITV. Bad news for the Beeb I think. Uncertainty at a key time of negotiations with Brown? I hope this gives Brown a better hand to impose a RPI settlement – weaker BBC.
Jeff Randall on Sky just now….
actuall i’m going to crack open a beer! Randall says BBC are ‘incandescent with rage’ at Grade’s defection!
trebles all round!
Joe – Good Heavens! You’re right! A direct link from the ‘Biased’ Broadcasting Corporation to the BNP! Whatever next! Everyone, save a copy of the page before they change their minds!
There is a rather strange tone throughout the article, I thought. At first reading it appears to be thoroughly anti-BNP, starting with the headline, “BNP conference passes peacefully”. What are we meant to imagine the BNP do at their conferences; set off into town after dinner to smash Jewish shop windows? At least it is qualified in the next statement which mentions the protestors outside the venue.
Yet, despite the stories obvious spin, why have they chosen to report it at all – and provide the link?
Perhaps even the BBC couldn’t sit through the recent trial at Leeds without learning something. Maybe, after that set-back, a bit like in the days right after 9/11, they haven’t yet recovered from the surprise and are not sure at the moment what their reporting policy should be towards such news?
archduke – “find a party that values freedom, liberty and has a strong Atlanticist and anti-EU policy” Any other parties in mind? I don’t think you could blame the BNP if a majority were to vote for them and, “the powers that be … declare martial law to prevent them getting into power”. I also don’t think it is correct to draw such a comparison with 1933 – but we’re probably going off topic here.
To Robin and pounce:
The reason the BBC gave so much coverage to the death of Nick Clarke is because he was a member of an elite – the new ruling class – and, as such, deserves the reverence and celebration that they feel due for one of their kind. More so for a life that is sadly cut short.
Once you understand the nature of our new ruling class, all becomes clear.
Re: Michael Grade’s departure from the BBC:
Do not the words “rats” and “sinking ship” spring to mind?
More than 500 complaints were made to the Metropolitan Police regarding the demonstration to you which you refer.
To my knowledge, one person has since been tried and found guilty:
Since then, there have been other similar protests but no further arrests nor intervention by the police to my knowledge.
This one against Catholics, after the Popes speech, outside Westminster Cathedral:
And another, very disturbing, Hizbullah Rally in Parliament Square as recently as August (contrast with treatment dished out to the Countryside Alliance); links to photos – the sort of images that didn’t make it onto the BBC for some obscure reason – on our page:
Be aware that ALL demonstrations however small (or big) this close to Parliament, have been banned.
just watching “this life” again – its being repeated on beeb 2.
they are smoking – IN THE OFFICE.
jeez – i didnt realise we’d lost our freedoms that rapidly. what – about 10 years?
Jonathan Boyd Hunt writes:
“Re: Michael Grade’s departure from the BBC:
Do not the words “rats” and “sinking ship” spring to mind?”
You’re probably right – but how often do rats join sinking ships?
What worries me isn’t the damage it could cause to the BBC (Phoney will soon find another placeman from among his countless corrupt and greasy friends), but the damage Grade will do to ITV.
If it is capable of nothing else, ITV still makes the occasional decent middlebrow drama programme. If Grade brings with him the clowns who have filled the BBC’s schedules with ‘reality’ (sic) and makeover shows et al, then heaven help what remains of ITV drama!
ritter -> cracking open a beer too. bit sudden isnt it?
boy would i love to have been a fly on the wall at his resignation meeting…
gcooper -> murdoch made a phone call to grade?
he did increase his stake in ITV.
maybe? an offer he couldnt refuse?
archduke writes:
“jeez – i didnt realise we’d lost our freedoms that rapidly. what – about 10 years?”
There is almost nothing more instructive than watching cheap TV programmes to see how things have changed. Go back a bit further and take a look at the run of the mill ITV and BBC comedy shows of the 1980s.
If anyone doubts how much influence the PC gauleiters have exerted, an afternoon spent watching old videos will soon set them straight.
