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A Happy New Year to all our readers and commenters. It may take a while for posting to get up to speed – but here’s a new open thread before the old one bursts a seam.
I was at NATO HQ in Brussels and had to pay Council Tax at the UK rate, rent at the Forces Germany rate and fuel and light bills were also at the Forces Germany rate despite them being cheaper in Belgium…..meanwhile an absolute muppet of a filing clerk in the MoD got my house and I was shifted sideways into a flat the same size as the one below occupied by a typist from the MoD. In my case wife plus 3 kids, in her case she was on her own! Also said muppet paid no rent, fuel and light nor council tax, got higher allowances than me AND was given officer status when he was inf act equal to a Private Solider in terms of job!
I know we give up a lot of our human rights when we join (wot no BBC enquiry/) but all we do ask is to be treated well and our families looked after. In 20 years of marriage whilst in the Army I and my family were separated for 11.5 years of that time NOT including guards, other duties and training courses or two week exercises in Germany etc which would probably add another year or two to the total.
Now I’m a teacher it is awfully tempting to apply for a job in Cyprus or somewhere just to be given officer status, free officer type quarters and lots of extra money! But no I’ll resist the temptation!
Solider? Soldier! Terrible example to be setting and lining myself up as a target for Mr Reith the Pedantic. Sorry!
I suspect a soldier’s constitution would be solider than that of Mr Reith.
Hark at my bad grammaration! Tis folly, so sure of that which has no foundation, to criticise those with no obligation for the satisfaction of justification by the corporation, who’s dedication to dissemblation is an implication of mental masturbation.
Forsooth can we nae get a translation thingie on this site? One for BBC doubelplusungoodspeak and the other for archonix? 😎
Silly me. I forgot the Americans are in Iraq.
The BBC and balance…
pounce | 06.01.07 – 2:06 pm |
and of course don’t forget the role played in this by the cultural affinity the bbc has with the americans. honest. j reith said so.
The BBC and ‘Not the Nine O/Clock News’.
Woman suffered ‘worst injuries I have seen’ • Pathologist
By Tony Gardner
A pathologist told a murder trial that injuries to a teenage battered wife in Leeds were the worst he had seen. Professor Christopher Milroy said they were worse than those suffered by victims of road traffic accidents.He graphically revealed the full extent of the horrific damage to 19-year-old Sabia Rani which she is thought to have suffered in the last 72 hours of her life.Shazad Khan, 25, her husband by arranged marriage, is accused of her murder.Leeds Crown Court heard how Sabia Rani suffered 12 fractured or badly damaged ribs along with around 30 other separate wounds to her head, neck body and limbs.Internal damage was so extensive as to cause soft tissue and fat in her body to turn to liquid.
The BBC feels fit to not report on this story. Type in ‘Sabia Rani’ into the BBC search engine and see what you get. Nothing..that’s what.Oh and BBC here’s my fail safe;
Yet a story about a taxis driver in Bradford getting beaten up and robbed makes the regional news website. I wonder what faith he is? (Here’s a clue his name is Abid Fazal)
So a story where a young teenager gets the crap beaten out of her. In a house that contains her inlaws and nobody and I mean nobody jumps in to stop their son/brother from inflicting 12 broken robs, 30 separate wounds and her internal organs turned to mush. Where the bastard who did this, claims Bart Simpson like it wasn’t him. How the Brother in law and Mother in law of this poor child went to see a holyman in Bradford. (Bradford?) Who told them she was processed by an evil spirit And then she died. After all that the BBC remains silent. I wonder why?
The BBC and ‘Not the Nine O/Clock News’.
God. That actually made me feel sick…
Andrew Marr ‘interviewed’ Gordon Brown this morning. The setting was a small local library chosen, I suspect, to imply wisdom and learning. The lighting was soft and subdued, giving Brown an aura of sainthood. The questioning benign to the point where it was obvious that Brown had chosen them himself.
This was a carefully constructed and well rehearsed piece of shameless propaganda by the bbc on behalf of the party of vermin.
When it got to the point where Marr asked Brown about his son’s disability I turned off in disgust.
I can only assume that it finished with Marr offering to kiss Brown’s butt.
That Andrew Marr/Gordon Brown love-fest took place a couple of days ago and was broadcast this morning. If you saw the news yesterday you’d have noticed that Brown’s criticism of Saddam Hussein’s long drop was the main item. this was because the BBC leaked it’s own bloody interview with the world’s greatest thief.
