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A Happy New Year to all our readers and commenters. It may take a while for posting to get up to speed – but here’s a new open thread before the old one bursts a seam.
I wonder if there’s an echo in here……
I wonder how the BBC would re-write this story;
Muslim sacrifices self at shrine on Eid
New Delhi: A 45-year-old Muslim man on Monday slit his throat with a knife and sacrificed himself at the shrine of Ghazi Baba in Bahraich District in Uttar Pradesh on the occasion of Eid-ul-Zuha, police said.
A note was found in which Moharrum Ali had written, “I was sacrificing my life as I once dreamt Allah asking me to offer myself for sacrifice,” Superintendent of Police (SP) Pramod Kumar told PTI.
I can almost see the BBC headlines.
“Muslim kills himself with American made knife”
Perhaps they’d try and spin it as a protest against the murder… sorry, hanging of “the former president of Iraq”.
“Hergé’s Adventures of the BBC and the missing ‘R’ word.”
Cartoon protester ‘urged murder’
A British Muslim called for American and Danish people to be murdered, at a protest against cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, a court has heard. Umran Javed, 27, of Washwood Heath Road, Birmingham, took part in the event on 3 February last year after the cartoons were published in Denmark.
Once again the BBC which is so quick to refer to anything that concerns non white people in the UK as ‘Racist’ refuses to acknowledge that a member of the ROP™ could be guilty of such a crime. Now while the BBC only posted selective comments which our presumed innocent until found guilty ROP™ shouted out. Here is what he actually said on the day in question;
“My dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we need to understand why we are here today. To declare that we will not stand for what Denmark did . . . We will not stand for what France, for what Europe, for what the whole of the disbelievers and the Western world are united for.
You have declared war against Allah and his Messenger. You have declared war against the Muslim community, for which you will pay a heavy price. Take lesson of Theo van Gogh. Take lesson of the Jews of Khaybar. Take lessons for what you can see, for you will pay with your blood. Denmark, you will pay. Denmark, you will pay, you will pay. With your blood, with your blood, with your blood. Bomb, bomb Denmark. Jihad is the path of God.
Democracy, hypocrisy. Democracy go to hell. Denmark go to hell. Freedom go to hell. Bomb, bomb Denmark. Denmark watch your back. Zarqawi is coming back. Bomb, bomb USA. Bomb, bomb Denmark’”
Racist? I bloody well think so. Pity the BBC doesn’t..
Totally O/T but I thought that readers who do not receive the daily snowmail, which previews C4 News, might enjoy Jon Snow’s even-handednes between terrorists & Saddam’s executioner suggesting that the old tyrant was bound for hell.
The row about the behaviour surrounding the hanging of Saddam Hussein continues.
Interestingly absolutely anybody with any culpability ranging from the Iraqi government itself to the American administration and our own British government have gone to ground on the matter. It’s been left to John Prescott, currently standing in for Tony Blair, to condemn it – though even he had to have it wrung from him in an interview ostensibly about something else.
Fascinating to observe how readily the authorities like to dash out to condemn terrorism and the rest but when a possible abuse of behaviour occurs by the authorities in Baghdad be it by us, Iraqi or anyone else, a strange silence falls over the proceedings.
The BBC and its ongoing love affair with Pakistan;
Rare British India documents surface
Documents and papers shown to the BBC by a relation of the commander of British troops during the 1897 siege of Malakand – in what is now Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province – provide a fascinating new insight into the struggle for South Asia.
Among those who wrote about the siege was a young Winston Churchill,
Then as now, British troops faced a determined enemy described by Churchill as people who “fight without passion and kill without loss of temper”.
“The inhabitants of these wild but wealthy valleys are of many tribes, but of similar character and condition. Except at times of sowing and harvest, feud and strife prevail,” he wrote in an account of the siege.
“The strong aboriginal propensity to kill, inherent in all human beings, has in these valleys been preserved in unexampled strength and vigour”.
“Never despise your enemy is an old lesson but it has to be learnt afresh, year after year, by every nation that is warlike and brave.”.
