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Open thread – for comments of general Biased BBC interest:
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john -> yeah. that happens a lot. youtube did the same a while back with some LGF anti-hezbollah videos.
so the LGFers just started posting the same video multiple times, again and again…
if you do a youtube search for “undercover mosque” , you see it reposted by different people
Why is Youtube meddling with posts which show islam as it is? Is there an agenda?
Radio 5’s Simon Mayo interviewing actress Mary Lynn Rajskub about the latest series of 24 today: “It’s very exciting, it’s revolutionary, it’s held viewers interest for a very long time, but it is innately a conservative programme.”
Oh no, not a conservative programme! If only there was some sort of tax-funded organisation producing drama with a definite left-wing bias to balance the picture. Oh, hang on – Judge John Deed, Spooks, The State Within, Robin Hood…
Regular Mayo panellist Boyd Hilton also offered this oh-so-funny observation about the President in the show: “He’s also a bit of a doofus as well which is obviously highly accurate in terms of presidents of America.”
OT Dirk Benedict on Jade Goody: “She’s got more issues than the Democrat party.” Love it.
John Bosworth | 18.01.07 – 4:43 pm |
apparently the bbc have done so, john, and within living memory too – i think it was a hidden camera operation with the BNP.
of course, the bbc pick their victims with (malice and?) forethought.
Added: Thursday, 18 January, 2007, 08:29 GMT 08:29 UK
Well people on here are complaining about license fees again! In some countries you cannot buy a television without first buying a license and then producing it at the store. Then you have to still put up with adverts during the programmes.
Which countries would they be Georgina?
Not mine. All you need here to buy a TV is enough money.
john -> yeah. that happens a lot. youtube did the same a while back with some LGF anti-hezbollah videos.
It seems even those I linked to have been removed from YouTube now:
Why is Youtube meddling with posts which show islam as it is? Is there an agenda?
Allan@Aberdeen | 18.01.07 – 8:47 pm
I believe there is, at least the same fear of upsetting Muslims that allows numerous Jihadi videos showing beheadingss and such yet removes anything that shows the truth about the RoP™
BTW, the video at the top of that LGF post is worth watching, it’s a good example of Muslim weasel words and “we’ve been misunderstood… it’s all been taken out of context…”
Archduke, I try to avoid BB & CBB so Ive missed all the excitement.
Anytime an Indian starts on about white English racists (who apparently represent us all), two words ‘caste system’. End of.
As Jade is partly black herself (1/8th?) is she likely to be such an unapologetic racist (in the way liberal/lefties mean)?
Jo was in a band with a black bloke for years, again is it really likely she is a closet member of the KKK?
Compare & Contrast:
BBC asked four Somalis about conditions in the city, how they viewed Ethiopian intervention in their country, and their hopes for the future.
“The government has stepped up its campaign to restrict our freedom of expression. I think they want to prevent the outside world knowing what has happened in Somalia.
Of course there were big disagreements before [under the rule of the Union of Islamic Courts], but at least that came within the context of freedom of expression.
It is really terrifying here.
“When the Islamic Courts were in charge, we had peace.
I could go and visit people easily, and move around without being afraid.
It’s true they banned cinemas, but people didn’t complain about that. There are no such restrictions on cinemas now.
Somali Journalist on the Union of Islamic Courts: ‘The Nightmare is Over’
“Phew! Good riddance! The nightmare is over. Yes, I mean the Union of Islamic Courts, UIC. They had their day under the sun and they blew it. They had the support of all Somali people when they stormed to power, routed the notorious warlords, restored peace in Mogadishu, opened the airports and seaports, started addressing looted property issues and began looking like a wise authority.
“But instead of capitalizing on the people’s genuine support and willingness to give in and give up everything, they had become power lusty, belligerent and fatwa-crazy. Instead of building bridges with the community, improving services, opening hospitals, winning the trust of international organizations and NGOs to help them with projects to generate employment, they burned all bridges. They alienated the youth by banning all types of entertainment, segregated women and deprived tens of thousands of families from their only livelihood by banning khat without bringing an alternative source of income. They even embittered traditional Islamic scholars with their characteristic Wahhabi style of self-righteousness and condescending attitude to mainstream Islam.