By the way, since we have all this left wing condemnation of the execution or manner of execution of a left wing despot:
No 10 condemns execution scenes
… what happened to all that stuff about not interfering in the affairs of other nations? What was that ‘imperialism’ stuff about? Where’s all that stuff gone about ‘respecting other cultures’?
TPo writes:
“The questioning benign to the point where it was obvious that Brown had chosen them himself.”
Ah! In which case it went exactly as predicted by Guido and his commenters!
Marr really is one of the best proofs that Reith et al are either dissemblers or mad. Or both.
Knowing Marr to be part of the ‘project’, the BBC still keeps using the man. What possible excuse can there be for that?
Off topic a bit – but expect high taxes on meat products and calls to ban them from “campaign groups” any time soon.
“58. At 04:04 PM on 05 Jan 2007, Nick wrote:
I am sick of all the discussion about flying. One of the largest contributors to carbon emissions is the world’s livestock. If the governments of the world put as much effort into encouraging people to eat less meat as they do in slagging off cheap airlines, the emissions problem could be seriously reduced at a stroke. ”
Jon writes:
“Off topic a bit – but expect high taxes on meat products and calls to ban them from “campaign groups” any time soon.”
It’s an education, watching ideas roll, like waves across the sea, from third-rate academics through the liberal media. It is so apparent and so common that it’s no wonder people end-up beliving in conspiracies.
I recall someone predicting the emergence of the ‘food police’ perhaps ten years ago and here we are with a government so terminally stupid that it is now illegal to advertise cheese during childresn’s TV programmes because cheese (a particularly valuable food for them) has been deemed ‘junk’ by the ignorant fools and quack pseudo-scientists who advise and govern us.
The rise of vegetarianism could, equally, have been predicted, as it docks with wonderful precision into the whole “Green” mythos.
Oh excellent, lets tax meat, pricing poor people out of the market, further wrecking the livelihood of “rich” farmers and their countryside alliance chums and discouraging carnivores in general. Three targets with one well-placed igneous projectile.
The Government’s plan to tax loft conversions and new kitchens is so scandalous that it is hard to know where criticism should begin.
re: The missing R-word
“Danish”, “English”, “European”, “Muslim” and “Western” aren’t races so calling this tirade “racist” is inaccurate.
And as for the imaginary “Muslim kills himself with American-made knife” story — hadn’t we better stick to actual examples of bias as opposed to what we think they might say..?
A little bit of humourous satire never goes amiss. It’s the sort of thing they might say. That makes it funny.
Laugh once in a while.
Kato wrote;
“”Danish”, “English”, “European”, “Muslim” and “Western” aren’t races so calling this tirade “racist” is inaccurate.”
CAIR to explain why the BBC is always so quick to use the ‘R’word when a muslim is preceived to be the victim.
Here’s yet another example of the BBC bias towards those who pray towards Mecca 5 times a day;
Catalans grapple with migrant influx
Settling in the fiercely nationalist region of Catalonia in Spain has proved challenging for a recent wave of immigrants.
And yes the BBC is more than happy to include the Racist word in that defence of the faithful.
… growing international criticism of the handling of Saddam Hussein’s hanging …
Saddam Hussein’s execution has led to a chorus of international criticism.
To avoid any possible doubt, I should like to put on public record that there is no criticism from my quarter.
The BBC it’s pro Hamas stance and the numbers game.
Thousands at Fatah’s Gaza rally
The Palestinian faction Fatah has staged a large and highly-charged political rally in Gaza. The event, the largest of its kind for years, came at a time of extreme tension between Fatah and its rival, the Hamas movement. About 30 people have been killed in clashes over the past month.
Many thousands of Fatah’s followers filled Gaza City’s main stadium, and gave a hero’s welcome to Fatah’s strongman in Gaza, Mohammed Dahlan.
So once again the BBC plays the numbers game in which to hide the true figure of protesters against its ideological masters.
Here is how the same story was reported in Dubai:
Abbas loyalists stage mass show of force against Hamas
GAZA CITY – Supporters of Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas’s Fatah movement staged a massive show of force in Gaza Sunday amid a persistent standoff with the ruling Islamists that threatened renewed violence.In what was the largest Fatah rally since 1994, tens of thousands filled a stadium in Gaza City to hear Mohammed Dahlan, the party’s strongman in the Gaza Strip, threaten retaliation for any attack by Hamas on its faithful.§ion=middleeast&col=
Fatah holds massive rally
Tens of thousands of Fatah supporters packed Gaza’s main soccer stadium today in a massive show of strength to boost the movement in its increasingly violent struggle against the Islamic militant group Hamas.