Nice to see the BBC quoting Churchill in which to promote the fighting prowess of its Radical Religious zeros.
Problem is BBC if you are going to make a story out of the article which was published in the Christmas edition of the Economist. It kind of helps if you add the most salient comment from a Young Winston Churchill about the natives.
“Their system of ethics, which regards treachery and violence as virtues rather than vices…is incomprehensible to a logical mind”—Churchill
I await with baited breath the next article on how the poor people of Kashmir are still struggling after that earthquake the other year.
The BBC and how it loves to promote the UK as a racist place.
Romanians put trust in hard work
For Romanians hoping to work abroad the country’s accession to the European Union opens new opportunities. But Britain is not among the countries which have granted Romanians and Bulgarians the right to work from day one of their accession.
I’m sorry BBC but instead of making out the UK bars anybody and everybody from these shores. How about telling the truth for a change. The last I looked out of the whole EU the only two countries which have allowed free movement of workers with Bulgaria and Romania are Finland and Sweden. That means BBC out of 25 countries 23 have barriers in place. The Uk as everybody knows allowed in the everybody from the last tranche. Instead of only berating the UK how about berating the rest of the EU for putting in place a form of apartheid which forbids workers from 17 European countries from having the full rights which they expect their own to have. The European loving BBC blind to the racist behaviour of the EU, but oh how it loves to find fault with its own people.
Good morning from Baghdad.
Just seen a “report” on BBC24 about protests in Saddams home village, about the way he was treated on the gallows.
This does NOT reflect the opinion of the Iraqi people, Sunni or otherwise.
The “report” under the banner of Iraq’s protest of Saddam’s exacution treatment, shows a few dozen women and children shouting and jumping up and down.
It’s worth noting that, whailers and protesters are often hired relatively cheaply in this part of the world.
The streets of Baghdad this morning show no change from last week, prior to SH’s exacution.
The BBC lying through its teeth to you all again.
Come on Pounce, get it right:
“Muslim killed by American knife.”
Chuffer and Pounce:
The headline would be: Sacrifice and Joy at Eid Festival
After much posturing about how ancient and enobling the festival is, around about paragraph 5 we would find that in Uttar Pradesh a Muslim was killed by an American knife.
Since when is Muslim killing Muslim news?
Just wanted to let you know that I often cover cases of BBC bias on my blog which, in particular, covers the sordid history of their biased reporting about Iran since the late 70’s. It would be great if you’d add me to your blogroll, and I’ll happily do the same.
Many thanks,
Noggr the Bloggr
Tim | 03.01.07 – 7:28 am
Just seen a “report” on BBC24 about protests in Saddams home village, about the way he was treated on the gallows. This does NOT reflect the opinion of the Iraqi people, Sunni or otherwise……..The BBC lying through its teeth to you all again.
Well, if the BBC is lying, so is the Daily Telegraph:
The release of the footage has raised tensions between the Shia majority and Sunni Iraqis loyal to Saddam, with thousands of people taking to the streets in protest.
and again:
Thousands of Sunni Muslims showed their anger over Saddam Hussein’s execution in demonstrations across Iraq as the country’s government promised an investigation into film footage of Shia officials taunting the former dictator as he approached the gallows.
And the Jerusalem Post
the emotional, politicized spectacle raised tensions between the Shi’ite majority and Sunni Arabs
+ plus numerous other media outlets listed here:
Are you sure you’re not missing something?
US Knife Exporter Kills Muslim by Proxy
That may be so, but I found extremely distasteful the fact that Naughtie gave moral equivalence to some understandable anger – and joy – of the people dispensing justice to Saddam (ie a few spoken words by prison guards) and the fact that Saddam killed hundreds of thousands of his own people …. it brings great disgrace on journalism that the two are compared.
And some random woman from Iraq gets 3 minutes of free time to proclaim Saddam a hero??? What was all that about?
Naughtie can’t understand the difference between a) a few words by young prison guards and b) the torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of people by Saddam.