“Now it is time for the people of Mogadishu to reclaim their freedoms and their true religion. Time to read the Koran with piety and not with politics; time to perform Dhikr in the Sufi Qadiriya style; time to dance in weddings and listen to the music of our late melody queen Magool, which the Islamists wanted to burn. It is time to throw away the Arab head rags; the sign of the shabby dressed Islamists; and time to be proud of our native names, cleansing our ears of the alien Arab noms de guerre of the Islamists. It is time to let our women come out to the sunshine and swim with their children in the lido beach; time to shave the beards, watch cinema, and let our youth revel, sing, dance, and ring in the New Year with Mohammed Suleiman’s eternal lyrics ‘…kii noo hagaagee, noqo loo hanweynyahay.’ (‘…Be a year that brings us good fortune and high expectations.’ Amen.”
Can they both be talking about the same Somalia?
“Lurker | 18.01.07 – 11:00 pm |”
yeah, know about the caste system – but you had to see it to believe it. it was awful. two wrongs dont make a right and all that.
plus the indian girl has an arse to die for, so, i’m just being my usual male full-blooded biased self….
but seriously, it was very VERY horrific to watch. rather like watching lions tearing christians apart – that kind of “what the fuck” kind of watching.
“OT Dirk Benedict on Jade Goody: “She’s got more issues than the Democrat party.” Love it.
Anonymous | 18.01.07 – 9:30 pm”
yeah – caught that one as well. made me laugh.
having said all that – it is curious how in the week of “undercover mosque” , the issues raised in that have been completley overshadowed – and therefore disapear down the plughole of media attention.
thank god for YouTube.
Just off to bed, but I have to say that the way that Shilpa is being treated is disgusting. She agreed to take part in Big Brother and I’m sure she expected ‘friction’ and arguments. I doubt she expected to be on the receiving end of racist bullying.
The Indians may have the Caste System (which is dying out), but that in no way cancels out the abhorrent treatment she is receiving off those repulsive, ignorant, pathetic, retarded, obnoxious, morons.
It makes me ashamed to be British, when I see a guest in our country treated that way.
Al Jazeera, new home for ex-BBC types.
There’s an article by Judea Pearl, the father of murdered Daniel Pearl,
about Al Jazeera English:
” Another perspective or Jihad TV ” ( 17 Jan.)
(tap in ‘judea pearl’ in search box).
Well the news is that Tessa Jowell has anounced that
“The BBC will receive over £20 billion over the next six years….”
Gerry Morrissey, assistant general secretary of the BECTU union, which represents technical and other broadcasting staff, said workers were “not prepared to pick up the tab for the BBC’s inability to negotiate a decent license fee.”
Well I guess these guys are such hard working creative people that the fact they are taking their pay from the national pocket doesnt make them think, “hmmm, maybe I should worry about whether what I’m doing is worth my pay?” And not about how much the BBC can screw from the tax payer.
I just think the antics of a few low IQ types doesnt really mean much outside of the moronic inferno of the media. It doesnt excuse nastiness of course.
Sure they are nasty bitches but compared to the daily privations of 100s of millions of Indians deemed to a lot less than 2nd class citizens.
The caste system is dying out? Oh that sounds positive. So how long do you give it then – over by the end of the weekend, a couple of weeks? 6 months, how about 5-10 years and its gone? Thats the sort of time frame needed to take it off the table in the comparative racism stakes.
For myself Id bet on a 100 years just for starters.
Its dying out is exactly the sort of touchy feely BS Id expect from modern, wealthy, urban, cosmopolitan Indians (like the bird in the CBB house), telling westerners what they want to hear. And what caste is she from? Dunno but Id bet my dinner money that its very much an upper one.
Last time I was in India, the paper had a ‘lonely hearts section’ (a bit different to the kind we have in the UK). One section was based on arranged marriages revolving around the caste system. The other part was for ‘metropolitans – caste not important’.
They were of equal length.
As more and more people gain their financial independence in the cities, they will take control of their lives. The caste system is dying out, how long that takes though, is anybody’s guess.
I’m still not sure how the Indian caste system excuses the way this lady is being treated by the retards in the BB House.
Can the BBC update its DNS entry? seems to be redirecting to
Today carries on with the excruciating Gordon Brown Roadshow, today’s being an outside broadcast from India.
It is clear that Brown is creating the same presidential type ledership model that Blair has, incidentally the leadership style that I thought was so hated by Beeboids. Which just goes to show that Beeboids, contrary to what they spout, care little for Government style, so long as the leader espouses Beeboid philosophy (high tax, statist etc).
Jeremy Bowen – the neck of the man! After all the publicity over his memo he still can’t provide any sort of balance when talking about Israel.
