Not exactly about bias – in fact not at all, but it’s Christmas … the Sage of Peebles on Kirsty Young and the departure of Michael Grade.
“Another Two Daisies On The Grave Of Lord Reith”
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Not exactly about bias – in fact not at all, but it’s Christmas … the Sage of Peebles on Kirsty Young and the departure of Michael Grade.
I suspect the difference is that real satirists know how to use such humour to get their point across, like a scalpel. The BBC uses it like a sledgehammer.
archonix writes:
“I suspect the difference is that real satirists know how to use such humour to get their point across, like a scalpel. The BBC uses it like a sledgehammer.”
Yes, that’s a fair point. And I would suggest that the targets and strike ratio of South Park are often of a distinctly higher order than, say, the miserably predictable nonsense Bremner, The Now Show et al churn out on CH4 and the BBC.
There, it is simply enough to say “Bush is a moron” and a bunch of giggling undergrads will clap like performing seals.
If you take an episode of SP (for example, “Sexual Harassment Panda”) you’ll find it hitting a liberal icon full in the face – and doing so far more stylishly than British ‘satire’ has done for many years.
Excuse me: why did everyone allow the fake JimBob to get away with the stupid argument that only right-wingers ever post here? I happen to be different from most posters in that I am both Christian and not politically conservative. I have no love for free marketeers, I have argued against the death penalty from these columns, I criticized people who seemed to me to be too nice towards the BNP, and as the debate was going on I was in profound disagreement with several people over the supposed artistic merit of South Park. And still I find that BBC attitudes stink to high heaven. The truth is that sooner or later any person who makes an honest effort to think with his or her own mind is going to fall foul of Corporation groupthink in some area, most likely either climate change or Israel-bashing. The business of being right-wing is a red herring.
Hell, you can’t catch every troll. Anyway, he seems to have disappeared while people were busy ignoring him.
Apologies for using your name JimBob, I genuinely didnt realise you were using the name. Fair to say no one would have confused your viewes with mine though.
In the spirit of reconcilliation I am happy to admit I didnt know what a ‘Stakhanovite’ was and thank you for enriching my knowledge. It is probably a description that has some truth in it, although not the communist part. That was something I grew out of when I turned 16.
In reply to Heron: ‘I have never heard the BBC attack any government from the right’. Nor from the left.
I have never heard ‘the BBC ever suggest lower taxes’ nor higher taxes. I have never heard the ‘BBC ever argue the virtues of privatisation and a free-market economy’ nor the opposite.
‘Were the BBC impartial, they would need at some point to do all of these things, even if it is simply to counter someone’s point of view. To my knowledge, they never have.’ No, that would not be impartial. The BBC does not express an opinion on these issues either way. It provides a platform for others to express these opinions.(You can argue about the balance of that, but given that it broadcasts 24 hours a day on numerous channels this would seem like an impossible task for mortals like you or I) It is not that the BBC should be expressing some right wing viewes itself and balance it out by expressing some left wing views. It doesnt work like that.
‘Why did the BBC show Jerry the Opera and not show the (far less offensive) Danish cartoons? It is clear that both caused great offence.’ Simple answer to this is that it did show the Danish cartoons. On Newsnight. It is your opinion that the cartoons were ‘far less offensive’. Personally I too found it difficult to understand the offense caused by them but then I took it in good faith when they said it did. (And I dont mean the extremist ones but rather that was the impression I got from all shades), I dont think there can be much disagreement about the article below:
Unless there are those on this site who would wish the Beeb to be ‘provoking parts of its audience for the sake of it, which might have been the motivation of some of those bent on the reproduction of the images in other places.’ Anyone fit the description here?
2 other points about the article. Popetown was made but never broadcast by the BBC. Having reviewed it they felt it may be offensive to some Christians and wasn’t justified. (Interestingly it was sold to Italian TV, thats Italy, the largely Roman Catholic country, who did show it. No doubt there is a website about its bias too.)
The other point is that Newsnight was inundated , to JSTO proportions by Muslims protesting about the cartoons being show. A text had been sent to thousands of Muslims as far away as India and Pakistan encouraging them to complain. Despite this and despite the threats of violence the cartoons were broadcast. As a humorous aside some had received it too late and were still threatening Fatwas weeks after it had already gone out.
I wish to avoid trading insults.I promise to remain open minded. Of course the BBC will make mistakes, of course there will be instances of unintentional bias. Lets use reason instead.
P.S. From now on I will use the name: Aleksei, in honour of my buddy GCooper.
The BBC does not express an opinion on these issues either way.
You have to be kidding here, Aleksei. The BBC does not move without expressing its
anti-capital punishment
pro-social engineering
Bryan quoytes Aleksei:
“!The BBC does not express an opinion on these issues either way.
You have to be kidding here, Aleksei. The BBC does not move without expressing its…. opinion”
Indeed! It’s a constant source of mingled amusement and amazment to me, how newcomers can breeze in and make statements about the BBC’s purported lack of bias when, clearly, they can never have read the pages and pages of evidence presented here. Let alone, the masthead admissions by former and current BBC staff!
What worries me is the possbility that they have read at least some of it and they still don’t get it.