He even, amazingly, incomprehensively, says
The sort of scene there is more associated with him than with a lawful Government
The Iraqi MP explains that Saddam used to torture people before he executed them … and Naughtie goes ‘hmm, hmm’ underneath him and then quickly says “Indeed” and moves on….. but the Iraqi guy insists on explaining things further (ha!).
Wouldn’t the knife have been re-exported from the US after its manufacture in China?
Strange, The Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Telegraph, Times, a TES forum, all see this as news, except the BBC?
John, Perhaps the BBC feel that the Guardian’s attempt to go undercover and infiltrate the BNP is too similar to the BBCs own attempt to infiltrate the BNP and don’t wish to remind anybody about it? Perhaps they have been advised by their lawyers and the CPS not to comment further on attempts to infiltrate the BNP and expose ‘racist’ ballerinas like this, as they lost two court cases in full public glare.
Remember we had BBC News 24 reporting live outside the Leeds court and hearing itself described as “BBC are Cockroaches”.
JR’s comment about the ballerina as a “poster-girl” at the same time as the BBC have not even bothered to mention this story just sounds like sour-grapes. I think they are too scared to report it.
Tim, glad to see you’re well in Baghdad. When I listened to John Simpson’s report on the day of Saddam’s execution, I thought that whilst his conclusion – that it would make things worse – was probably about to be proved right, his hand-wringing attitude was disgusting, and missed several salient points.
1. Saddam tortured and put to death hundreds of thousands of people. It is possible, even probable, that these included friends or family of some of those present at his execution. While it may not be very British, I feel an outpouring after so many years of being suppressed by him to be entirely understandable. It does not surprise me at all that he was taunted.
2. This was an Iraqi execution. Nothing to do with the US or the UK, or their justice systems. The alternative was an American trial which I am sure would have been comprehensively slaughtered (pardon the pun) by the self-loathing hacks at the Beeb. On the one hand, the lefties argue that we have no right to go to Iraq to impose our democracy and justice on them, on the other hand the same lefties express their disgust about the justice served to Saddam. You can’t have it both ways.
3. We are constantly told that the death penalty does not belong in civilised society. According to whom? I would imagine there is a fairly even split on it in this country although I haven’t any figures. I am against the death penalty, but only because of the fallibility of the justice system. Were the correct verdict guaranteed, I am sure that the vast majority of Britons would support the death penalty. Saddam was guilty of the murders of hundreds of thousands, genocide. There is no doubt of his guilt. Most people I have spoken to are glad that he has been put to death, though some expressed concern that he may become a martyr.
4. Saddam was an evil man. Why should we be sad that he has been killed? Given the huge nature of his crimes, why should we care that his execution wasn’t “smooth”?
5. For many people in Iraq, surely Saddam’s death will bring closure.
The militants, most of whom aren’t Iraqi anyway, will fight on, just as they would have fought on had Saddam not been executed. Things may well get worse for a while, but if – and it’s a big if I admit – we’re going to win this war, it’s an important event on the way to victory.
This post isn’t really about BBC bias, but a media who wanted us to win this war could have spun the execution in a far more positive manner. They could also have suppressed, or at least held back, the mobile phone footage. After all, they had no problem in keeping the Danish cartoons hidden from us, did they?
As it is, I feel there is a sickening anxiety to portray this as another nail in Bush and Blair’s coffin.
Stabbing tragedy – Wal Mart defy call for ban of defective knives
will, I dunno – but the headline could begin to get quite long:
US Exporter kills Muslim by Proxy with Knife made in China
US implicated in Muslim Suicide
“JR’s comment about the ballerina as a “poster-girl” at the same time as the BBC have not even bothered to mention this story just sounds like sour-grapes. I think they are too scared to report it.”
I don’t believe that we would have ever been aware of the ‘poster-girl’ had it not been for The Guardian’s ‘reporter’ revealing the list of BNP members – is that not about to be a case in law because the daring mole had supposedly signed a contract of confidentiality covering membership details?
Now, how about the BBC and its sibling infiltrating the terrorist groupings which are known to be plotting atrocities in this country – what say ye, JR?