Witness the Today programme at around 8.45 this morning. The reasons that the Palestinians are not succeeding in creating a state is, apparently, due to Israel. So we go to Bethlehem to hear about the separation wall that prevents Palestinians from moving freely into Israel. Much hardship is described, but Bowen studiously avoids the fact that many of the most deadly suicide bombers in recent years entered Jerusalem from Bethlehem. The wall and movement restrictions has now stopped them. Little facts like this would provide the real context to the complex situation that Bowen and his chattering ex-Marxist Guardian reading colleagues really owe us, especially since we are funding their never-ending gravy train.
Bowen continued….Cut from Bethlehem to an Israeli human rights lawyer in Tel Aviv, who in response to Bowen’s prompting describes the actions of Israel as creating “an apartheid state”. Why was this much discredited opinion included at all, clearly being spoken by someone who is from the far left of Israeli politics.
Finally, no mention from Bowen of Hamas as a possible problem in the creation of a Palestinian state. It beggars belief that this stunted, ignorant view of Middle East politics is regarded as the authoritative one by our national broadcaster.
Abandon ship!,
Did you detect the interviewer getting pissed off with Brown when he said that no, we wouldn’t necessarily go to the UN to get approval for our wars?
Georgina from HYS- “you cannot buy a television without first buying a license and then producing it at the store.”
This is still the case in the UK when buying a new TV or anything that can recieve a TV signal as I found out last week whilst buying a freeviewhardrive box thingy. Immeadiately after handing over the cash I had to give my name & address for “TV licensing purposes”. Don`t know if buying a 2nd hand one counts.
15 Credability Street didn`t work either, as you have to give the proper postcode.
“Did you detect the interviewer getting pissed off with Brown when he said that no, we wouldn’t necessarily go to the UN to get approval for our wars?”
I detected shock waves spreading from the epicentre of James Naughtie’s backside.
Great comments from Martin Amis, describing the essential BBC “cross section audience”:
Question: What is the most depressing thing about Britain you have observed since your return? And the best?
Answer: The most depressing thing was the sight of middle-class white demonstrators, last August, waddling around under placards saying, We Are All Hizbollah Now. Well, make the most of being Hizbollah while you can. As its leader, Hasan Nasrallah, famously advised the West: “We don’t want anything from you. We just want to eliminate you.” Similarly, when I went on Question Time the other week, a woman in the audience, her voice quavering with self-righteousness, presented the following argument: since it was America that supported Osama bin Laden when he was fighting the Russians, the US armed forces, in response to September 11, “should be dropping bombs on themselves!” And the audience applauded. It is quite an achievement. People of liberal sympathies, stupefied by relativism, have become the apologists for a creedal wave that is racist, misogynist, homophobic, imperialist, and genocidal. To put it another way, they are up the arse of those that want them dead.
Highlighted by Daniel Finkelstein and Stephen Pollard on their blogs.
With a bit of luck, all this cheap DV technology and the internet should help to give these BECTU people a dose of reality.
“The Second Holocaust Is Looming”
“In the next Holocaust there will be no such heart-rending scenes, of perpetrators and victims mired in blood (though, to judge from pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the physical effects of nuclear explosions can be fairly unpleasant).
But it will be a Holocaust nonetheless.
Number 1, Buckingham Road
I bet the Queens got a free TV license.
I find it sad that most posters here have fallen into the trap of discussing CBB. From what I’ve seen a few nasty words were said. End of. What’s shocking is that this is still headline news on the BBC. Last week a 15 year old boy was attacked in a school playground with a hammer in a real racist attack. From the little I can find on this, he is still in intensive care. That should still be the headline news and that’s what people should be discussing. Not that loud mouthed trollop, Goody.
Despite its huge resources, Al Beeb continues to underplay and under-report the Islamist jihad threat. So, we have to turn to other sources for information; even to CNN, and to Jihadwatch:
“We are the Muslims. We drink the blood of the enemy…That is Islam and that is jihad” (19 Jan.)
What has annoyed me is the sanctimonious prattling of politicians, human rights lawyers, anti-racist fascists, self loathers, PC officionados, and BBC presenters with regard to this. They are all shocked. SHOCKED I tell you! It all goes to show how racist we hideously white whites are. Or something.
I haven’t watched any of big brother, but I sort of hope that Jade stays and the Victimised one from Bollywood goes. I must be a racist as well.
Jim Bob,
I find it sad that most posters here have fallen into the trap of discussing CBB.
There is no trap, and you need not be saddened. People discuss whatever they find compelling enough to discuss. I’ve never watched BB, but I can understand that it affords some kind of relief in these numbing, PC times.
“Number 1, Buckingham Road
SW1A 1AA” – A bit difficult to pull off when you`re in West Yorkshire! But nice one all the same.