Fatah holds massive rally in Gaza soccer stadium, sends message to Hamas
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip • Tens of thousands of Fatah supporters packed Gaza’s main soccer stadium Sunday in a show of strength to boost the movement in its increasingly violent struggle against the Islamic militant group Hamas.
Fatah supporters gather in Gaza for massive show of strength,
Tens of thousands of Fatah supporters gathered for a mass rally in Gaza Sunday,,7340,L-3349407,00.html
Yet again the BBC underplays the support its masters enemeies have on the home front.
The BBC it’s pro Hamas stance and the numbers game.
A picture for JR’s office?
News BBC online: tap in
‘MOHAMMED AL-GHAHRA’ result: zero.
For information,
suggest go to ‘Sunday Times’
“London resident named as al-Qaeda
(7 Jan.)
Remember BBC’s sycophantic coverage of Hajj and Eid Al-Adha?
Here’s how the BBC wants us to imagine Eid:
I shall leave it up to one of the Beeboids to explain how the photo of a calf in a middle of a green field is meant to illustrate ritual animal sacrifice.
Meanwhile in the real world:
‘Religion of Pieces’
(Very graphic images so be warned)
And there’s no BBC News entry at
Maybe there’ll be something posted
about him by the BBC tomorrow, if he’s considered to be newsworthy.
Here’s a good one.
Guantanamo and the LibDems.
On this topic you can be guaranteed:
1) An easy ride for the Libdem
2) A pop at Guantanamo
3) A pop at the Americans without any analysis.
Ed Stourton gives an amazingly easy ride to Ed Davey about Bisher al-Rawi. Davey says that the Govt are complicit in the ongoing detention and have failed to seek his early release. Yet in April Jack Straw did exactly that,,1757234,00.html
which Davey actually mentions a bit later on in the interview. Stourton appears to have no clue about this – which would have been worth mentioning – and simply asks whether the Govt “is talking to the American authorities”
Davey pops at the prison and the US and at the Government. Stourton fails to ask any questions to Davey about what the Libdems would do with people at Guantanamo – would they let them all out? We are left wondering. I know time is short but no searching questions at all? He just asks him if they want to make a ‘wider point’?! Very feeble. Can you imagine an American Govt person being given an easy ride with no challenge? Nope!
I don’t know whether al Beeb thinks there’s anything newsworthy here:
” Intelligence chiefs have been briefing journalists about the threat to Britain of a resurgent
al-Qaeda. Many young jihadis in the cities of Pakistan are being turned towards attacking the UK, rather than
the US, the report suggests.”
‘ The changing face of jihad'(Robert
Fox). Read all article at: (8 Jan)
The BBC; Jews don’t exist anymore, and that’s official!
Another HAJJ story for Al Beeb:
“The Israel Foreign Ministry was able to assist in the rescue of 47 Israeli Arabs who got stuck in the vast desert of Saudi Arabia for 10 hours. The travellers were on their way back to Israel after visiting the holy city of Mecca for the traditional Hajj pilgrimage.”(read all. See under ‘More News’ below.)
‘Israel helps Arabs in Saudi desert’
Pounce: the only time the word “racist” appears in the article you flagged up is in a quote. Otherwise they use the more accurate term “xenophobic”. I agree that sometimes the R-word does get used for the wrong thing (religions, nationalities etc.) on the BBC as well as elsewhere. I think they (and others) should use it less, not more.
As for my other comment (ok, I know it was someone else who accused me of having no sense of humour):
I find the jokes funny but it’s sometimes difficult to sort out the hard facts from the mickey-taking on here – I’m fairly new to the site and don’t have enough time to read every post and sort out what they refer to. Maybe we could have a seperate thread for spoofs?
Just a thought.
Peace and goodwill to all
He is the highest ranking Muslim in the U.S. government and one of the few officials at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad fluent in Arabic.
Bush to Nominate Muslim Zalmay Khalilzad to U.N. Post
THE PEOPLE INVESTIGATION How young men spread poison to undermine their OWN country Fanatical UK Muslims are preaching terror on web Muslims who do not fight like the fantastic, fabulous, magnificent soldiers of 9/11 will go to hell. When I turn on the news I like to hear that Americans have been killed… ABU MUWAHID
By Daniel Jones