Morning jr
Hate to labour the point but could you respond to my earlier query(4.33 pm yesterday)
‘Secondly you state: The ballerina meanwhile did her own reputation no good in the Daily Mail.
I may be missing something here but would you mind explaining to me how you arrived at that conclusion.’
Many thanks. Doubt if I’ll be able to come back until much later .. busy day today.
Less than a year ago one senior BNP staffer was…..if various blogs are to be believed…..trying to acquire a hit man to assassinate various ministers and…..wait for it….Greg Dyke.
So maybe we should redesignate the BNP as a terrorist organization?
I’m absolutely sure.
I blogged here before christmas that I had heard (through local contacts) there maybe a rise in sectarian violence after Eid.
Nothing at all to do with SH.
There may well have been some pro Saddam demos, but showing a renta crowd of a few dozen mainly women and children shouting and jumping up and down at Saddam’s burial site, does not reflect the true mood in Iraq.
I know Tikrit very well as I was stationed there during last years referendum and elections, where I was the UN election representative for the region.
Tikrit, isn’t necessarily as pro Saddam as most think. The town’s population was massively boosted by the staffing (Cooks/Cleaners/Gardeners/Prostitutes etc)of his nearby palace complex (Where I stayed) People from all over Iraq were drafted in the area, from all religions.
All of this sectarian violence is very new to Iraq – All stoked and reported by external influences!
Is it my imagination, or is John Simpson beginning to look like Jabba the Hutt?
If you get a chance, what’s your view on John Keegan’s article in today’s Telegraph (bearing in mind Vietnam):
50,000 more US troops can save Iraq
Hunting ban tops ‘unpopular’ poll
The Countryside Alliance has admitted conducting a drive to get people to vote for a repeal of the laws banning hunting with dogs, in a Radio 4 poll. The Hunting Act took 52.8% of the votes to top a Today poll of the act people would most like to see reversed. The alliance said it used its website to encourage pro-hunt activists to back an end to the ban in England and Wales. The programme’s panel had considered excluding hunting because of evidence of a campaign to affect the outcome. Today presenter Ed Stourton said there had been “suspicions that there was an organised campaign at work”.
Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe, who was on the panel which assessed nominations for the poll, told Today: “Undeniably, the Countryside Alliance pulled out every last stop to get this result. “We did hesitate on the panel to put this one forward because there was already evidence of links from the Countryside Alliance – encouragement etc – and of course we [they] had the Boxing Day meets, when just about everybody who actively supports hunting would have been out and could have been reminded.”
BBC is outfoxed in listeners’ poll
Ed Stourton, one of the presenters of the Radio 4 Today programme, broke the news to listeners over breakfast with the results of a vote to find the law that the programme’s audience would most like to scrap. More than half the votes cast were to abolish the Hunting Act, which outlawed hunting with hounds two years ago. With the lugubrious sigh that is his trademark, Stourton told his audience of 6.5 million of “suspicions that there was an organised campaign at work”. The Countryside Alliance later cheerfully confirmed that it had encouraged members to take part.
Simon Hart, the chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, admitted to trying to orchestrate the result. “Of course, the alliance has been encouraging its supporters to take part. It would be strange if we did not support the repeal of the Hunting Act,” he said. “Claims of vote rigging are, however, nothing but sour grapes. The vote was limited to one vote per person.”,,2-2526948_1,00.html
So, the Countryside Alliance “has admitted” rallying supporters and there are “suspicions that there was an organised campaign at work” • but nothing more sinister than that it appears.
Oh, those naughty, naughty, naughty people at Countryside Alliance, spoiling the fun for the beeb!
…..if various blogs are to be believed…..
like uaf or stop the bnp.
You know as well as anyone that anything that can be used and exaggerated against the BNP will be but the bbc/cockroaches and their guardian/swp allies can’t get nothing on the BNP. So stop smearing them, we are supposed to live in a democracy. Why don’t the bbc hunt marxists in the labour party.
Mr John Reith wrote (on the earlier thread)
“As you’ll no doubt recall the US did back Ethiopia at the start of the Ogaden dispute while Russia backed Somalia.”