An actor (Robert Redford) calls for US leaders to apolgise for war in Iraq is an Al Beeb headline!!
Presumably if more popular actors make calls for other issues they will receive similar coverage – NOT!
Utterly pathetic.
Pity we have to wait till 2012 to see the demise of the license fee (even some Al Beeb pundits were admitting as much yesterday).
BBC forced to eat humble pie
Somali warlords hand over weapons
What’s that, BBC? You backed the wrong horse again?
I watched BBC 1s Question Time last night. Of course first up was the question about Borat’s attractive sister and the racist bullying in the Big Brother House. For me it became so clear how the real hatred was being directed at the white English working class. Here was another dream moment on BBC (The Anti-American hate Bush one came a little later) where it was possible to show support for the foreigner in your own land and despise your own kind. Edwina Curry, spoke of the three English girls as “Slags”. Cheers in the BBC chosen audience! I kid you not. It was platonic love for a truly beautiful Indian actress who clearly came “from a much better caste” She was so much better educated, cultured, attractive, less coarse, etc.” than the three young white English women, representatives of an underclass, apparently (although I believe one has millions in the bank), and encapsulating CHAV mentality (council house and vicious) who are only interested in “binge drinking and fornicating”. Corresponding exactly to the images that the Islamists maintain of the dirty Kuffar. Coincidence?
The tragedy was that the Dispatches programme on Channel 4 this same week, was where the REAL racist threats emerged, not of gossipy girlie bullying in an artificially created house in Borehamwood filled with TV cameras everywhere, but of threats of killing the kuffar, in English mosques up and down the country, of racist hate filled DVDs being sold out in the open (not in a TV studio), in the same country that has experienced the July 6th bombing. That this is passed unnoticed, and does not receive 10,000s of complaints, in the same week that the Islamist terrorists fuelled with hate for us (and white English women of course) are on trail for the bombing attempts of July 21st. NO questions on BBC Question Time about this!
No it’s love the foreigner moment, and hate our own. The TV studios are littered with immigrants (mostly Black, Asian and Scottish- I’m not seeing any Poles or Chinese) talking about the latent racism in English society, and that the examples glimpsed in a TV show are all rather typical.
BBC images on the news of Brown in India, looking like the Scottish Raj himself (followed deftly by Alistair Darling treading on scattered Lotus blossoms), comments on it. Not on the Dispatches revelations! Blair too in the House of Commons. In the meantime the real racist hatred is passing unnoticed and we are turning gleefully on our own. Instead there are suggestions on BBC Question Time that the police make enquiries and arrest people “as they come out” This by the way, the same TV show where a well known Respect politician appeared dressed up and acting like a cat.
Then we had another Politics show (This Week) where the same theme of BB was discussed and not the July 21st bombers. Watching BBC is really like the mad house!
I was just thinking what about Borat and Ali G.
Here is a British comedian who ridicules the backward mores of third-world developing countries, where audiences laugh that the pathetic character has a cow in his house, carries lives chickens with him on the tube, and has an incestuous relationship with his sister who he speaks of proudly as “No. 1 prostitute in the village”) Hilarious. And yet, we are supposed to be offended because somebody takes offence to the idea of foreigners eating with their hands in England. Is that in China or India one of the girl’s arks puzzled on TV But, we are told they are “culturally impoverished/illiterate” for not knowing this. So Lee Jaspers on BBC 2s Newsnight in a serious anthropological conversation with Paxo. And tolerating it Mr Jaspers, like Indian bride burning too? No doubt he still sees the British putting a stop to that quaint Indian cultural tradition as nasty imperialism! Or the caste system? And the African cultural traditions of Voodoo, and dismembered bodies floating in the Thames? Must one withhold judgement here and tolerate that? What does Lee Jaspers think of Borat’s movies then? What is all this cultural crap about offending India/Kazakhstan at the moment? And why does Andrew Neill on the BBC refer to the Vickie Pollard’s (white English underclass or the Harijan, the untouchables), but not to the Borat’s (or Borat’s wives & sisters) or the Ali G’s of this world? Yes, they do exist too. Similarly, BBC 3 right now have a comedy programme (Tittybangbang) that ridicules the accent of an East European “Don’t look at me I’m shy”, there are more. So does the BBC now refer to its own comedy as “racist”?
abandon ship!
totally agree.
meanwhile the real racists get away with it.
Grimer – of course it doesnt excuse unpleasant comments.