And the question is – who elected these idiots? Who allowed them authority to dictate what people may say and think?
disclaimer – the above is 100 per cent pure speculation on my part. i have no inside knowledge of the Grade resignation story.
“And the question is – who elected these idiots? Who allowed them authority to dictate what people may say and think?
GCooper | 28.11.06 – 12:52 am”
yeah – it reminded me of my first job in London. Owner was London Jewish guy, big cigars , larger than life.
Got a manager in , who was American, and who hated smoking with a vengeance. Thing was, the business itself sorted it out without any PC gauleiters. The owner agreed that it was annoying folks, so, we smokers agreed to just have a ciggie on the street. no problem.
thing was – we came to that decision ourselves. no laws were required.
having said that – the cigar chomping owner of the company could still have a Havana in his office. Well, it was his [deleted] company and his offices…
Edited By Siteowner
archduke writes:
“murdoch made a phone call to grade?
he did increase his stake in ITV.
maybe? an offer he couldnt refuse?”
Who knows? Grade is a scion of an old showbiz family. Scratch that fashionably Leftist exterior and you may find he’s closer to Lew Grade than John Reith (the real one – not the BBC rebuttal unit that infests B-BBC from time to time).
My guess is that Grade sees a challenge at ITV – to take it back to its Grade/Delfont roots.
“And the question is – who elected these idiots? Who allowed them authority to dictate what people may say and think?
GCooper | 28.11.06 – 12:52 am |”
even better one would be the look at kids TV.
Rod Liddle wrote a piece in the sunday times last weekend about how his niece is utterly annoyed like hell about Balamory.
cos there’s no English in it.
his niece is 5 by the way.
and i would agree with him – about the only things my little one finds educational are Dora the explorer and Lazytown – both are privately produced. As for BBC output – its just so dumbed down and boring she doesnt bother with it anymore.
“My guess is that Grade sees a challenge at ITV – to take it back to its Grade/Delfont roots.
GCooper | 28.11.06 – 12:59 am ”
Grade is a motivated chap – and i can see how that would be a stimulating job for him. Arent BBC fcuked now – cos Grade will have all their plans in his head?
it is a very interesting development though. one wonders what in gods name is going on here.
Grade resigns, moving to take up Chair & CEO at ITV. Bad news for the Beeb I think. Uncertainty at a key time of negotiations with Brown? I hope this gives Brown a better hand to impose a RPI settlement – weaker BBC.
Ritter, how sweet it would be if it were to be a Scottish Socialist of the beloved Labour Party who turned out to be the one to emasculate the BBC
funny how the turks ARE NOT apologising about the Battle of Vienna.
of course, bbc news 24 kind of skips over all that.
ottoman empire? hello? ever hear of that beeboids?
bbc new 24 , when going over the grade resignation, had a stock video of Grade with a Torah in hand, jewish skullcap and scarf going to some London synagogue
yeah – we ALL know what that visual message means.
When you take a look at the appalling BBC TV program schedule then ITV are welcome to him…
“BBC chief walks out to defect to ITV
Michael Grade is to abandon the BBC for its rival ITV”,,2-2475283,00.html
ref Michael Grade:
Some classic and very funny postings on the HYS board on this topis.
Read them quickly, this site will be removed shortly, as it does not agree with the Beebs view.
Seen that before, haven’t we?
Did you hear St. Naughtie expostulating about Grade’s ‘betrayal’ this morning? What? Take a million quid package to take a top challenge in broadcasting, instead of being syphoned off into Chair of the new BBC Trust on £140k a year? How could he do that to poor James? I hadn’t realised that Mark Thompson is now going to be in a new combined post of Chair and DG of al beeb. Under cover of ‘accountability’ it seems they are consolidating power in one post that won’t even have the scrutiny of a board.
“how sweet it would be if it were to be a Scottish Socialist of the beloved Labour Party who turned out to be the one to emasculate the BBC”
Poetic justice indeed if al beeb comes a cropper to the clunking fist of their idol…