I think you will find that just because America sold Ethiopia 12 F5 freedom fighters before the onset of hostilities doesn’t transpire as US backing. Tell you what Mr Reith have a look at just how the Ethiopians kicked out the Yanks in April 1977 and have another look at July of that year when the Somali’s invaded with full Russian backing. At the start of the war Russian not only supported both sides but armed them as well. But she had to pick a winner and Ethiopia got the seal of approval from Moscow. America had nothing to do with that war. Oh by the way have a look at who the American president was at the time. (Put it this way, it was because of his policy of not facing up to the Russians at hard ball that they decided they could do what ever they wanted. , oh yes the very same President when he found out the Russians didn’t want to play ball set up a trust fund ($40 Billion) in which to pay for the training of Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan,)and he had the US do nothing in the Horn of Africa when a Marxist government kicked them out.
If you wish to refer to me as a nit-picker Mr John Reith it kind of helps if you get your facts right before you step up to the counter and try to best me once again in a war of words.
Oh yes Happy Eid to you.
Israel ‘collaborator’ freed early
Oh the Palestinians have freed an Israeli Collaborator, i must have been wrong to think they butcher them and hang them from lamposts. What nice people these pals are.
NOW read the actual story
Since lying about the BNP does not work very well in the age of the Internet, the gentler forms of destruction are being supplemented by stronger. Its leader has just been acquitted after a trial for speech crimes that did not exist when I was a boy. Its known members are losing their jobs in public bodies up and down the country. It has trouble getting its material printed. Banks are being persuaded to close its accounts. The legal machinery is in place to deny it access to the ballot in elections.
Mr Cobain’s articles must be seen as part of this attempted destruction of a political party. Let it become known that middle class supporters will be named and have their careers destroyed, and party membership will not proceed far beyond the working classes. Let it be made effectively impossible for any middle class person to stand as a BNP candidate, and the only candidates will be criminals and fools, who can then be held up as a reason not to vote BNP.
Less than a year ago one senior BNP staffer was…..if various blogs are to be believed…..trying to acquire a hit man to assassinate various ministers and…..wait for it….Greg Dyke.
So maybe we should redesignate the BNP as a terrorist organization?
John Reith, I’m sure you would love to proscribe the BNP. However, unlike yourself, most of us do not believe everything we read on the blogs (nor, incidently, do we anymore believe we get from the BBC).
PS No, I’m not a ballet dancer and I choose to remain anonymous because I wouldn’t relish my name plastered across the Grauniad.
Sorry, that should have said “what we get from the BBC”
It’s OK Anonymous, now just write it out 100 times after class this evening.
Some hangings get the BBC’s dander up
Some don’t (warning, explicit photo)
But then again, who cares about gays? Well the BBC pretends to, but is strangely quiet about their treatment in Islamic countries, including the Palestinian Territories.
Great take from Steyn on the Saddam execution saga.
MUSLIM OPUTRAGE AT AMERICAN KNIVES – worldside call for Jihad against all US kitchen implements.
PS The above is a Grauniad headline
Following the Christmas furore surrounding their ‘Hag in a Bag’ seasonal message, prepare yourselfs for more wishful thinking from Channel Four…
The Trial of Tony Blair (to be broadcast on 18th Jan)
“Robert Lindsay reprises his portrayal of the Prime Minister from A Very Social Secretary in a political satire that sees Tony Blair depart Downing Street after more than a decade in power. Haunted by continuing problems in Iraq and obsessed with his legacy, he refuses to see the dangers he faces from a special tribunal set up to investigate war crimes. “
A post at Harry’s Place links to a lecture at Yale by Guy Raz– a correspondent for National Public Radio– on “Covering Antisemitism: From Nazi Germany to the Modern Middle East, A Reporter’s Notebook.”
Around 10 minutes in he begins to talk quite extensively about the results of his research into the BBC archives and the BBC’s coverage of antisemitism in the 1930s.
Well worth listening to – plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Excuse my French.
Mr Cobain’s articles must be seen as part of this attempted destruction of a political party. Let it become known that middle class supporters will be named and have their careers destroyed, and party membership will not proceed far beyond the working classes.