However your lonely hearts example…
Most Indians live in the countryside, where no doubt caste still has a greater hold, many of them cant read. Many of them dont know where their next meal is coming from, shelling out for a paper is not likely to be high on their list.
So I contend that your example is overly generous to the ‘caste is dying’ camp.
There are 1 billion people in India, if your example is a fair one then thats a mere 500,000,000 people living under caste restrictions. A veritable utopia.
Furthermore I suspect that for “metropolitans – caste unimportant” lonely hearts, stating that is to nail your modern colours to the mast. I would contend that most of those reading and replying to such ads, self-identifying as metro types are themselves high caste. Its just not polite to go on about it.
Does the Guardian do lonely hearts? Im sure if it did plenty there would state race unimportant yet the vast majority of those reading will be metropolitan white liberals seeking similar whether they state that or even know it consciously themselves.
Perhaps this article is in line with your argument:-
“CNN’s documentary on Muslims in Britain: ‘the effect is misleading and subtly racist – against white Britons'”
(19 Jan)
You are right on the money regarding the under reporting of Neo-salafist facisim in the UK.
I caught the tail end of CNN’s “The Enemy Within” which was showing “racist” Met Police playing pool with Asian Kids (far too shocking to be shown on the Beeb).
It then cut to the youth worker (from Walthamstow I think) saying “the biggest danger to British Muslims is the enemy within” and how the Muslims he spoke to “are sick of Islam being used by the terrorists”
I suspect the “Muslims” that the Beeboids refer to are the proto-Marxist middle class snobs from Hampstead rather than what most ordinary folk are thinking.
As one Muslim friend of mine (and a proud ex-British Army solder) said-“The Saudi’s have the best way to deal with the terrorists-pubic floggings and beheadings….”
And another Muslim friend said stated- I’ll be voting BNP,because it has taking me twenty years to build up my buisness,only to see it vanish because of a bunch of corrupt media addicted fools and there Al Quieda loving friends at the Beeb,C4″…..
I don’t agree that the BNP is the right way but,more and more I think people are willing to send a message, and now living in the Netherlands you are just right for a Pym Fortyn to say what EVERYBODY is thinking…..
I find it sad that the liberal elite at the BBC and elsewhere are surprised at the behaviour of certain members of the public when they’ve been showing similar intolerant, rude and uncivilised behaviour – including violent behaviour – on their ‘flagship’ soap opera for over 20 years as if it’s a norm for the much of the population … yet as soon as someone says something that offends, the whole world comes crashing down.
Last time I checked, violence (assault) was illegal and offending people was not. Yet both were chosen by public broadcasters for transmission to millions. Who is setting the best example here?
Well said!!
Where do you think the biggest danger lies- in it “light entertainment” spot or it’s “news and current affairs” in regards to espouting this neo-librial Neom Chomsky loving clap trap?
>>Dink was given a six-month suspended sentence in October 2005 after writing about the Armenian “genocide” of 1915.
Bryan, thanks for the words of comfort but the talk about BB is numbing and is all about PC.
Abandon Ship, I agree, now that Brown has aired his views on BB, I want the vote to go against the Bollywood woman.
Should the BBC not be asking Brown about the economy? I’m beginning to think there’s some sort of conspiracy going on.
Nice posting John.
Whilst googling through wikipedia on lee jasper, it is found that:
Politically, he has been active in the Labour Party and comes from a moderate black nationalist perspective.
Black nationalist? That means that Jasper considers his loyalty to be to his race as is found when reading on black nationalism. Is that not essentially racist? Silly me: only whites are ‘racist’.
Make a complaint to the BBC, mine is below for anyone who is interested, I will not hold my breath for a change in reporting policy.
“As someone who has no option but to pay the BBC licence tax under the threat of going to prison I wish to comment that the BBC has this week failed in its duty as a public broadcaster and to its licence tax payers in its failure to report on the alarming Channel four documentary Dispatches which exposed racism, bigotry and homophobia in certain religious establishments in the UK.This at the same time happy to report and promote a manufactured story about a reality television show. Racism from any quarter is wrong and should be exposed for what it is but it is high time media organisations like the BBC and others started reporting ALL racism and bigotry in our society instead of ignoring racism from certain quarters. I condemn the BBC for what it is, a hideous politically correct monster in a safari park of other like minded media animals which ignores the truth when it suits. “
Radio 4’s PM prog this afternoon
The lead story?
a. the arrest of another of Blair’s inner circle for perverting the course of justice
b. Some obscure story about Indian doctors “considering” leaving the UK.
answer a.
btw they did give 1 1/2 mins to a.
so thats OK then