I tend to agree, it is part of something, but doubt that there is a cohesive mechanism involved here unless we count the Guardian’s B list of rent-a-mouths. Cruddas does seem to be stamping his feet and raising a lot of dust, but he is in an election,and I guess he does get government backing. What astonishes me is that the BBC have yet to write anything about this. Despite the fact that all the major British newspapers have covered this story. Searching Simone Clarke on the BBC site, just brings up positive reviews of her dancing and speaks of her as “highly respected”.
It may be that as Allan@Aberdeen suggests they are very anxious about further legal proceedings with the BNP.
However, I really do think that it does reveal the bias of the BBC when they shut up shop like this. “No comment”.
It would also be an opportunity for the BBC to show contrition inasmuch as they also went undercover to expose them.
By not saying anything, the BBC reminds me of a naughty child caught with dirty hands, keeping them firmly behind his back, not wanting to show that they are dirty.
JR, if the BBC wishes to have the BNP named as a terrorist organisation, and has good reason to do so, then that’s fine by me. It would be appreciated if the BBC would apply the term ‘terrorist’ to organisations which fire rockets on Israel, for consistency and accuracy. NB that these organisations admit to loosing off rockets against Israel and don’t require the dubious verification of certain blogs.
Socialist senator makes US history
“…But he clearly thinks Washington needs at least one, as he praises the achievements of Europe’s social-democratic parties in health care, housing, education and reduction of child poverty.
“The government should make sure people who work 40 hours a week do not live in poverty,” he says, adding for good measure: “I disagree with Bush and other right-wing extremists about this.”
Obviously Al Beeb adore this guy. Why am I not surprised?
Don’t a lot of lefties in the US tend to come from the very white, molly-coddled New England area? It could be something in the water that makes them so stupid.
Support for hanging Saddam in Europe: There are some informative numbers in yesterday’s Best of the Web.
For example:
“Blogger Ray D. reports that a poll in Germany’s Der Spiegel found majorities favored Saddam’s execution in Britain (69%), France (58%), Germany (53%) and Spain (51%), as did 46% of Italians.”
I don’t know if anyone in that 69 percent would be allowed to broadcast on the BBC. Perhaps Mr. Reith can answer that question.
pounce | 02.01.07 – 11:30 pm | #
wouldn’t that rather be “american knife kills muslim” or “muslim killed by american knife”?
Chuffer | 03.01.07 – 8:04 am | #
sorry, chuffer, hadn’t seen your post!
pounce 03.01.07 – 1:16 pm
I think you will find that just because America sold Ethiopia 12 F5 freedom fighters before the onset of hostilities doesn’t transpire (sic) as US backing.
The Ogaden ‘dispute’ (as opposed to ‘war’) started in 1948. The US backed Haile Selassie for years. He was even accorded the special honour of taking precedence over all other heads of state at JFK’s funeral. The US stuck with Ethiopia during the early period of the Derg • but drew the line at Mengistu’s treatment of dissidents…and his increasingly blatant Marxism.
America had nothing to do with that war.
Wrong. The US asked the Saudis to extend a 200m dollar credit to the Somalis for arms in….I think….July 77.
You may subscribe to the one-minute-autodidact school of journalism, but the BBC has bigger responsibilities.
I’ve noticed too that you have a somewhat un-nuanced take on current events in Somalia. No mention, for instance, of the large number of Eritrean Christians in the UIC forces. Odd that. Try debkafile for details.
Allan@Aberdeen | 03.01.07 – 3:38 pm
the very white, molly-coddled New England area… It could be something in the water that makes them so stupid.
And you have the gall to call the BBC anti-American!
Mark Steyn drinks (and bathes in) New Hampshire water.
“Don’t a lot of lefties in the US tend to come from the very white, molly-coddled New England area? It could be something in the water that makes them so stupid.”
What, you mean the affluent pleasant part of the country? What a bunch of idiots living there. They should move to Alabama pronto.
See also Islington, North London generally, ‘nice parts of Manchester’. Total idiots these urban elites.